Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 404: Big tribe

Although the chief of the tribe where Muye is located tells us that the big tribe is far away from them, in fact, the distance is not precise. The word "far" has a very strong subjective will. For example, if you ask an old lady who can save money, how far is the vegetable market, she will tell you that it is very far, because it takes 40 minutes to reach. But the same vegetable market, the brother you asked at the same location, the brother will tell you not far, only ten minutes to drive past.

It is obviously impossible for their chiefs to judge the distance using the speed of our junior super aero warships. His judgment of distance is still on the stage of walking. Therefore, although this distance is really very far for him, but In fact, it is not far from us at all, because in fact, this so-called large tribe is more than two hundred kilometers from Muye and their tribe. According to the movement speed of wood leaves in the forest, this distance takes almost a week to reach, because they do not go straight, and they need to avoid monster attacks halfway. In the case of 20 kilometers a day, it is fast. Yes, if it is an ordinary person in the village, it may not be possible to reach it for half a month, and it is likely that it will be killed by the monster halfway.

Of course, although 200 kilometers is not too close for the people in Muye's village, it's not too far away for us. The cruising speed of the junior super aviation warship is more than 200 kilometers per hour. The big tribe is only more than 200 kilometers away from here. Even if we do n’t use full speed, we only wander. Earth, this is the result of the slowdown of the wooden leaves after the distance is close. If we know the place, we will fly directly, and it may take less than 40 minutes.

Muye never thought that he could come here so quickly. After a fifty-minute flight, he had never recovered from his previous state of excitement. However, his state is good for us, so we did not let him control his emotions.

Because the whole person is in a state of excitement, Kobe is doing everything very quickly. After the fleet arrived in the target area, Koba told us not to land directly near the tribe, because it would be treated as an intruder. Of course, the greater possibility is to scare everyone away. However, we did not stay too far away, but chose to find a place at a distance that the village can directly see and start to land.

Because all trees are on the ground. Of course, there is no open space for us to land, so we can only forcibly land in the forest. Fortunately, the junior super aviation warship has a special landing bracket, so the problem is not great, but the tree below is unlucky, and it is directly crushed by a large area.

After the landing of the three junior super-aircraft warships, according to Muye, we did not allow the large troops to go out, not to mention that there were not many combatants on board, and the crew would be in danger if they left. Although this place is close to other tribes, it does not mean that there are no monsters here. Don't forget that the strength comparison between humans and monsters here is completely reversed from ours. Talents are weak here, and monsters rule this forest.

In addition to the guide of the leaves, the last traveler is only me and Zhenhong and eight players in the guild. The gold coins were left as high-end combat power to protect the battleship, and Red Moon was in command when I was away. The eight players who follow are all high-level players who like to be lively. Their responsibility is to give me a face. Otherwise, if I and true red plus wood leaves, people would not take us seriously. Although we can actually level this tribe by ourselves. But we are here to ask for help, and of course we can't just open our fists.

The excitement of the leaves of wood remained until after entering the forest. Because this is an instinct developed over many years, in this kind of place, any point of negligence will bring the end of life, so for them, no matter what state you were before, you must adjust all to the forest Calm and cautious. Otherwise, you might as well directly find the cost-effective way to leave the body for other people in the tribe to eat, otherwise the monster will be cheaper and the monster will become more powerful.

Although Muye has always been very cautious, and has been particularly cautious since he descended into the woodland, in fact his current caution is completely meaningless, because the nearby jungle is already full of Death Guards. There are a lot of these guys anyway. And not afraid of death, it is the most suitable for external security work, and the death guard can be freely retracted, the little guide of the wooden leaf does not even know that we have called the death guard.

Soon my Death Guard reported to me with thoughts, they found an entrance to the gathering point.

The big tribe is really a big tribe. Compared to the small village of Muye, their existence is not a hierarchy at all. There is at least one thing in this place that Muye can't match in their village, that is, people dare to build cities on the ground, and not only the ground, but also various artificial buildings on the tree tops above.

This big tribe has opened up a fairly large gathering place in the forest. The periphery of this gathering place is built with wood and natural trees ... let's call it the city wall. Anyway, it is to cross the trunk of the fallen tree and fix it with those trees growing on the ground, and then form a wall. The horizontal logs were piled four meters high, and not one layer, but a multi-layered structure. The big trees wrapped inside these wooden city walls are equivalent to the foundation of the city walls, so that the city walls cannot be easily destroyed or pushed away by large creatures.

Of course, this so-called large creature refers to a slightly larger creature, which is the size of an elephant. As for the real beasts ... even if the stone wall is still a stone wall, it has no reference value at all.

The Death Guards didn't continue to approach after they found the gathering place, and their appearance would only cause panic.

Although I already knew where the gathering place was, I still asked Koba to guide us to the outside of the camp.

The patrolmen in the camp really found us long ago. In fact, these patrolmen ran over immediately after we landed, so they almost stared at us. I have to say that these indigenous people are really brave, because on the way, I heard that there were indigenous people's investigators attacking our guard posts and they were arrested.

This kind of thing can't be more normal. They can't even solve the local monsters, how can they be our opponents.

The guard here sipped and drank as soon as we found that we were close to the camp. Obviously, it was warning, and Koba took out a stone quickly, then wrapped it in a special leather and threw it over.

This leather is actually a letter written by the chief of Muye's village. Of course, it's all hieroglyphics, I don't understand anyway.

The guard inside screamed at the outside soon after seeing this. Then Koba told us that we could pass.

As we approached, the front gate of Yingzhai opened a gap slowly. This wooden door is actually not very large, but because it is made of rough round wood, it is not light, and there is no machinery in this place. The door is very laborious to open and close, so it is not particularly crowded each time. Just going in and out together will only open a seam.

After we entered through the door, dozens of indigenous people on both sides joined forces to close the door again.

There are many indigenous guards on both sides of the Zhaimen. These guys are all wearing ... should be considered armor, right? And they all have ... spears in their hands?

It's actually a weapon. I'm really not sure how powerful these things are. The armor on those guys was actually clothes made of pieces of wood. I didn't know that someone had worn the sample display boards in the wooden floor shop. As for their weapons ... it can be said that they are all kinds of things. Basically it is a combination of wood and stone weapons, some are bones, and some seem to be animal teeth or claws, which are all natural materials anyway. Of course, not everyone is like this.

Here I found a guy who is obviously the leader. He must not be the chief here, because the chief cannot be at the gate. This guy should be a city gate officer. That's the captain of the guard here.

Unlike most indigenous people here, this guy is wearing a linen outfit. Thought is a bit rough, but after all, it is clothes, much better than those who are naked. In addition, he also has armor, but not wood, but some kind of creature scales. Anyway, they are all fan-shaped and of different sizes, but they can be clearly seen after wearing them. They are stronger and lighter than those wood armors.

In addition to the above. There is one thing that this guy can be considered a baby here, and that is his weapon. This guy's weapon is a knife. Not a wood or stone thing, this is a real metal knife. Although this knife looks very broken, I can be sure that this is not something produced in this place, because the style of the knife and the remaining patterns on it, the most important thing is its material, which is not the level of technology here. Crafted stuff. This knife should be an enchanted weapon, at least once. But now, it's just a heavily damaged metal knife. The gem that is the center of magic has disappeared, the moire is broken into several parts, and the blade material is obviously reaching the limit, but this does not prevent it from appearing in the captain's hands as the best weapon here.

When I looked at this guy, of course he was watching me. It's different from the environmental information here, he thinks I'm totally envious. I even saw drool coming from the corner of his mouth.

A disused enchanted sword is the magic soldier here. There is no word for this set in this place. The Dragon Soul Set is the best in the best, even in the eyes of the player. The most powerful set of equipment, the artifact in the artifact. And here ... It is estimated that a piece of blue equipment with attributes is an absolute artifact.

"Stop." After entering here, Koba took us to go inside, but the captain stopped us from speaking out, and with his voice, a sudden a circle of indigenous people surrounded him.

Although the other party hasn't really done anything yet, when I look at this situation, I probably know what they are going to do. This clearly shows that the gate guards ransom the people who entered the city! Although this is just an indigenous village, this does not prevent people from understanding what the law of the jungle is. In fact, people are already in the jungle, so the law of the jungle is more thorough than we understand.

Since the popularity of the jungle law in this place is very high, of course I have to go to the countryside to follow the custom. Although we are here to ask for help, that is to ask the shaman shaman here, but not to the city gate officer, so we do not need to pretend our grandson here.

"Is there anything wrong?" Translator is a good thing. Although the language of this tribe is different from that of Muye, as long as there is a translation stone, there is no problem in any language. It is 100% simultaneous translation, and it is not ambiguous.

The other person stared directly at my suit with greedy eyes, and then said, "Did you pay the entrance fee?"

When Koba heard this, he explained to me quickly. "This is the rule here. Outsiders come to their tribe to bring out something. I have been here a few times before, sometimes two fruits, sometimes a small piece of meat, anyway, depending on the situation, what is there Just take whatever you want, and give it a token amount. "

I nodded after listening, then took out a large piece of barbecue. This is the thigh of an unknown chocobo, at least thirty pounds. The entrance fee here is definitely enough for us.

Muye took the thigh and ran over to offer the meat with both hands, but the gate officer saw it but did not see it, but the men next to him drooled it. They know that even if they are robbed, they have no share, so they might as well start directly with what the boss in front of them doesn't look at.

When Kobe finished giving things, he would take us away, but the other side stretched out the long knife in his hand and ran across in front of us. "Who let you go?"

"Isn't it your entrance fee?" Muye asked.

"So many of you, is that enough?"

"I used to have a few fruits every time I came. Just now that one hundred people could not use up the entrance fee to the city. What are you going to do?" Muye argued reasonably.

The other party made it clear that he was going to rob. Where can I tell Muye what the truth is, slap up but miss. He was supposed to knock the leaves down to the ground, because his slap was very strong. However, in the end, this slap was missed, and the reason was that his hand was missing.

Arms waved in front of Koba. Then he shook his face, but his palm flew from the other side. The city gate official screamed for a moment before suddenly holding his wrists because he had never expected that his hands would suddenly break off.

Putting away the spiritual shield from my body, I walked to the indigenous city gate officer who was already squatting on the ground, with the eyes of the indigenous people around me growing wider, then lifted my leg and knocked it down to the ground. Use your brain before the robbery. "When I finished, my mental shield had completely disappeared. The coercion on his body was fully unfolded, and this guy was flushed with pee and urine by the huge spiritual coercion. I lifted my foot in disgust and walked away from him, then walked towards the front, and the others could only avoid a half circle to avoid the disgusting thing this guy left on the ground.

Before I came here, I passed through the shaman shaman ditch in Muye's village. The amulet on Muye is actually not very much. On the contrary, the thing is actually very precious. Although this thing is carved from wood, the key is not the materials and handwork, but the magic.

These shaman shaman need to use a very complicated way to ask the **** to inject divine power into the carved wooden sign, and then this thing can shield the spiritual power. In fact, there are only three pieces of wood in their village. Apart from the one in the chief's hand, only wood leaves and another indigenous people have it.

Muye is a part-time hunter in the village as a scout, that is, a person who helps the village get food, so he needs to go out and wear this thing. Another indigenous man with a wooden sign is a sentry in the village. This is not fixed, but like a gun in the hands of a soldier on guard in reality. Whoever holds it will hold it and will not take it back. Because the sentry needs to stand at the entrance of the crypt, in order to avoid exposing this entrance, the sentry must have this kind of thing.

A three-hundred-person village has only three such amulets, but it can be imagined that this thing is not easy to make. The shaman shaman in this big tribe is slightly more powerful, but it is impossible to make this kind of thing indefinitely, so this thing is destined to be worn by only a few people who need to go out. The goalkeeper is just guarding the city and does not need to go out, so without this kind of thing, naturally I can't stop my coercion. Of course, there is no use. Previously, Muye was not affected because I did not target him. If I released pressure on him from the beginning, his brand would burst directly if he could not wait for Ling's hypnosis ~ ~ after all energy The intensity difference is too much.

After scaring this guy into a mental disorder, we went straight to the center of the village. There is a large stone house in this place, and I only knew after I went in that this tribe lived underground for a long time. The part on the ground is actually just an outpost, and the main settlement is below. I said how this place feels different to me. The shaman shaman of their tribe in Muye said that this place is very large, but from the previous reports of the death guards, this place can be crowded up to a thousand people at most. At this scale, the shaman shaman should not describe it as exaggerated.

Now I understand. There is still a lot of space under the ground, so that's the right way. If it weren't for the tribe of ten thousand people, I really can't imagine why the shaman shaman in the village of Muye used to say that this is a super tribe.

"Boss, look!" As soon as we entered the underground world from the entrance in this stone room, Real Red suddenly screamed at a huge object not far away, and we were actually watching This thing was dazed because we saw something that should never be seen in such a place.


(Enlightenment Book Network)

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