Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 406: Way home

"Don't you worry!" I watched this shaman shaman who was obviously more active than me and said deliberately slowly: "Now you can start talking."

Hearing my permission, the shaman started quickly and said, "I also know that this gate of heaven is where the gods put here. This is their passage between heaven and us. Also, our tribe is actually It was the servants of the gods before. Those gods once lived in our world for a while, but then they did n’t know why they left. But when the gods left, they left the servants here, let us guard the place here and wait They are back again. "

"God left here?"

"Yes, there is no **** in this world. They are all back in the **** world." Shaman said.

I thought for a moment and asked, "Do you know when the gods left?"

After waiting for a while, the shaman said: "We don't know the specific time, but there is a rough reference."

"Tell me."

"It is said that before the gods left, this forest was actually a grassland, but the gods said that we need to be protected here after leaving, so this may be a reference."

After hearing the shaman's words, I quickly took out the communicator and contacted Red Moon's side. "Red Moon."

"What's up, Ziri?"

"Do you have a plant-based player over there?"

"Yes! Ask what this does?"

"We need plant players to go out and determine the age of this forest."

"Ah?" Hongyue didn't expect such a strange problem, but only hesitated a bit and then said, "Okay, wait a minute, this is not too difficult."

Hongyue's speed was very fast, and she started to report in less than five minutes. "We have checked that this forest formed about 800 to 1,000 years ago."

I nodded and said, "Okay. You guys are busy, I'll call you when I have something." After I cut off the communication, I looked at the shaman in front of me. "Your deities may not have left for about a thousand years. It may not be long."

"A thousand years?" The shaman shaman was clearly surprised by this number, after all, their average life expectancy was less than forty years old. One thousand years is a little long for them.

"What else do you know besides this?"

"Well, I also know that the gods left some weapons here before leaving."


"Yes, it's a weapon used by the gods, but buried in another place, and there are guards guarded by gods at the entrance. Those guards don't listen to me, so we can't get in."

"Take us to see."

Driven by the interests, this shaman shaman has completely turned into a leading party, leading us directly to a channel on the side, but before leaving, the shaman communicated with the chief. Now the indigenous people here don't dare to provoke us anymore, and I informed Woma outside that they came in and started to study this huge space door.

There were several people waiting to be met by Woma, and Rose and I were one step ahead into the passage with the shaman shaman. As for the remaining Golem Guards, they were commanded by the shaman sorcerer to let them obey the commands of those players who left our guild.

After arranging things here, we entered the passage on this wall.

This tribe has a lot of underground space. Although the super large space in the center is very suitable for living, in fact, there is no indigenous people in this place. They just sell stuff here and pass by here, but they definitely don't live here. All the stalls are placed on linen on the ground, which is the form of the stall, which can be taken away at any time when needed.

The reason why such a huge space is not allowed to live is actually because of the gods that the shaman said. This place is the entrance to the gate of heaven. The gods pass by here in and out. Of course, this is a myth of the indigenous people, but we can understand this situation by changing our thinking mode. This portal is like our train station and airport. Then these indigenous people are their slaves, servants, or vassals to the gods. In fact, even pets are worse than white. At least we care emotionally for pets, but those so-called gods are probably used purely as free labor for these indigenous people.

You can imagine, if those beggars are not to us, if you build shacks in the airport and train station for a long time to live here, would you be happy? Obviously not. So these indigenous people are not allowed to live in this place. Where they really live is the passages around this main cave.

There are a lot of these channels, and small channels are connected to the large channels. Most of these passages are in all directions and there are few dead ends, so they can be used as roads in the city and are three-dimensional. Some passages are like overpasses.

There are also small spaces recessed in these passages, each of which is not large. But the very rules, at first glance, are artificially excavated. These spaces are where the indigenous people live. Relative to the ground. This place of residence is of course narrower, but it is very good for the indigenous people. These caves are all well-ventilated, dry and free of bugs and odors. This environment is actually not too uncomfortable except for being slightly narrower. Even modern people living here are not absolutely intolerable, and even more perfect for these indigenous people.

We walked through this passage for a long time and saw countless indigenous people. These ordinary indigenous people are much thinner than fighters, but they are obviously healthier than those in their village. At least there should be no shortage of food on their side. After all, they can build gathering points on the ground, which means they can Brightly harvest some food, plus they have a large number of people, can go out for hunting, and are not too afraid of those monsters, naturally the food must be relatively better. of course. After all, the food in this kind of place cannot be compared with future generations. The food in this place is loose, which means that people will not starve to death, if the food is sufficient. That is simply impossible.

Led by the shaman shaman, we passed the long passage smoothly. Some places in this place are relatively narrow. But it is still possible for one or two people to pass side by side, and as long as the shaman takes the lead, local indigenous people see that we will actively give way, which greatly increases our speed of movement.

After walking through the long aisle group, I originally thought that I would reach the so-called warehouse, but only to find that we arrived at a large underground rift. After walking out of this place, it looks like a cliff. Here is the deep darkness that can't be seen at all.

Of course, this place is not a dead end. There is a downward staircase on this cliff. This staircase is like a winding mountain road, which is completely cut out along this wall. Zhenhong couldn't help but ask the shaman shaman: "Did you fix it yourself?"

When the shaman heard the words that were really red, he quickly said, "How is that possible? This is obviously not something we can do! This thing is left by the gods. It is just the gods who specially created for us."

"Digged specifically for you?" Zhenhong asked puzzled.

The shaman nodded and said, "There are a lot of shining stones below. The gods like them very much, so let's go down and help them pick them up, but the gods themselves rarely go down. This step is for our workers to be able to Going down the path. There are actually several such going forwards. "

I nodded to understand the situation here. After working for a long time, there is still a mine in this place. No wonder so many servants are needed. It turns out that not only they are serving them, they also need to mine for them.

Although this ladder is long, we will soon go down. There is actually a river under this great rift valley, and that step is to the river. On this side, there is a space recessed into the inside of the cliff, just like a dock. This is obviously also excavated.

Suddenly I felt some magic waves here. So he asked, "What kind of stone did the **** let you mine?"

"Oh, wait a minute." The shaman pointed at the river and said something to the aboriginal next to him, the aboriginal quickly walked into the river and began to look down into the water. Soon he reached out and picked up a faintly fluorescent stone from the river. After the native found the stone, he ran back and handed it to the shaman shaman. After receiving the stone, the shaman quickly transferred it to me and said, "This is the stone that the gods like. Do n’t know if you like it? If you like it, we can help you mine this stone. There are many under the river here."

"Oh, it's such a thing. I'm not interested in this thing more than wrong." The expression of the shaman shaman immediately collapsed after I said it, but I suddenly said, "But this thing although I have nothing Interested, but a lot of people like us, so if you can get it back, it's still useful. "

When I heard it, it was just my personal dislike, but many people on our side liked it, and the shaman was immediately excited again. "So. I wonder if we can ...?"

"This is uncertain for the time being. If your gate of heaven is still usable, we will establish a passage here. Then we will hire you to help us mine this stone. As for the cost ... we pay with food and weapons You should like it, right? "

"Yes. We like food and weapons. These are things we are desperate for."

In fact, what I just said is not the truth. I do n’t like this faintly fluorescent thing, but I like it very much, because his grandfather's thing is magic crystal! This river is full of these things, just like the pebbles covered the riverbed. The aboriginal launcher picked up a magic spar the size of a goose egg after a few random touches. This yield is really bad! It's only been a day since this world, and both of them found two magic crystal mines, and the output has changed so much. Isn't this world the birthplace of magic crystal?

The reason why I said that I do not seem to particularly care about magic spar, is that I am afraid that these indigenous people have any ideas, and it will not be good to ask us for a long time. Although we can use force to deter them, then they will definitely be passive, and it is better to keep them motivated. Yield can be increased at least several times.

Without continuing to pay attention to these magic crystals in this place, we got into a boat. This is actually a hollowed-out tree. It is said that the ship really lifted it up. But this thing can at least sit.

In fact, it was mainly the shaman who needed to take a boat. We didn't care about the water flowing at all, because the depth of the river was only below the crotch. It is possible to move forward with water.

After boarding this boat, we started to go up against the current, but instead of holding things with the boat, we dragged a rope forward. Obviously this thing was also made for them by the gods of this place. Because this rope is obviously not a braid made by the indigenous people, but a rope twisted from some strands of material. This thing feels like carbon fiber. Toughness is very good, and it is very light, resistant to stretching, corrosion, and most importantly, it will not break.

Grab this rope and drag it backwards, the hull will naturally be able to go forward, which is much faster than taxiing with a paddle and saves effort.

To hurry. In the end, of course, we came to pull the rope. The subordinates of the indigenous shaman shaman were too weak to get up to speed.

With our efforts, the ship soon reached an upstream pier, and then went up the same steps from the same mountain road. If it were not for carrying the shaman shaman, I would think it would be faster to fly up without taking the steps.

It was easy to wait until the shaman was out of breath, and after entering, there was another series of passages. There are no local people living in the aisles of this place, but the environment here is actually very good, but it is not convenient to communicate, so no one lives in such a far place.

Continue from this passage and pass by a strange place. This is a slightly wider space than the channel. There is a big hole in the ground here. The big hole is bottomless darkness, and you can hear the wind howling below. Because this big hole is in the middle of the passage. So you can only go around from both sides against the wall. However, the passages on both sides are actually relatively wide. As long as you do not go forward with your eyes closed, you generally do not need to worry about falling.

However, the shaman had communicated with us before he came over. He told us that there were monsters living under this cave, so he needed to be quiet when passing by. That monster has been sleeping, as long as we don't make too much noise, there will be no problem.

To be honest, this requirement is really troublesome for us. It's not that we don't want to be quiet, but that we can't be quiet. Don't forget that we are wearing metal boots. Although for non-slip. There are rubber pads under the boots, but they are still loud on the road. This is incomparable to the straw sandals worn by the indigenous people.

When we passed this place, we had to move forward carefully as a thief in order not to make a sound, but in the end it was the same as I thought. The monster is still awake. This monster's hearing is actually very good, that is, the indigenous people's bodies are light, and their feet are wearing straw shoes, so there is not much movement, and we cannot be found at all.

Although the monster was awake, the shaman shaman performed well this time. This guy didn't leave us running, but bravely sprayed a lot of powder into the big hole, and then pulled us to let us run. I can only understand this as the power of interest. If we hang up, he will have no hope of delicious and delicious in the future. So this guy showed extraordinary courage at this time.

That powder is actually a kind of monster hate, which will cause it to hesitate, but the monster will still come up, because there are too few powders, it is impossible to stop it, just delay the time it appears.

I and Zhenhong actually didn't plan to run at all, but they were pulled to the hole, but we stopped here just to see what the monster looked like.

The result was very erroneous. The monster was disgusted and disgusted. After looking at it red, he turned and ran directly. Without hesitation, I pulled out a liquefied magic crystal steam bomb and threw it into the monster's hole, then turned and ran. This super-ugly monster with a toad-like head has a very low defense, and a liquefied magic crystal steam will blow up. I almost didn't spit it out after seeing the system prompt. The system actually reminded that this thing is called the earthworm, which is a delicious ingredient. Nima, if I grow up like this, I can definitely live a long life without touching it.

Not far from here we entered a slightly larger space. There are forks here and there are several. After separating from here, you can go to different places, but we are going to the arsenal, so we can move forward from here.

It was a stone gate less than fifty meters forward, and the shaman shaved the bracelet on his hand. Then the door opened by itself. This is completely black technology, anyway, and the technical level of the indigenous people is not on the same level at all.

After this door is a large room, different from the cave outside. The room was decorated from the wall to the floor, with no traces of rocks. All are metal plates. Opposite the room, there were two huge grooves, inside which stood two golem guards. These two golem guards are more than three meters tall, and their shapes are very scary, because these guys actually look like eight-armed monsters.

These golem guards have eight arms, each holding a long knife. When Yeyue's six-handed snake sword danced, I had seen the attack density. This thing had eight arms. I don't know if it will be worse than Yeyue.

Before we came in, there was nothing to do, and the two golem guards there immediately started to move. Both golem guards stepped forward and stepped out of the small cave that had been recessed halfway before, and then they stood at the opposite door together and looked at us together and said, Lower-level slaves approached and left immediately, otherwise they would kill. "

This is really not polite at all!

I rang a finger directly, and the king and Yeyue appeared beside me. Seeing two more people, the golem guard over there immediately waved his weapon and ran towards us.

The king and Yeyue did not respond to the approach of the two golem guards. Yeyue's side didn't move until the two golem guards rushed nearby. Although the shaman was a little scared, he stood beside us and did not run away. At this time, Yeyue had given him courage, because Yeyue directly entangled his ankle guard with his big tail. Then lift it upside down.

After being lifted, the golem guard was smashed by Yeyue's tail and wrapped around his tail, and finally turned into a pile of debris to be relieved. In contrast, the king on the other side was much more powerful. After the golem guard approached, he just pulled his sword, and then the golem guard fell in two and fell down.

"Large in size and average fighting power." The king retracted his sword after speaking, and then disappeared in place.

I didn't care about the shaman's shocked eyes, walked directly to the door and looked up. The door is large, with a width of at least 20 meters and a height of at least six meters. Such a large door didn't know what was inside. But I was weird. The entrance to this place is the narrowest passage where only one person can walk through. Whose door is so large for this purpose? Even if something is released from this place. Can the passage outside pass?

Although I don't quite understand what the so-called deities think, I just want to know what's inside.

Although the shaman shaman was surprised by the force of Yeyue and the king. But he has been stimulated many times along the way, so now his adaptability has improved a lot. The shaman shaman who responded quickly ran directly to me, and when I saw that I was touching the door, he said, "This is something built by the gods. We don't have any power to destroy it, but you may." Knowing that we may have the same strength as the gods, he is still somewhat confident that we can destroy this gate. In fact, he also really wanted to know what was installed in it, and even he imagined that if it was really a weapon after opening it, it would be better to have something we didn't care about. Because even what we don't look at is a good thing for them to imagine.

"This is really a good thing!" I said, touching the door.

Zhenhong came over and knocked twice, then said, "Looks like this is marble?"

I nodded, Essinger was built with this kind of stone, and it was very hard.

"Open it." I stepped back as I said. The shaman did not know what I was going to do, but still followed me back.

Zhenhong walked to the door alone, closed her ears and knocked on the door with her fingers, then stepped back to start the skill. "Dawei Tianlongquan-broken."

With a bang, the really red fist hit the door directly, but the reaction was a bit strange. The door did not open immediately, but was unresponsive, not even the slightest change in the room we were in.

"What's the matter?" I couldn't help asking, looking at the strange door.

Really red, there was no pause. There was another punch in front of the gate. This time, it could be seen that the force used was very small, but after she ran out of power. The gate actually shattered under her fist.

The shaman's jaw almost fell straight. This door was an insurmountable obstacle for them, but Zhenhong was punched through with two punches. And it was broken into a dregs of a place, this power is a bit too much.

"What a terrible power!"

"You haven't seen the real power," I took the lead and walked in after I said it.

Not to mention, there is really something in this gate that we are interested in. "Worma, you better come over."

"What's wrong?" Woma's voice was remembered in the communicator.

I held the communicator and said, "I've found something and need you to check it."

"Okay, I'll be right there."

To be honest, the stuff in this place is really weird, but the strangest thing in my opinion is not the stuff here. It's the text here. The text written on the walls and those on the machine is obviously the magic text, this is the text I know, so I can even read the meaning of these texts written in these places.

"This is really an arsenal!" I couldn't help but look at the words on the wall.

Zhenhong suddenly pointed at something and asked me, "President, did you find this thing familiar?"

True red is showing me a long bar. It seems to me that this is a model of a ship, and this kind of ship ... "Rainbow Alliance battleship?"

Yusina bought so many warships against us before, how could I not know the Rainbow Alliance warships? These are obviously the models of the Rainbow Alliance's flying warships. Before, I never knew where the warships of Yusina were bought, but now it seems that the guys she bought must be the original owners here . At least heirs.

"Boss, look here." A member of our Frost Rose Alliance found something and yelled.

I ran quickly. Then I discovered that this player let us see what I seem to have seen again. "this is……?"

"Isn't this a solar oven?"

What we see is a design drawing. The above is clearly the appearance of the solar stove developed by the Frost Rose League, but why is there a design drawing of our solar stove here?

There are too many weird things in this place, but to be honest, the most things here are indeed weapons, but there is really nothing we can see here because the weapons here are all energy weapons, which is the kind Take something like a laser gun fired in your hand. If this thing is powerful enough, we would be a bit interested. The point is that the power of this gadget is really very fucking, not only the power is poor. And it needs to be recharged for a long time when it starts up. This kind of junk stuff can be used to trick children into making up. It really hurts us to use it.

The most things here are rubbish, but those strange design drawings and models have given us a lot of hope, but these things need Woma to figure it out. As a result, she won't be able to wait for a long time. Unfortunately, we had to talk to the shaman. Go back together.

Back in the hall where we met the shaman, we saw this space door again. At this time, the thing called the gate of heaven was completely different from the beginning.

At this moment, there are many pipelines connected to the gate of heaven. These pipelines are very large and look like oil pipelines. You don't need to worry about falling down when you run on them.

After the pipe is connected to the gate of heaven, it will be divided into many small pipes, then continue to split, and finally become a lot of small tentacle-like things stuck on the surface of the gate of heaven. It can be seen very clearly that there is a large amount of blue light flowing at the junction of these connecting lines and the gate of heaven, and some tiny arcs are flickering inside.

Woma was busy beside these pipes at this moment, and she was quiet after seeing me. "Boss!"

"You guys ...?"

"This thing that the indigenous people call the gate of heaven is actually a space door, but because this thing has not been activated for a long time, the energy storage device inside it has been scrapped."

"Then what are you doing now? What is going on with these pipes?"

"Oh, this pipe is the energy transmission device, and the other side of this pipe is the solar furnace installed on our junior super aviation warships."

"Do you think of the Junior Super Aviation Battleship as a generator?"

"That's what it means." Woma said, "The energy output from the solar furnaces on these junior super-aircraft warships was transported to the gate of heaven by these pipes, and then the pipes inside the gate of heaven were thought to have no energy. The energy output by these junior super aerospace warships will enter the energy pipeline above the gates of heaven. At this time, as long as there is energy disappeared where the energy tubes are connected, it means that the connection is connected. What we have to do It's just checking which channels are on, and then entering the correct energy into those channels. "

"But how do we know which is the right energy?"

"The energy output by the junior super aerospace battleship is a stable parallel line. This energy is not the same as the electric power in reality. It has no waveform. However, if we input the energy ..." Woma is planning to talk about her own ideas and be taken by I interrupted.

"I don't understand what you said, and I want to know when we can return to the Frost Rose Alliance."

"I think you may need your help on this."


"Boss, do you have a way to go back by yourself?" Woma asked.

I nodded and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I hope the boss can go back to the main map and find Isinger Mobile Fortress."

"Why is Essinger Mobile Fortress necessary?"

"Because Essinger's Mobile Fortress has our largest energy output device in the Frost Rose Alliance."

I looked at Woma in doubt.

Warma knew that I still didn't understand her meaning, so she began to explain carefully. "Crossing the barriers of time and space is not so simple. The most important thing is that we cannot fully activate this teleporter, so we can only use huge energy to offset it, so we need to have a huge energy source at the target location as our Receiving port. "

"So you think the energy core above Isinger's Mobile Fortress can support this need?"

"It's not what I think. It's true." Woma said, "In fact, it's not only the energy core on the Isinger Mobile Fortress, but more importantly, the transnational transmission array on the Isinger Mobile Fortress. The transnational transmission array itself is A space device whose energy type can be found by this portal, which is the gate of heaven, and then a connection can be established. But because we are just borrowing the startup procedure of this gate of heaven, there is no way to fully operate it, so we have to Over there, Essinger's Mobile Fortress uses superb energy to force through the barriers of time and space, so that we can hope to establish a connection. "

"Can you go back there later?" I asked.

"If Essinger's mobile team at the fortress can hold on," Woma said.

I acutely discovered the problem in Woma's words. "You mean there is another possibility that the teleportation array on Isinger's Mobile Fortress can't hold on?"

"The energy on the Essinger Mobile Fortress should be enough, but the teleportation array is not known. After all, the original design of the transnational transport array was not designed to allow us to travel on the plane."

"What if that fails? For these things, take advantage of the Essinger Mobile Fortress and our cross-country teleportation team. Does that make sense?"

Woma was asked by me, but she quickly said, "In fact, there is still a way to still work with the Isinger Mobile Fortress and the Transnational Array. But this method is much safer ~ ~ Talk about it, as long as Isinger's mobile fortress and transnational transmission array are not problematic, even if these junior super aviation warships here are all reimbursed, I don't care.

"Of course, there will be no problem with the junior super aerospace warships, because the output on our side is not large. The key is that the transnational transport array on the side of the Isinger Mobile Fortress must have sufficient energy. The transnational transport array above the Essinger Mobile Fortress must be able to persist until the transmission channel is established, so we need an alternative way to reduce the energy intensity on the transnational transport array at the Essinger Mobile Fortress. "

"What am I going to do?" I looked at Warma and asked.

"In fact, the method is very simple." Woma said, "As long as you can go back to the main map and bring Pandora here." (To be continued to recommend votes, monthly tickets.)




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