Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 344: Hit the Liberty Tribe

Let the auspiciousness and wishfulness block the group of gods of the Free Protoss, not for the purpose of gaining time for us to run away. With so many high-end battles on our side, even if we win on the front, we will only be forty or six. Our odds are at least 40%. And if we just want to run, we can be very sure that the other party can never keep us. Therefore, auspicious work is not for us to flee for time, but to give us time for destruction.

That's right, our current plan is to disrupt.

To be successful, in addition to being thorough, the most important point is that you need a backup plan. In case something goes wrong with the first plan, there is at least a chance for remedy.

The first plan we made was to sneak into the headquarters of the Free Protoss, and then start with their divine core. But what was planned at that time was to decode the core memory of the gods of Liberty, and then extract the seeds of the gods, which is equivalent to forcibly stripping the affiliation of those gods from the Gods of Liberty from the hands of the Goddess of Liberty. This trick is absolutely a household plan, most protoss will be stunned by this kind of people. Of course, that was a plan used on the premise of plenty of time, but now it seems that the return time of the Free Protoss is much faster than we expected, so this plan cannot be used.

Although we have now been discovered, it can be said that there is no time left, but this does not mean that we can do nothing, at least we have time to implement the backup plan.

While auspiciously blocking the Free Protoss, Wei Na, who was reminded by me, was also moving very quickly. First, two very large sets of equipment were taken out of the respective Fenglong space by true red and gold coins.

The size of these two sets of equipment is almost equal to that of private cars. And there are a large number of pipes and heat sinks on it, which seems to be very complicated. But this thing is actually just a pump, but it is neither an air pump nor a water pump, but a power pump of faith. Yes, this thing is used to extract the power of faith.

Of course, most of the pumps can be adjusted freely in the forward and reverse directions, so the pump of this faith we bring is the same, in addition to being pumpable, it can also be injected.

Our plan is actually very simple. First, use this extra large power of faith extraction device to forcibly connect the core of the power of the Free Protoss. Then the force of the faith that the Free Protoss stored in the core of the divine power was forcibly extracted. but. Because we are now drawing the power of their faith in front of the other side, the other side will surely rush over to obstruct it. Even if it is auspicious and can be blocked for a short time, it will definitely not take too long. and so. We simply don't have time to compress and fill out the power of the faith we have extracted. It's all very troublesome. Not only do you need special large-scale equipment, but also several protoss to control it fully, and the process will not be too fast. It is simply impossible to complete in a short time. Moreover. Even if we start to compress now, we can't afford much faith to go back.

Even if we take a step back and say, even if we can extract the power of faith and compress it and bring it back, what's the point? Are we still lacking faith in the Frost Rose Alliance? Can't pile up in the warehouse, right?

Therefore, our purpose is not to get the power of faith back to our own use, but to destroy the reserve of the power of faith of the free protoss.

Since it's for destruction, you're welcome. The power of this dedicated Faith Extractor we designed is very high, which is why there are so many heat sinks on this gadget. As long as this thing is connected to the core of the Free Protoss's divine power, we can quickly extract the reserve of the Free Protoss ’s power of faith. Based on the situation we have tested at home before, we can draw tens of thousands of units per second. You know that tens of thousands of units are not a lot for a protoss, but we are tens of thousands of units per second. As long as we can hold for ten seconds, it is hundreds of thousands of units, and one minute can extract nearly one million units. This is definitely a quantity that any protoss must pay some attention to. Of course, it would be better if you could take a few more minutes. Unfortunately, I know that the Free Protoss can't allow us to take so long, but I think it should be able to persist for one minute.

We will use this extractor to extract the power of faith from the core of the divine power of the own protoss, and then spray it directly into the nearby air, instead of compressing and filling, but sprinkle it all out. The power of faith is a kind of energy. It was originally formless, but because it has been concentrated in the core of divine power, there will be a physical form, but in the final analysis these things are still energy, so once it is sprayed out, it will Will quickly return to energy form and spread rapidly. Of course, the gods on our side will not waste the power of these diffused beliefs, but will use the big move to attack the opposite free protoss when the concentration of nearby belief power is high, which is equivalent to using Their Free Protoss ammunition to attack themselves will not only give us time to support us for a while, but also consume more of the Free Protoss' faith.

This method is definitely quite shady. Of course, if it can be a little more damaged, we don't mind, it is better to directly anger the Statue of Liberty to us.

Of course, in addition to extracting the power of faith, we have a follow-up plan. It is when we feel that we are about to hold back, we will stop extracting the power of faith, and then reverse the pump of that belief power, and then start reverse injection. Of course, it is not the power of faith that is injected, but the water. That's right, it is the water in the ocean that is formed after the purest negative energy in the silent sea. This thing is basically the nemesis of all energy bodies, or the energy body is also its own nemesis. When the two come into contact, it will be like pouring sulfuric acid into the caustic soda, and a violent reaction will occur. However, the reaction between positive energy and negative energy is not called a chemical reaction, but is called an annihilation reaction. This reaction will release part of the energy, but it is not a pure energy form but a kinetic energy.

In the core of the free protoss, the high-level energy of the power of faith is all in the high power. Then, if the water enters the core of the divine power, it will start to react violently with the power of the faith inside. This process will not only reduce part of the power of faith in the core of divine power, but also cause an explosion. Of course, the core of divine power will not be destroyed by the explosion. This stuff is the essence of the protoss and is not so easy to destroy. However, this annihilation reaction is very powerful, so although it cannot destroy the core of the divine power, it can have a violent shock to those spirits inside the core of the divine power, which is enough for all the free protoss present to have a short absence and simultaneously They cause permanent trauma.

When this poisonous plan was first proposed, even Hades heard that they felt chills on their bodies, because when they thought that the divine core of the Protoss of Chaos and Order might also encounter this situation, they felt a deep cold. This kind of thing is really too scary for the Protoss.

The divine seeds stored by the gods of the protoss in the core of the divine power are part of their spirit. In addition to helping the **** to restrain the gods of this tribe, this part of the spirit has other functions, such as helping the **** to absorb the power of faith, and directly transmitting some knowledge. and. The strength of the spirit itself also affects the development potential of the god. The stronger the soul, the faster it absorbs energy. The faster its strength will naturally increase. If the spirit stored in the core of the divine power is damaged. Will have a huge impact on the deity itself, and directly affect his future development potential. This is the most feared thing of any deity.

Because the plan is made long ago, everyone knows what to do. The real red and gold coins were quickly docked after the extractor was taken out. Then Wei Na operated it on her own, one-handedly placed on a protruding sphere on the side of the machine, and the entire setting suddenly lit up a dazzling white light in the next second, and at the same time, a large number of light spots started from the core of the power of the Free Protoss. The eruption erupted from above, feeling like a volcanic eruption, but it was not magma but white light particles.

As soon as the white light particles sprayed out, the group of chaos and order I brought brought me immediately under the light particles, and then spread my arms as if to greet the baptism, and then followed those light particles. This is the power of faith. That is the essence of strength and life.

The chaos and order on our side enjoy the baptism of the power of faith with excitement, but the free protoss on the other side are eager to see, and what is spraying out is the hard work of the faith that their free protoss collected. This thing is everything to the Protoss. Now the gods of the Free Protoss see that we are actually drawing their faith, it feels like an ordinary person sees that someone has converted all the assets of his family into cash and is playing with the fire. It is a personal estimate. All go crazy.

"I trust, the guys across the board are soaring, quickly, fire support."

As soon as the power of faith on our side came out, the free protoss there began to go crazy. These guys are desperately rushing forward, trying to stop us, but the auspicious and infinite infinite luck is too strong. These free protoss They couldn't do anything about it, but auspiciously wishing to block them without counting casualties was not easy.

Seeing that auspicious Ruyi was about to stop, I quickly reminded the Protoss who are still enjoying the chaos and order over there to help.

Knowing that this is not the time to enjoy, the chaos and order of the protoss immediately began to extract the power of the faith floating in the air around them, condensing a large divine bombardment of the opposite free protoss, and they have been materialized in the surrounding air with the support of a high concentration of faith. The large-scale magic that originally required a long time to condense is also surprisingly fast to use, and the energy consumed is provided by the power of the surrounding beliefs. For our chaos and order protoss, it only takes a little energy to guide and control Just fine.

Our chaos and order protoss quickly threw a lot of messy divine magic in the past, and did not care about the auspicious luck on the other side, anyway, their lucky value is infinite, even if they aim and fight here, they will never fight. China, not to mention random.

Sure enough, Auspicious Ruyi completely ignored his own magic and avoided all the magic thrown by his own in a completely unbelievable way. On the contrary, the free protoss of all faces was turned over by a series of large-scale gods. Although they are also protoss, but the gods on our side are also launched by oracles, so they are still lethal. Most of these bombarded free protoss were not badly injured, and even a few were Dropped in seconds.

Despite the huge casualties, the Free Protoss is now desperately working for its own core. Therefore, Auspicious Ruyi was still partially pressed back, and it was about to be forced to the altar. At this time, it was actually more than forty seconds before we started the extractor. Obviously, the speed of the Free Protoss Much faster than we think.

Aphrodite watched the Liberal Protoss getting closer and said to me: "President, Auspicious Ruyi will not stand up, should it be withdrawn?"

I looked at the distance and felt that it was almost the same, because just now a Free Protoss's skills for slamming and launching had been hit here. If it was not for Poseidon to block it, it would almost have hit the pump.

"Oh, we're done, reverse the equipment."

The pumping power of this faith has its own power, though. But it must be controlled by a deity that can manipulate the power of faith. And because it is directly drawn from the core of the divine power, the deity must also understand how to manipulate the core of the divine power. Generally speaking, only the boss of each tribe can manipulate the power of the faith and the core of the divine power. Of course, our chaos and order are slightly special. Because Hades and Poseidon have both played Divine Core before. So they too. However, if the core of the chaos and order of the protoss is not calculated, in fact, Wei Na's combat power is not as good as Hades and Poseidon, so we will let Wei Na, the weakest combat power, operate this machine.

Immediately after hearing my words, Wei Na pressed the crystal on her hand slightly down. The crystal went out immediately, and the entire device dimmed. Then Wei Na began to rotate the pressed crystal, rotated it 90 degrees counterclockwise, and then lifted it slightly, and the crystal bounced up and lighted up again immediately. As the device re-lighted, I quickly and carefully took out a crystal ball-like thing from Fenglong Space.

In fact, this is not a crystal ball, and it is not solid. The crystal-clear shell like crystal glass outside this thing is actually a compressed force field shield. As for the black inside, it is water.

After carefully taking the ball out, I put it in through an opening in the top of the machine, but the ball stopped only halfway through. After confirming that the thing was fixed, I quickly retreated to Pandora, and Wei Na also stretched out a hand and put it on Pandora's back to temporarily give all the power of the faith she absorbed to Pandora.

Pandora was supported by a powerful force of faith, immediately activated her teleportation ability, and a teleportation force field was instantly raised, and at this time, Vena released her hand pressed on the machine. With Wina's palm removed, the water in the playful sphere on that thing immediately began to fall, apparently being drawn into the machine, and I put my finger in my mouth and whistleed. Pandora activated the teleportation ability in the whistle. The auspicious Ruyi on the opposite side heard the whistle and immediately turned around, jumping in, and jumped in at the last moment when the teleportation light disappeared. We even saw the next machine before the teleportation was completed. There was a big bang. As for what happened after that, we do n’t know. The Liberty Protoss must be miserable anyway.

After the injection of Ruo water, the pump of the power of faith will cause a big explosion due to the impact of energy, but this is not a problem. For the protoss, this explosion is at most equivalent to being electrostatically charged, and it will feel pain, but not Hurt. What really hurts the Free Protoss is actually the explosion inside the core of the Free Pross's divine power. The focus is on the explosions that are injected into the water if they undergo an annihilation reaction with the power of faith. This explosion may cause all freedom. The protoss degraded, as much as it will fall, it depends on the proportion of gods and souls placed in the core of the divine power and the degree of cohesion of the core of the divine power of the free protoss.

Of course, no matter what, at least one thing is certain, that all the deities of the Free Protoss are going to have bad luck this time.

In fact, just at the moment of the explosion, all the deities of the free protoss who did not return to the headquarters in the United States also had problems. Some of the deities were fighting our people. As a result, they played well like vertigo. Suddenly it was a puppet, and then covered his head and began to roll all over, and some shrines were walking and suddenly fell into a coma. Anyway, people on the Rainbow Alliance were jumping for a while because they did n’t Knowing what these free protoss are all about, I can only rescue it before I say it. Of course, the people of the Rainbow Alliance knew that these free protoss should be protected first, and the people on our side naturally knew that they should take the opportunity to kill these free protoss, so there was a fierce conflict on both sides. But in general, our side has the advantage.

The reason this happens is because these free protoss were previously helping the Rainbow Alliance to clean up us and the Neptune Hall. In other words, they are located in the control area between us and the Neptune Hall. Naturally, we have more people. . The Rainbow Alliance followed those deities who were waiting to receive those places. The battle was handed over to the free protoss. Naturally, they did not want to go to too many people. As a result, the deities of the free protoss do n’t know What happened suddenly and collectively, they were naturally busy.

In fact, compared to the ordinary Liberty tribe, the most unlucky is the Liberty Goddess.

Unlike ordinary members, the main **** of each protoss is the one that is most closely connected to the core of the divine power of their own, and their spirit and the core of the divine power are almost one. Even some of the main gods of the Protoss will place the core of their tribe in their own souls. of course. This is dangerous. And it is not good for one's own cultivation, so few Lord Gods do this. But at least it is certain that the spirit of the main **** is closely connected to the core of the god's power.

When the Liberty Protoss's core of power exploded, even those ordinary Lithos had a headache or a coma. Of course, her main **** has suffered even worse. That moment the Statue of Liberty fell to the ground directly. Then began rolling around. Then she leaped up and started hitting the wall with her head. As a result, she hit a large hole in the wall, and then she collapsed and twitched on the ground. It's like a sheep's epilepsy. Not only is the whole body spasm, but also foaming in the mouth, and even the eyes begin to turn white, just as if it were about to hang.

"Are you kidding me?" Said Yusina, looking down at the free protoss who was down on the ground.

In fact, there are several Free Protoss around Yusina, and now three of them are in a coma, but their breathing is normal, but it is not too worrying. The key is that there are two guys rolling around with their heads full. And one vomited more than once. The six free protoss have different reactions, but at least Yusina can be sure that they are no longer fighting. Even if they are not protected by members of the Rainbow Alliance, these free pros will probably be killed by some miscellaneous fish.

Actually, Yusina's idea still happened. In a city not far away, a free protoss was cleaning up our guerrillas. Because only a guerrilla was found here, there were not many people, so there was only one ordinary member on the Liberty Protoss, and fewer people came from the Rainbow Alliance. After all, there was no need to occupy anything.

As a result, the people on our side were already overwhelmed. The player who led the team was planning to run away. I didn't expect that the **** who had just killed the Quartet suddenly started holding his head full of ground without warning. Roll, and then spit with foam.

This guy's abnormality caused both sides to sting a bit, but because the people in our guild were close, although they did not respond faster than the other party, they rushed to this shrine first. Regardless of whether the opponent is pretending, the player raised his hand without hesitation and poked at the opponent with a sword. As a result, he saw a string of injury numbers directly.

This result caused the player to choke for a second, and then he immediately started excitedly chopping the neck of the **** of the free protoss. Anyway, the guy under him has no idea of ​​resistance, and he does n’t know what the reason is. Anyway, the defense of this guy seems to have disappeared. The attack of an ordinary player should be very weak for a deity. That's right, even if the **** doesn't move and let the opponent chop, the player has to chop for a long time to cause slight damage.

However, what they don't know is that the high defense power of the deities is mainly because they have divine protection on them, just like the mage's protective cover. The difference is that the mage's protective cover is an active skill and needs to be activated. Passive skills are always in effect. However, just after the core of the Free Protoss ’power was blasted, these shrines were shocked by the spirits, so they were just like concussions. Now they are in a state of unconsciousness, and the instability of the spirits causes the powers to be unstable. So these guys The protection also disappeared along with it.

Because of this situation, this player can cause such high damage to the free protoss. If the **** lays still under normal circumstances, it will take at least half a day for him to hack the guy.

Because the shrine had no protection and had no idea of ​​resistance. So every time this player chopped on the opponent's key, that is, his neck, the results were all key attacks, and the damage was scary. The people in the Rainbow Alliance on the opposite side did not even arrive and rushed to find the head of this god. It was chopped down.

At the moment when the Free Protoss was killed, the player in our guild found that there was a series of upgrade tips in front of his eyes. He is not a high-level player, the level is very general, and suddenly kill a god, this experience value is he did not even think about it before. You know, even top players like Christina and I can go up one or two levels after killing a god, let alone an ordinary player like him. So, this guy rose more than thirty levels in one breath. Just the upgrade prompts covered the screen in front of me.

This sudden change that occurred throughout the United States is not mentioned. However, a group of people on our side did not immediately appear on the international teleportation side of Isinger's Mobile Fortress, but disappeared.

About seven or eight minutes after we started the teleportation disappearing from the headquarters of the Free Protoss, in a place somewhere in the United States, several of our Frost Rose Alliance players and a small group of players in the Temple of Neptune were being driven by a large group of Rainbow Alliance players On the edge of the cliff. Behind them is the cliff. And they are not at the top of the cliff. But at the bottom of the cliff. In other words, there is a cliff behind, there is no way at all. If on the cliff top, rely on our guild player's guardian beast. It is possible to jump down. There are guardian spears anyway, which can catch them in the air and fly away. But now it ’s okay to lean on the cliff like this. The opposite side are enemies. If they call the spear directly, they will be shot before they take off, so it can be said that there is no hope at all.

A guy among the players in the Rainbow Alliance across the street came out and said, "Hahahaha, see where are you going? This time you are blocked by us, you ca n’t fly even if you grow wings."

The leader of the group of players in the Temple of Neptune immediately said: "Even if we die, we can fight a few of you. Don't worry, we won't suffer."

"That's it." The players in our Frost Rose League also cried, "It's a big deal to die once, but we will definitely make you pay the price before you die."

"The price?" The Rainbow Alliance opposite said arrogantly: "I'd like to see how you make us pay the price. With so many of us here, you will all become honeycombs in a round of volley, and pay the price. OK Do n’t talk nonsense to you, you are ready to die. "

The players on our side and the players in the Temple of Neptune are actually fighting. They also know that there are musketeers on the opposite side, and they will be killed as soon as they move, there is no hope at all. The number of musketeers is very difficult to get more and more, because their output is too high, you can't support the first round of attacks.

Just when our players and Neptune Palace players gritted their teeth there and died, suddenly someone noticed that a light spot suddenly appeared on the top of both sides, which was seven or eight meters high from the ground, and then the light spot quickly The expansion became a huge aperture, and then before the surrounding people responded, they heard a series of screams, and then the two sides saw a large group of people falling out of the hole, and the posture of landing It's all kinds of falls.

A mountain of people was piled up less than two seconds below the big hole that was seven or eight meters above the ground. After the completion of the mountain of people, the two fat pandas finally fell down and landed on the top of the mountain, then the space above The passage suddenly disappeared.

Looking at the pile of people between the two sides, the people on both sides were there, because no one thought why a group of people suddenly appeared in such a place, and it seemed that the posture did not come intentionally.

While the people on both sides were still in a daze there, the people in our guild reacted first because they saw the two pandas on the "top of the mountain" at first glance.

"Well. Isn't that good luck?" A player from our guild called out first.

A player next to him stunned for a moment and immediately shouted, "Hurry up, protect the mascot!" Then he rushed forward.

They shouted here, and the other person reacted. No matter what happens to these people below, anyway, the two pandas above are our mascots of the Frost Rose Alliance, and these two pandas are actually very famous in the United States, because the guy Gunslinger was pitted before, and pitted It ’s miserable, so the names of these two pandas have spread.

Being able to take back the mascot of our Frost Rose Alliance is an unattainable achievement for all players in the Rainbow Alliance. So this group of people rushed up like crazy, but just after they started, they suddenly followed a sudden brake, and many even planted a big heel directly. However, no one screamed for pain. Those who fell to the ground turned around and crawled back quickly, because they suddenly found that the people sitting under the pandas' buttocks stood up and lifted the two pandas off. Go on.

The panda was originally fat, as long as its head was retracted into its arms, it would be a meat ball, so it would not matter if it rolled down the top of the mountain. He got up and looked at the man smirking cheerfully. but. The group of people in the Rainbow Alliance opposite did not have time to control the two pandas, because they all found that the person who had just stood up was actually me, the President of the Frost Rose Alliance, Ziri.

Although there are many other people, they all know what level I am. without any exaggeration. Even hundreds of thousands of people like them are here. I can also kill seven in and seven out. No body was stained with blood. However, they only have about five or six hundred people here, although it is more than enough to siege the players in the Frost Rose Alliance and a dozen players in the Temple of Neptune. But it's too bad for me.

Just as they were crawling backwards, a voice suddenly came from under me. "Oh ... boss, can you stop stepping on my face?"

I was dizzy just now, and when I heard the sound, I found that I was stepping on the real red cheek under my feet, so I hurriedly wanted to move it, and as soon as I moved, I lost balance and rolled off the top of the mountain. After I came down here, the bottom of the mountain also moved, and then with a sound of groaning and blame, the entire mountain of people became active, and then began to fall apart quickly, and the people inside spread out, and then one by one He rubbed his head and stood up from the ground.

It wasn't until this time that the Rainbow Alliance opposite them found a large area of ​​golden light shining here, and then many people felt that they must have forgotten to pray before going out today. Although they don't all know this group of people, they only need to know a few.

I won't say it. No. 1 in the world's combat power list, there must be people who don't know me, but definitely not many.

Roses, real reds, gold coins, and Christina are all star characters. Players in the game don't really know them very much, even in fact they are higher than my appearance rate.

In addition to them, Weiner also knows a lot of people, because she is the main **** of our chaos and order protoss, so she pays a lot of attention. Some people also knew Starfire and the peacock. In addition, Hades also became popular after arriving at our guild recently, but not many people knew Poseidon.

For these people, just knowing a few of them is enough. These guys are scared, not to mention that it seems that they all exist at this level. Especially the Twelve-Star God, this large piece of golden light shines, and the fool knows a lot of it.

"Pandora, what are you doing? What happened just now?" Hardis asked as he rubbed his neck. He just stepped on the back of his neck under a mountain of people, and he didn't know who stepped on it, and it still hurts.

"Don't blame me!" Pandora said while rubbing her chest. "The energy that was radiated when the core of the Divine Power exploded reached our transmission area, and then my guidance information was destroyed by the energy shock. If it were not for me Corrected in time, now we are all thrown into the different dimension space! "

"Anyway, it's coming out!" Wei Na said, rubbing her waist, and then looked at the surrounding situation, but found that there were two groups here, so she immediately found herself on the battlefield.

"咦 ~ ~ Where is this?" Zhenhong also found the problem, then turned around and found a group of players behind our guild, so she immediately asked: "Where is this?"

"Report, this is the Sirius area."

"Ciris?" Zhenhong obviously didn't know the place.

The gold coin directly took out a crystal ball to inject magic, then projected a map of the United States, and then said, "It seems to be here." She pointed to the location on that map.

I looked at it and said, "It doesn't seem to be far from Isinger's moving fortress."

Pandora immediately said, "I teleported according to Isinger's mobile fortress. Even if there is a deviation, it will not be too outrageous."

"Then go back quickly, taking advantage of the opportunity that the Free Protoss are now affected, and make the golems of the Statue of Liberty before talking." (To be continued ...)


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