Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 349: Can't figure it out!

The battle between Jehovah's Holy See and the Siberian Protoss has continued, but we in Russia have not been involved in this matter. Those in the Russian guild seem to have disappeared. None of them appeared on the battlefield. Obviously This is the intention to allow the Holy See's power to naturally replace the rhythm of the Siberian Protoss.

In the face of this situation, of course, the Frost Rose Alliance cannot completely watch, because if the Siberian Protoss and the Holy See ’s power are replaced, then we will face the powerful Holy See ’s power. Of course, Jehovah ’s Holy See is not a terrible existence. We can handle Jehovah ’s Holy See alone, and it is very easy to do it. However, once the Lord ’s Holy See became a regional protoss in Russia, it would be different.

Russia's population determines that they can provide a large amount of power of faith, and the power of faith is blood for the protoss, so once the power of the Lord ’s Holy See reaches Russia, it will grow rapidly.

Originally, we planned to let the Holy See ’s power in Jehovah come to Russia without worrying about their big growth after Russia's growth, but that's because we didn't originally plan to let players in Russia develop for a long time. After we settle things on the side of the Rainbow Alliance, we will start to shrink the living space on the Russian side step by step. At that time, even if the Holy See ’s influence in Jehovah wants to make waves here, it will not be able to produce any actual results. So, We don't worry about this at all.

However, if Russian players do not participate in the battle between Jehovah's Holy See and Siberian Protoss. Then there will be two places that are different from our plan. The first point is that Russian players will not lose any combat power in this battle between protoss, which is definitely not a good thing for us.

The second point is that because the Russian players did not directly conflict with the Holy See ’s power, the relationship between Russian players and the Holy See ’s power would be in a non-hostile state, and the Holy See ’s power needed only the power of faith. Russian players need support from the Protoss. So there is no fundamental conflict of interest between the two. On the contrary, the relationship between Jehovah ’s Holy See and Russian players should be a mutually beneficial relationship, because the relationship between protoss and players in other countries is also the same. This is the basic setting of the system. The only difference is that the Holy See's power in Jehovah is an alien protoss, which is slightly different from the native protoss, but the difference is not large. Both are still mutually beneficial.

If Russian players now support the Siberian Protoss against Jehovah ’s Holy See, then because of the mustard between Jehovah ’s Holy See and Russian players, it will definitely take some time for them to cooperate. With this time, we can complete the rainbow The battle on the side of the alliance turned back to deal with the player power on the Russian side. In other words, if the Jehovah ’s Holy See and Russian players cannot establish a cooperative relationship, we will reduce their living space, so there is no threat.

But now there is no conflict between Jehovah ’s Holy See and Russian players. At the same time, they have common interests and they can bring a better development situation when combined with each other. In this case, the combination of the two has become an inevitable trend. As long as the Frozen Banshee and Jehovah are not stupid, they will definitely take the initiative to promote the development of this process, but neither of them is really stupid.

One thing that can be determined from the analysis of these situations is that Jehovah ’s Holy See and Russian players ’forces are likely to combine quickly in the short term. This is definitely a bad thing for us, and they will launch a counterattack on our development zone after they are combined, which is not a good thing for us. It will also be a disaster for the guilds that set up development zones with us, and there will be many cascading reactions to this disaster, such as threatening the reputation and trust of our guilds, which will have a series of effects And have a significant impact on the future of our Frost Rose Alliance.

Although it hasn't happened yet, we can foresee that it is likely to happen. We don't want this to happen. The problem is that we lack sufficient power to stop it from happening.

"What to do?" I looked at Rose and asked her opinion.

Rose didn't answer my question immediately, but reached out to stop me from asking, then she began to think down. About ten seconds later Rose looked up at me and said, "I think we may need to make some necessary sacrifices."

"Do you mean giving up the fight on the American side?" I asked Rose, looking at it.

Rose shook her head and said, "No. The United States is nearing the end of the stage, and we do not need to abandon a battle that is about to be completed. Besides, the investment has already been used up. Seeing that we will harvest the fruits of victory, we will give up this cake It's not wise. "

"Then you mean giving up Russia?"

"I know what you are worried about." Rose looked at me and said, "The ambitions in Russia are always very big. If we give up the development zone, they will push back to our country all the way. This is their habit. We are unstoppable. But we must not underestimate the existence of the heavenly court. Although the power of the Lord ’s Holy See is powerful, the gap between it and the heavenly court is still large. At least the heavenly court has enough power to help us maintain the line of defense. Of course, this requires You have to persuade the guys in Tianting to give up that inaction. "

I nodded and said, "But if we abandon Russian territory, we need to solve more problems, don't we?"

Rose nodded. "It goes without saying, I understand, but I think the main problem lies in two aspects."

"What two aspects?"

Rose thought for a moment and said: "Now in the development zone, in addition to our Frost Rose League's control zone, there are some areas controlled by guilds around the world. Although these guilds have different origins, we can actually talk about them Divided into two parts. One part is the Japanese forces, that is, the forces that Masamoto Matsumoto helped us to manage. This can be said later. The other part is the messy guilds, including of course our China Yes. However, these guilds are nothing more than the benefits of this investment. If we announce the withdrawal from this region, they will certainly withdraw. But this will seriously affect our international reputation, so I think We can change concepts slightly. "

"You want to buy it?" I immediately thought of Rose's intention.

Rose nodded: "Yes, I intend to use our guild funds or our mining areas in other parts of the world to exchange these guilds in the mining areas within Russia. For this exchange, I think most guilds will not Rejected, because the mining area in the Russian region is a war zone after all, which means that there is a possibility of losing it. In contrast, our mining areas in other regions are all safe crazy areas. If the two are exchanged, I do n’t think there will be many guilds. If you choose to mine in the battle area, as long as the value difference between the two is not large, most guilds will know what to choose. As for the case, if some individual heads are not bright. I think it is no problem, as long as most guilds are willing to exchange, the remaining Even if the next few guilds lose money later, that is their own responsibility, and it has no effect on the reputation of our guild. Others will only say that our guild will bear the responsibility of the big guild, and scold those guilds Silly, there will be no complaints against us. "

I thought about it a bit, Rose's words really make sense. of course. If this is really the case, our Frost Rose League must be bleeding, but Rose said it before. Facing the crisis this time is definitely a price to pay, so some blood is inevitable. After nodding my head, I asked again: "So what will happen to the Japanese side?"

"I have two suggestions about the strength of guilds in Japan."

"tell me the story."

"One, one more purification."

The purification said by Rose is actually our strategy of choosing some disobedient Japanese guilds before.

Although Matsumoto is now nominally a player leader in the Japanese region, because there is no such large-scale national guild in the region, everyone still organizes actions in the form of guild alliances. In this guild alliance, Matsumoto's order is not absolute, so Matsumoto's order must stand on the word management in order to order those Japanese guilds to die for him. This is different from our guild like Frost Rose Alliance. For example, if I have any plans, I don't need to explain to the people below. I just need to tell them how to do it. Even if it seems unreasonable, members of our guild will implement it because I am the president and my words have absolute authority. But Matsumoto Masako can't do it. If his words are unreasonable, or if no benefits can be seen in the short term, then he needs to explain to other guild presidents, otherwise no one will listen to him.

We asked Matsumoto Masa to be our agent in Japan, not to allow Matsumoto Masa to be a nanny for the Japanese guild. In the end, we hope Matsumoto Masa can be as good as I am in China. of. Therefore, many of our previous plans have purification plans.

In these plans, we deliberately asked Matsumoto Masa to advocate for things that didn't seem to be good at first, and then let those Japanese guilds choose. Of course, in fact, these things are coordinated by our Frost Rose League in secret, so although these things may not be good at first glance, or even suffer a big loss, in the end, all the guilds that follow Masamoto Matsumoto will definitely get practical benefits. And those who are not willing to do it are either suffering from losses or gaining benefits without looking at others to eat meat and anxious.

This kind of action is called purification, because those guilds following Matsumoto Masa will gradually find that although many of Matsumoto's plans seem unreliable, they can always be used in the end without listening to Matsumoto. If congratulations, in the end it will be bad luck.

The presidents of the Japanese guilds may not care about it once or twice, but the more they do, the more they naturally trust Masamoto Matsumoto, and they feel that as long as he gives the order, there must be something going on. This is also the reason why Matsumoto recently made the Japanese guild cooperate with our Frost Rose Alliance to pit Russians. Those Japanese guilds also have a large number of guilds. If in the past, Matsumoto Masaka dare to ask them to cooperate with our Frost Rose Alliance, it is estimated that they will be killed on the spot. But now, not only are not many people against it, many Japanese guilds really do just that.

Of course. This time, the Japanese guild that really pitted the Russians along with our Frost Rose League also received a lot of benefits. Matsumoto's order again proved to be very correct, which made those Japanese guilds follow him. The presidents trust him even more.

We do n’t know what this trust will eventually evolve into, but we know that many people in the Japanese guilds still do n’t fully trust Matsumoto ’s decision, so we can use this opportunity to purify it again. That is, let Matsumoto Masabe issue orders that seem to be losing money, and then screen out those guilds that are unwilling to follow him. In this way, the remaining guilds can become completely loyal to Matsumoto Masa, and once such loyalties appear, it will be very beneficial for us to use the power of the Japanese guilds to expand in the future.

Thinking about the purification plan, I was actually full of enthusiasm, but after thinking about it, I asked, "What about another solution?"

"Another plan is to lead the Japanese guild elsewhere. Of course. I personally don't like this plan very much."

"Do you mean to use our overseas colonies and mines in the same way as other cooperative guilds?"

Rose nodded: "We can even combine the two and let Matsumoto Masa lead the Japanese guilds to let them decide for themselves. Willing to follow Matsumoto Masa's guilds will not require our overseas mining areas, and do not trust Matsumoto Masa They can be exchanged for mining areas. In this way, there should not be too much problems in the Japanese guild. As for the guilds that trust Masamoto Matsumoto, anyway, it is a temporary delay. Afterwards, we will start with Russia. Then, bring them back together, and there are no foreign guilds. There are only guilds between us and Japan. They can also get more benefits. I think this is good for those guilds. ... when they see real benefits, they will be even more desperate for Masamoto Matsumoto. "

I nodded and said, "This plan is not bad, so let's follow this plan."

After Rose and I worked out the plan, they started to split their arms. The Russian side can only let Rose talk about it. And my side is to stay here to guard the Isinger Mobile Fortress. After all, the two super versions of the Statue of Liberty are almost out of the Isinger Mobile Fortress. I will need to coordinate the high-end of the guild at that time. The battle quickly killed these two Statues of Liberty.

Less than half an hour after Rose left through the Transnational Array above Isinger's Mobile Fortress. We can already see the two approaching Statues of Liberty on Issinger's moving fortress. These are the last two Statues of Liberty, and the other two regular versions of the Statue of Liberty have just been killed in ten minutes. Now this is the last card of the Free Protoss.

However, just before we took any action on the Statue of Liberty, I got a message on my side.


"Ziyue?" I was also surprised to see Ziyue accidentally, because she had previously adjusted the genetic stability in Longyuan Group's underground base. So I didn't go online for a while, but I didn't expect she would come back at this time. of course. I am very happy to see Ziyue, not only because she is my sister. More importantly, Ziyue is also a powerful combat force.

I was happy, but Ziyue suddenly said, "I'm going to be offline in a while. I just want to tell you something."

"Ah? What is it?"

“I do n’t know what ’s going on. The son-in-law asked me to tell you that the real world has n’t been very flat recently, and there seems to be something going on. Another thing is that Yusina in the United States seems to have taken away a large amount The funds were exchanged into the game. "

"Yusina charged the game? Isn't this normal?"

Because "Zero" is linked to real currency, it is normal for gamers to charge money in it, and the recent battle between Rainbow Alliance and Neptune Hall was fierce. We invested so much here, Rainbow Alliance Of course, they must also bear the corresponding pressure, and they can't carry the money in the game as a matter of course.

However, as soon as I finished talking about Ziyue, I interrupted me and said, "It is certainly not a problem to charge money, but what if it is a one-time investment of one trillion dollars?"

"How many did you say?"

That's right, I am the heir of Longyuan Group, and the funds I have passed are hundreds of millions. But what is one trillion dollars? Even for the sons of our super consortium, no, even for our parents who control these frontline groups in the world. This is also a huge sum of money.

It ’s just like an ordinary family. As long as it ’s not the kind of person with a difficult life, adults usually do n’t care about children spending a hundred dollars to play games, because the money is not a lot for this family, and the family will Care about this. Although the children of our big consortium are rich people. But it is actually similar to ordinary people, except that our family is rich, so parents have a much wider limit on the amount of funds that children can dispose of than ordinary people. Large princesses such as Yusina usually spend no more than a few billion dollars at home, because no matter what she spends, even if that money ignites. It's an irrelevant thing for this group and their families, so most parents don't care.

However, billions are not an issue, and one trillion cannot be ignored. Your child spends tens of dollars to buy a toy, you certainly don't care, but he spends 10,000 yuan to buy a player. It is estimated that few parents can completely ignore it. Besides, even an organization such as the North American Electrical Appliances Union does not mean that one trillion yuan can be taken out. This money must be drawn from various places. If their families do not agree, this money is not possible anyway. At hand.

Because of these circumstances, I will be very surprised. Anyway, Yusina shouldn't have such a sum, even if she did. It should not be charged into the game, this is abnormal.

"Is there any other information?" I asked quietly after calming down a bit. "Do you know when the money was transferred to the game account?"

"It was about last night." Ziyue said suddenly and leaned up against my ears, whispering with her hands, and whispered, "I know this and get rid of the son-in-law to help us open a back door. According to the data found by son-in-law This money is now only about 15 billion yuan left. "When I heard this, I immediately wanted to exclaim loudly. As a result, Ziyue held it down. "Don't be excited. Also, although the son-in-law cannot directly read the game data, it can read some information from the game server under the pretext of sharing computational pressure through the method of synchronous operation. According to this part of information read by son-in-law. After spending the money, the Rainbow Alliance got a fleet. "

Because of the previous pavement, I was not so surprised at this time. Slightly apart, I whispered, "Are you sure Yusina bought a fleet for $ 1 trillion?"

"Absolutely. This is the message read by son-in-law."

After frowning and thinking for a while, I asked, "Do you know where this fleet was sold? You just said it was bought. That means that this is not a Rainbow Alliance-made ship, right?"

"The things in this area are not clear. The information read by the son-in-law does not contain this part. It is known that it was redeemed in a special copy, and all the funds invested bought the warship and related technologies."

"They even bought the technology?"

"It should be. I'm not so sure about this. Oh right, the coordinates of the copies of those warships sold here are." Ziyue passed over a coordinate directly.

After looking at the location, I burned the paper with the coordinates recorded, and then nodded after thinking about it: "Yes, this information is very useful. You go to your business first, and your body is very important now. .I'll deal with it here. "

Ziyue nodded with a smile and then went offline, while I frowned and tightened. Yusina's source of money is very problematic, but anyway, now the money has arrived and they have been spent, which means that the Rainbow Alliance has obtained a trillion-dollar combat power.

Of course, I have some doubts about this combat effectiveness.

If Rainbow Alliance used this trillion to buy npc troops, then I think they can win this battle steadily. However, what made me wonder was that Yusina did not buy troops, but bought a fleet.

At present, all the guilds in the world recognize that our Frost Rose Alliance has the absolute advantage in magic technology. In terms of air control and sea power, we have an overwhelming advantage. Therefore, ordinary guilds do not want to fight against us. However, Yusina bought a fleet at this time. Under the premise that the land battle has not completely separated the victory and defeat, regardless of the battle situation here, they actually bought a fleet. Not to mention what this fleet intends to do in the future, even if this fleet is an invincible fleet? Once all cities on the land fall, the Rainbow Alliance will be forced to disband. After that their fleet will have to be divided up between us and the Temple of Neptune. Who would be so stupid to buy a warship for the enemy?

Yusina doesn't look like a fool anyway. On the contrary, this girl is smart. She would not do such an idiot.

Then there is a contradiction in it.

Yusina can't do such an idiot, but the data read by son-in-law cannot be wrong. However, there are conflicts between the two, which is not reasonable.

I paused for a while and thought about the communication on the rose side. Although I know she must be busy now, but this is when there are many things, and I can't help it.

"Husband, what's wrong?" Rose also knew that I couldn't contact her for no reason at this time. There must be something going on.

I said with some uncertainty: "I don't know what the situation is. I just got a message anyway, I didn't want to understand."

"You said."

I roughly said what Ziyue told me and Rose. "What do you mean?"

After listening to this, Rose also lingered for a long time, and it took a while to react. "I was wondering what happened to Yusina's money for a while, but I'm sure. The money was agreed by her family, otherwise she would never be able to move that much money. But this is not the point, The point is that money is now coming in and it has been converted into combat power. However, according to your analysis, this seems to be unreasonable. So, the explanation I can think of is that this fleet is special. "

"Fleet special?"

"Yes," Rose said with certainty, "You said that, Yusina can't do stupid things. And the son-in-law's information can't go wrong, so since there can be no problem on either side, the problem must be before us The direction I think of. The direction I can think of now is this fleet. To resolve the two conflicts you mentioned above, in fact, as long as the fleet has the ability to intervene in this battle.

When I heard Rose's words, I immediately held my breath, and then thought that it really looked like this. If this fleet can really affect this battle, all problems will be solved. If this fleet can really affect the outcome of the battle, it is obviously more cost-effective to exchange one trillion yuan for the fleet, because Americans cannot always nest in the United States, they always have to come out. To go out, the army is obviously not as useful as the navy. therefore. If the fleet can affect occupation, then Yusina has every reason to redeem the fleet. As for how this fleet can affect the battle ...

I think of two possibilities here.

the first. The exchanged fleet has some kind of secret weapon. This kind of weapon has either a very long range or some other special effect. Anyway, this thing can control the war situation. The second possibility is that these warships are special in themselves. They may be able to go ashore. Regardless of whether these warships can travel on land or fly like our guild warships, anyway, these warships should not be limited to fighting in the marine environment. Otherwise, we really do not want to understand this time. What to do with the fleet.

No matter how to say that this fleet already exists, it poses a considerable threat to us. What's more terrible is that we don't even know where the fleet is and what their specific combat effectiveness is, so we are the first urgent The need is to immediately figure out the position of the fleet and the specific situation.

Rose probably knew that I wanted to understand, and there were a lot of things on her side. After telling me there was a problem, she would first cut off the communication and go to her own business.

I glanced at the statue of Liberty in the distance, and now I really wish I could learn the avatar myself. Of course, I'm not talking about combat avatars. I actually have combat avatars. I mean the avatars that can really divide myself into several people to handle multiple things.

"Hongyue, how is your sister?"

"Here. The president is looking for me?" Yingquan didn't know when it came out from behind me.

I looked at Eye Shadow Springs and said, "It's very important to give you a task."

Yingquan nodded and looked at me waiting for the order. I whispered the message I just got and explained it briefly. Shadow Spring was an assassin. In this regard, things responded quickly, and he nodded immediately, then the whole person suddenly began to fade, and finally disappeared on the wall.

After sending out the Shadow Spring side, I immediately shouted to the army: "Give Shadow Spring the highest authority, she will call the guild supplies and personnel to follow her. In addition, recharge Isinger's mobile fortress. We will prepare to fight Now. "

"It's already charging," said God of War. "The other party is still out of range. Do you need to open the weapon now?"

"Not for now, we have a plan."

The plan I said is to use the Liberty Golem that has not been completely controlled first to kill the Liberty Golem that was regained control by us and regained control by the Liberty Protoss. In this case, at least our goal It can be changed from two to one. At that time we just need to focus our firepower on this goal. I think even if its defense is strong enough, it should not last long. After all, this is the Isinger mobile fortress. In terms of output, it surpasses the entire fleet.

In fact, the speed of the Statue of Liberty was much faster than we expected, waiting for about ten minutes. Both statues of Liberty reached the outer boundaries of the attack range of Isinger's Mobile Fortress, but they also changed their strategy at this time. Instead of continuing to advance along the flat area, they reached several seats. The relatively high hill stood behind it. Although these mountains are not large, they are mountains after all. Anyway, it is also tens of meters high. After the two statues of the Statue of Liberty stand behind, only the upper part of the chest can be seen, and the remaining parts are covered by the mountain body. In this case, it is as if the Statue of Liberty is hiding Behind a defensive wall.

Of course, we don't pay much attention to this kind of trick, because if it is really necessary, we can blast the two mountains in minutes, and it will not produce much blocking effect at all. of course. We certainly don't mind the fact that the statue of Liberty behind the mountain is flattened.

"Report, the other Statue of Liberty stopped moving."

nbsp; "I can see it." After I said it, I shouted with a communicator: "God of War, try the power twice."


We heard a muffled sound just after we finished talking. Then I saw Isinger's mobile fortress behind the inner wall of the inner circle. Some huge things were slowly rising. With the expansion of this thing, at the bottom of Isinger's mobile fortress, some special armor plates. They also opened up, and then found some small attack weapons from the inside. of course. The so-called small arms are actually very huge, but they are small compared to Isinger's Mobile Fortress.

While the weapons on our side are unfolding. Among the two statues of Liberty on the opposite side, the uncontrolled Liberty Golem suddenly raised his right hand, and then saw the torch on its hand begin to deform. Obviously this is a big move.

"I rely, the other party is going to make a big move. Army God, interfere first."

The **** of war answered my order directly with action. Various types of artillery on the walls of the fortress and the turrets of Isinger began to aim at the position of the Statue of Liberty. Then they saw a smoke, a large area on the wall. The dense red dots flew towards the area where the Statue of Liberty was opposite, and then hit the body and a large area nearby before the opponent's torch started.

Essinger's mobile fortress uses cover shooting, and there is no possibility of deviation. In an instant, we found that the Statue of Liberty over there was completely engulfed by flames, and even the mountain in front of it was bombed. Collapsed, and the back of the mountain was completely turned into a sea of ​​fire, except for the rolling flames that basically saw nothing.

"How is the effect?" Zhen Hong asked nervously, looking at the flame nervously.

"The smoke is too dense to see clearly!" Christina said.

"God of War." I shouted at Communication.

The **** of war didn't answer me, but the city broadcaster shouted directly with a horn: "Warning! High energy response ahead, pay attention to the impact." Here the notification sound inside Isinger's Mobile Fortress was over, we saw a bright white The rays came straight from the sea of ​​fire across from it. At that moment, many people instinctively blocked their eyes with both hands, but just a few meters away from the city wall, a pale yellow barrier suddenly lit up. Then in an instant we were covered by a white snow. The strong light was used to the wall along with the horrible sound of waves, but it was all defensive facilities, but it was not a big problem, but soon I discovered that it was not just sound and light, protective covers. There was a shock wave blowing from the back, and there was a high temperature reaction. The flag of our Frost Rose Alliance on the city wall burned. Even the metal flagpole was bent.

"What's the joke? This is too powerful, right?" Zhen Hong said, looking at the metal objects with obvious signs of melting around.

In fact, all the auxiliary equipment such as flagpoles on the first-tier city walls are melted. The defense of military equipment is very high, but there is not much of it. The thing that is melted is flagpoles and other things, but this can be generated through the protective cover. Kind of power. This is already quite scary in itself.

The light beam on the opposite side lasted for seven or eight seconds, and then we found that the statue of Liberty on the other side had lifted the torch and started to recharge while we were attacked, but we didn't find it on our side. . But it's not too late to see it now.

"War God, hit the right one first."

"Wait a moment, still charging."

"what did you say?"

"Just then, the shields consumed too much energy, and I had to supply them first."

"Okay. I see. Hurry up now."

"Maybe it's too late to intercept before the attack."

Just after saying the words of the army god, I found out that a very thin ray suddenly shot above us. This ray is actually not very thin, but because it is a statue of the goddess of liberty that shot across the city and into the distance, it looks like Very slender.

The ray hit the opposite statue of the Liberty Golem in a moment, and then a big explosion occurred. The Statue of Liberty actually propped up a protective cover, but the protective cover shivered constantly under the attack of rays, and the huge impact force forced the Statue of Liberty to stagger backwards. At this moment, the opponent's arm was tilted a bit, and the light beam then emitted, but deviated from the target, flying over the side of Isinger's moving fortress, and the cheap protective cover was not caught.

"Defensive mother tree. I love you." Zhenhong shouted back at it. The ray just now is the ray emitted by the defense mother tree that we transplanted. The power is quite good.

The cheers on our side are not over yet, and the flames around the bombarded Statue of Liberty over there have gone out. Then we found that the Statue of Liberty was standing there intact after it was finished. Of course, the protective cover on it was also lit. If it wasn't for this thing, it would certainly not be able to carry our attack so easily.

"Which Golem of Liberty are you attacking?" The **** of war asked, "the energy is full."

"Wait a minute." After I said it, I directly directed the bird that was released before to send a command code to the statue of Liberty in a sound of sound waves. As a result, the statue of Liberty was immediately controlled. But unfortunately, just when I was going to let this Statue of Liberty attack another Statue of Liberty. The other side suddenly wobbled, and then began to direct. I know that this time the other party must have taken precautions. So quickly switched control. At this point, we have no alternative to these two Statues of Liberty.

"Hit the standing one first." Although he didn't control the Statue of Liberty. But because we switched the control back and forth, the posture of the Statue of Liberty became lying on the ground. Now it will take time to wait for it to climb up, so we naturally focused our goal on another Statue of Liberty over there. This statue of Liberty has begun to recharge the torch in his hand.

After carrying out two attacks first, the heavy weapons on our side were finally fully charged. Before the opponent fired, the thing that looked like a radio telescope rising from the central area of ​​Isinger's mobile fortress directly aimed the front antenna. The Statue of Liberty, then saw that suddenly a lot of light particles began to appear inside this thing. These light particles were rotating and accelerating at a very exaggerated speed, and finally converged into a beam to the center.

With a buzz, the white dazzling beam of light suddenly ended. This thing is really a photon weapon, not an energy beam. Although the energy ray looks like a beam, it is not light, so the speed of flight cannot reach the speed of light. This ray weapon can be evaded. Although the ray speed is fast, if you want to evade, you can evade it. However, our weapon uses photon energy, so it is really the speed of light. It just ends after a short flash.

Although there was not much movement when this weapon was launched, its power was quite good. It was the flash of the launcher. The torch on the right arm held by the statue of Liberty opposite was missing a piece, and except for the top of the torch, a part of about a fifth was cut off. In addition, the right half of the head of the Statue of Liberty was missing. This time directly caused considerable damage to the Statue of Liberty, at least two of its weapons were abolished.

Sure enough, after the torch was cut off by one-fifth, the flame started flashing, and finally an explosion occurred. Although it did not affect the Statue of Liberty itself, the torch itself was obviously scrapped.

"Very well, doesn't it seem that there is no way to destroy this thing?" I said with a smile.

I just finished talking, the fallen Statue of Liberty has climbed up from the ground ~ ~ But the strange thing is that the Statue of Liberty is not ready to attack, but walks towards the injured companion Passed. Although we don't know what it is going to do, we are not polite. The defense mother tree fired again, followed by saturated shelling, but the other side completely ignored our attack, and Kai Dun carried the attack and walked to the injured Statue of Liberty.

After the two Statues of Liberty came together, the injured Statue of Liberty took the initiative to stand in front of the intact Statue of Liberty and spread his arms to make a protective action. The other Statue of Liberty was standing Only the torch was exposed behind it. This clearly means to use one of them as a shield. However, we do not understand why they did this, because the previous attacks have proven that our super weapon is overpowered. After all, after breaking through the shield of the opponent, the torch and the Statue of Liberty along the way were also destroyed at the same time. The face of the golem, this shows that this thing can give these goddess of liberty a string of sugar gourds. However, the other party actually took the initiative to stand in a straight line. Is this because of a wrong decision made by changing the control core and causing a decline in intelligence? (To be continued)




(Enlightenment Book Network)

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