Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 391: Crazy control core

In fact, students are usually not so brave. The top novel of Pu Zhi, although there are many students fighting, but not many dare to fight the police. Although we are not wearing police uniforms, they are urban combat uniforms. At first glance, they are not civil organizations. Therefore, normally, people with only a little brain will not face us.

However, some of the students in this group are more impulsive. After all, hormones of this age are relatively high, and their worldview and values ​​are not sound. Therefore, some impulses are inevitable. However, impulses are also hierarchical, and most people have some sense, knowing when they can be impulsive and when they need to be restrained. However, those who can come here to attend the birthday party of this guy named Wang Sichang are obviously not the kind of good-natured students.

I've seen this Wang Sichang's information on the way. The kid's family is rich and powerful. Not only the forces on the bright side, but also the forces under the shadow. Because the family conditions are so good, this boy will inevitably have a lot of problems with the second and third generations. It is common for him to call friends and take a group of dog legs to bully people. Of course, this kid is not the kind of bad-hearted master. He has never done a big deal, but bullying people is a commonplace.

Because people like him have money, and their family is powerful, no one dares to mess with them, so the little people around the school will happily pat him, and he also enjoys the feeling of being a "big brother", naturally I will learn to look like in the movie and make a small group or something. Anyway, he is rich and usually takes this group of people to play around, and people naturally have fun with him.

Because he is such a person, obviously he can't mix with the kind of good students in the school, or can mix with him, that is the group of students in the school that the teachers hate most. These students are said to be students. In fact, apart from not dropping out of school, it is basically not much different from the small mess in society.

It is also because such students are here that they dare to take action on those of us who look like law enforcement officers under the influence of alcohol. Of course, in fact, there are two key factors here. One is that Wang Sichang's family has enough power. They have also done some crimes before. Although it is not a big deal, they still have to walk around the bureau according to the rules, but they all came without incident, and no one even asked. Naturally, as time goes by for more than one time, they also think that as long as they follow Wang Sichang, even if they do something extraordinary, they will be fine anyway.

As for another reason ... it may be because of the facial value of the four of us.

Although the law enforcement officers on films and televisions are all positive images, they look very positive. Righteousness. However, this is obviously not the case in reality. After all, the police is only a profession, and there are naturally many people engaged in this job. When the police station recruited people without looking at them, how could all be handsome guys and cool men. Therefore, everyone knows that the chief of civil servants should be quite ordinary. However, the looks of the four of us are a little too much. Skott didn't say anything, although he looked like a half-breed. A handsome mess, but a man after all. This group of male students didn't react much, the key is that Ling and Yeyue are so terrible.

Jinghua is not without, but it looks more beautiful. Have you ever seen a police flower that is more beautiful than a star? And come out two at a time? Moreover. Other police officers only work in the police system, most of which are in logistics, that is, sitting in the office. Have you seen several police officers working in SWAT teams or urban riot groups?

Just because our face value is too high. Therefore, the people on the opposite side thought that we were not normal law enforcement officers, but they did not deter them. This is why so many people dare to rush up.

However, although this group of bear children are not brave, unfortunately, their bravery is misplaced.

Yeyue suddenly closed her eyes. Then when she opened her eyes again and looked at the crowd in the room, her pupils had become a gorgeous colored iris, and there was a light shining like a neon light, and the beautiful light made people tolerate Can't help but want to keep searching. However, once you pursue it, the result is-petrochemical.

Do not forget that Yeyue has petrified pupils in the game, and our ability in the game will basically become our own specialty in reality. For example, pepper is very good at power control, and Jingjing ’s spiritual defense is particularly strong Ling can easily invade the consciousness of others. These are everyone's abilities in the game, but in reality they have become their own specialties.

Yeyue started his petrification pupil just now, but in reality this is not a petrification, but should be called hypnosis. By means of brain wave intervention and the guidance of the light emitted by the eyes, Yeyue can instantly put a person into hypnosis mode, which is not only fast but also surprisingly successful. You should know that ordinary hypnotists can only hypnotize some people, because some people are not suitable for being hypnotized. Hypnosis has a very bad effect on them, and it is almost impossible to enter hypnosis. However, because Yeyue's ability is accomplished by electromagnetic waves, the effect is very exaggerated, and almost no one can resist it.

The people in the room seemed to be fixed. All the people who flung forward were thrown in the original posture, and then they stiffened and remained motionless, and their posture seemed to be in the ground. Fluttering forward, they are actually lying on the ground.

Most people in the room do n’t know about this situation, because the petrified people actually freeze their minds, which is not exactly the same as in the game. These petrified people are actually suspending their consciousness. When they recover, they will not remember what happened during the petrochemical process. To them, the petrochemical process does not exist at all. However, here the two people reacted differently because they really saw the change.

These two people are Wang Sichang and our goal hidden behind him.

These two have not been petrified, of course not because they are strong, but because Yeyue deliberately let them go.

At that time, Wang Sichang had lost his previous arrogance and could only sit there with his legs dozing. I directly passed him and walked in front of our target, and Yeyue stopped beside Wang Sichang, and then patted his forehead and said, "Remember not to talk nonsense, they won't remember what happened after they wake .But if you leak a word, I will make you a sculpture forever. Understand? "

Wang Sichang nodded desperately, couldn't even speak. Yeyue did not scare him anymore, because he already felt that this guy was about to collapse.

I walked directly to the guy hiding behind Wang Sichang, and then looked down at the student who made us crazy. "Are you going to tell us where your companion went, or will you tell us after we have forced a confession? Now that you have read our internal materials, you should know that national laws and human ethics are not valid for us?"

"I, I, I said. After they came in, they said they would go to the bathroom, but they haven't come yet. I guess they left me and ran."

"Toilet?" I frowned and swept the whole nightclub with electromagnetic waves. As a result, I did not find Wang Hao and Sun Daoren except that a group of people were coming here.


"I'm looking for it."

"Can you set a goal?"

"It's difficult, but it shouldn't run too far. There are a lot of surveillance around here."

"Find me." When I finished speaking, I mentioned the guy on the ground and went out, but as soon as I opened the door, I saw a group of so-called security guards and the lobby manager followed someone who looked like a boss.

After the other party saw us, we didn't stand up and put on a show. But rather politely asked, "I don't know how many ..."

I didn't talk to him at all, I just raised the guy in my hand and lit it up. "We are chasing this guy, nothing is wrong with you. The loss of the door lock will return to Long Yuan to settle with you."

After the other party listened, he let it go aside, and said that the door lock was nothing in his mouth, it was not worth it anyway.

After a few of us walked by, one of the men whispered to this person: "Boss, just let them go? Who are those people?"

Originally, this guy relied on being the boss's confidant, and he dare to say what others did not dare to say, but he did not expect to have hit a nail this time. The boss said directly fiercely: "Do n’t ask what you know. Do n’t ask. All of you listen well. Do n’t stop them next time you see them. Let them do whatever they want, even if they burn it here. You also have to help find torches and gasoline with a smile, do you understand what I mean? "

Although these people rely on their fists to eat, it does not mean that they are weak. The boss's words are obviously a metaphor. This means that these people are not easy to mess with. When the ancestors give up, don't offend.

They were supposed to show their bosses, and they didn't care about themselves. What kind of care were they doing? Hearing the boss said that he understood directly. Be sure to do as the boss wants.

Besides, when we were out of the nightclub, we saw Jingjing and Miss's car parked at the door, but the Miss looked at us with a smile. I walked in astonishment and found that there were more people in the car.

I originally caught one at the scene of the accident there, plus the one we brought out in the nightclub, it is equivalent to saying that three targets have been reached for two people, but what surprised us is that there are actually two prisoners in the car, and We haven't stuffed this in our hands yet. In other words, all three target characters have been captured.

"you guys……?"

"The guy just slipped out of it when you went in, and we grabbed it." The young lady said with a smile, "How about? I can help you solve the problem for the first time, right?"

"You're lucky." I said and threw this into the car, and frowned, "Did you see that Sun Daoren?"

"Do you want to catch that too?" Asked the young lady.

I nodded: "He was able to help them, and he dared to escape after being warned. It must be a very close relationship with these people, so they probably copied the information and took it away, so this No one can let go. "

The lady nodded and said, "It's true that you said so!"

When we were talking, Ling had brought up the three of them and brought them all under control, and then asked about the situation. As soon as we were here, she said immediately: "Master you guessed right, that Sun Daoren already knew The news is that he now has a copy of the material. "

"Then you have to catch it." I said to contact the son-in-law again. "Son son, is there a target?"

"I didn't see it. The other party seemed to be hiding, and maybe found some hidden place that would not be monitored by the surveillance camera and ran away. There is no information on my side anyway."

"All right, tell us what you find immediately."

Speaking of these guys, they really watched a lot of spy movies and learned a lot, at least they all knew that they had to turn off all their electronic products. Then remove the battery. Otherwise, as long as they have a mobile phone on them, it is almost the same as the locator. It is a good idea to find them. It's a pity that we can only find it by the original method. Thanks to a son-in-law helping us to check the camera, if we rely on manual screening, we can't find that kind of death!

Since the monitoring can't find this guy, we can only use a more primitive method. Smell the smell of Wang Hao directly, and then we started to smell near the nightclub. The nose of our dragons is no worse than that of dogs, so we can complete the work of police dogs when necessary. Although finding people along the smell is not familiar to us, in fact, there is still a great success rate.

Sure enough, we found the guy's location shortly afterwards, he actually turned over the wall to the back door of a shopping mall opposite, then ran in from the freight warehouse, and then the smell broke off near a special unloading platform.

The son-in-law cut into the nearby surveillance in time and quickly found the car that was parked here. This car has just left for less than ten minutes, which means the other party should be in the car now. Because the car just blocked the entrance monitor before. So I can't see if anyone enters the car behind, but because the smell is cut off here. So the other party must have boarded from here.

Because the license plate number was captured in detail in the monitor, we quickly found the car. At this time, the car was driving towards the outer area of ​​the city. Our own car had caught up at this time. We divided it into three cars. Catching up directly.

As it was late, traffic on the road began to decrease. We raced all the way and soon caught up with the truck.

Unlike the previous situation where the other guys ran away, this is a cargo truck, and the driver is not a fugitive. Of course, he will not escape when he sees us flashing a police light to stop the car. But this guy did a very stupid thing. This guy got out of the car.

He just got out of the car and asked us what he had done wrong. I found my door suddenly closed. When he heard the voice turning back, he went to shoot the door, but the car suddenly started, and then rushed straight out. When we passed our car in front, we scratched the tail of our car and hit us on the sidewalk.

Although our car is an armored car, after all, it is not particularly heavy. The truck's horsepower is already large. Now when there is no load, there is a lot of remaining power. Naturally, we can knock our car away.

In fact, this driver is also blamed for being unlucky, even the ordinary truck he drives, the key is that he is driving the kind of box cargo. The front of this car is connected to the cargo bay. There is a door in the middle of the cab, which opens directly to the cargo compartment at the back. If he was driving a normal van, that Sun Daoren would surely be found when he entered the cab, and he would not be robbed. It is a pity that he is unlucky.

After Sun Daoren grabbed the car, he rushed forward all the way, and I realized that this guy might not have hit us on purpose before. The kid didn't even drive.

His steering wheel wasn't stable at all. The car wriggled like a crab on the road, but although the car was not very stable, it was not slow at all. Although this car is a truck, its practical is a passenger car chassis, the gearbox is automatic, just hit the accelerator after the upper gear is engaged, I have a steering wheel and the car will drive forward without any difficulty. This kid is a high school student. Of course, his learning ability is very good. The car is not a rare thing. He naturally knows the general principle. Besides, who hasn't used a taxi this year? My brother can learn by car. Of course, although I know how to do it, I don't feel anything after all, so the car can't walk straight and keeps twisting, but it just keeps on.

In the face of this kind of **** guy, we are okay, we can only speed up, but fortunately, this place has left the city center. Not only are there fewer people, but the road conditions have also improved a lot. Don't think that the traffic conditions in the city center are better than those in the periphery of the city. In fact, the real good road is the road in the periphery of the city, because the traffic volume in this place is not low and there is a lot of space. Therefore, the roads are extremely wide and the road conditions are very good. On the other hand, there are too many cars in the urban area, so it is usually difficult to repair roads, otherwise traffic jams will be very serious, and the land in commercial areas will be expensive. Therefore, the shops occupy a lot of road width, but the roads cannot be as spacious as those in the outskirts.

At this point, we don't need to worry too much about that guy hurting passers-by or something. Let the young lady and Jingjing's car follow far away, and our own car is divided into two sets. This car of Yeyue and I directly passed the other and drove in front of him, while Ling and Skt's car was from the rear bread clip.

When we successfully overtook each other, the back door of our car suddenly rose up slowly, and then Sun Daoren, who was driving, suddenly stared at the boss, because he saw the Everett sitting behind our car.

At first glance, Everett's shape was a military robot. This guy had Gatling on his arm. Once this thing opened fire. The civilian vehicle he drove turned into a horse honeycomb in minutes.

When he saw a car in front of him pulling a military robot who knew that it was not easy to mess with, the other party was immediately afraid. Just at this time, an overpass appeared in front of us. We drove directly on the bridge, but the other side suddenly hit a direction, and the car turned directly below.

I suddenly noticed that the target in the mirror was missing, but turned around to find the other side of the road. At this time, I also became fierce, and no matter what the way. A dozen directions. With a bang, the railing of the overpass was broken and flew down from above. This position is not very high from the ground. So after we landed, we bounced a bit and immediately stabilized the body. Then, under the throttle of my foot, the car suddenly accelerated up.

Seeing that we are so crazy here, Ling is no longer reluctant. The armored door on the roof opened, the weapon rack rose, and the general machine gun was pushed out. Ling reached out half of his body, held the handle, and started shooting.

Although the power of a few guns in the vehicle is not as scary as the machine guns on our side. But the gun over there was a rotating machine gun, that is, Gatling, and the firepower of this thing was not a joke. The rear door of the van in front was instantly reached the sieve.

Ling patted the roof of the car directly, and Skott kicked the accelerator, and the car suddenly accelerated towards the **** of the truck. With the sound of a bang, the car door that had been beaten sorely fell off.

I couldn't bear seeing all the shots there. Pull out the pistol to adjust to the grenade mode, and then hit the car with a boom. The other side's van became a convertible and the car was still on fire, but the quality of the car was too good. It was still running, and because the guy from Sun Daoren felt a bit after driving for a while, he was more and more stable.

"Your sister! Everett, ready to jump out."


After Ivrit promised me, I stepped on the accelerator directly, the car rushed up to go with Sun Daoren's car, and Ivrit caught this critical moment and jumped out of the seat. Because our car didn't have this captain, Everett grabbed the other person's parking space, then turned directly on the body, and then stepped forward on the trunk.

When Sun Daoren heard the sound and looked back, he was scared to death, and he just braked. Everett caught off guard and flew out from the front. He also pulled the co-pilot seat off. Our two sides also ran over because of the sudden braking of the other side. Sun Daoren's guy turned on a fork in the direction of the car and continued to run wild. We could only fall back and continue to chase.

"What the hell! Are all the current students so bullish?" I reluctantly asked Yeyue to take over my car, and then I climbed directly behind me and pushed out the cannon.

Everett has followed the roller skates in the back and has chased them up. On the other side, Brigitte has got off the car, but unlike the Everett skates, Brigitte's ground action is actually maglev. Yes, the speed is much faster than Everett, and in a few clicks we surpassed the truck in front. At this time I also aimed at the front of the car, adjusted the cannon to single-shot mode, and then pulled the trigger.

With the sound of a crisp sound, the head of the opposite car suddenly deflected, the entire car rolled over, and then rolled forward on the ground, while Brigitte was a flying man catching the thrown Sun Daoren.

The power of machine guns is still too great. The car was overturned in one shot. But mainly because this car is driving too fast, otherwise it will not be so big. But I just aimed at the engine, and he couldn't run without rolling over.

Our two cars stopped abruptly next to Brigitte, and Brigitte passed the Sun Daoren directly. This kid is still sober now. No sign of passing out. Of course, this has something to do with Brigitte's comparison.

"Your boy is really brave!" I really admire the sight of this handsome Sun Daoren again. At this age, this courage is too scary. If the average person would have been scared.

Although he was scared to death for a while, Sun Daoren barely fainted. After sighing, I put him in the car with his uncle, and then returned to the base. Of course, the accident scene was handled by someone. But it is definitely not a traffic policeman, otherwise the hole in the engine is difficult to explain.

After we return to the base, the mission has nothing to do with us. After handing over with son-in-law, I hurriedly landed the game.

The battle over the Rainbow Alliance is now at a critical time. If it weren't for the fact that this matter was anxious, I would not be offline.

As soon as I landed on the game side, I found that it was really time for me to return, because Christina and Chuang Wang were working on their tactics together, and Christina first called after seeing me. "Chairman, there are changes over the Rainbow League."

"Is there a change?" I walked in surprise and looked at the display in front of them.

In fact, I didn't go to catch the bear children for a long time, it was less than two hours before and after, but Christina said that there was a change there. I would like to know what this change deserves.

"Boss, that's it. Just after you left, we found that a lot of warships in the Rainbow Alliance fleet were merging."

"Fusion?" I suddenly thought of the situation with the previous carrier.

Christina, they probably knew what I thought about, so they said, "It's the same situation as the previous transport ship. Their battleships are merging fast, and they are getting bigger. Now their fleet is not much , But this battleship ... "

"what happened?"

"Let's see it for yourself!" Woma said.

I walked near the observation deck in confusion, and then put my eyes up to take a look. You can see the Rainbow Alliance Fleet opposite you through the super high power telescope. Indeed, as they say. The number of Rainbow Alliance fleets is much smaller. A large number of black dots are now left, but these black dots have changed from a little **** dots to huge black spots.

"What is this stuff?"

"The ones you see are the Rainbow Alliance battleships that have just been completed, but it is not known whether this is the final form." Christina said.

"What does it mean not to know if it is the final form?" I asked in confusion.

Warma explained to me: "The Rainbow Alliance ’s fleet began to merge after separating from us, but it is not the same as the situation where only a few ships were merged. Now they are combining battleships in pairs, and then Into a new type of combined battleship, and then these combination battleships are combined two or two, and then continue, what you see now is not known to be the first combination. Anyway, their fleet now has only thirty-two. There are warships, and the number is falling further. "

"They have assembled more than 200 warships into only 32?"

"Yes, most of the warships over the Rainbow Alliance have been merged, and now you can see the size of these warships, one by one that is a big scary one. Our junior super aviation warships were already large enough. , But now each of the Rainbow Alliance battleships will be one circle or more larger than our junior super aerospace warships, and if they continue to combine like this, their volume will be even larger. "

Although I also know that a large volume does not necessarily mean that the combat power is stronger, but the combination of these opposing warships will certainly result in a straight rise in power. In other words, although we may not be so dangerous in terms of quantity now, It's not upside down. To make matters worse, we used to use long-range firepower to kill these guys, but now it seems that the number of warships on the side of the Rainbow Alliance has become so small. If the quality is higher than us, then they are equal to the quantity and quality. Rob, how can we fight?

"Boss, do you know how troublesome the situation is now?" Chuang Wang looked at me and asked.

I certainly know that this situation is very bad. But I just came back, and I really couldn't think of a way.

In fact, it's not just us who are worried. On the side of Rainbow Alliance, Yusina and Gun God are feeling a little crying now. This fusion process is not determined by Yusina, but the core of the intelligent master control is operating. This core has always been problematic, and its problem is not its ability. It's its character. Before, Yusina thought that this intelligent master control core would only tease her master, but now she finds that the second problem with this thing is that it is too opinionated.

No matter how advanced the intelligent main control core is, it is just an auxiliary prop. It is a tool used to assist users of battleships in combat. Then, since it is a tool, it is necessary to work according to the intention of the user of the tool. However, this intelligent master control core obviously does not have such awareness, it has been dismissive of our Frost Rose Alliance fleet from the beginning. After being beaten by our fleet, we began to hate our Frost Rose Alliance. This hatred has become more and more intense over time, so that the core of the intelligent master has now completely ignored what Yusina said. He completely treats the Rainbow Alliance fleet as his own, and he is the master of this fleet. As for Yusina and their Rainbow Alliance people, they now seem to have become parasitic worms on their fleet. Ignore it. Previously, the intelligent main control core would discuss some issues with them, but now it is completely arbitrary. What's more terrible is that all the control panels have been closed after the intelligent main control core was started. Now Yusina and Gunsling can't even do manual operations. Because now even a control switch is missing.

This intelligent main control core began to use a very crazy plan to improve the fleet's combat effectiveness after being completely violent, and this plan is the rather scary plan that Christina told me.

Yusina has not given up at this time. She bitterly persuaded the core of intelligent master control: "You don't have to merge anymore. The number of our fleet has dropped to this level. If we continue to be cheap, our battleships will not have enough water to form a fleet!"

"What the fleet is is irrelevant. What we need is an absolute advantage in quality. The Frost Rose Alliance ship is very advanced, and our quantitative advantage is meaningless in front of those Frost Rose League ships. So We need quality advantages. "The intelligent master control core roared madly.

When Yusina saw this situation, she began to wink at Gunslinger, and Gunslinger quickly understood Yusina's meaning. Then she left the bridge with her.

When two people came out, Yusina used her spell to create an isolation barrier, and then said to the gun **** inside: "No, that intelligent main control core has gone completely crazy, we can't do this! He will Funeral for our fleet! Rainbow Alliance just so easily praised such a bit of belongings, not all of them can be folded here. "Yusina said worriedly.

The Gun God nodded: "The Frost Rose Alliance battleship does have a certain advantage in quality. The method of the intelligent master control core was actually correct at the beginning, but now it is crazy, and this continuous integration is completely absent. Necessary, I think he is going to suspend all warships together to form a warship. "

"But if that's the case ~ ~ even if it's very strong? We don't have a fleet, we can't complete the layout of multiple battlefields at the same time, which is bad for us in the future!" Yusina worried.

Gun God followed: "But if I destroy that intelligent main control core, what if all of our warships lose control?"

Yusina nodded: "This is what I worry about the most. But now this situation, we can only take risks. But we can't act right away, I suggest we go back and talk to that intelligent main control core at the end and ask His intention, if he can stop this integration immediately, we will let him continue to operate the fleet, but if it does not stop ... "

"Okay, just do that." Although Yusina didn't finish, Gunslinger already knew the answer.

When Yusina and Gunner returned to the ship, on the other side of our ship, I looked at Woma and asked, "Can our junior super aerospace warships be bridged in hyperspace? Since we can submarine, we can say Should have the ability to tear in space? "

"Boss, what are you doing?" Woma asked in surprise. (To be continued ...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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