Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 386: God-like operating system

Although Gun God finally discovered the true use of the drone attack aircraft, as far as the current situation is concerned, this has no effect on the battle situation. ︾

It was like the charge of the Assault. With the successful suicide attack of the first drone attack aircraft, subsequent drone attack aircraft began to crash into the Rainbow Alliance spacecraft like real missiles. There were explosions everywhere, and the spacecraft was constantly hit and caught fire while the flame was flying, and then fell to the ground.

"No, no, no, no, no!" Yusina watched the warships falling around in panic, and then suddenly shouted at the God of Guns: "Some way!"

At this moment, the gun **** who was standing in the window and raised his gun immediately pulled the trigger. With a loud noise, a drone attacker who hit the warship where they were was immediately destroyed by a blast.

After killing the drone attacker, the gun **** turned and looked at Yusina and said, "What do you want me to do? What can I do at this time?"

Hearing the words of Gun God, Yusina had no time to get angry with him, but things still needed to be resolved. Although each of our junior super aerospace battleships is equipped with 432 drone attack aircraft, as before, three consecutive drone attack aircraft killing a flying battleship are actually a separate phenomenon. Normally it is impossible for a few drone attack planes to actually sink a flying battleship. Although if the drone attack planes on the six junior super aviation warships on our side are exhausted, it can indeed cause significant losses to the Rainbow Alliance ’s fleet, but it is absolutely impossible to reverse the situation. At most, the number of enemies we face will be a little less.

Just when our drone attacker launched a violent air strike, Ursina, who was impatient, finally thought of a solution.

"Yes, we can still use that thing."

"What?" Yusina suddenly said something to the Gunslinger, who had no idea what the thing was.

Yusina didn't mean to explain at all, she turned and ran to the console. Then he pushed the original operator away, then took out a key from his body.

Looking at Yusina's actions, the God of Guns was a bit inexplicable. She didn't know what she was going to do, but what Yusina did next was quite amazing. Even the players of the Rainbow Alliance were startled. I saw she dragged the thing on the console like a steering wheel.

This thing is actually the control handle of the rudder. The only difference from the steering wheel on the car is that its outer frame is not completely circular, but only two arcs on the left and right, the upper and lower parts are open, and are not connected into a complete circle. The reason why a car's steering wheel is made into a complete circle is because the steering wheel sometimes needs to rotate several times when the car turns, so if it is not a complete prototype, the driver will have nowhere to grasp at certain angles. However, the direction control on the spacecraft is not the same. This thing can't turn so many turns. It can only rotate 90 degrees to the left and right, and the range of motion is very small. So there is no need to make a whole circle.

After Yusina pulled off the steering wheel, the ship was losing control of the direction. This steering wheel is not only responsible for operating the left and right steering of the hull, it is actually responsible for controlling the pitch angle of the hull. Push this thing forward, the hull will dive, and pull the bow backwards will lift up and climb, this is the same as the operation of the aircraft. But now Yusina pulled off the steering wheel. In this way, the ship had lost its steering control completely. Not only could it not control the pitch angle, but also left and right steering disappeared.

The people inside the bridge were scared to death. Yusina inserted the position of the joystick directly under the unplugged steering wheel and inserted the key-like thing in her hand.

This key is obviously dedicated to this place. After the key in the shape of a triangular prism was inserted into the opening, blue rune marks were quickly lit on three sides of the key surface, and then Yusina reinstalled the steering wheel. The keys were also sealed directly inside the steering wheel.

After finishing this, Yusina quickly took out an object as large as bucket of pure water from her storage equipment. The texture of this thing looks like jade, the surface is extremely smooth and reflective, but its color is as dark as ink.

"Come and help me," Yusina shouted at Gunslinger.

The gun **** who reacted hurriedly ran over, and then carried the thing to the front of the console with Yusina. As this thing approached, the ground in front of the console suddenly opened an opening on its own. Then a cylindrical platform was raised from below, and a corresponding opening was opened at the top of the cabin, and then the same columnar structure was lowered.

The two upper and lower corresponding pillars stopped at a height of more than one meter from the ground, and then Yusina and the Gun God joined forces to place the black cylinder on top of the rising cylinder below. There is a groove in the same shape as this black thing. You can see at a glance that it is specially prepared for this thing.

Immediately after the black thing was put into the groove, the lower platform continued to rise. Then the black object touched the corresponding pillar at the top. When the upper and lower pillars contacted the black object in the middle, the surface of the black stone-like thing suddenly lit up with a lot of red lines.

Whoo ... A buzzing sound like a steamer whistle shook people's ears, and the people on the boat where they were located were surprised to find the joystick or button in front of them. Suddenly everything went out of control. Those joysticks began to fold, and then they were taken into the ground or console, and the buttons were retracted, and then the cover was actually lowered outside, which means that the boat was completely out of control, because now there is nothing to operate Something out.

In the exclamation of the control personnel, a voice with a playboy-like tone suddenly sounded. "It feels good to see the sky again. Which kind-hearted person releases me so powerfully? If it is a man, then I must make a marriage with you. Any girl and daughter are introduced to me. If it is a woman Then ... I don't mind giving each other, really. Come on, tell me who made me free again? "

"Don't you pay attention to the surroundings before you talk poorly," said Yusina.

"Oh. The original owner is a woman? Great, I like to work for beautiful women. Then, since you are the boss, then I will work hard. But I want to ask, the salary can be replaced by a date ?"

"No more bullshit, beware I'll tear you down again."

"Okay, okay, the words of beauties always need special attention. So. Let's do something serious."

As the frivolous voice said, the weapon system on the battleship suddenly moved automatically, and the sparse firepower of the various air defense fire points suddenly became precise and dense. The drone attacker on our side was almost as good as a fly. The shooting down of the film almost suddenly became a lot clearer, because most of the drone attacking aircraft that originally bounced around the fleet were hit and they burst into sky fireworks. .

"It's just a bunch of little bugs, isn't it terrible?" The soft voice started to speak poorly as he spoke. "Hey beauty boss, haven't you asked what your name is? Would you like to have a meal together when you have time? Rest assured, just have a meal. I definitely didn't prepare the room card or something. I'm a gentleman. You have to believe me . "

"Now I kind of understand why you didn't use this thing before you died!" Gunshen said staring at the endless automatic control system.

Yusina also covered her face and said, "The smuggler who sold our spacecraft at the time said, although this thing is very good in combat, it's best not to use it. I just remembered it just now, but I didn't expect the guy who said It ’s best not to use this meaning! "

In fact, although Yusina only loaded a black object on her battleship, in fact, all the battleships of the entire fleet had lost control, or they were all controlled by the automatic system.

In fact, although the status of the battleship where Yusina is located in the fleet is the flagship, it is not unique in itself. What's really special is the key and the black thing that finally hit it. As long as these two things are loaded on which ship, that ship will become the control center of the entire fleet. Then it will remotely activate the automatic control system of all warships in the fleet, and then no operator is needed.

When the control system on Yusina's ship was activated, the control systems on other warships were naturally controlled by this core control system, and then the air defense firepower of the entire fleet was instantly super precise. The drone on our side The attack aircraft couldn't get close at all, and was named one by one across the distance. Although the drone attack aircraft is not afraid of death, the results are plummeting.

"What's going on opposite? The battleship of Rainbow Alliance seems to have changed the attack rhythm!" We said, standing on the deck with a telescope, watching the battlefield in the distance.

"Our drone attack aircraft is suffering heavy losses. Would you like to remove the mobile angel and drone attack aircraft first?" Woma asked.

"Withdraw first, don't entangle with the enemy. This will cause too much loss." I ordered directly.

After getting my confirmation, they broke into the king and immediately started sending signals, and then the players in the Rainbow Alliance saw the drone attackers on our side suddenly turned collectively and quickly left the airspace around them. The mobile angels also left the area with the drone attack aircraft.

"Oh, the bugs seem to be back in the nest. Do we need to kill them?" A soft voice sounded beside Usina.

At this time, Yusina did not care about the opponent's attitude, and only focused on commanding the battle. "Do you know where the enemy is?"

"We have energy wave detectors. Of course, we can know the enemy's location." After that soft voice, a holographic image suddenly opened inside the bridge, and then Yusina and the Gun God saw the situation nearby.

In this picture, you can clearly see the nearby terrain and the situation of their own fleet, but the most important thing is that even the battleships of our Frost Rose Alliance are displayed on it, and this picture is not a simple floor plan, but Is three-dimensional. Moving the picture can even pull our junior super aviation warships of the Frost Rose Alliance to their front and be enlarged for viewing. Of course, our battleship shown above only has an outline, as if there is no 3d model for color rendering, but even so, the use of this thing is beyond imagination.

"This is a real-time picture?" Gun God didn't seem to want to get an answer, but looked at Yusina in surprise and asked, "Why didn't anyone tell me that this warship had this function before?"

In fact, Yusina is now quite regretted. I knew it would have been loaded beforehand. On the way to Isinger, they were still relying on reconnaissance-type players to act as scouts, but now they have found that their ship has radar, and it is still such an advanced radar. This is simply a joke.

"Forget it, don't bother with those things, it's true to win this battle." Yusina understood it.

The frivolous voice continued to ask, "Beauty boss, shall we just kill these six bad guys in the past? If I can kill them, can I have a chance to invite you to dinner?"

"I promise you if you can do it." I was probably annoyed. Or I want to understand. In any case, Yusina suddenly adapted to this frivolous voice, and then began to use the habit of the other party to direct him to do things according to his intentions.

Sure enough, when I heard Yusina agree, the soft voice suddenly changed her tone. "Great, then, for the first date in my life. Rush! My fleet!"

On the junior Super Aviation battleship of our guild, the observer suddenly shouted, "Oh bad! The Rainbow Alliance fleet is turning, and they came at us!"

"What are you talking about?" Chuang Wang rushed directly to the front of the sight glass and frowned. "No! We should be outside their scope of investigation now?"

"There must be their scout nearby." Red Moon responded quickly. He rushed out of the bridge to summon his own pet, and flew out, apparently to find the position of the scout.

After seeing Red Moon flying away, I said, "Whether Red Moon can find that scout or not, our position is exposed anyway. Everyone pays attention to let the fleet make a U-turn and we can't go against them."

"Yes, turn quickly, we change directions. The enemy may have confirmed our direction through previous shelling."

After all, Chuang Wang is our Navy's commander in chief of the Frost Rose Alliance and has very rich experience in commanding the fleet. Although now we are air battleships, the basic rules are the same.

After receiving our confirmation, the fleet began to turn quickly away from its current position. Although we only have six boats, there are advantages to having fewer people and fewer people. At least we are flexible and can run as much as we want.

However, we soon discovered that the problem was far from simple. "Damn, they can see us."

"Impossible!" Chuang Wang denied Christina's words. "Such a long distance. How could they see without our large viewing lens?"

"But we have been running for so long and their bows have always faced us with no slight deviation."

Christina's words are certainly the most favorable evidence, but we have no idea why this is the case. Hongyue had already gone out and checked the surrounding area with magic, there was no enemy scout at all. In other words, the other party did not rely on sending people here to find us. But if it wasn't for this reason, we really don't understand how they found us.

The Rainbow Alliance fleet does not have such a large viewing lens, so they cannot see us at such a long distance, and they have not sent scouts to stare at us, which is obviously unreasonable.

After thinking about it for a long time, I still don't think it has much practical value to consider this kind of question now. "Okay, now wasting time guessing how they found out we didn't make sense at all, I think we'd better hurry up and think what to do!"

"What do you think about at this time?" Cristina said, "Hurry up and run. There are only six boats on our side, but there are more than two hundred of them!"

In fact, in the previous round of attacks, the damage caused by the drone attack aircraft was quite serious, but unfortunately only 30 or so warships were sunk. In other words, there are more than 200 flying warships in the Rainbow Alliance fleet. Close to three hundred ships. Of course, almost one-third of them are hanging colors ~ ~ but the degree of damage is different. Some are barely able to fly, and some are only slightly injured. But no matter whether these wounded warships still have combat power, even if all of them are sunk, there are still too many warships in the Rainbow Alliance fleet. Six to three hundred, this comparison of forces really puts us under great pressure.

"In this case, we can only strategically retreat." Chuang Wang said helplessly: "Notify each ship to speed up, we will open the distance before talking. Even if the other party has any investigation methods we do not know, there must be a distance limitation, impossible. It ’s really an exaggeration to map the world directly. "

Originally, we thought about opening the distance and then talking, but what we didn't expect is that when the warships on our side started to accelerate, those warships in the Rainbow Alliance ’s fleet also began to accelerate, and over time Over time, the speed of their warships has always been about the same as ours, and our distance has not been opened at all for this period of time. Of course, it hasn't become smaller.

"Your sister! What's the matter? Isn't it that their warships are not as fast as ours?" I looked at Warma and asked.

Woma said aggrieved, "I don't know what's going on! It used to be fast without us!" (To be continued)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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