Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 437: blackmail

The gate of the earth is a special channel used by the mother of the earth to enter and exit her own kingdom. The reason why I can open it is because the mother of the earth has given me permission to allow me to occupy a small piece of land in her back garden as my camp. And item storage area can even be used as a passage. ▲ ∴ ▲ ∴, this is like some homeowners will rent one or several single rooms in their own homes to others. I'm the tenant. I have access to a small area, and because I need to get in and out of this room, I have the key to the house.

Of course, the gate of the earth is that the goddess is not a chartered wife, and the family is one of the top ten, which is the second-level existence of the game after the ring of commandments. Her back garden will never allow anyone without permission to come in and out, and if she doesn't want to, don't even try to break through whatever force you have.

Although the black dragon girl has boundless magic power, she can crush my existence, but in front of the mother of the earth, nothing is counted, so just hitting the protective barrier of the gate of the earth just as if it was hit by a train, it was instantly bombarded He flew out and almost knocked down the seal wall.

The black dragon girl who fell to a trance and shook her head hard after climbing up from the ground, and after stabilizing her mood a little, she found that her dragon ball was gone for the first time, so she started looking around in surprise. At first she thought it had fallen into the water, but when she looked up, I found that I was standing inside the gate of the earth with Dragon Ball and smiling at her.

The raging Black Dragon Girl suddenly rushed towards me. Of course, her target was actually the Dragon Ball in my hand, but the result was the same as last time. Because I was standing in the door. Although it was close to the door, even if it was only one centimeter away, it was inside the door. That black dragon girl couldn't touch me at all. The black dragon girl who hit the gate of the earth again was bombarded again, and this time it seemed that the rebound force was still increased. After landing, the black dragon girl who had not climbed for a long time after lying in the water could barely support it for seven or eight minutes. Stood up.

Difficult to rush to the door again, but this time she did not rashly hit the door of the earth again, because she had realized that this was not something she could open. The two collisions just now made her fully understand that the power of this thing is far from her power. Insurmountable at all.

Standing outside the gate of the earth, less than ten centimeters away from me, the black dragon girl faced me across the door. She glanced at the Dragon Ball in my hand and said fiercely, "Give me back the Dragon Ball."

I deliberately pretended to be inaudible with her side to her ears, and asked aloud, "What are you talking about? I can't hear you!"

"Give me back the Dragon Ball, or I want you to look good," said the black dragon girl fiercely.

"Oh, I'm so scared!" I deliberately made a very exaggerated look, and then provoked: "You come in and give me something nice! I look forward to it."

"You ..." Although he wanted to tear me alive, the other party also knew. This was an impossible task, she couldn't get in at all. The entrance to this place has a strong seal, and a strong breath is constantly pouring out of the earth's gate, which makes her feel terrified. Because of this breath, she did not dare to try to touch the forbidden door again.

"What's wrong? Why don't you come in and make me look good? Oh, it turns out you can't come in!" I deliberately irritated the other person to provoke them.

That black dragon's femininity almost exploded, but there was no way to take me. She can't get in, it's useless to regenerate, and in fact it's good that she can't get in. Because once she really came in, what was waiting for her was the punishment of the Mother Earth. This is the site of the Mother Earth. Without the permission of the Mother of the Earth, even the other nine gods could not go in and out casually, not to mention she was a creature in the nether world.

"What the **** do you want to do to return Dragon Ball to me?" The black dragon girl, who had recognized the reality, suppressed her anger and looked at me. But even if she was told rationally that she could not be angry, her expression was still quite fierce.

I looked at her and deliberately stimulated her, "Are you asking me?"

After watching me tangled for a long time, the other party turned his head and said, "Yes."

"But why didn't I hear it?"


"You see, you dare to stare at me. Is this a begging look?"

"I tell you. Don't be too arrogant. Although I can't get in, but you can't get out. I've been here for more than 10,000 years anyway, and I don't care about staying for another 10,000 years. You will always have the ability Don't come out, "said the Black Dragon woman, restrained.

I deliberately made a surprise look and said, "Oh. I forgot to tell you one thing." I paused for a few seconds to lift the curiosity of the other person, and then continued: "There are other exits in this space, and More than one. The one in front of you is a mobile exit, which will move as my position moves, but there are many other fixed exits, all of which are out of your reach. As long as I close this exit and exit from those exits, Yeah, it doesn't make sense for you to get stuck here. "

The other person was obviously stupefied when she heard me. She did not expect that there would be other exits in this kind of place, but it is right to think about it carefully. The atmosphere here indicates that this is the residence of a super strong, and she is based on her The comparison of strength and the strength of the other side can determine that 80% of this space is a half plane created by others, which means that they can create their own plane. To be able to do this kind of thing, it is as easy as ordinary people to lift a brick to open a few space passages, so she completely believes that I am telling the truth.

"Okay, I confess. What do you say you will do before returning Dragon Ball to me?"

"Give it back to you?" I sat down suddenly, deliberately holding Dragon Ball and carefully looking up. "This dragon ball is a good thing! Speaking of which I also have a dragon." When I said, I called out the dragon girl, and my ability would not be sealed at the gate of the earth, so I could summon it at will.

After seeing the little dragon girl, the black dragon girl really froze a bit, and she could see at a glance that this was a dragon girl, just like her. But after seeing the appearance of Xiaolong Nu, her first reaction was to discover that the clothes on the other side were very beautiful, and then she realized that she was naked. I couldn't help but look at her hurriedly covering up: "Don't cover up, you should see everything you can see, it's useless to cover up."

"Huh." The black dragon girl snorted coldly and made a circle. The set was similar to the little dragon girl, but the black-colored clothing appeared on her body, and she really looked like a queen fan.

"Sure enough, it's too straightforward to wear anything, or it's more beautifully implicit," I said pretending to admire it.

When the black dragon girl saw me, she immediately deliberately made some quite ecstasy moves, showing off a really good figure, and then said, "Don't look like you are very interested in my body. Then, if you Will you give me back my dragon ball? I can let you play with this body. How about it? You won't suffer from this deal? "

"Don't suffer a loss? I've made a big loss, okay? Who do you take me for? Okay, don't make fun of you, talk about what you can exchange, if you are satisfied with me, I will be with you In other words, if you are not satisfied ... I will treat it to my magic pet as a snack. "

"My dragon ball is poisonous. It will poison me if I eat it."

With one of my ringing fingers, Hei Yan appeared beside me. "Then, this is my magic pet melanitis. His characteristic is that his appetite is particularly good, completely poisonous immunity, and the dark power in your body is like a dreg when compared with him."

Heiyan comes out of the sea of ​​silence. It may not be as good as the Heilong **** the strength of the black, but he is more powerful on the negative energy intensity. Heilong girl only has the dark attribute, but it is still an energy creature in essence. It is completely different from melanoma, a negative energy organism.

"Okay, okay, don't give him food. I have good things here." After seeing Hei Yan, the black dragon girl knew that her intimidation was useless. Hei Yan, a negative energy creature, takes poison. Medicine is equivalent to taking tonic If her dragon ball is eaten by Hei Yan, it is really a big supplement, so she is really worried now that I fed the dragon ball to that big snake.

"Hurry up and talk about your good stuff. I don't have much patience."

"Yes, yes, don't be impulsive, I have ... I have a treasure."

"what is inside?"

"Some things like heaven and earth treasures left over from ancient times are huge, and I can't remember them for so many years."

"Tiancaidibao will have three spiritual powers after being picked. For more than ten thousand years, there is no aura. What do I want for that thing?"

"I still have."

"What else?"

"I still have a piece of cold iron, can ..."

"Stop, I have so many gadgets that I can use to repair the city walls, change one."

"I still have ... and ..."

The Black Dragon Girl hasn't come out for a long time ~ ~ But think about it. Sealed here for more than 10,000 years, what good things can you expect from her? At that time, she did not know that she would be sealed. How could she reserve some things in advance for emergency use? Therefore, she can really get a lot of things out of her hands, but I'm not that kind of foolish character, I have seen all kinds of strange things, and I don't care about some low-end treasures.

"Nothing? Then I'll feed the magic pet well."

When I turned around and really wanted to feed Dragon Magic with the Dragon Ball, the Black Dragon Girl was in a hurry. "Wait a minute. I have one more thing."

"If you fool me with any garbage this time, I won't wait for you to say the next thing." I warned.

The Black Dragon Girl nodded solemnly: "I still have one treasure, that is my own." When I heard the other party's words, I immediately threw Dragon Ball, and the other party yelled and explained: "I'm not talking about this human body, I It's my dragon body. "

After hearing this explanation, I stopped the movement in my hand and turned to look at the black dragon girl. "Explain." (To be continued ...) u

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