Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 358: Is human nature really evil?

There were no accidents when flying from Nanjing to Beijing. The domestic air defense system was produced by Longyuan Heavy Industry. My identification code was directly displayed in green on these devices, so it did not attract much attention. [√, ww @ ← m

Dad came to Beijing for a meeting this time. The early start of the immigration plan means that many things need to be changed significantly. Therefore, domestic senior leaders must urgently discuss a solution, and no matter what the plan is, it will certainly not be something happy.

Things are plain. The immigration fleet must leave in advance, which means that many immigration vessels cannot be completed within the scheduled time. The high-level group of people discussed and discussed, and the only result was to give up some of the people who should have been taken away. Most people are uncomfortable. However, if you feel uncomfortable, you have to deal with it. If we are those boring sprayers, of course, we can also spray a few words casually, say something to give up a part of inhumanity, or even blame the dark side of various societies, saying that it is because of how and how to delay the immigration ship. Construction progress or something. But unfortunately, we are not those sprays. We are the people who do things. Even if we are scolded, we still have to do it, because if we don't even do it, then it is not a question of how many people die, but how many people are left.

Along the navigation information, I flew directly to the place where my dad had a meeting. This is not the site of Long Yuan, and it's all the pillars of this country, so naturally I won't be stupid enough to fly in directly.

No fancy landing methods were used. I was gliding directly along the road in front of the gate, so the guards saw me at all times, but the information recognition system on their eyes showed safety tips, so the guards just raised their vigilance. He clenched his arms and did not rush up with a gun as in the movie.

"Hello general." The guard suddenly jumped out of a level prompt on the eyepiece after I approached him, but he was a security guard in this kind of place after all. The general is not unusual, the only thing that is strange is that The generals were all in a car. It was the first time that I had directly mounted a tactical mech and flew over like me.

I quickly returned to the military salute, and then said, "I have an important matter to find the General of God Founding. Please tell me about it."

"Okay. Please wait a moment." Because I just want to report, of course the guards will not reject a general's request for this kind of thing, so I rushed to call to confirm. Within a minute the guard ran out and waved at the sentry boxes on both sides, and the guards on both sides quickly ran back to their posts. Then the yellow warning lights at the top of the two things that looked like electricity poles on both sides of the door suddenly turned green. Those who do not know may think that there are two lampposts. But in fact, that thing is the laser fence produced by our company. Whoever is stupid will be cut into countless pieces as soon as the yellow light is on, and it will be better than the knife chef of a hotel chef. Of course, I don't care. After all I am wearing two layers of armor. Besides, the lamp post is only yellow, indicating that it is a low-power mode, which can only cause damage to exposed personnel and civilian vehicles. Only after turning red, can armor vehicles such as tanks be cut.

After closing the laser fence, the guard who talked to me before found a guard to guide me. I first walked to the side of the sentry stand and then accompanied by the sound of the opening of the hydraulic valve, the mobile armor on my body unfolded and made me jump from the inside. Come out. After I came down, the armor was closed again, and it returned to its previous state.

The surrounding guards saw me coming out of the mech, and then my reaction was obviously greater than before. Although the mobile armor was relatively eye-catching before, mobile armor has been listed in the elite units in the army after all. Apart from the difference in appearance, this set is nothing amazing. But wearing a magic-style armor inside the mech is quite strange. In the first era, no one would wear armor. Secondly, the interior of mobile armor is generally designed according to the structure of the human body. Wearing armor should not be accessible at all, but my external mobile armor can be very good with my armor. Joined together, this shows that this set of mobile armor I just took off is not a universal version at all but exclusive equipment.

The most important thing in the army is the versatility. The exclusive equipment is completely contrary to the purpose of the army, but once this kind of thing really appears, it must be an extremely special existence. I thought I was just a general with strange hobbies, but now these people know that my identity is special.

Although it was a little unexpected, the people present were all from the special forces, and I was not too surprised. After a little sting, it returned to normal. The soldier who arranged for me to reach out reached out and asked me to follow him and continue to go inside .

After passing through the gate, there is a large garden, and then the main building. This main building is not luxurious, not even atmospheric, the exterior wall is not decorated, it is directly the cement wall, but the surface is full of wall climbing tigers, it looks just like a green dam.

After entering from the not-wide gate, there was another gatekeeper. The guard handed me over to some bodyguards in black suits, and then turned to leave. Those bodyguards didn't surprise me with the equipment. They reached out and took the lead and walked first. Followed him on the second floor and turned into the side corridor. After walking a few steps, the other side turned and pushed open a door on the side of the corridor.

This is an ordinary office. There are four people in it, and one of them is a woman. It looks like an ordinary office cadre, but I can tell at a glance that these are all bodyguards because of the muscles and bones of these people. It ’s not a standard for normal people, and the walls of the corridor we just walked in were all inlaid with steel plates, and the door in front of us now, this door frame is much thicker than ordinary door frames, because this is actually a security gate, which is used by the airport The one is similar, but more powerful. Of course, this thing didn't respond at all when I came here. Because my electronic brain automatically synchronizes the internal core of this thing so that it ignores my differences, otherwise the mechanical skeleton in my body can definitely make this thing call.

The four people in the door kept staring at us when we opened the door, and after we entered, the bodyguard immediately backed out and took the door. I was about to ask them what they were doing, and I saw one of them picking up the phone on the desk, dialing a number and then hanging up the phone. As he re-hook the phone, the room suddenly trembled. I moved it, and then the instant weightlessness made me understand that the whole room was an elevator, but it was disguised as an office, and if someone came in blindly looking for a hidden door or something, it would definitely be exhausting. No. Because there is no hidden door here.

The elevator descended a full 358 meters before stopping. But the door did not open, but began to move laterally. After moving about 500 meters to the south, the room stopped again, and then the door suddenly opened after the room rotated 90 degrees clockwise. This is no longer a camouflaged office, but a very solid underground base. The walls are all concrete. The surface also appears to be tempered.

Two guards were already standing outside the door at this time. The other party saluted directly, then said, "General, we are ordered to pick you up."

I paid a gift and walked out of the room. The door behind was closed, and I heard a sound of mechanical activation, and 80% of that room started to return to its original position. After following the two guards out of this small fork, I stumbled a bit, because the front is not a conference room but a horizontal tunnel. The tunnel is a two-way six-lane road, which is wider than the highway. There are railroad-like tracks on the ground. Metal tracks, obviously, some kind of heavy machinery will pass here. However, the person who met me drove a battery car. After we got up and ran along the tunnel not far, I found a lateral fork on the left hand side. When I passed the fork, I saw a large radiation mark on the gate. warning sign.

X-ray warning signs are not uncommon. They are found outside the x-ray, ct, and nuclear magnetic resonance examination rooms in hospitals, but appearing in military bases is definitely not as simple as an x-ray machine. According to the standards of this base, it goes without saying that it must be a big mushroom. This thing is the ultimate weapon of human beings. See who is upset and plant a big mushroom in your house. Then do n’t talk about people in your house for decades. There are no rats left.

Although the battery car looked rude but fast, it quickly turned into a small passage from a fork, and then it was an elevator, and it was still downward. After continuing to descend for a distance, the door opened and we started to run forward. After opening at least two kilometers, we could reach the front of an explosion-proof door. The two guards sent me here, and the guards turned around and drove away, and I was taken into the explosion-proof door.

Behind this door is not the kind of reinforced concrete structure outside, the walls are all painted, and the floor is terrazzo, although it is still very simple, but it is much better than the outside.

The aisle is very narrow. If three people walk side by side, people on both sides can reach the wall. Less than twenty meters down the corridor was a glass door. A woman inside the door was sitting facing the glass door. After the guard arrived here, he reached out and pressed the palmprint recognizer beside the door. Then he pressed a string of passwords on the door with the other hand, and then the woman inside looked up at us and gave a button beside her. The door in front of us suddenly snapped open to the side.

After entering the room, I realized that this woman is not actually a glass door directly facing her. There is actually a glass wall between her and us, and the thickness of this glass wall may not be one meter, even if it is a rocket. The glass wall is fine.

When he got here, the guard said he would let me in, and then he turned out. I looked left and right in confusion, and found a door on the left wall. I opened the door by myself, turned right after entering, and walked back through the three consecutive doors to get back to the woman's room, but now it's behind the glass wall.

When the woman saw me entering the room, she pointed at the door behind her and said, "Go in and whisper a little. And you need to take off this body, you can't put it in." I looked down at the armor on my body, and the other person pointed at After closing the door on the other side, he said, "There is a store for items in it, you can put things in there first. Rest assured, here are all state leaders, no one will steal your things."

I said awkwardly, "It's not the problem ... what ... there is tactical tights left in this set. It's not good to go in like this?"

The woman laughed after hearing my words, and then said, "I can't do anything about it anyway, you can't go in with these things."

Since people have said this, I have no choice but to turn around and enter the gate, there is a guard inside, and I did not expect that the side wall of the door I just entered was actually a perspective wall. See the room where the woman is outside. As soon as I came in, a guard said, "If the general doesn't dislike us, there are still some camouflage uniforms."

Wear camouflage without shame. This was originally a military base. Military uniforms are the most normal. Besides, my black tights are really not good-looking. I can only take off my armor and change the camouflage clothes first, but this seems to be the last checkpoint. The inspection of everything is very strict. Not even my watch communicator. But their testing equipment couldn't see anything inside me, so they let me in.

Go back to the woman's room, and carefully open the door behind her. The inside is not a conference room but a large hall, and this hall is completely different from the outside. The floors are all marble, the walls are covered with wood paneling, and the ceilings are renovated. Mid- to high-end hotels instead of underground bases.

Bodyguards stood on four corners of the room, and there were three people in each group, for a total of twelve people. After I entered, one of them reached out the door on the left side of my hand, and nodded, and walked over. This door is very heavy, and it is also covered with leather, which is obviously soundproof. As soon as I arrived at the door, I opened it before knocking on the door. A large group of people turned around and looked at me.

Sitting on my right hand is the Chief One. Seeing me appearing at the gate, the Chief No. 1 smiled and beckoned to me and said, "I just talked about you and you didn't expect you to be here. Come in quickly, just these things also need your opinion."

I nodded and walked in. Two black suit bodyguards behind the door closed the door for me, and I walked behind my dad. Here, a female officer in military uniform helped me put a chair, although her The military rank is major, but it looks like it is here to bring tea and water.

After I walked over, I was planning to sit down on the number one and looked at me and said, "Sacred forest."

"Dao." I bounced up before I hit the chair, and quickly stood upright, although I was not nervous, but after all, it was the number one chief, and there was one here, except for the two standing by the door. The bodyguards above and the female major behind me are all higher than me, so it is better to be submissive here, after all, even the dad can only be regarded as a middle-class status here.

"Don't be nervous, I just want to ask you something." Chief No. 1 looked at me and said, although his tone was mild, but his expression was not easy, but I can understand his reaction when I think about what they were talking about before.

"Is there anything I need to answer for Chief One?"

"Well, do you know about the latest changes in that thing?"

I nodded and said, "The son-in-law told me before I came."

"Nuwa?" Chief No. 1 gave a stunned look, and then suddenly responded and said, "Oh, you're talking about that computer."

I didn't answer. Although calling the son-in-law as a computer is just as inappropriate as calling someone a mammal, it is not wrong in the strict sense. Besides, this is the number one leader after all, so I have no justification. He didn't answer, and quietly contemporary his following.

Sure enough, Chief One continued quickly: "Since you already know the situation, I don't need to tell you again. Now I just want you to give me a heartbreak, you can really take humans to that place Unsure of the future? "After a pause, the No. 1 leader reiterated," I know, there have been some discordant things in the country because of your identity issues before, but you should know that we humans are like this, if One day, the will of all human beings is unified, that human beings must have been enslaved by foreign races or are about to be extinct. Although Jianguo promises that you can be absolutely reliable, I still want to hear what you are saying. You really Do you think we can rest assured the future of humankind? "

This problem can be said to be quite serious, but it is all the time. What's not serious? It's true to say the number one leader. Once the immigration plan begins, all humans participating in the immigration plan will enter the dormant state and enter the dormant state, their minds will be connected to "zero" to live in the virtual world, and the body will sleep in the dormant state until death. Of course, even though the sleeping compartment can extend human life, in fact, this extension ratio is quite limited, and it can not even be doubled. That is to say, even in the dormant state, a person's life will not exceed 200 years. In fact, It usually does not exceed 150 years.

Under our immigration plan. The entire immigration plan will take approximately 2,500 to 2,700 years to complete. This is definitely not something that can be accomplished by generations, even in accordance with the standards of the 25th generation. Therefore, humans still need to reproduce throughout the migration process, but in order to load as many people as possible, there are no humans on board. Active area. So human reproduction will all take place in the virtual world.

Anyone's mind will be connected to the game anyway. Then you can think of the game world as freely in love and get married as in the real world. of course. The game is virtual. There will be no children to get married here, but we will perform artificial fright operation on the married couple according to the situation of everyone in the game. Then when their children are born, they will be immediately connected to the new sleeping cabin, and then thinking will be connected to the game. Those civilians do not need to control these operations, they will live in the game according to the actual lifestyle, and can produce offspring normally, so as not to cause human extinction. Of course, because the spacecraft has limited resources, it is necessary to carry out population control, and family planning is inevitable. Of course, we will reserve a part of the cabin for the newborn when we take off, so for those who participate in immigration, they will be in China. The current family planning is almost the same, and maybe even a bit more lenient. After all, we are not trying to reduce the population, we just want to maintain a stable base.

According to these arrangements, the entire human race will be completely enclosed in the virtual world of the game. They will not have access to the real spacecraft, nor will they be able to operate the spacecraft. Therefore, the real human migration plan is to rely on our dragons to lead them. Complete the journey of more than two thousand years. If we want to make a difference in this process, it is absolutely devastating to humans.

This question is so serious that I don't know how to answer it at all, but looking at all the people in the room looking at us, I also know that it is not possible to not answer. After a little calm thought, I said, "I can't say that I will fight for the future of mankind selflessly or something, that's too fake, and your level should be clear. From a biological perspective, I'm not at all Humans. You may be more related to chimpanzees than me, even I am not even a living creature on earth. But I grew up in human society since I was a child. My mind is normal and not biased So, I never thought about extinct humans, because it means nothing to me. Of course, just like ordinary people, I care about people who are good to me, and I hate people who are bad to me. It ’s a normal emotion, and I have them all. So, I ca n’t guarantee that I will take human beings to the future or something. Even if I say that, you wo n’t believe, at least not completely. But I can at least Guarantee, even if you put in pure humans to replace our position, the result is just a bet before throwing dice, I do n’t think I have any intention whatsoever . "

"But this is related to the future of all humankind. We really dare not bet on such things!"

"I said, you have no choice. Even if you replace a group of humans to replace us, you are actually gambling, because once the driver is determined, every time you change the driver, you are actually gambling. We only need to gamble once, and use humans. Then, for more than 2,000 years, all human beings need to bet at least 50 times. Can you be sure that all 50 times bet on the team? "

My words were like a hammer hitting the hearts of all the people present, and everyone was surprised to see that I didn't know what to say. At first I didn't think much about it, but now I want to understand. In fact, being able to ask such questions in front of me indicates that they have accepted us, that is to say, no matter how I answer them, they have actually decided to believe in us. The reason why they still want to ask is that they hope to get a psychological comfort. That's it. But my answer seems to be a little bit beyond their imagination, because I did not establish military warrants or guarantees like they imagined. Instead, tell them directly the fact that they have no choice. Although this is a fact, it is even more striking because it is a fact.

Head No. 1 was silent for a long time before nodding his head and said, "I see. You have actually analyzed your behavior with a psychologist long ago. We can say that your score is quite high. Our think tank said that this psychological evaluation is 80% The above can be used with confidence. The result of your psychological evaluation is ninety-three points, which has greatly exceeded the expected value. So I just hope that you can give my old man a comfort, but I did not expect you to hit me again. But Forget it, knowing that you can be trusted. "Speaking of this, Chief One suddenly turned to other people and said," Then this matter is so settled. Now that you have decided to believe them, you will not be allowed to yin. The situation appears. We humans really have very little time. Please look at the whole mankind as well as the face of your children and grandchildren and devote yourself to this immigration work. "

"Do n’t you say this to our face, old chief?" A general next to him said, "Although we are sometimes selfish. But we still have the big picture. This is a matter of extinction. We Who would dare to mess with such a thing unless you plan to do it? "

"We won't say anything about this guarantee. Anyway, the head of government is assured that we will make every effort to ensure that the immigration plan starts smoothly."

After receiving the following unanimous support, Chief One nodded his head and said, "Then discuss the next issue. The immigration plan is advanced, and our spaceship construction progress can not keep up. What should we do now?" Looked at Dad. Then he asked, "Our country! Can the construction progress on your side be accelerated?"

Dad frowned and said, "It can be done soon. Now this progress has been accelerated as much as possible to ensure that there are no problems in the society, but since the time has been compressed to one year, can we just let it go a little bit? Would you like to control it? If you do n’t have to worry about the reaction of the people, the progress can actually be accelerated, but it wo n’t be much faster. ”

Chief One thought for a moment and asked, "What do you think?"

A head across from me said: "I think Comrade Jianguo said it makes sense. Originally we thought that there were still several years to prepare, so it was pressured to ensure social stability. Now that there is so little time left, I ca n’t help it. Just let go. "

"It's not difficult to let go!" Said an old man in a row near the head of the No. 1 line. "The immigration plan cannot take everyone away. Although the rest must be dead, they cannot. Let these people step into the region one step? Yes, the immigration team is the key, but the rest of the people can't ignore it, right? "

Next, everyone in the room started talking about you and me. Generally speaking, it was divided into two factions. Some people felt that they could let go completely, and some people felt that at least they needed to ensure stability in the big environment. Of course, we all agree that some controls should be liberalized appropriately.

Just when everyone couldn't argue, the Chief One suddenly reached out and pressed everyone's voice, then turned to me. "Shenlin. My technical adviser told me that your brains are smarter than ours, and because of which hormonal response is relatively slow, your behavior is very rational. Just talk about what you think you would do if you decided. "

"Ah? I just ..." As soon as I wanted to evade Chief One, I reached out and stopped me from talking.

"I just let you talk about it, rest assured, we just want to hear different opinions. After all, we are not too young, and our thinking is easy to rigid. Although young people's ideas are sometimes not stable, they are more open-minded than us. Many. You can safely say it, isn't there still our check? "

Now that the Chief Executive No. 1 has said so, I am really not good at rejecting it, so I open my mouth and say, "Since then I will talk about it, if you don't think it is appropriate, just don't say it. First we need to recognize a reality, that is The early result of the immigration plan is that a large number of people are stranded on the earth and cannot be taken away, which means that we need a stricter screening system and we need to wipe out more people. "

As soon as I had finished speaking, the people around me fell into silence. Obviously everyone knew the matter, but it was only an instinct to avoid it.

After a little silence, I continued to speak. "I have first-hand data with son-in-law. Originally, according to the previous plan, the proportion of immigrants that could be completed in China was 78.5%. This proportion is quite high worldwide. Excluding those who will die before the doomsday. In fact, after the elderly population, they can basically meet the requirements. But now the plan is advanced. If the current progress is made, the proportion of people we can actually transfer is only 18.7%. "

"Is that so?" The leaders all exclaimed. They all know that planning ahead will inevitably lead to an insufficient number of immigration ships and detain more people, but what they don't know is that the proportion will be so large. Imagine that only 18.7 percent of China's 1.5 billion people can participate in immigration, and the rest of them can only stay and die. How cruel is this? Even these leaders at the national level, which often face hundreds of thousands of lives lost, were instantly pale when they heard such numbers. This is no longer an acceptable number for normal people.

Did not care about their shock. I continued: "So the current immigration plan must be modified."

"Shenlin, how do you change this?" Chief No. 1 asked with an expression of pain in the position of his head covering his heart.

"The first point is the construction plan of the immigration ship. This is the most basic. Originally, our plan was for 78.5% of the immigrants. So the construction plan is very large. But now that we know that immigration is impossible, Many people. There are a lot of construction bases under construction and some immigration ships that have just started or have been built but the amount of work is not enough to complete before the start of the resettlement plan. The construction can be stopped immediately. After these plans are stopped, a lot of savings can be saved Labor, materials and time, we can concentrate these saved resources on those immigration ships that can catch up with the last time, so we can get more immigration ships. "

Listened so much. This is a relatively good plan, so the number one leader slowed down a little and asked, "How much progress can this speed up?"

I looked around and asked, "Can I connect to the network? The network here is blocked. I need to connect with son-in-law to get accurate data assistance."

"There is a terminal here." The major major quickly opened an opening in the wall, and then pulled out a network cable.

"Thank you." After I took the network cable, I pulled out the universal interface and the network cable directly from the back of my neck in the surprised eyes of a person in the room. This hand surprised everyone in the room. Although I knew I was n’t human, it ’s a little weird to directly connect the network cable with my body.

After connecting to the network, I immediately established a connection with my son-in-law, and said a few seconds later, "Well, I just asked son-in-law to help me compile the data and simulate it. If we stop the construction of some migrant ships as I said just now, we will concentrate After building the rest, our optimized immigration rate should reach 37.7%.

Hearing the expression of this digital crowd is also quite unstable, and I do not know whether it should be fortunate or sad. The 37.7% figure is a huge improvement over the previous 18.7% figure, but this figure is still unacceptable.

If only 37.7% of people can participate in the immigration plan, that means that 62.3% of people are waiting to die. Counting this base of 1.5 billion people means that 930 million people will be abandoned. That's not nine hundred thousand people, but 930 million! What is this concept?

"Are you sure you can't do more?" Several people were obviously reluctant to accept such a result.

I said with a serious expression: "This kind of life-threatening matter, not to mention the lives of so many people, how can I make a joke? Although the actual data may be more than I expected, but it may also be less. It depends on the actual situation. After all, this is only a rough estimate, not an accurate number. But we can be sure that even if all situations are developing in the best direction, this proportion will not exceed 40%. Let's have a mental preparation first. "

After hearing what I said, many people collapsed in their seats. Even the Chief No. 1 sat there for a long time, holding the heart. The female major gave the Chief No. 1 a glass of water, but the Chief No. 1 waved her Retreated. After looking back at me, the Chief No. 1 asked, "What's next? What else needs to be done?"

"In addition to the immigration ship plan that needs to change production plans immediately, there is also an urgent task to immediately issue mandatory notices to restrict fertility, which must be carried out immediately because there is no time to delay."

When the migrant ship takes off, there will be a huge overload of kinetic energy. Although the sleeping compartment has a protective function, this is also limited. The astronauts were carefully selected. They have good physical fitness, and of course they don't care about this. Adults are fine as long as they are not bad. After all, the migrant ship itself is more stable than ordinary spacecraft, and it has a dormant cabin to offset part of it. So the problem is not big. The key is that the newborn's body is too fragile, and they absolutely cannot afford this situation, so the first thing that needs to be done is that no new pregnant women can appear, and what has been suspected now must be distinguished. Those who have been pregnant for more than five months are not a big problem, because they should have been several months old before the immigration started. As long as they are protected by a special incubator, they should barely be able to take it with them, but those who are pregnant Pregnant women under five months are in trouble. If these babies are born, they will still be too small at the beginning of immigration. Even if there are incubators, they will not be able to protect them. In other words, if these children are on a spacecraft, they will directly kill them when they are launched. On a spaceship, you can only wait for death on earth.

We really do n’t know how to solve this situation. If a pregnant woman induces labor, this kind of thing sounds very cruel. Think of a young couple who is excited to learn that they have a baby. As a result, the country suddenly forces you to fight. How did this parent accept the child? Those who are less than three months pregnant are better. After all, the fetus has not really formed, it is only an embryo, and the love of parents is not much. The key is the part between three and five months. For this, I really can't help it.

"what do you mean……?"

I nodded and said, "Yes ~ ~ Not only must new pregnant women be banned from appearing immediately, but they must be pregnant if they are less than five months old."

"Isn't it too inhumane to do this?" Said a female head.

I nodded and said, "Yes, it ’s very inhumane, but there is no way. These fetuses are dead with a spaceship, so instead of giving them birth and letting them die immediately, I would rather not let them be born, not suffer this crime. Of course, They may not participate in the immigration program, but I think that is more cruel. Those pregnant women themselves may not participate in immigration for their children, but I think it is more cruel to those children. They do not feel that they have terminated the children before they are born. These pains, but if let them speak out, when the end of the world happens, these children will be seventeen or eighteen years old, and once the immigration fleet leaves, the earth will no longer be able to conceal it. You can imagine what the situation is, it is definitely a **** on earth. Do you think it is better to let the children live in that environment to their teens and then die out or not to be born at all? If it were me, I would hope that I had never Born in this world. "

There was a tear in the corner of Chief One's eyes, but he wiped it off quickly, then looked at me and said, "We must do this, even the insults on our backs. For humanity, why not be an eternal sinner? . "(To be continued ...)

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