Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 355: The real problem

Rainbow Alliance ’s fleet entering the Pacific Ocean at this time ca n’t have any other ideas except to trouble us, so the King of Crash will pull me so hurry to stop the Rainbow Alliance ’s fleet. After all, I invested in the Rainbow Alliance After so much money, the guild ’s fleet has clearly failed to catch up with the Rainbow Alliance fleet. After all, they just threw a trillion dollars and then threw in a lot of money. The exact amount is still uncertain, but Absolutely not less. ~ ∠, w¤ww..c︽om

The power of a fleet bought with so much money is naturally conceivable, and with such a lot of money, not only the quality of the fleet will not be bad, but the quantity is absolutely indispensable. In this case, our Frost Rose Alliance fleet obviously can't handle each other. Even if it is really desperate, most of us still suffer. Of course, if we join the team earlier, we may have some benefits, because if we are far enough away from the domestic side, our tactics can be better arranged, after all, the fleet can move, we are really not afraid of who is mobile, but the problem is Ai Singh Twins will not move! What if the Rainbow Alliance fleet heads directly to Isinger Twins? That's our base camp. Although the Rainbow Alliance will definitely not be able to attack it, our losses in a battle are definitely astronomical. This is not what we want to see.

Although I also understood that Chuang Wang was anxious to pull me to intercept the Rainbow Alliance fleet, I suddenly broke free of Chuang Wang's hand. Chuang Wang looked back in surprise at me and asked, "President, what are you doing? We really have no time to delay!"

I looked at Chuang Wang very seriously and said, "I know, but because we don't have much time. So I need to do something more important."

Chuang Wang didn't get angry after hearing what I said, but thought for a moment and said solemnly: "Okay, I'll help you get time, but I can't be sure how long it can be. That's worth a trillion dollars after all In reality, it ’s almost enough to arm an aircraft carrier battle group. You should know more than how powerful the fleet can be in the game. So our fleet is definitely unstoppable. How long can it last? Don't blame me then. "

I nodded and said, "I know, you can do your best. As for the desperate thing ... the fleet is all right, but people brought me back. Understand?"

The person I am talking about is certainly not a player. It doesn't matter if players in the fleet die once. I'm talking about npc. In reality, there is a saying called "ten years of army. Hundred years of navy." It means that as long as there are suitable conditions. It takes ten years to build a powerful army, but it takes a century for the navy to become strong. Of course, this century is just a description, not that it really takes a hundred years. But decades are definitely needed.

Compared to the Army. Not only has the Navy invested more. In addition, it is very difficult to train. The battle force of a battleship requires the joint efforts of dozens or even thousands of sailors, in addition to personal technical problems. Conditions such as cooperation, tacit understanding, and will to fight will affect performance. Therefore, the Navy is currently recognized as the most difficult service to train, and more troublesome than the Air Force. The Air Force just spends a lot of money. As long as you have enough money to build it, you can make a great pilot in a few years. After a few actual battles, the top trump card comes out. But the navy didn't work, even if it was rich.

The players in the game are undead, and they can be resurrected after death. Technology and other things will not be lost because of resurrection. So I don't worry about the player at all. The key is npc. The value of those npc sailors is very high, especially in our guild fleet there is a large group of elite-level sailors npc, many of them have additional attributes, such as npc helmsmen on some battleships directly added An attribute of "10% increase in ship turning speed", even a layman can know how significant this attribute is. There are also business gunners, the same guns, the same shells, and those elite npc gunners with skills can play farther and more accurately, and the power is beyond the limit after hitting. Such gunners have more than ten ordinary gunners, so I attach so much importance.

Chuang Wang said with a smile: "Relax, boss, this is the base of our fleet. Even if I am a prodigal, I can't defeat them. I promise that even if I go to stop the shells myself, they won't be in trouble."

"Then I can rest assured. OK, you go."

Chuang Wang saluted me after hearing my words, then turned around and ran out, but instead of turning around, I went underground.

Why should I go offline at such a critical moment? Of course, it's because the problems of Rainbow Alliance are not online but offline.

It can be said that everything was developing according to our expectations. Except for a little problem with the Holy See, everything is under control. I am not afraid even if Jehovah wants to produce moths. However, this flying fleet of the Rainbow Alliance has broken all your plans, and the other party has almost no plans or strategies, that is, push with absolute force, and we cannot stop them. This feeling of being crushed by absolute strength has never been felt before, this is the first time it has been opened ~ ~ Although it has been crushed, the problem is not with us, because we have already thought of everything All the calculations have been done, and according to our script, the victory can only belong to us. However, a fleet that emerged from the Rainbow Alliance broke our plan, and the source of this fleet was that trillion-dollar external funds. This money was provided by Yusina, which is a large amount of funds input from outside the game, and now we actually find that Yusina has made a larger investment. How else can I fight? A trillion-dollar fleet can already crush us. With more than a trillion-dollar investment, what can we do besides waiting for death?

Although even if Usina's investment of three trillion US dollars will certainly not destroy our Frost Rose Alliance, then we will really only be able to move around the country, and do not think about the world map at all. We cannot accept such a thing, so I must find a way to find out why Yusina can invest in the game in a very large scale. Only by knowing this, we can deal with it, otherwise we will not do anything in the game. Yes, what if we throw in trillions of dollars in again? Although one trillion yuan is large, if Yusina ’s forces really support Yusina at all costs, let alone one trillion, one trillion yuan. They can still get it with a little effort and turnover, so The problem now is not the situation in the game, but figuring out what happened to Yusina's money. (To be continued ...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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