Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 418: Completed without risk

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The explosion happened very suddenly, and no one expected that such a sudden explosion would occur at such a time. ● Fiction,

Originally, because both Woma and we knew that the space gate left by that other civilization was unstable, we made a special inspection of all equipment before starting, and each person was guarded by someone. Once it was found that the equipment was not working properly And we will deal with it immediately.

Keep going according to this plan. Even if any equipment starts to have problems, we should first find the problem and then deal with it. Only when it can't handle it, it will completely crash. However, we did not expect the accident to happen so suddenly.

The last group of solar ovens on the junior Super Aviation battleship that had been bitten by a third was not very stable because the solar ovens had been impacted during the tearing process, so the structure itself It's not too stable, but the shed thread is only part of the problem, not all of it.

However, even if there are problems, they can be adjusted by themselves under reasonable control. However, due to the accidental introduction of seawater, the player here accidentally kicked off a connection line. As a result, the remaining seven solar stoves had to bear the work that was originally responsible for the eight solar stoves, and even more terribly, even Eight solar furnaces work together, which is also considered a super-complex output state. Now a solar furnace is suddenly lost. The previous stable state is instantly disrupted, and all equipment has entered an extremely unstable state. status.

The sound of an explosion from outside just heard through Woma. Turning his head in surprise, he glanced at the direction of the hole. Woma heard a player yelling before he could say anything. "Big sister's head is bad! The output ratio of the remaining seven solar furnaces is rising rapidly."

"Where is the restrictor?" Woma yelled as she ran towards the console.

"No. The current limiter has reached its limit!"

Hearing the player's report there, Woma suddenly stopped, then stood there for two seconds, then suddenly turned to look at the water below. After a second she suddenly called out, "Fast, cut off half the cables and increase the impedance!"

If you imagine the magic flow in the water, then these magic pipelines are equivalent to water pipes. The current situation is due to insufficient water supply downstream. Therefore, the upstream water pipe flow is too large. If left unchecked, excessively fast currents can destroy dams upstream, which can lead to total loss of control afterwards. Therefore, it is necessary to control the situation of the water flow, and the speed of the water flow cannot be made too fast. However, the restrictor is actually a valve on the water pipe, which can be used to regulate the water flow in the water pipe.

However, the problem now is that the water is flowing too fast. So this valve has no way to close, because if it forcibly blocks the water flow, it will cause the valve to be washed out. Of course, this description is not appropriate, but that's what it means. Our restrictors cannot directly block the energy flow, otherwise the restrictors themselves will burn out. Although the current limiter cannot limit the total amount of energy flowing, it is still working, which means that it actually limits the energy intensity flowing through the channel to a certain extent. but. If it fails completely, we will not only be able to restrict traffic. Instead, it will cause a surge in traffic.

The method that Woma says is relatively violent, but simple and effective. She meant cutting off a part of the wire directly.

Magic and water are not exactly the same. If you cut off the water pipe, the water inside will flow faster because the Guanzi leaks. However, the transmission of magic in the air is very slow, which is like a wire. You don't mean that the power will leak quickly after you put the tip of the wire. Instead, the current suddenly decreases, because the terminated wire is no longer conductive unless it contacts another, larger conductor.

This magic pipeline is the same, as long as it is cut off, the magic will have nowhere to go. Thereby cut off the flow.

Before I was worried that the magic pipe used for the connection could not withstand such a large energy flow and burned out, so I bought them specifically using a double connection, that is, each solar furnace has two buses connected to the energy splitter below, and then Will lead to the space door.

If now our players can cut half of the lines, then with only one line left, the flow will decrease because the magic impedance increases. Although this will lead to an increase in the load on the remaining line, which may cause the line to overheat and then self-dissolve, in contrast, that is a slower step after all. At present, the most important thing is the solar furnace with continuously rising pressure. If nothing is done now, the line is fine, but the solar oven will definitely burst first.

When I heard Woma ’s shout, the players here immediately reacted, especially the fastest red, jumped directly into the waist-deep seawater, kicked a pipe with a foot, and directly Reach out for it and pull it hard. This kind of wire was not so sturdy at first, and it was torn open. The operator over there immediately shouted, "Useful, the energy pressure of the second solar furnace has dropped."

"Hurry up, don't stop, cut off the remaining half of the line, and be careful not to get it wrong. Don't pull out all the solar furnace lines."

In fact, Wal-Mart's reminder was really timely. If she didn't shout fast, one player would have pulled the wire of the solar furnace that had a cable cut off at all. If this wire is also torn off, this solar furnace will also be completely offline. Although this solar furnace will definitely not be a problem in the end, but the remaining six solar furnaces will need the space door to support it. .

In fact, when Woma was in a mess, Essinger's mobile fortress was similar.

The player I designated to be responsible for everything here shouted in panic: "President, the energy output of the transnational transport array is rising, and the flow control is almost out of control!"

"How did that happen? Why does the energy output of the Transnational Array suddenly rise?"

"It's not our problem. It should be that there is a problem with the space gate over there that causes insufficient energy replenishment on our side, so the transnational transmission array is automatically increasing energy to stabilize the space channel."

When I heard this player said that it was not an issue of the international teleportation team at the Essinger Mobile Fortress, I couldn't say anything. But it is imperative now to resolve the issue. "How much did the space door opener pass?"

The player in charge of material transportation immediately reported: "The first space door manufacturing equipment has been delivered. And we have sent most of the components of the space transport device. I believe that they can make space doors by giving them a little time. Now. "

"That said, isn't it a big problem even if the channel disappears now?" I asked the player watching it.

The other nodded and said, "It should be okay, and a large part of the portal has passed. They only need to make some more parts to complete the assembly of the first space door. Besides, even if they rebuild one The space door is not a big problem, because we have already delivered all the equipment we need. "

I nodded and said: "Send a few technicians over and let them tell Warma by the way. We are ready to shut down the equipment. Don't force the connection anymore. We will connect when the space door on their side is completed. At least it is safer than this. "

After I ordered it here, Woma's side had reached its limit. The red light on the console in front of Woma almost flashed, all the controller detection devices were alarming, and almost no equipment in the entire system was working normally. However, because the international teleportation array on the side of the Isinger Mobile Fortress is still inputting a large amount of energy, the maintenance device of the space gate is still operating.

A player rushed to Woma and said, "Woma, let's turn off the equipment! It will explode in this way, and the solar ovens outside have reached their limits."

"Portable ..."

"Sister head. Someone is here!" Woma was talking, and suddenly someone shouted over there. As soon as she turned her head, she saw two people suddenly flying out of the shrinking entrance and exit of the space door, and she also knew that they were senior technical staff of our guild.

The two were embarrassed when they landed on the ground after being rushed by the seawater, but because they needed helmets to breathe underwater, they saved their lives instead of breaking their heads.

The two technicians were quickly picked up, but before waiting for Woma to see one of them, he shouted to the person next to him, "Where is Woma?"

The player who assisted the technician was at his fingertips. The technician immediately shouted at him when he saw Woma: "Woma, the boss asked you to turn off the device. The necessary things have come over!"

Upon hearing this guy's shout, Woma's face immediately smiled. Because she knew it was saved this time. Quickly turned to the people around him and ordered: "Close the space door, notify the administrator of the solar furnace on the Junior Super Airship, and turn off the furnaces on all Junior Super Airships."


Several technicians quickly ran out to find the control switches, and then began to pull down the switches. These control boards had at least dozens of switches, and it took several people a dozen seconds to pull them all down.

As the energy input here decreases. The energy input device on the transnational transmission array on the side of the Isinger Mobile Fortress is also slowly reducing its power. Because the energy obtained in the space channel is insufficient, it starts to become quite unstable. The white space entrance in the space door on Woma's side is constantly expanding and shrinking, it becomes larger and smaller repeatedly, and the color is transparent for a while and it looks like frosted glass. It feels like a TV with a bad signal.

"Very good. Keep this speed and slowly turn off all our output devices." Woma looked at the data on the console and said, "Let the solar furnace all go out and supplement it with a little bit of natural energy at the end to let it cool naturally Don't take control. "

"Sister's head, the energy input device on Isinger's mobile fortress shuts down a bit slowly, will it ..."

"Don't worry, Essinger's mobile fortress has more equipment than ours. They won't have any problems. You just have to mark me an acre of three points."


As the transnational transport array on the side of Isinger's Mobile Fortress reduced the power with the solar furnace on the junior super-aircraft battleship on the Woma side, the energy of those input devices quickly dropped to a completely unsustainable level. The space door supported by the solar furnace on the junior super aerospace warship first appeared the passage closure phenomenon. The vague space entrance began to become smaller, and the outer ring of the space door that was rotating at a high speed also seemed to be stepping on the brakes quickly. Slow down, and the magic pattern on it is getting darker and darker, and the space entrance on this space door soon becomes a small black spot. Then it completely disappeared into the air, and then the outer space of the rotating space door stopped completely, and the blue arc above it occasionally flashed a few times, but it could be seen that it was about to disappear.

"Finally, it stopped!" Werma breathed a sigh of relief before she remembered that the sun stove on a junior super-aircraft battleship had exploded, so she hurried up again and led people to run out, after all, they were building a new one here. Space door. A lot of things are needed on the junior super aviation battleship. Although we sent a lot of manufacturing equipment here, the junior super aerospace warship itself has a certain effect. At the very least, before building the space door and getting the full support of the Frost Rose Alliance, they must also protect themselves here! There used to be junior super aerospace warships there to deter those monsters. Now if these junior super aerospace warships can't fly, that would be a big trouble.

Just as Wal-Mart hurriedly ran out to check on the status of the Junior Super Aviation Warship, Isinger moved across the fortress at the fortress, and the last arc disappeared from the white penalty. And the penalty that lost the outside energy injection also started to get smaller quickly, and finally went out completely. At this time, the color of the power core on the side of the moving fortress of Isinger gradually began to transition from orange red to green, and finally became dark blue. .

"Report the situation." Seeing that the Transnational Transit Front here has been completely closed, I asked what is happening now.

A player immediately reported: "The international teleportation team is normal and there are no problems."

"What about the core of power?"

"The core of the power is also normal. The only problem is that some parts of the temporary pipeline seem to have melted down, but anyway, it is only a temporary pipeline and it will be removed soon."

I nodded and said, "Everyone is working hard. But now I have no time for you to rest. Let's go back to the interior of Isinger's Mobile Fortress first. We need to let Isinger's Mobile Fortress surface.

"Good chairman."

The bottom of the Arctic Ocean is still too cold. And this place is actually the back garden of other Russian players. We are a bit unable to play here, so it is best to run first and always stay here to be accounted for sooner or later.

When Isinger's Mobile Fortress began to prepare to rise, the junior Super Aviation battleship was completely messed up.

The junior super-aircraft battleship, which had only two-thirds of it, was now completely left with only one bow, and the last solar furnace inside was blown up to a distance of more than fifty meters from its original location. But that's not much. The solar oven blast became famous when it was powerful. What really worried them was that this solar furnace that had been blown out more than 50 meters away was still working.

Yes, this solar furnace did not go on strike because it was blown up. At that time, the player responsible for the solar furnace was killed at the moment of the explosion, so that no one later told Warma that the solar furnace had actually been blown out from the wreckage of the primary super aviation battleship. However, I don't know for what reason, although the explosion caused the solar furnace to move. And it flew so far, but the energy pipeline connected to this solar furnace was not broken. What's even more bizarre is that the solar furnace is still outputting stability even after flying so far, and because the line has been connected normally and the supervisor has been killed, so Woma didn't even know that there was a Solar furnaces deliver energy to them when exposed to the air.

"Your sister's! The quality of the stoves produced by Frost Rose League is good! This is all right!" A player said exaggeratedly looking at the stove in front of him.

The next few people kept nodding, because they also felt that this solar furnace was really awesome.

Except for the solar furnace that was blown up, this junior super-aircraft warship has no complete structure several times. The remaining part is probably the impactor in the bow part. The other parts are relatively complete. Other parts They are all located within a range of seven or eight kilometers. If you want to recycle, it is probably a big project. In addition, due to the explosion of the solar furnace, trees within a radius of two kilometers have been completely flattened. And it showed a radial lodging. Thanks to the previous realization that this thing is not safe, there is no group of buildings on the ground near the local indigenous people. Otherwise, the village will be flattened.

However, although the power of the explosion did not directly affect the indigenous people here. But they were scared enough. After the junior Super Aviation battleship exploded, many parts flew to the village here. During this period, two people were unfortunately killed by large parts, and about 100 people suffered various degrees of trauma. Most of them were injured. They were all hit by flying parts. Fortunately, these people had minor injuries, and the problem was not serious.

After watching the exploding junior super aerospace battleship, Woma said: "Send a recovery team to move this solar furnace to the intact junior super aerospace battleship. As for other things ... leave it alone for now, we also also No more energy! "

Everyone nodded. After all, the priority now is to build our own space door.

After leaving this exploded junior super aerospace battleship, Woma took a large crowd to kill another damaged junior super aerospace battleship. Although this junior super aerospace battleship did not explode, it was seriously damaged. After a brief inspection, the result was pretty good. Although the previous damage was serious, no other accidents occurred during the transmission.

After confirming that there is no major problem with this junior super aeronautical battleship here, Woma has been nonstop to take the crowd back to the best intact junior aeronautical battleship.

Among the three junior super aerospace warships, this one was the best before the junior super aerospace warship, but after returning for inspection this time, the situation was unexpectedly worse than that of the ragged junior super aerospace warship.

"What's going on?" Warma asked a player around him in a questioning tone.

Although Woma's tone is very peaceful. No blame, but the player said sadly: "Sorry. It is our bad management. After the junior super aviation warship exploded, the energy supply on our side surged. Our solar furnace had been in the previous battle. It hurt, so the situation was a bit out of control. We were worried that your energy supply was not available and you did n’t dare to turn off the solar oven, so we could only hold it. The temperature is coming down, and I also used the forced coolant that was originally used for the propeller. But this temperature is really rising too fast, we can't control it at all, I ... "

The player said more and more excited, and Wal-Mart suddenly caught the player by the sight. Although Woma is a house girl, the parents are not shy at all. On the contrary, although it is not the kind of big beauty that makes people stand out, Woma is definitely a civilian-level beauty. In addition, her identity is relatively detached in our guild, so she suddenly hits a man like this, and the other person immediately He froze, and the whole person felt a blank in his mind.

Holding this guy for two or three seconds and making sure he calmed down, Woma continued to hold him and said, "Don't blame you, well, relax, don't be nervous. You are doing well, everyone is working very hard." Slowly let go of this player. Woma turned to look at the group of players who were next to him. Everyone was embarrassed, either water or mud, and many people had dark smoke on their faces. Smoked traces. After looking around the people here, Woma said, "Don't blame yourself, this time it's not any of us's fault. In fact, I think we are victorious. Although I have been giving it to everyone before Inspired, but I know that with our patchwork in our hands, it is already a miracle that we can make that space door work. Now we not only let it be activated, but we also brought the needed materials over This is the victory. How can there be undead in the fight? Although we did not fight the enemy, but we are fighting against the world with time, and the result is that we have won. If anyone really made a mistake this time, then the biggest I made the mistake. President Ziri had previously informed me that they would expand the space gate on the bottom of the Arctic Ocean to cool down, so I should know that a large amount of seawater will flow in. But I forget The arrangement of personnel drainage will cause a series of accidents in the future. So, please don't blame yourself, the one who should blame yourself here is I, ah! "

Although Woma is usually a technician, she has been a leader after all, so she is very good at appeasing the staff. Everyone's emotions jumped from the previous frustration into excitement. And all of them are full of energy, and they are eager to prepare for the following work.

Hongyue just came in at this time. She actually arrived early, but didn't come in because she heard Woma's sensational speech. She didn't come until she finished talking.

"Worma, come over here for a while."

"Oh, wait a minute. I'm almost there."

"It's okay, we're stuck here now, and you can do it slowly. We are not in a hurry."

Woma nodded and turned to the previous player and said, "Although the solar furnace control room and the external protective devices have been melted in a large area, you can guarantee that the solar furnace is the biggest victory, but the work will be more heavy. We have no way here to get this junior super aerospace warship on the berth, so do n’t count on overhauls. But I think you can use your own capabilities to perform small-scale repairs, and I do n’t demand much from everyone. As long as we can It ’s enough for a junior super aerospace warship to fly and maintain a minimum combat capability. "

"Woma, the solar furnace can definitely output full power."

Woma smiled and said: "Forget to say, don't be too confident. Although everyone has kept the stove, after all, we used the stove in the past and it was seriously overloaded. To be honest, these stoves I can still use it, so I ’m very satisfied. So do n’t pursue it with full power. Now I will issue an order here. Before this junior super aerospace warship gets on the rig and overhaul, it is forbidden that any solar furnace output power approaches yellow Line zone, do you understand? "


"Very well, my request looks simple, but if anyone messes up, I won't be polite."

After finishing the repair work of the primary super aviation warship, Woma started to walk towards the bridge. Chuang Wang and Hongyue are still waiting for her over there. They need to have a simple negotiation for the development work here over a period of time. And while they were busy meeting, Isinger's mobile fortress was also busy leaving the Arctic Ocean.

"President, the blasting team has completed the installation and asked if it is now detonating." Army God said to me.



Just restored calm Arctic Ocean ice. There was a loud noise, and the ice surface that had just been frozen suddenly burst into a big cave, and this time it was not just a square cave that was installed, but a lot of it was also installed inside, the purpose was to make the ice The face is completely chipped.

It ’s not the same as when diving, the ice surface will not be squeezed aside when the Isinger Mobile Fortress is floating again, but it will all be covered on the Isinger Mobile Fortress and taken to the sky together, so if it is A large block of ice will damage our Isinger Mobile Fortress quite severely. Therefore, the method we use is to fry the ice cubes, so that if there are only small ice cubes, they will be jacked up. After all, the Essinger Mobile Fortress is different from ordinary cities. The buildings here are all particularly sturdy, almost every house is like a bunker, so there is no damage even if it breaks into the ice.

Immediately after the explosion, we felt a slight shock on our side. The **** of war didn't need me to order. The explosion started to float just after the explosion. Soon, a large orange-red light suddenly appeared on the ice that had just been blasted, and then the light was constantly changing, and then a flaming eye suddenly rose from the water.

The eye of **** will continue to burn even in sea water. The flame on this eye of **** is only a form of energy, not a real flame, so it will not be extinguished by the sea water.

As the water surfaced between this huge hell, soon the tip of the Juling Tower slowly extended out, and then the tower began to appear quickly and crashed the surrounding ice.

With the water coming out of the entire Juling Tower, a large bag suddenly bulged under the water surface. With the rolling sea water, the ceiling of the Temple of Chaos and Order suddenly burst out from the sea surface. When they fell, it was no longer sea water, but the ground where Isinger moved the fort. With the emergence of large groups of buildings and inner city walls, a large shadow rose from the sea. The sea water rolled continuously as if it was boiling. You can see huge ice cubes crushed by the building, and then fell on the road of the Isinger Mobile Fortress and was taken out of the sea with the Isinger Mobile Fortress.

Unlike the waters elsewhere, the Arctic Ocean is covered with ice. Therefore, these ice cubes hanging on the Essinger mobile fortress could not be turned into water and discharged. They could only stay on the ground of the city, but this was not a big problem. After all, the Essinger Mobile Fortress is not like an ordinary aircraft. First of all, it is not afraid of low temperature and will not lose its flying ability due to freezing. In fact, Isinger's mobile fortress has a very strong ascending force, and even if it is taken off with these ice cubes, it will not cause much burden. So don't worry at all.

With the emergence of the inner city wall, the second wall soon appeared on the ice. More ice was dug up this time. The entire Isinger mobile fortress rose like a huge iceberg from below the sea. .

Within a few minutes, the outer wall of Essinger's moving fortress also slowly emerged from the water surface. A large amount of seawater spewed out of the gaps in the wall like a waterfall and fell into the seawater. The splashing waves blasted. The group had to hide far away to continue to admire the magnificent scene of Isinger's moving fortress.

With the lower part of the city wall all leaving the sponge, Isinger's mobile fortress was slowly rising into the air, and the surrounding seawater fell wildly. Occasionally, there were ice cubes as large as the locomotive. The noise of these ice cubes and the seawater dropping the sponge was deafening, and the picture was even more magnificent. The players in the surrounding blasting group took the video function and took pictures. .

Isinger's moving fortress in the ascent is not stopped because these people are still paused, anyway, they have flying mounts, they will be able to catch up after a while. The Essinger Mobile Fortress stopped after rising to a height of more than three hundred meters, and then some gates on the walls on the four sides opened, and the water in the original city began to gush wildly. Especially the main city gate is almost the same as the dam opening and discharging water. That momentum is really amazing.

In fact, the water demand of the moving fortress with Isinger. If the closed gate takes a city's seawater to fly over the city and then drain it, it is estimated that these seawater can defeat the outer defense of the city. After all, the Isinger moving fortress The seawater carried above is at least calculated in millions of tons. With so much seawater falling, that power is absolutely amazing.

Of course, it's a little bit worth it.

We did not wait for the water in the Isinger Mobile Fortress to completely drain before we started moving. Opening the gate to release water is only to reduce the load and energy consumption. This place is still an enemy-occupied area, so we cannot stay for too long. After ten minutes of drainage at a height of 300 meters, the water level in the city has dropped by two-thirds, but the remaining one-third drain time is estimated to be far more than ten minutes. After all, the less seawater flows, the faster the speed slow. So the last bit of water must have been drained for a long time. Besides, even if the water is gone, the ice cubes cannot be removed in a short time, so we don't need to manage the water at all. As long as most of the seawater is out, we can start moving.

After seeing Issinger's Mobile Fortress started to move, those players still didn't mean to return, and they continued to shoot, but we didn't mean to wait for them. Essinger's mobile fortress started slowly moving towards the south. We do not intend to return directly to the country, but first go to the equator to bask in the sun. At least you need to dry the water on Isinger's moving fortress.

The Isinger Mobile Fortress is slowly climbing the elevation while moving south. Although the ascent speed is not fast, it is not too slow. About one hour later, the Isinger Mobile Fortress has climbed to a height of almost one thousand meters. At this time, the seawater inside the Isinger Mobile Fortress has been lined up for seven or seventy-eight. The seawater on the street is only the height of the foot surface, but there are still large blocks of ice on the places above the Isinger Mobile Fortress In some places, even the roads are blocked.

"Are we done with this task?" Eagle said, looking at the clear sky.

I nodded and said, "They will get it over Woma. I have confidence in this, and now we take care of ourselves first."

"You mean the ice outside?"

I shook my head and said, "That's something from Russia."

Eagle did not answer, but was thinking, but quickly said: "What I can think of in this situation is to stabilize our rear, before we did rush too hard, and many times it feels like The rush to get things out of the way made us constantly tired. Now that we have given up so many benefits and narrowed the front, this is a great opportunity for us to adjust ourselves. "

I smiled and said, "You see it thoroughly. That's right, although this time has been a big loss for us, it is actually good for the long run. At least our Frost Rose League will now say who I am, I promise not People dare to answer. "

Although Ying didn't answer, he believed my judgment very much. This is indeed the case. Before that time, we were fighting on multiple fronts, and the force was spread all over the world. Even if our Frost Rose League is a world-class super guild, we can't stand it like this! So, at that time, many guilds had dared to harass us, because they found that we had no more power to control them. At the time, we were like a pair of hands carrying two boxes of gold and a bag full of diamonds in our mouths, even two antique vases under our armpits. Although these are all very valuable things, our strength throughout our body is limited. At this time, even a bear child can come and hit us, but we have no ability to fight back. It's not that we are too weak, but that we worry about what we have.

Because we couldn't let it go, there was no fighting power, so that we lost strength on various battlefields. In the end, we were beaten back to their original shape and all returned to China. Now thinking about it, the most correct thing we did a while ago was actually to actively withdraw from the Japanese theater and use the method of supporting agents to control the plan in Japan. Because of this plan, we have withdrawn a large number of troops. Otherwise, our current military situation will definitely be more stretched.

But everything has passed ~ ~ The situation now is that we, the people holding the treasure, have finally lost the treasure in our hands because our lives have been threatened. Of course, this loss is very big, and it also made us distressed, but we finally did it empty-handed.

Our Frost Rose Alliance is originally a martial arts master, and is a top-notch master. Before holding so many gold and silver treasures, we still kicked Russia and the United States into chaos with one leg, and also stabilized the European battlefield. Although I lost money in the end, it was a failure when my hands were restricted and my body couldn't move. Now we are completely empty-handed. In this case, the combat effectiveness of the master has completely erupted. Now I want to see who dares to come up to death, so that we have lost so many babies, and is now holding a belly of fire. Who will come for a gun battle at this time, I promise to help him directly with the anger of the Frost Rose Alliance Cremation.

"Well, let's not talk about it now, let's go to the activities and deal with the ice cubes outside. We can't fly with so many things!"

"It's faster than seeing who moves us!" Eagle said with a smile, looking good. (A good activity to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Follow ~ / Public account (add friends on WeChat-add public account-just enter dd), join now! Everyone has a prize, now follow dd WeChat immediately Public number!) (To be continued ...) u

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