Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 346: Insignificant design

Although the first combination attack did not have any obvious effect, at least we opened a big hole in the Statue of Liberty. Next, using this cooperation method, we soon opened on the head of the Statue of Liberty. A big hole was made, but the statue of Liberty was still moving. ``

"I trust, what's the situation?" Looking at the statue of Liberty and I still struggling to stand up, Aphrodite and Rose were a little dumbfounded.

Although the size of the golem is large, the size of the power core actually has a certain relationship with the volume. Therefore, the size of a golem like the statue of Liberty should at least have a miniature car. Big. For such a big goal, we have opened a hole in each other's chest and head. If the core is really in this area, it should always be a little bit, and it should not be completely unresponsive. So the conclusion that can be encountered is that our attack must not have hit the core area.

However, if we did not hit the core area, this is a bit unreasonable.

Although this statue of Liberty is very large, there are many places on the body that can fit the core of a car. However, in terms of normal design ideas, the core must not be placed in the limbs because these parts are moving parts. Once they are moved too frequently, the stability of the core is very high, which is not conducive to production. Secondly, the limbs are also relatively easy to create. If the core is installed in these positions, the probability of being destroyed will be quite high.

The body of the golem is completely human, if the limbs are not considered. All that remains is the head and body. Because a large number of movement mechanisms need to be installed at the neck position, there is not enough space to place the core, and this position is not safe and is not conducive to protection.

According to the above reasoning, the possible installation position is only the head and torso, and the head of this statue of Liberty has just been penetrated by us. Although this hole is not very large, it has been completely removed from the head of the Statue of Liberty The inside went through, and the remaining area was not enough to put down the core no matter how you looked at it, so you can be sure. The power core is not in the head.

If even the head is removed. Then there is only the middle part of the trunk.

Although the torso is the largest area on the body, it is very suitable for placing the core, but generally the core will be designed in the chest position, which is almost a convention. of course. This is not just for a certain rule. But it has many advantages.

First of all. The movement of the golem is similar to that of the human body, so the waist and abdomen of the body part can be bent. Although the magic formation in the golem making technology can bend the hard rock or steel body, the core itself cannot be folded and bent. Therefore, although the limbs of the Golem can be moved without joints, the place where the core is placed must not be a movable part.

For this reason, the chest position of the golem becomes the best place for core placement. Because the movement of the thorax of the human body is very small and can hardly be bent, it can be considered that this part of the thorax is a solid structure that is just right for the core. In addition, the golem itself also needs to sculpt the magic formation, and the moving parts will affect the structure of the magic formation. Therefore, although the golem can be moved in many places, the magic formation must be carved in the place where it will not move. The reason why there must be some stable parts on the golem.

In addition to the thoracic cavity, which is not curved, it is more suitable for placing the core. The thoracic cavity itself is also relatively moderate from the head and the limbs, especially closer to the head. Considering that most golems will install energy weapons on the head, the closer the head is to the head, the better.

For all these reasons, placing the core of the Golem in the chest cavity has become a recognized most reasonable design. Generally, few people will change this, which is why we aimed at the chest when we first attacked it. Reason for position start. But now it seems that this statue of Liberty is obviously an unusual type. Its head can be determined to have no core, and the chest has just been punched. Although the possibility that the core is located far from the center on the left and right sides is not ruled out, this probability is very small. After all, the core is placed in the middle for protection. If you go to the side, it will increase the protection area, but if you only do one-sided protection, then it is too obvious, which is equivalent to indicating the attack position to the enemy. Therefore, the center point is the most suitable installation position.

However, the actual attack results show that the core of the Statue of Liberty is not in these positions that we think should be, then we can only consider some unusual positions.

Just when we were planning to make another hole in the abdomen of the Statue of Liberty, the communicator in the ear suddenly rang. The voice of the **** of war came out of the communicator. "Notice all senior personnel who are intercepting the Statue of Liberty. The Twelve-Star Group has taken the lead in destroying a Statue of Liberty. It has been confirmed that the position of the Statue of Liberty has been moved to a special position. Inside, please adjust the attack position. "

Suddenly I heard this reminder, all of me who was intercepting the Statue of Liberty gave me a high level of combat power, and then everyone showed a weird expression.

A golem even puts the core of power in the crotch, which is too cumbersome to design. However, if you think about it differently, this is indeed a very clever design.

To say that this design is ingenious is not to say that it is clever in the structure of the golem, but that it is very clever in psychology.

Anyway, the shape of the Statue of Liberty is based on the shape of the Statue of Liberty ~ ~ In other words, this Statue of Liberty looks like a woman. The crotch is a part for all female humanoid creatures. Unless it is a metamorphosis, normal people will definitely not attack this part, but the other party will put the core of the power of the Statue of Liberty in this, and everyone will subconsciously avoid it. In the open position, this undoubtedly improves the survival rate of the Statue of Liberty. So this design is not scientific in the structure of the golem itself, but it is quite a successful design from a psychological perspective. If it wasn't for the God of War that informed the group that the goddess of liberty had already gotten a goddess of liberty and confirmed its core position, we might have to completely crush the goddess of liberty to think of the crotch.

"The guys of the Free Protoss are really shameless. Is it really convenient to charge the core in this position?" Rose blushed and said.

When I heard Rose, I hadn't reacted at first, but immediately I laughed and said, "Hey, hey, are you too evil for roses?"

"Who told them to design the core in that position! Alright, Aphrodite, let's do it again, this time it will never be wrong." (To be continued ...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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