Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 430: No delusion

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"your sister!"

The dark shadow lurking around the group of people in the Rainbow Alliance suddenly came out of the water, and we were taken aback even on the top of the mountain. The reason was not how huge this thing was. I have seen many large creatures. There are many very large creatures in my own pet, such as the black flame and the little dragon girl, which have a length of more than kilometers. Just like a mountain that can walk, the shock is quite exaggerated.

Because I have seen large creatures, I will not be scared by large creatures. What really scared me was not the size of the monster, but it or her appearance.

This monster is not ugly at all. On the contrary, she is quite beautiful, or it is too beautiful. The monster emerging from the water is exactly a 20-meter-tall giantess. Not only does her facial features neatly look very beautiful, but her body shape is so amazing. What? How do you know if she's in good shape? The answer is simple, because she wears nothing at all.

You can imagine that a giant girl whose height is meters is standing less than five meters away from you and the other party is not wearing anything. What can you see when you look up? The answer is obvious. Only the parts that the man would pay attention to can be seen, and from the angle caused by the current height difference, the group of the Rainbow Alliance is simply standing in the best observation position.

How can I say this? Seeing beauty can't walk? Banshees actually have the same effect.

The vast majority of the Rainbow Alliance group are men. When they saw such a shocking picture at such a distance, these guys were all silly there in an instant. Some individuals with poor resistance even showed sillyness. The silly smile was almost drooling.

The result of the player ’s delusion on the Rainbow Alliance is obviously quite bad, although this group of people are completely fascinated by the nakedness of the banshees. But the banshee didn't plan to wait until they had seen enough, then they just reached out and grabbed the past. The female players of the Rainbow Alliance were good. Because they are all women, they are not completely distracted. When he saw the monster's shot, he quickly started to retreat. Unfortunately, those male players reacted a little bit slowly. Although only two people were caught in the end, the others were scratched and turned away.

The sudden attack made the group finally recover their minds, and then the group began to look for a safe place everywhere, but the banshee was dominant, and the two were still on hold, and they stepped onto the muddy soil by the lake in one step. . Then chased towards one of the Rainbow League players. The guy saw that the banshee rushed to himself and quickly turned to start running, but what he didn't expect was that the banshee did something amazing at this time.

The running banshee suddenly raised her head and stuffed the two people in her left and right hands into her mouth. Then she chewed the two players in her mouth and looked down at the player who was still running. However, she did not continue to chase, but watched the guy suddenly jump off in place after running out, and then slammed the player with a thunderous momentum less than a meter behind the player. The guy who was running away was directly overturned by the shock wave caused by the banshee's landing. Before she got up, she was grabbed by the banshee and stuffed into her mouth and chewed.

After eating three players in the blink of an eye, the banshee was obviously not satisfied. He looked up and wiped the blood in the corner of his mouth, then turned around and started to find the next target. Zhenhong looked at the monster in surprise and said, "My God, how can you be fierce? Feeling for Mao and the monsters outside are not a thing at all?"

"You're not unaware of the situation outside. Tianting is so powerful. The demons don't want to destroy the tribe and can only abide by the rules of the heaven. Just like those in the real world who abide by discipline and law, even if they commit crimes. How many? But these are monsters that have not been controlled at all. What they show is the nature of the demon, a completely instinctive thing, just like the cannibals. There is no restriction, no mercy, no worry, killing, devouring. It is their only thinking. Even if such things have the same strength, the fighting ability is definitely several times that of the monsters outside, not to mention that the strength of these things is very abnormal. "

Really nodded after hearing the explanation of the gold coins, because she also knew the difference. The previous question was more of a sigh than a question.

Just as we were talking, the monster killed another person, and then went to the lake to pick up all the corpses on the ground and stuffed them with blood and chewed in his mouth. After eating up the corpses on the ground, the banshee immediately began searching for nearby targets. However, the guys in the Rainbow Alliance obviously knew that the monster combat power of this place belonged to force majeure, so they did not even plan to fight back. It's just running, and this group of people is actually scattered and running. The banshee is obviously quite tangled in the end.

Despite some tangles, the banshee made her choice by instinct after considering it for less than a second, she squat directly, and then took off suddenly. With a bang, a deep pit appeared directly by the lake, and the banshee flew up to 50 meters in height, and then fell straight towards us.

"I am ..."

The gold coins and real red that have been in the onlooker mode directly scolded regardless of the image, then threw away the snacks and turned to run, but this time running is definitely not running, so I made it with the ability to surpass human neural response The most correct decision.

"Absolute barrier." Suddenly threw down the real red and gold coins, and simultaneously activated the absolute barrier to protect the three of us underneath, the next time the banshee hit us with huge kinetic energy.

"Ah ..." It was quite huge, but after a soft scream, there was a trembling in the mountains. Of course, this is not the call of real red or gold coins, but the banshee.

In fact, it is also easy to imagine.

That banshee doesn't even have clothes. Do you think she will wear shoes? so! When she just fell down, she stepped on my absolute barrier.

In general, the monster's body is very tough, so ordinary stones or wood will not hurt her feet. After all, compared to their physical strength, these things are very hard to us. They can be said to be very soft, so even running barefoot will not feel uncomfortable for this banshee, after all, her body will be tough, unless it is stepped on a large piece Sharp steel, otherwise there would be no change if the rock broke her feet.

But what she stepped on was not stones or softer soil, branches, or anything, but my absolute barrier.

The absolute barrier is invincible for 30 seconds, which means that even if the moon falls from the sky within 30 seconds, just hitting it will not cause any direct damage to us. According to the actual calculation method of hardness, the absolute hardness of the absolute barrier before failure is infinite, and it will not be deformed by any external force at all.

Such a hard thing, even the banshee's feet are absolutely inseparable, so just now the banshee is basically an ordinary person jumping off the second floor, and then stepped on a table tennis-sized glass. Beads, and this man is still barefoot. Normally, if this kind of thing happens, fracture of the foot is the most basic.

Of course ~ ~ After all, the physical strength of the banshee is not ordinary. Although her feet are really not bad, and she really fell, she did not have much impact on her, but the pain is still It's quite painful, at least by the way she's rolling around holding her feet.

"Hurry up, don't be dazed, fast guns!" Seeing the banshee rolling there, I quickly removed the absolute barrier and one side caught the real red and gold coins and ran, just like I was holding the two big bags. Dashing through the forest.

"Boss let me down and let me run by myself!" Zhenhong reacted and reminded me quickly.

I threw my hand and threw out the real red. After the red landed, I immediately chased forward, but the gold coins didn't mean to come down at this time. In this case, the distance is the most important.

"It's almost there." I hurriedly felt that the distance was almost there. "Come and grab me, I'll take you teleporting."

"Boss, that monster is catching up!" Zhen Hong suddenly shouted at me, scared that I almost didn't throw out the coins.

"Hurry up, come and send us!" (To be continued) R655

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