Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 388: Approach quickly

Although the guarantee of the main control core cannot completely calm down Yusina and Gunslinger, at least this guarantee makes them slightly relaxed.

Because our speed at this time has reached the limit speed that the junior super aerospace warship can reach, the distance between the two sides is very close. In the display data on our side, the distance between the two sides is as fast as a horse watch. cut back.

Chuang Wang said with some excitement: "Hahaha, the Rainbow Alliance fleet did not slow down, these guys will cry for a while."

When the King of Chong's proud laugh, the other side of the Rainbow Alliance main control core also proudly said, "Hahahaha, come faster! I will let you know what is the real artillery tactics. "

The main words of the main control core have just been finished here, and the King of Charges on our side immediately ordered: "Pay attention to the ships, the enemy has entered the range and started shooting at will."


After the captains of the junior super aerospace warships sent back confirmation signals, all six junior super aerospace warships on our side began to deform.

The previous junior super aviation battleship has always been the same. That is not because our junior super aviation battleship is this shape, but because the previous one is in cruise mode. In this mode, many weapons are stowed, which can reduce the junior level. The wind resistance on the periphery of the super aviation warship can also ensure that the weapon system will not be knocked out by the enemy before the battle begins. However, when the order to enter the king's side was issued, all junior super aviation warships began to enter combat mode. In combat mode, some built-in turrets have been raised from below the deck, and the gun tube has been unfolded. The floating armor in some parts has also been unlocked, and the large missile launcher array below has been exposed.

"Oh oh oh. Look! The Frost Rose Alliance battleship is deforming."

"Damn, this is their attack!" Yusina recognized at a glance that this is the usual style of battleships in our guild, because many flying battleships before this guild had this design.

Although the main control core did not know that this was the sign of our attack, he was also careful after hearing Yusina's prompt, but sometimes it was useless to be careful.

Just when the core of the Rainbow Alliance was ready to fight with us. There are two shutters suddenly open on both sides of the blade-like bow of the junior Super Aviation battleship on our side. Underneath this type of door that opens backwards and opens in the opposite direction of the car door is not a large hole such as a launch tube or gun barrel, but two sets of crystal-like things with grids.

When the people at Rainbow Alliance were still wondering what this was, they saw that these two exposed things suddenly started to glow, then became brighter and brighter, and finally turned golden.

"I rely, these guys are too shameful, fortunately, I have an energy scanning system, otherwise I would not be killed alive!" Said the main control core.

In fact, the core of the main control is just teasing, but Yusina and the Gun God are really scared. Nothing else, because if this main control core is not started. They were nearly defeated at this time.

Why do you say that? Because the thing that opened in front of our junior super aerospace warship was not a pure weapon at all. Although this thing actually has a weapon mode, it is now activated in a non-weapon mode.

The name of this device is called a diffusion laser. Its working principle is similar to that of ordinary lasers, but this time Woma uses a hybrid technology of magic and modern technology, so the laser is a bit different. Although it is a laser, it can rely on a set of magic crystals for beam control. These lasers can be emitted directionally or scattered, and the emission power can be controlled at will.

The mode we are currently activating is the scattering mode. But the power is relatively large, so these lasers have become super searchlights. You can imagine it. What's the situation when the other party directly irradiates your eyes with a laser.

Of course, because it is a scattering mode at this time, the energy intensity of the irradiation will not be too high, but even so, this brightness has reached seven or eight times the intensity of sunlight. At noon in summer, how does it feel to look up at the sun? At this time, the searchlights on the opposite side produced eight times the brightness of the sun. You can imagine what it feels like to be opposite the Rainbow Alliance.

In order to block out the glare, the main control core lowered the armor plates outside the windows of all spacecraft. This brightness is really terrible. Although it was only a moment, Yusina felt that now she just closed her eyes. You can see a red face. This is because the glare effect caused by strong light stimulation takes a while to slowly recover.

Just being irradiated for a while will make this virtue. If there is no main control core, then the people on the side of the Rainbow Alliance want to intercept our warships under this strong light. You can imagine how the artillery can determine The position of the enemy.

The answer is of course impossible. That's why Yusina was taken aback because she knew that without the main control core, all of their artillery would not be able to fire at this time, because they couldn't open their eyes, let alone fire at all.

However, Yusina and Gun God are assured that the main control core does not need eyes. In fact, it mainly relies on energy to identify the detection target, so although those lasers have some impact on his observation, the impact is not very significant. Big.

After the laser was turned on, the shelling on our side began. Although the surface of the junior super aerospace warship seemed to be bare and not many weapons, the entire warship looked like more luxury yachts than warships, but at this time when it was exposed After all the minions, others will realize that this is a terrorist warship armed to the teeth.

The caliber of the main artillery on the junior super aviation warship is not very large, but the ammunition power of this cannon is quite amazing, but the most important thing is not this, but the rate of fire of these cannons.

Everyone thought that such things as the battleship main gun should be very slow, and it should be the feeling of a half-day shot. Of course, the fast-fire fast guns that can be erected on modern destroyers do not count. We are talking about the large-calibre guns with a diameter of more than 300 millimeters.

The naval gun equipped on the junior super aerospace battleship is a newly designed smoothbore gun with a caliber of 320 mm, which seems to be much smaller than the barrel used by our previous warships that can fit the whole person. However, the rate of fire of this cannon is amazing. Don't look at this thing with a caliber of 320 mm, but its rate of fire is as high as 72 rounds per minute, which means that it can plow the enemy's deck with cannonballs in less than a minute. This is not a machine gun, this is a cannon! This is a 320 mm cannon! 72 rounds per minute, what is this concept?

The reason why there is such abnormal speed. Mainly because the design of this cannon is different from traditional artillery.

The firing of the traditional artillery is completely dependent on the gas boost produced by the explosives of the gunpowder. Therefore, the pressure in the running tube is very high during the launch. Therefore, not only the barrel needs to be particularly thick, but there is no way to lock it like a machine gun because the pressure is too large. No re-entry spring made of any kind of metal can withstand this pressure. Naturally, the barrel cannot be completely closed, so the firing principle of the machine gun cannot be used. It can only be done by firing a shell and reloading it. In this process, it is necessary to withdraw the shell, then reload, and then re-launch. There are many steps, and there are in and out, so the speed will naturally not be faster.

However, this new type of artillery is less troublesome. Because it depends on magic to accelerate. Gunpowder also serves as an initial boost, so the problem of breech sealing becomes less important. Moreover, because there is no pressure in the barrel when accelerating with magic, naturally, the barrel does not need to be too thick. In addition, this is a smoothbore gun. So friction will be much smaller. These factors determine that although our artillery has a large caliber, the rate of fire is still exaggerated.

Our artillery does not need to be shelled at all during the attack. The shell is a warhead. The powder behind it is filled with drug packaging, and the way they enter the barrel is-teleport. That's right. In fact, during the use of our cannon, the rear gun door will not open at all. The projectile is directly transmitted from the outside to the inside of the gun tube using a transfer array. When it is fired, the pack will be completely burned out, and the warhead will be shot directly. Nothing will remain in the gun cabin. The advantage of this is that there is no need to retract the shell, which can save a lot of time. In addition, because the amount of gunpowder is very low, the temperature after combustion will not be too high. In addition, the special flame absorption magic array will absorb the heat energy after combustion and convert it into kinetic energy to accelerate the progress of the shell. The rate of fire does not need to worry about overheating, and naturally you can fire unscrupulously.

Thanks to this new type of rapid-fire gun, we could have been overshadowed by the main control core of the Rainbow Alliance, because that thing is just like a computer. It is much faster to calculate the trajectory than our manual operation. Naturally If the ground is close-range, we will definitely be abused as he said, but because of our rate of fire, the main control core plan is completely unrealized.

Because the situation outside was completely invisible, Yusina and Gun God were still waiting for the master control core to show their might, but suddenly they felt a violent shaking of the hull and heard a violent explosion in their ears.

"Damn, what's the matter!" Gunsling was stunned with a big bag directly on his head and asked angrily.

The main control core replied for the first time: "Bombardment. We were shot."

"What about the loss?" Yusina asked worriedly.

"Rest assured that the protective cover can still hold up."

The main control core had just said that the battleship was shaking violently, and this time it was more violent than before. The hull shook as if it was about to fall apart. The core of the main control is shouting and shouting: "Asshole, the rate of fire is so high, go to death, I am not vegetarian."

With the shouting of the main control core, the Rainbow Alliance's fleet has finally entered the range. Although their accuracy cannot be guaranteed for the time being, they cannot hold up many people! Hundreds of warships fired together, and even blind ones could catch a few.

Sure enough, when the junior super aviation battleship on our side was attacking, the bow position suddenly burst into a flame, but soon the battleship passed through the fire group, and the opponent's attack failed to penetrate. Our protective cover.

We were lucky in the first round of bombardment. Only one shell missed the junior super aviation battleship we were riding on, and the hit position was the most defensive bow position. According to the habits of the Bank before this meeting, this place is usually equipped with a collision angle. Although the use of this thing also has a certain impact on ourselves, we really need to hit it with this thing. None of the Rainbow Alliance warships can stand up.

After the first round of artillery, the Rainbow Alliance warships began to load. Although their warships can be controlled automatically, it is a pity that the shells still need to be reloaded manually. As a result, the main control core has to wait patiently for those players and Fill the empty cannon with ammunition. Fortunately, there are many warships on their side, so the loading speed is still acceptable.

but. Although the Rainbow League needs reloading, we don't need it. Although the special bomb feeding system is a bit extravagant, its efficiency is absolutely great. When the warships on the side of the Rainbow Alliance started to reload, the artillery on our side fired the shell like a spray.

In the battleship, Yusina and Gunner felt like they were sitting on a trampoline, and there were several people jumping beside them. The two of them tried to grab something to fix themselves, but the hull really shook. Too powerful, Yusina dislocated her wrist, and the gun **** was even worse. The previous big bag was not good, and two new ones were hit, and the back was hit by a protruding corner of the console. Now it hurts.

"What's going on outside?" Yusina asked.

"Look at it yourself." At this time, the core of the main control was empty, and he really realized that the six battleships in front were not rabbits that could be easily defeated, nor were they the hunting wolves. That was clearly six great white sharks, and they were just dolphins. Although they have an absolute advantage in quantity, they are lethal. The gap between them and our warships is too great. If it was a one-on-one heads-up, any of the ships in their fleet would be sunk in less than two minutes. Fortunately, they now have an absolute quantitative advantage. Otherwise, this battle really cannot be fought.

People on the Rainbow Alliance are uncomfortable, and our side is not very good. After the first round of bombardment, our Rainbow Alliance warships began to bombard again. Although our artillery has an amazing rate of fire, when it comes to the number of shells fired per unit time, the Rainbow Alliance has the advantage. Thanks to their low accuracy. And our side is small and fast, so there are not many hits. Otherwise, we will definitely suffer a lot.

Although their rate of fire is not as good as ours, they can supplement the short rate of fire with the number of guns. As a result, the shells on both sides flew wildly, and from time to time, the shells on both sides collided in the air and exploded.

boom. The starboard side of our junior super aerospace battleship once again raised a large fireball, which was caused by the Rainbow Alliance's shells, but fortunately the external armor was quite powerful, and the shells were still blocked after the shield was broken.

Seeing that as the distance approached, our protective cover gradually failed to keep up with the charging speed and began to collapse. The Chuang Wang timely ordered the activation of the floating armor.

Following the order from the King of Breakthrough, the scale-like gold armor plate originally attached to the outside of the Junior Super Aviation battleship flew up, and then formed a circle around our battleship at the same speed as our battleship. Another protective barrier. These protective barriers are made up of a group of seven armor plates, forming a snowflake-like structure, and then suspended at a slight angle and slantingly inserted in the direction of our battleship. Because it is the same speed as our battleship, it will not affect our own navigation, but the effect of the opposite shelling will not work immediately.

When a Rainbow Alliance projectile successfully caught the gap in the interruption of our shield's charge, passed through the shield area, and then penetrated into the inner protection area. Originally, the shell would hit a turret at the front end, but before it approached, it was equipped with a floating armor inclined there. Because the floating armor is not attached to the body of the battleship, but floats away from a certain distance, the inclination of the floating armor can be adjusted at will. At this time, the inclination of these armors is very large, and the result is that When the Rainbow Alliance shells hit the armor plate, the tip of the warhead does not hit the armor plate first, but the side of the projectile hits the floating armor first.

With such a large-angle impact, the direction of the force will naturally be deflected. With a crisp sound and an ignition star spattering, the shell is directly bombed.

This shell seems to open the door to this situation. After that, most of the Rainbow Alliance's projectiles penetrated the outer protective cover, but most of them were bombed. After careful counting, the bounce rate was as high as 80%. If a certain type of tank or battleship in reality has such a high bounce rate, it is estimated that the enemies on the opposite side will die without firing, and they will be killed alive.

The main control core on the side of the Rainbow Alliance is almost mad. His shelling tactics are actually very powerful. If the average battleship is estimated to have been blasted into slag, but our battleship shields are replenished too quickly, and their more than 200 battleships set fire only 10% of the shells can penetrate the protective cover, of course, a large part of the reason is that most of the shells hit directly. The current relative speed of the fleet on both sides is more than 2,000 kilometers per hour. It is not easy to aim at this speed. However, even in the real shells, only 70% of them actually passed through the protective cover. This ratio may seem high, but don't forget, this is the result after the set fire. If it is a few battleships attacking, with the speed of our protective cover filling, they probably will not be able to hit a cannonball, right?

Such a low penetration rate has been even more depressing. What's more terrible is that **** floating armor, which has an egg jumping rate of up to 80%. Most of the artillery shells that had been easily penetrated were blown off, and what was more terrible was that the remaining 20% ​​did not hit the hull. 80% is just the proportion of bouncing bombs, the remaining shells are not jumping, but these shells exploded on these floating armor. You should know that these floating armors are not directly connected to the spacecraft. There are still a few meters distance between them and the spacecraft. Or how to say this is floating armor? People are suspended and can move by themselves, so they are called floating armor.

Although the artillery shells that did not jump had exploded, the effect of the explosion on the floating armor was really dare not be complimented. These floating armors are suspended in themselves. So as long as the energy supply is turned off, it is unpowered. and. This kind of thing seems to really have this design. As long as the shell hits and explodes on this floating armor, these floating armors will inevitably be blown up, but this blow up is not said to be lost, but because the opponent is closed With the power, he was blown away with the current. However, this shutdown is only a short time. Because the floating armor that is blown out is not fixed, the impact force is very low, so it is rarely damaged. Most fly back quickly after flying out and then regroup together to form floating armor to continue to resist the attack.

This nasty design has led to the interception of 90% of the artillery shells on the side of the Rainbow Alliance, and almost none of them hit the hull of our junior super aviation battleship. Of course, it ’s not really missed. Sometimes it happens that the first layer of floating armor just blown up without jumping, and then did n’t wait for it to return. The second shell just passed through this floating armor. The gap left after the blow fly, so it really hit the hull.

However, the hit was indeed a hit, but the effect was ... Anyway, the main control core has not found any ship on our side that has any damage. In addition to really destroying some of the floating armor, their only battle result was to blacken our battleship shell a few pieces.

"Damn **** damn it!" That master control core was completely hysterical. At this point, it completely ignored the query of Yusina and the Gunslinger, and began to control all the weapons on the ship in a volley attack. The energy consumption in this mode can be described as rising, but at this time he has completely ignored these.

After the main control core exploded, the pressure on our side also increased instantly, because energy weapons cannot jump, so we can only rely on specular reflection, but encountering weapons with too high energy levels still hurts our floating armor. Because of this, our junior super aerospace warship seems to be about to fall apart. In flight, we constantly see various debris falling off the ship. In fact, it was not the wreckage of the battleship itself, but the wrecked floating armor lost power and was dumped out. And because our side is constantly being destroyed by floating armor, it looks as if our junior super aviation warships are constantly dropping parts.

However, although the floating armor outside the junior super aerospace warship has suffered a lot, the pressure on our side can still withstand it. On the one hand, because the enemy is in front of us, we can focus all the floating armor that originally covered the entire hull to the front of the hoof. In the second place, we also know that the floating armor is definitely a great loss in battle, so each junior super aviation battleship has a lot of spare floating armor when it is built, and there are even several specialized Dedicated cabin for storing and launching floating armor.

At this time, although our floating armor was constantly being shot down and disintegrated, the subsequent floating armor was also constantly appearing to supplement the lost floating armor position, and it was continuously pushed forward layer by layer. Finally, we learned our lessons. Summarizing experience in battle, simply let the floating armor form a circular shield in front of the ship like a roof tile to block the entire front of the ship. To form such a shield requires about one-fifth of the floating armor on the ship, so we simply formed three layers of such shields in front of the bow. As a result, the control core of the Rainbow Alliance found that their shelling was completely invalid. All Regardless of whether it is an energy ray or a solid ammunition, it cannot pass through these three layers of shields at all. All were completely blocked.

"Can't fight like this!" Yusina yelled hysterically inside the bridge, and she did so because the battleship bridge where they are now has turned into convertible mode.

That ’s right, the ship ’s bridge was opened with a sunroof. Just a dozen seconds ago, a shell hit the structure directly above the bridge. As a result, the explosion distorted the metal structure, and the high-speed flying wind directly tore the rest. The whole part of the bridge was torn away, and now they are completely exposed outside the hull. but. At this time, they found out that the battlefield seemed to be less glare than it was at the beginning.

In fact, the scattering laser has long been switched off. After we found that the enemy can fire normally under the laser light, we didn't open it again. After all, the energy consumption is not low. Since it has no effect on the enemy, we certainly won't stay on.

However, just because we turned off the scattering laser, Yusina is now hysterical when she sees the surroundings, because she finds her fleet is very miserable now. Although in fact the fleet loss was not great, but because our shelling was very scattered. So it seems that there are wounded warships in every area of ​​the fleet. At first glance, it seems like there are damaged warships everywhere, but if you count them, you don't really get hurt. No matter how fast our naval gun fires, after all, there are only six ships, and other Rainbow Alliance warships also have their own shields. So our attack did not cause too much damage, and this was actually part of our plan.

We have known for a long time that it is impossible for us to treat the Rainbow Alliance fleet, so our goal at the beginning was very clear. We just wanted to create the illusion of serious harm and spread the attack. Let the people on the Rainbow Alliance think that we are just engaged in a war, and we don't mean to do anything.

The reason for this is to prevent the warships on the side of the Rainbow Alliance from forming a protective formation to protect the fusion warship. You know, there are more than 200 warships. If they form a complete protective net, they can even use our warships to replace our floating armor to form a shield structure similar to ours.

Our shield with a thin layer of floating armor has been so abnormal. Imagine what would happen if the Rainbow Alliance used the entire fleet to form such a shield? It is impossible for us to kill the following transport ships through this shield, so what we need is to prevent the enemy from discovering our purpose, so that they will conduct ordinary battle against the ship instead of forming a bunker-like protective shield .

"How much is our floating armor?" I asked a little worried looking at the floating armor that had been shot down like snow flakes.

Woma looked at the data and said, "There are about 80% of the quantity."

"Has it been lost in two?" I asked in surprise.

Woma nodded and said, "The Rainbow Alliance's fleet is too fierce. We can't rush through like this. It can exceed my expectations now."

"What's the distance now?"

"Five hundred and twenty kilometers?" Chuang Wang reported.

I frowned and turned and asked, "Christina, what can you do to the Rainbow Alliance fleet from here?"

"I can't do anything here. My attack range is not large enough to attack enemies hundreds of kilometers away."

"I can, if you need it," said the gold coin suddenly.

"Does your attack affect enemy ships?" I asked.

As soon as the gold coin heard me, he said angrily, "Do you look down on my sword array so much? A few broken ships, just watch me cut it for you."

I thought for a moment and thought, "I'll take you there, I'll cover it, and you're responsible for the attack."

Chuang Wang suddenly said at this time: "I suggest you are better to go with four people together."

Hongyue also said: "Yeah! Now there are no need for several battle waves at all. You might as well go together for four people to directly attack the Rainbow Alliance warships."

Zhenhong, a violent fanatic, is also shouting excitedly to join the war. I thought for a long time that it seemed that there was no need to attack in batches, so I nodded in agreement with their suggestions.

A dozen seconds later our junior super aerospace warship retreated from the super speed mode. The solar furnace has erupted and the speed is decreasing, but the decreasing speed is slower than we expected, which is good for us. Because it means that we will get closer to the target more quickly than before.

Real Red and I summoned my birds and my guard spear from the perimeter of the ship.

Although I do n’t usually use my guardian spear because I have flying birds, but I also have a guardian spear, and because I am the president, my guild beast must be the king of this group, so my guardian spear They are much stronger than the real red. Although not as exaggerated as the flying bird, it is at least more powerful than the ordinary long gun.

The final decision was that I and Christina rode in a flying bird, and the real red and gold coins used my guard spear. Then the four of us flew out of the battleship together.

Although the speed of our junior super aerospace warship is still subsonic, no matter whether it is my Asuka or Guardian Spear, it can cruise at supersonic speed, especially Asuka, the speed is absolutely explosive. After leaving the fleet, we moved a little diagonally for some distance before we began to impact the Rainbow Alliance fleet. This is to avoid the frontal shells. Not only will we be in a straight line with our fleet, it will not only affect our own shelling, but We do n’t have to turn the muzzle to attack the Rainbow Alliance. In case of a miss, there is still a chance to miss our battleship behind. I won't let them get such a good thing, so we distanced ourselves from the fleet. If the opponent wants to attack us, we need to turn the muzzle, and if we cannot hit our shells, we will never hit our own warship.

At this time, the weakness of the control core of the Rainbow Alliance came. Its energy sensor is completely prepared for fleet battles, so we can find our junior super aviation warships more than 600 kilometers away, but this thing ’s sensing ability to players and Warcraft is much worse, so when we After being detached from the fleet, unexpectedly no attack was encountered. In fact, the other party didn't even know that we had left the battleship.

The speed on our side is more than double the speed of the fleet, so one minute later we were close to a dozen kilometers near the Rainbow Alliance fleet, and at this time the other party finally found us, but at this time we actually Has come to their side. At this time, to attack the Rainbow Alliance, we need to turn the main gun 90 degrees. Of course, the secondary gun on the side can directly attack.

In fact, Rainbow Alliance warships do the same. They attacked us with anti-aircraft fire, but the main control core was surprised. We did not escape these attacks, on the contrary, most of them hit. The anti-aircraft fire on these warships are magic rays, and their speed is comparable to lasers. Of course, we cannot escape. However, in this way, we rushed directly into their fleet against the attacks, and completely ignored these attacks.

The air-to-air weapons used by the Rainbow Alliance battleships are dedicated to air-to-air defense. The design goal of this kind of thing is to deal with small unarmored flying units, so it has certain lethality to Warcraft and players. The advantages of this design are high fire density, low energy consumption, and because the magical attack is not powerful, even if the enemy invades the fleet, they can attack unscrupulously, because these small air defense fires do not pose any threat to the warship itself. It's as if if an enemy stands between you and your own tank, you will surely shoot with an assault rifle in your hand, because you know that even if you hit the own tank behind you, it will not cause damage to the tank. But conversely, if you have an anti-tank rocket ~ ~, you will definitely not dare to fire at random, because if you miss it, you will hurt your own tank.

The design of Rainbow Alliance is the same principle. Because the air defense firepower is very low, there is no need to worry about accidentally injuring your own warship. However, this design is enough for ordinary players, but it is obviously not enough for four of us. Christina brushed us both side shields before coming out, and the shields made by Christina weren't much worse than the battleship shields. The result is that we were hit, I do n’t know how many times, but we boarded a Rainbow Alliance battleship as if nothing had happened.

"Ok, start working." I was more relieved to stand on the Rainbow Alliance battleship. In this position, their main guns did not dare to fire, and the small guns could not move us, which can be said to be absolutely safe. Of course, it would be okay if the people of the Rainbow Alliance were desperately planning to destroy our own warships under our feet.

However, I think that even if the guys in the Rainbow Alliance are very crazy, they should not be so mad that they will destroy their own warships? Besides, even if they did this, can we just change to another boat and do it again? I don't believe that the Rainbow Alliance can really destroy its entire fleet. (To be continued ...)

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