Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 402: Meet the enemy

Under the control of true red, the controlled Rainbow Alliance battleship slammed directly into the battleship next to it. The two battleships collided in the air and then began to squeeze each other. ≥ top ≥ point ≥ small ≥ said that the warship that was hit still wanted to avoid at the beginning, but because this ship has been crowded on the Internet, it cannot be avoided no matter how to turn, the two warships turned instead Each direction became separated from the fleet.

No one expected that such a collision would happen. When the crew there recovered, the battleship was squeezed out of the channel. Although the battleship itself had not lost its combat effectiveness, many external turrets were destroyed and two warships were destroyed. Squeezing each other, now the two boats have stuck to each other, it is not easy to separate.

After confirming that the battleship was stuck, True Red began to control the ship to dive downward. The warship next to it was taken by the warship to the ground, and the operator there had not yet returned to his post because of the impact. Seeing that the two ships had started to sink, Zhenhong directly stuck the rudder and ran out of the bridge. After summoning the Shenlong to jump up, Zhenhong also gave the engine of the other battleship by hand, so even if the people over there reacted, don't expect this battleship to fly again.

Real Red got the two ships here and started flying towards us. The following two ships hit the ground shortly after she left, and then they exploded into fragments of the sky. Real Hung has left a long way by this time.

Real Red got two warships alone. Now the number of remaining warships on the side of the Rainbow Alliance is eight, and the remaining number on our Frost Rose Alliance is four. On the surface, it still seems that the Rainbow League has an absolute advantage, but if you compare the data carefully, you will find that the strength comparison has actually been reversed.

The last remaining warships of the Rainbow Alliance are slightly larger than the previous warships, but they are just over 10,000 tons, and our guild primary super aviation warships are not of that level. We didn't have time to build too many warships. Therefore, the concentration of forces resulted in six particularly large warships, so the junior super aerospace warships are actually over-spec warships, and their displacement is several times larger than the current Rainbow Alliance battleships. The alliance has the advantage. But when it comes to tonnage, we already have the advantage.

In fact, we have already gained the tonnage advantage after sinking four Rainbow Alliance battleships. Now it is just a bigger advantage. After successfully killing these two warships, our current tonnage has reached about two and a half times the tonnage of the Rainbow Alliance fleet. This is not the conclusion reached in the case of only two thirds of the junior super aerospace warships.

On our side, after learning the real red result, the fleet immediately turned around. At this time, the distance from the Rainbow Alliance fleet was still close, but knowing that the offensive and defensive situation had reversed, we ca n’t wait to come slowly. Anyway, there is not much difference in quantity. Our fleet quickly turned the bow and began to fight back the opposite fleet.

The Rainbow League saw us turn around and started to attack. It did hit a few rounds, but it was too few. So all of them were carried down by the protective cover without causing much damage at all. If it was a shortage of energy in the past, we might still worry about it. Now we have a whole large area of ​​magic crystal ore as a support, of course, we do not worry about such a point of energy consumption.

After a half-circle, the fleet began to accelerate the pursuit of the Rainbow Alliance fleet, but the opponent turned to us at this time. Obviously, the other party did not plan to run away, this is to die completely here.

The speed of the fleet on both sides was raised again quickly, but before the fleets on both sides approached, we discovered that the Rainbow Alliance fleet not far away suddenly began to appear strange behaviors. Many warships began to wriggle as if drunk. . Some warships were flying and suddenly dropped a little height, and then rose again. Then it descended again, feeling as if it would turn off at any time.

We don't know what caused this strange phenomenon, but this is obviously not a good thing for Rainbow League. As opponents of the Rainbow League, their misfortune is of course our luck. So there was no pause in our side to start the shelling, and when the Rainbow Alliance battleship on the opposite side had a problem, gave them a downhole.

Facts have proved that Rainbow Alliance's fleet is indeed a big problem, not only the speed of navigation is slowly increasing. And shaking left and right, even the protective cover was out of order. The first round of artillery that set fire to us did not activate the protective cover at all, and carried all the shells with our own bodies. The result was that they were broken into debris and fell to the ground in minutes.

This result was too smooth for us, but we were surprised. How could we stop at this time? The bombardment continued, and the first target was destroyed, then another target was hit. This time the battleship was slightly better. Its protective cover quickly started and began to fight back. Other Rainbow Alliance battleships also resumed sailing and then started to fight back. However, this round of artillery was obviously sparse, not only because the number of local warships had dropped a lot, but more importantly, many of the cannons on these warships did not fire.

We do n’t know why the Rainbow Alliance ’s warships have become so strange, but at this time we do n’t care about this. As long as we can get the Rainbow Alliance ’s fleet, even if a group of angels suddenly ran out in the sky to help us kill those battleships, we would not have What a surprise.

Because the enemy's shelling was not dense enough, the power was not enough to deter our shields. As a result, we even carried this round of shelling without using the suspended armor.

After successfully passing through the enemy ’s shelling, our side was recharged and fired again. Although the opponent ’s second warship activated the protective cover, it was still destroyed by our set fire and the remaining shells penetrated. The shield hit the front deck of the battleship. With a large fireball, the shield generator of the battleship was finished with a turret.

The protective cover of this battleship was completely solved, and the remaining shells of the opponent almost did not escape, and they were instantly blasted into the air. There was no chance of reaction at all.

At this point, the opponent's remnant fleet was not so much an offense, but rather an air of death and face. Both Yusina and the Gunslinger have been killed, and now the other party is headless. Faced with enemies of far superior quality, the remaining captains of the Rainbow Alliance can choose to live in humiliation or die gloriously. However, there is no way to go back to this place. Even if they choose to save the battleship, they will not be able to return to the base camp of the Rainbow Alliance. It doesn't make much sense to keep the battleship under humiliation. In this case, of course, they will not choose to escape. Then there is only one choice left.

Two warships were destroyed, and the remaining six warships started accelerating without concession, and the other warship actually concentrated all the shields at the bow position. This seems to be the intention to use the shields as impactors and then with us Here comes a hit.

After seeing the actions of the Rainbow Alliance's remnant fleet, we did not let the opponent's warships stop, but directly began to bombard the opponent's superstructure with a high-angle shot. Now that the opponent puts the protective cover in front, we will start playing from above.

The advantage of high-angle shots is that the trajectory is curved, which allows the projectile to cross the obstacle and hit the target behind, but the disadvantage of this is that the projectile speed is not high. Moreover, it is seriously affected by wind, and the ammunition has a long flight time and is easily dodged. Anyway, it is the hit rate that drops, making it difficult to hit the target.

However, although our hit rate is not high in this way, there must be one shot at random. Our shelling finally succeeded in hitting a target, and the **** broke out. Hit the bridge directly.

I saw the warship in the charge running away and started to drift away, and then headed to the ground. Then it exploded.

The last five Rainbow Alliance battleships did not slow down. They just came to die. How can they leave without death?

"Another round of shelling." Looking at the distance, I ordered the shelling to continue. This time, we ca n’t use hanging shots, because the distance is too close, we can only use direct shots. Otherwise the shells will be completely avoided.

Our cannonball hit the opponent's shield like a raindrop, but because the opponent concentrated all the shields directly in front of the hull, our hit effect was very bad. Although we finally sunk the battleship, it wasted. More than twice as many shells. Tell the truth now. If the other party does not collide with us, we have to bump into ourselves, because apart from energy weapons, our artillery is almost out of shells.

"Ready, the impactor starts to recharge, everyone, prepare for impact."

After bombarding an enemy ship, our side is exactly four to four. After the collision, we can get the problem of how the enemy thinks about going back without accident. However, the accident came at this most crucial moment.

The fleet on our side was charging well, and suddenly the observer in front of the detector shouted: "At three o'clock, high-energy response, dodge!"

The Crash King was almost a subconscious pull on the joystick. Our Junior Super Aviation battleship suddenly raised its head, then the three Junior Super Aviation battleships next to it began to dodge, but two of them responded a little slower. A white ray flew far away, and it flew laterally. The bows of the two junior super-aircraft warships were directly hit, the impactor was directly penetrated, the arc of light gathered in the front dissipated, and the two sides of the rear contacted.

Because we deviated most from the channel upwards, we did not collide with the opposite warship. It was only that the observation capsule at the bottom of the ship and the antenna group on the top of the other side smashed, and brought a few Mars to the side.

The second junior super-aircraft battleship by the side was slightly slower than us, so the lower part of the hull and the island of the Rainbow Alliance battleship across the side collided. Fortunately, the front impactor gave the other side in advance and destroyed the island. Structure, when the bottom of the ship hit the back, the whole ship island was torn off.

After the collision over here, the remaining two super-aircraft warships that were destroyed by the impactor directly collided with the remaining two warships of the Rainbow Alliance, and then two explosions rang at the same time. Rainbow Alliance battleships exploded in the air like before, turning into wreckage wreckage, but our junior super aviation battleships are not as easy as last time.

The two junior super-aircraft warships rushed out of the flames with heavy smoke, and the hull was covered with scars, but the most important thing was that the bow was completely flattened and had been seriously deformed. One of them is slowly losing altitude.

After leaving the impact orbit, the front of one of the junior super aerospace warships suddenly exploded, and then the entire ship lost control and fell to the ground, but before launching a large number of aircraft from various launch ports. These are escape cabins, designed specifically for npc crew. After the crew launched, a large number of parachute flowers unfolded in the sky, and each of the beer tank-like escape cabins slowly landed on the ground.

The other warship with severe deformation was not very good. After flying for a long distance, many players and various aircrafts flew on the ship. The warship landed on the ground slowly until it finally crashed. But there was no large-scale explosion, it just broke into several segments.

Since then, there are only three battleships on our side, and only one of our flagships is basically complete, and the other two, one is the battleship that hit the enemy at the bottom of the ship, and now there is a huge ship at the bottom. The incision can directly see some of the transmission mechanism inside, obviously the injuries are not minor. And there is that one-third less battleship. In other words, we are in a miserable state now.

Of course, the Rainbow Alliance is even worse than ours. There are at least three more ships on our side. Although they are all wounded, at least they still have a little combat effectiveness. But the battleships on the Rainbow Alliance are not so good. There are only two ships left in their fleet. One of them is a battleship that collided with our flagship. Its main mast is gone. In other words, the detection ability is more than half, but the hull is basically good.

The other was the one that opened a big hole in the bottom of another of our junior super aero warships. The entire island of the Rainbow Alliance battleship was gone. The upper deck of the hull looks bare and there is a large hole in the middle. However, the ship was amazingly capable of flying, only to become a convertible warship.

The two remaining warships of the Rainbow Alliance started to make a U-turn after flying a short distance. This is obviously an endless plan, but our side is paying attention to what happened to the inverted beam just now. Obviously someone knocked out our collider deliberately in the distance, otherwise the two junior super aviation warships would not be sunk, but we don't know the position of the other side. This is not a good sign.

"True Red, where are you?" True Red, who had just attacked the Rainbow Alliance Fleet, had not returned to our battleship at this time, and I wanted to just let her see the situation.

Really red, the combat intuition is good, and he asked directly, "Do you want me to see the source of that beam of light? I'm already running there."

True Red is not far from the launch point at this time, and she is very smart. Although sometimes impulsive, this does not mean that she is stupid. Zhenhong knew she couldn't make a big past, so she passed quietly through the woods. At this time, she had already reached the launch point.

After some distance really red, she found a pale green figure moving in the dense forest. If it weren't for her eyes and the other party was moving at a high speed, she would never see this person. Because this person is wearing a camouflage net full of plant branches and leaves, and his clothes are dark green, if he can't squat anywhere, if someone else is a little careless, maybe he ran past him May not find him. But unfortunately, this guy is running too fast at this time, and because he is moving, the effect of the camouflage net is greatly reduced, and the target is directly locked by the real red.

"Boss, I found out that the goal is personal."


I always thought that it was a monster or a hidden long-range weapon that attacked us. After all, the beam directly penetrated the two colliders, and then continued to fly forward, which shows that the power of this beam is amazing. Although the side of the impactor is not much, it is not so simple to penetrate the entire hull, let alone two warships in a row, and the other party's intention is obviously to pass through the four ships together.

"Boss, the other party found me, what should I do?" Zhen Hong suddenly called.

I only hesitated for a second before answering, "Catch up, stick to him, and see who it is first."

"Understand." Zhenhong immediately speeded up after finishing the communication. The opponent's speed is obviously not slow, but it is still significantly different from true red, because true red is completely a monster. She doesn't care if there is an obstacle in front of her, so she rushes forward with a stuffy head and sees the trees blocking the road. It's like pulling away from the bushes, and the big tree breaks. Looking through the forest and mountains, you will find that a moving line in the dense jungle is advancing forward, and where the line is pushed, the big tree in that place shakes and falls to both sides. I didn't know that there was a beast walking under it.

The running man in front was also depressed now. I thought I was flexible. Leaning on the trees here can successfully shake off the real red behind. I did not expect that people would rush straight all the way, and even a woman like this monster would not break even the big tree that they could not hold together. There was a slight sign of deceleration, as if the sturdy heavy tanks were running wild in the sapling breeding base, and they didn't even feel that the big trees in front of them were obstacles.

After a period of helpless discovery, the distance was actually shortened, and the person had no choice but to turn around and attack. But he turned around and was spotted immediately.

True Red suddenly made a sudden brake, shoveling a lot of leaves and dirt as the body was gliding forward, just forming a cover, but the person on the opposite side shot a very precise shot, and True Red was After waving the fallen leaves, he waved his arm, and when he heard it, the fire light flashed above his wrist, and a bullet was flew directly.

"Gun, you **** isn't dead. You killed Christina and made me be scolded by the boss. Today I'm not a hero if I don't kill you."

Gun God said in his heart, "You are not a man." But the body can only turn around and run. The true red melee attack power is too scary. The gun **** is a long-range system. Ten gun gods are not enough to be abused if they are close, so the best way to avoid being hit by a sandbag is to run. There is hope only if you distance yourself.

Compared to Christina, really red is the nemesis of gunslinger. The most hated of the gun **** is this iron king eight who can't be beaten, and the real red is the representative of this type of player. It can be said that it is a walking humanoid fortress. The Gun God is sometimes in that fantasy, if only the gun in his hand could be turned into a Gustav train gun. At least it won't be as embarrassing as it is now.

True Red reported to me that the person found was the Gun God while continuing to pursue, and it was no surprise that I heard this result. Gun God is a world-class player after all. It's not so easy to deal with, it's not normal to be easily killed. Moreover, with the attacking power of the gun god, the previous attack was reasonable.

True Red does not need to worry about hunting down the gun god, anyway, the **** gun **** is most afraid of is true red, she is true to meet true red. So I haven't even thought about support here.

Although there is no need for reinforcements, some people need it. "Chuang Chuang, let's deal with the remaining warships of the Rainbow Alliance over there, let the two wounded warships gather, and by the way, gather the people on the two previous ships."


Although it is one to two. But we are not worried at all.

Rainbow Alliance battleships are not as powerful as ours. This is a matter of course. We have verified this result many times. Although there are two Rainbow Alliance warships opposite, we have won one to four, not to mention one to two? Besides, those two warships can only be counted as one, because the other one does not have a ship island, which means that all observation systems are complete. That ship does not have the ability to observe now, even if the weapon system is still alive, but there is no unified command. Only the observation port on the running position wants to hit the flying battleship that moves at high speed, basically relying on character to mask it. So instead of being one-to-two, it's at most one-to-one.

The two sides began to approach again. The other side was already dead-hearted and did not want to run at all. However, when the two sides approached again, the opponent's warship suddenly turned collectively and flew in the direction of the God of Guns.

Watching the other side turned, we were a little confused. But after only a little hesitation for two seconds, I ordered a chase, but the warship on the opposite side without a ship island suddenly turned over, and started to choke at us with the strongest firepower on the side. The intensive artillery was really ... blind. The cannonballs flying around looked amazing, but the accuracy was huh. After just one round of scuffles, there was only one rub and a hit, but it was blocked by the protective cover, so it was completely invalid.

"The impactor starts, the thruster is at full speed, and it breaks it!" Chuang Wang yelled exhaustedly.

The other side is in front of us, which is much easier than a head-on collision. Because he couldn't see it, the other side did not dodge at all, and was smashed and broken by our junior super aviation warship. The battleship divided into front and back tumbled and fell to the ground, and we retracted the collider and continued to accelerate the pursuit of the battleship in front, but the battleship suddenly flickered when it flew, and the image became weaker and lighter. Becomes translucent.

"What's the matter?"

"It's like jumping in space, but it's not exactly." Gold Coin said.

"Anyway. Hit him again." Shouting King shouted and ordered to fire, but our shelling was like firing at a mirage. They all went through, completely invalid, and the opponent's warship continued to change. In the end, it completely disappeared on all our sensors.

"Target lost!" The observer reported helplessly after searching for a few minutes.

Because I lost my goal. The speed of the battleships on our side is gradually decreasing. Anyway, there is nothing to chase, and interest-based running is meaningless. As the speed of the ship gradually decreased, we found that true red was still pursuing the gun god. I reluctantly opened the communication and asked, "Why haven't you got it?"

In my opinion, the gun **** should not be a real red opponent at all!

Real red also feels like a bad luck today. First, she made the wrong decision and asked Christina to take care of the warship for herself. As a result, she encountered the gun **** and killed Christina. After being scolded, I originally wanted to make up for the work, but it became easy to sink two warships, but I encountered the great enemy of the gun **** again. As a result, the battle that should have been done in a steady way has not been fruitful for a long time. It's not that the strength of the real red is not good, nor is it that the gun **** can't be beaten, but that the gun **** guy always looks back and makes up for her. Although the true defense is high, she does not dare to completely ignore the bullets of the gun god, so she must stop and stop seriously when he sees the gun, but she can pull away as soon as she stops the gun and wait for her to catch up People from the neighbourhood came up with the same thing again, and the result was one chase and one run, and now they are the same as before. Other than letting Gunslinger waste a lot of bullets, there is little to be achieved. Oh, right. Another result is that Gunslinger is about to become a tired dog now. This guy is a sniper and not a communications soldier. Being chased by a man of unlimited physical strength for more than a dozen miles, and also armed forest cross-country, this amount of exercise can not even support the players in the game.

"Boss, don't worry, I will kill him!" Real red gritted his teeth and looked at the raging gun **** in front of him, and suddenly his mind flashed. She ran and slammed her fist as she passed a boulder. There was a blast of rock breaking, and then a lot of small stones flew up. True red catches a few pieces. All were held on the left hand side, holding only one piece in the right hand, and after a few quick runs, I saw the God of Guns turning and firing again, but this time it was really red, she directly relied on the speed of the run and the right arm Suddenly threw the stone towards the Gun God.

As soon as the gun **** pulled the trigger, he saw a white dot flying towards him. Lying back in a hurry, followed by a loud noise, the bottom of a big tree surrounded by four people burst suddenly, and the chipped wood and the stone fragments of the sky heard a creaking sound before falling, and then watched When the big tree started to tilt towards the rear, it got faster and faster, and finally slammed on the ground.

Gollum. Gun God swallowed, thinking about what would happen if he hadn't escaped. As a result, he heard a burst of air before he thought about it, and then flew from his side before he responded. As soon as he turned around, he saw a dark object rolling along the ground, breaking several trees, and then stopped rolling.

Gun God was crying at this moment. Is this your mother? Did you just throw a stone to catch the artillery?

I dare not fight for character anymore. True red does not necessarily miss the ball every time. On the contrary, people are actually pretty good. Even if they miss, they will not deviate more than one meter away. The Gun God ran in the way of avoiding bullet attacks learned in the movie, and then heard that there were various unknown objects flying around like the last rampant battlefield. Anyway, true red is a throwing attack, and there is no need for any standard. Just watch it while you grab it and throw it. There was one time during which I didn't know whether it was caught wrongly or made a fool, and actually flew over a small animal. The God of Guns turned his head at that moment, and at that moment, he saw the small animal's screaming expression. He estimated that the expression on his face was similar to that little animal. Anyway, the gun **** felt that he was going to be scared. This is exactly a personal female tyrannosaurus!

The Gun God dared to stop shooting before, but now he dare not, because the true red cross is getting higher and higher, and as soon as he stops, he will definitely be hit immediately. He definitely didn't want to try if he could catch the things thrown by the other party, because the Gun God had seen countless things hit by the real red. There was a large stone, which was directly torn apart by another large fist stone. At that time, the God of Guns had a sense of sight when he saw his head was torn apart.

"You mad woman. Mother orangutan, that thing will hit people, don't use stones if you have the ability!" Gun God, this guy is also fast-headed, or is anxious, and it is really impulsive to think of it at the critical moment. So began a language attack. I hope that this will make the real red hair soar in order to find the flaws.

True red is really easy to impulsive, so the gun God's plan was half done. Why are you half-marked? Because the gun **** guessed right, but did not guess the end.

True red is really a gunpowder temper, and it bursts at one point, and it really started to explode. However, after the outbreak, the female tyrannosaurus evolved directly into a violent monster. Instead of showing so-called flaws, it entered invincible mode.

I am not an adjective. It is really invincible mode.

True Red has a skill called Dragon God Attachment. Other guilds call this skill the Valkyrie mode. After entering this mode, the whole body of True Red will become golden glittering, just like the golden saint, which is called a golden glittering. However, True Red will gain a short invincibility status in this mode, and her power will increase by 3,000% in this mode. Of course, invincible mode is very short, and that power burst is the same as invincible mode. It will end soon, so it is not too bad.

It's just ... although this skill is not long. But it's not short, because it can be maintained for exactly three seconds.

Is it three seconds long? not long. But three seconds can do a lot.

The outbreak of true red activated the Valkyrie mode, and then a furious punch hit the ground. The Gun God instantly felt that he had been bounced and tossed by the ground, and before he landed, he saw that the back was really red carrying a slightly smaller stone than the battleship he was riding before and threw it at him.

"God of your sister!" The gun **** came and shouted a word and was shot under this stone, completely turned into a human pancake.

A stone that killed the **** of guns really red stood there panting, although the Valkyrie mode broke out for a short time. But there is an advantage, that is, there are no side effects, except for a little asthma, which basically does not constitute any impact, and can even be started multiple times in a short time. It can be said that this skill belongs to the kind of very practical little need skill. Although the output is not necessarily terrifying, it is super practical.

Really red was panting here, and suddenly I heard a sound, as if it came from behind. Turning suddenly with the fiery red, he saw a guy who was wrapped in leaves and plant canes hurriedly raising his hands and backing up, sticking directly to a big tree, apparently frightened.

I found that I did n’t know this person. Although Zhenhong did n’t start immediately, her vigilance did not decrease at all, because since she has not seen this person, then she is not the person we came with, and so far I have not found anything else Power, so if this guy is not his own, then it is the Rainbow Alliance. Since the other party is from the Rainbow Alliance, of course, Zhenhong will not relax her vigilance, but she did not immediately start, and wanted to see what this guy wanted to do.

"Who are you?" Looking at this suspect of the Rainbow Alliance, Zhenhong asked directly.

The other side looked at Zhenhong for a long time before suddenly raising a hand, then carefully pulled out a stone from his body, then slowly put it on the ground, and then backed away. He gestured for True Red to check the stone. True Red looked at him, and then he actually picked up the stone.

There is a certain amount of energy fluctuation on this stone, but it is not strong, so true red does not think this thing is dangerous.

After picking up this thing, the guy immediately took out an identical stone, and then said a series of incomprehensible words to the stone, but the energy on the stone on the red side suddenly became active, and then sent out. Chinese voice. "Hello there."

Really stunned for a moment, then tentatively said to the stone, "Is this a magic stone that can translate languages?"

The opposite stone really issued a string of their words, and then the man responded to the stone a few words, and a voice came again. "Yes, this is a translation stone, which can translate languages ​​of different races to each other."

"So it is. So who are you?" Zhenhong asked, "are you the one living here?"

The opponent is obviously not a player, it must be npc. This place has a human-shaped npc, which means that this place is not a completely closed environment. It should be a map that allows players to enter, but it has not been developed for the time being.

The guy immediately replied when he heard the real red words: "My name is Koba and I am a glorious hunter. Are you a God of War coming down from that flying mountain? I saw a few flying mountains before Attacking each other in the sky. Several more mountains fell down. "

Real red felt the indigenous people instantly. The other party obviously did not know what the junior super aerospace battleship was. In his opinion, the flying battleship was a flying mountain, but the shape was strange.

Zhenhong was about to continue asking for something, but she saw the guy looking in a direction vigilantly. Zhenhong followed the line of sight and saw a huge shadow approaching slowly.

"Don't be afraid. That's our people."

"Your people?"

"That's my partner. They won't hurt anyone at will."

The guy named Muye, who was on the opposite side, didn't relax his vigilance when he heard what was really red, but suddenly opened the package, and then took out two small bags wrapped in leaves. He carefully and quickly opened a small package, and then took out a bunch of white things from it. He couldn't see what it was. It was a bit like cream, but more disgusting. The guy carefully scraped a little white thing with a leaf, then walked over and handed it really red. "have a bite."

Zhenhong doesn't understand what the other party is going to do, but she knows that contacting the local indigenous people is very helpful to us. Because we want to go back, we need the help of local forces. Because of this idea, Zhenhong tried to smell the leaf, then immediately frowned into a Sichuan word to take that thing far away. "No, I can't swallow this thing! It's too bad!"

The other party did not force it, but opened a package again, and you can see that there was something like a pastry, like some kind of pasta in the baking. But it's rough.

The opponent first pulled a small piece from the large piece, and then thought about dividing the small piece into two halves. Then pass half of them and say, "eat it."

Although Zhenhong didn't know what he was going to do, it was obviously a test to prove her harmlessness, so she tried to take it and smell it. Fortunately, there is no odor, and a little flavor of food. Zhenhong licked it carefully, not too bad. It smells like rice cracker. After confirming that this is something processed from flour, she stuffed it into her mouth and chewed. This thing is actually not delicious, it can only be said that it is not unpalatable. There is a small amount of salt in it. Basically, a piece of cake is not like a cake, and the cake is not like a cake. However, the processing material of this thing is obviously a bit rough. So the particles are very large, quite dry, and some throats are hard to swallow.

After eating this thing, Zhenhong shook her head and said, "I will never eat this kind of thing unless there is nothing else to eat."

When the other party heard this, he suddenly asked, "What do you usually eat? Are you bringing it with you?"

As soon as True Red heard that the other party was looking for food, she immediately summoned her own phoenix dragon to take it out. Anyway, as long as it is not something with attributes in the game, it is cheap. As long as it is not food with attributes, the price is not It's expensive. Of course, advanced players like true red carry many of them.

True Red heard that the other party asked about food, and it reminded me that food is indeed a good gift when communicating with the indigenous people, because this thing is very practical, and because the other party ’s equipment is almost made of plants, it can be seen that the productivity is extremely low here. Therefore, the food may not be sufficient, in which case the value of food as a gift will greatly increase.

Open a delicate box, a lot of cold air immediately flew inside, this is a food box with refrigeration function. True Red took out a bunch of crystal clear fruits directly from it and handed it to the wood leaf. "Taste, this is my favorite crystal grape. It tastes great."

"Give me?" The other asked, slightly surprised.

Zhenhong nodded strongly, "Yes, I'll give you something. I have a lot."

After the other party confirmed that the real red really didn't mind, he carefully dragged a grain, then looked at it first, then ate it, and he was conquered by this delicious fruit.

In reality, people eat to replenish energy and various substances needed by the human body. Although there are hunger settings in the game, it is actually very easy to eat. Such a wide variety of dishes and snacks have only one purpose-to satisfy appetite. Therefore, the food in the game basically tastes very good. After all, players do not have to eat these snacks. If the taste is not good, who will buy it?

So, that native was immediately conquered by the smell of this thing.

Although he could n’t be fascinated by this thing, but the wood leaves had a good fixation, and soon recovered, then looked at Zhenhong and said, "Do you usually eat this?"

Zhenhong shook her head: "Of course not ~ ~ This is just a snack, and I eat it when I'm bored. There are many kinds of staple food, and this is one of them." Bread, of course, is a staple food, but the taste is much better than that guy gave a really red pasta.

The other party tasted a bite of bread after obtaining consent, and was shocked to heaven. After all, the taste of this thing and the food he was familiar with were very good, but it tasted too much. After eating this bread, the guy's attitude towards true red changed immediately. From the previous polite but careful alert, he completely relaxed his vigilance, and even lost the fear of the junior super aviation warship that was approaching slowly in the sky.

Zhenhong is curious as to why the other party has changed so much. After all, she just exchanges food with the other party. And to be exact, I just tasted it. After all, really red only ate that cake, and it was only the size of a fingernail. Although the wooden leaf gave him the whole bread, he only took one bite, and the rest was carefully wrapped in a large leaf and put into the backpack made of rattan on the back. in.

When Muye heard the question about true red, he gave an explanation, but this explanation made true red a bit dumb. (To be continued ...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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