Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 440: File 1

The method used by Moon Shadow to subdue the banshee is actually not complicated at all, but it's just amazing because it's too simple. In fact, what Yueying does is sing a song. That ’s right, a song, one I have never heard of, but 80% of it belongs to hypnotic songs and so on. Anyway, the giant banshee on her side just started to slow down, and then waited near us. Slowly squatted down and listened to Yueying's singing. When she sang halfway, she became lying on the ground and squinted. She finally started snoring before singing the song.

"Have you made a mistake? You can subdue such a powerful banshee just by singing a lullaby?"

"It's not just a lullaby. This method is the only one I can do." Yueying looked at me and said, "In fact, I still have many ways to deal with her, but now I lose my body and I have a lot of problems. So you can only use this method. "

"Why does she sleep whenever you sing?"

"In fact, it's because of my special ability."

"special power?"

Yueying nodded and said, "Although I lost the dragon body, the dragon soul and dragon ball are both present, so my soul strength is still high enough. You just sounded like a simple song. In fact, I was singing with the voice of the soul. Therefore, it has a strong interference effect on this poorly-managed avatar. If it is simple singing, even if your voice is beautiful, it may not really make her fall asleep. "

I nodded and said, "I'm lucky to have you, otherwise you would have to work hard again."

"I'm satisfied to be able to help. To be honest, I really appreciate you for saving me and staying in that place for so long. I feel like I'm born again now, this kind of excitement You won't understand. "Yueying finished and said," Let's get out of here quickly? I'd love to see the outside world. "

"This needs to wait a bit, I still have something to deal with."

The so-called thing is of course to tear down that "insurance". Originally, I was worried that the Rainbow Alliance group would not release the senior monsters, so I installed insurance, but now it seems that this insurance is not needed, so I need to worry that insurance in turn will become a scourge, so I need to remove the insurance first.

I installed the stuff, and the removal process was simple. Real red and gold coins also quickly merged with me, and then the three of us left this lockup forest together. Of course, the appearance of Moon Shadow made both the real red and the gold coins quite curious, but I was relieved after knowing that this was my new favorite. There are too many high-end magic pets on my side, and it is not surprising that there are one or two wonderful high-end magic pets.

After being locked for more than 10,000 months, the moon shadow came out of the lock demon forest and showed me what it means to be quiet if the virgin moves like a crazy rabbit. The girl will run away as soon as it comes out, if not I can still link with my heart Linking her soul and calling her back at any time, I almost thought she was going to defect. Fortunately, it turns out that Yueying is just too excited, and some emotions are out of control.

Because Yueying's mood is a little over-excited, I ca n’t help but disturb her. Finally, she simply assigned Ling to follow her. It ’s protection or monitoring. Something really needs to happen. Ling has my permission and can control Yueying. the behavior of. As for myself, I quickly returned to Isinger's Mobile Fortress. Here I met the **** of war, and then checked some recent information from the **** of war.

According to the information we have now, it seems that the Rainbow Alliance aspect has been greatly affected after we have eliminated the Rainbow Alliance fleet. This time they locked the demon forest and they interfered with our actions, but they were fortunately destroyed by us. So in the short term, we have entered a safe period.

Russia's situation is similar to the American side. Our previous battles have greatly affected the Russian forces, and many of them have experienced varying degrees of fatigue. Of course, this kind of fatigue does not mean physical fatigue, but mentality.

Players using the game system itself will not cause too much burden. On the contrary, because the mind's body function is changed to the circuit system control on the helmet after the mind is connected to the game, the human brain can easily enter the half-power working state temporarily, so When playing games, the energy consumption is actually much lower than in reality. However, the above only refers to the normal state. When the battle breaks out, there are too many things to think about and calculate, so the player's spirit needs to be highly concentrated. As everyone knows, the price of a high concentration of spirit is obvious fatigue afterwards. Such symptoms are inevitable.

It is also because this mental fatigue has become a common phenomenon among Russian guild players. Therefore, the Russian guild presidents and the Frozen Banshee had a simple communication. In the end, they appeared for the first time in three months. Truce. This truce is not to say that the truce between our Frost Rose Alliance and the Russian guild, but that it is a complete ceasefire between the entire Chinese and Russian forces, and even the presidents of the Russian guilds have withdrawn their frontline troops from the inside. The stance of preparing for recuperation after the end of the vice war.

For this kind of reaction from Russia, of course, our Frost Rose League is very happy, because our Frost Rose League's battle during this time is too intensive. First entered a long-term war with Russia, then the strategic adjustment in Japan, and then the turmoil in the United States. It feels that we are playing two comprehensive battlefields at the same time, and we are still carrying out many large-scale plans. The personnel are almost tired, or the battle in the United States would not be so embarrassing. Of course, the funds that Yusina got was the final word, but I think that the seeds of our strategic failure were already planted when we checked the US-Russian war at the same time. The multi-faceted war was really too expensive. Already. Although our Frost Rose League is the world's strongest guild, we still do not have enough strength to win two wars at the same time, especially when the opponents in the war are the United States and Russia.

Anyway, the nightmare period is finally over, and despite the huge losses, we have completely escaped from the troubles on the American side, and although the Russian side has no good hand, everyone can be regarded as flicker. Winning and losing, each now needs to lick the wound, so a temporary truce is also a good decision.

As for Japan, our strategy has actually been basically completed. Matsumoto Masa is already a very important figure in Japan, and the cooperation between Matsumoto Masa and our Frost Rose Alliance has begun to surface. We no longer need to carefully hide our cooperation. The only thing to note is that I and Matsumoto Masa cannot be too close. The necessary "intrigue" still needs to be shown, otherwise problems will occur.

Of course, the so-called "intrigue" between Masahiro Matsumoto and me is just a show for people, and it will not have any impact on our strength.

After understanding the information from the Russian Guild and the Rainbow Alliance, I asked Ling to bring Moon Shadow back. Moon Shadow, which has been a long time behind, is obviously still in an excited state, but her current situation is much better than when she first came out, at least the mood can be controlled freely.

"Master, what's the matter of calling us back?" Yueying asked after seeing me, apparently she hadn't completely calmed down yet.

Although I knew it wasn't very suitable at this time, I didn't have much time to adapt Yueying to the current situation, so I directly told her my purpose.

"I'll take you to heaven."

"Going to heaven?" Yueying instinctively hid behind for some distance. She was originally sealed by the gods of heaven, and suddenly those guys were certainly very responsive.

I don't have anything strange to see Yueying's reaction, because I knew she wouldn't be calm anymore, but now it is actually much better than I expected.

"Calm down first, and I'll explain to you why he took you to heaven."

Although my heart is still very responsive, on the one hand Moon Shadow is now my magic pet and needs to listen to my order. On the other hand, Moon Shadow wanders outside for an afternoon and also knows how powerful the power of heaven is now. To live in the country and want to avoid the almost impossible thing in heaven, so she also knows that meeting the gods in heaven is only a matter of time.

"You say it, I listen." Yueying calmly looked at me and said.

I looked at Yueying very seriously and said, "I heard Ling said that she had introduced you to the current state of Heaven. What do you think?"

Yueying said without hesitation: "The heaven in heaven is much more degraded than before, but it has to be said to be much stronger."

I smiled and nodded: "It's a brilliant comment, but you should also be aware that the heavenly courts now have absolute dominance over us, so if we mix things up on the land of China, it is impossible to bypass the existence of heavenly courts. "

"Index you want to give me to them?"

"Entrust them? Where did you think of it?" I looked at Yueying proudly and said, "You won't because I am a waste of food that depends on the guys who rely on the heavens to eat rice? The heavens are powerful, but we ca n’t just do it casually. The existence of rubbing, there are many things in the heavenly court that need to be discussed with me, so even if they know that I rescued you, there will not be a big problem. However, I told the heavenly court that the heavenly court opened this power to Me, and I do n’t tell Heaven, secretly, these are two concepts. Do you understand what I mean? "

Yueying nodded, and asked, "You just want to take me to heaven to report this time?"

I nodded and said, "With my understanding of heaven, they will not refuse my request, especially this kind of irrelevant request."

"What if they refuse to do so?"

"No, they will agree. The difference is just the amount of the benefit."

"Are you so confident?"

"Perhaps you are more familiar with the old Celestial Elders, but I am very familiar with modern Celestial deities, so I understand their way of doing things. These guys are definitely not going to provoke me for an escaped demon. Yes, if you ran out alone, the heavenly court might still jealous of you, but you became my magic pet, so that the heavenly court would not care about it, because at the moment you become a magic pet, you will be out of control. The demon has become a pet that can be controlled. No matter how terrible the demon is, once it can be controlled, it can't scare people. So as long as the guys in heaven know that you are my magic pet, They will never say anything. "

"Well then, I believe in you." Yueying was unexpectedly sympathetic, and I thought she would be troubled.

After winning Yueying's consent, I took her to the Nantianmen with a teleportation array. When she saw the huge Nantianmen, the moon shadow was obviously touching. She even reached out and stroked the dragon carving on the panlong pillar outside Nantianmen, but as she approached the dragon carving, Shenlong suddenly came to life, then evaded one after another, watching her one by one in horror.

The Four Heavenly Kings did not know the current Moon Shadow at all, and were quite puzzled by this strange existence that I suddenly brought. They can feel a familiar atmosphere from Moon Shadow, but this atmosphere makes them think of nothing. And they feel that the Moon Shadow has no existence in the main world. You record, that is, she is not an independent individual, but a magic pet or a summoned beast. She remembers the existence under a certain existence, and according to my situation, the four heavenly kings are the first. All I thought was that this was my magic pet.

Because I guessed that Moon Shadow is my magic pet, even if I felt that there was a monster in Moon Shadow, the four heavenly kings didn't mean to block it at all. After all, I was an external staff in Heaven, and there were too many magic pets under my team. Strange breaths are a bit normal.

Those living dragon sculptures are all formed by magical power, not real dragons, so although they can avoid the shadow of the moon, they can't talk. After the four kings calmed down, the statues of the dragons returned to the pillars. I gave up my attention to these pillars, and followed me into Nantianmen.

As soon as she entered Nantianmen Moon Shadow, she was attracted by the lotus ponds on both sides of the road. She looked at the lotus growing in the clouds and said, "I didn't expect Nantianmen to be so beautiful inside."

"Did you not come in before?"

"No." Yueying shook his head and said, "You all know what happened in the past. I actually looked at Nantianmen from a distance, but never approached."

I think about it. This is just like the thief would never want to go around the police station. The state of Moon Shadow at the time must have been hiding from those fairies. Of course, there was no chance to enter Nantianmen.

Stop and go all the way, and occasionally explain the origin of various things to Yueying, it took more than an hour before we arrived at Sendai. The Jade Emperor is playing chess with an immortal I have not seen here, and there are various gods and senior batters in Tianting talking about it. It looks like they are holding an event. In fact, it took us more than an hour to arrive because another time was spent when we went to Ling Xiao Bao Dian, and then I asked after a while to know that the fairies were all concentrated here, so it took a little time to go around.

As soon as Yueying and I arrived outside Sendai, a **** would see me, and then the guy ran over and asked very enthusiastically: "President Ziri, do you need to meet the Jade Emperor here? Anything else? I can do it for you. "

I know this guy. He is one of the full-time bodyguards of Jade Emperor. Although unknown, he is actually a very powerful character. To be honest, Erlang Shen may not win easily with this guy. Of course, although this guy has a good fighting ability, his status is a bit low, so when he sees all the gods, he is very kind, and he is not just making fun of me, but he is like this to everyone.

Although I am polite, I ca n’t be proud. After all, this is the celebrity around Jade Emperor, and of course I need to be polite.

"I have something to do, but it's not convenient here. The troublesome general will help me to call Taibai Xingjun or Taishangren."

"Please wait."

The general left soon and returned quickly. He ran and whispered quietly to Taishang Laojun. Taishang Laojun whispered to him after seeing me, and the guy immediately came back and told me that Taishang Laojun asked me to go to Sudiya Palace and wait for him.

The Toss Palace is Taishang Laojun's Dan's room. This place is considered a forbidden place in the heavenly courts. Generally, the gods cannot come here casually. I can only come here with a license, so this place is usually quiet.

Taishang Laojun didn't make me wait too long. I arrived soon after I arrived at the Douze Palace, and the emperor Jade Emperor and Da Riru came along.

As soon as the three entered, they immediately saw the moon shadow around me, and then Tai Shang Laojun frowned suddenly and said, "President Ziri, what's going on?"

"Actually, I'm here to tell you about this." Looking at the strange expressions of Taishang Laojun and Jade Emperor, I can only find a way to soothe their emotions. "Actually, this incident was completely due to accidents." Of course, it was absolutely impossible to say straight, so I thought about it for a while and made up an excuse. "In fact, this matter is still related to the invasion of foreigners before."

Before I went to Suo Yaolin, I was ventilating with Tianting. Tianting even sent some gods to help me complete the monitoring of Suo Yaolin. Apart from not directly intervening, it can be said that everything can be done. . It is because Tai Shang Laojun and Jade Emperor both probably know this, so their expressions are obviously milder after hearing my words.

At this time, Da Riru took the lead to say, "Those foreigners hope to release the demon to mess with my land in China, but now how does it look like you brought out a demon yourself?"

"I said, it was an accident. It happened like this ..."

The lie I made is actually very simple. After I entered the lock demon forest, I first restricted the actions of the Rainbow Alliance guys in the lock demon forest, and then slaughtered them, but at the critical moment, the crazy child demon ran out. The opponent ’s combat effectiveness is too strong, I ca n’t figure it out, so I unfortunately fell into the seal where Moon Shadow is located. At that time, the seal had loosened due to the Rainbow Alliance personnel. I was in a dilemma and replaced my magic pet contract with the unstable one The seal took over the control of Moon Shadow, then used the power of Moon Shadow to stun the giant banshee, and finally destroyed those guys in the Rainbow Alliance.

The whole story I said is very simple and straightforward, because I know that these are human essences. The more you say, the easier it is to go wrong, so I simply simplify the content, because the more you lack the details, the more difficult it is to be distinguished. true and false.

Da Ri Ru Lai and the Jade Emperor actually know what kind of person I am, so they did not intend to believe everything from the beginning, but after all, Da Ri Ru Lai and the Jade Emperor are the managers of the heavenly court. As the boss, their thoughts and those below The clerks are different. If it is those little gods, of course, in order not to be punished by Shangfeng, it is of course obedient to follow the rules, but for these bosses, they need stability, and they don't care about small details.

Although they actually guessed that there was a lot of water in my words, the result is that the strongest demon is under control and the foreign invaders are expelled, which means that nothing bad has happened. From a manager's perspective, the purpose has been fully achieved, and other details are not important. On the contrary, I am a very important existence for the heavenly court, and there are many things that the heavenly court needs to rely on me. In this case, it is totally unhelpful to offend me. Although it seems that I have got some benefits from the results, since the heaven itself has no losses, the emperor Jade Emperor and Da Riru don't care about the benefits I get, so they are also happy to fight with me.

In fact, it was precisely because I knew that Da Rirui and the Jade Emperor certainly did not care, so I dared to speak so openly to them about this matter. I have known for a long time that they would not blame me for such a loss of profit, and would not even say a bad word, so I filed a report to show not only my respect for heaven, but also to put an end to them later The possibility of accounting with me after the fall.

Compared to Da Rirulai and Jade Emperor's pretending to be stupid, and my calmness on the side, Moon Shadow was in a kind of cloud and fog, because she didn't understand why I was lying, and the lie was very False, there is a problem at first glance. But what made her foggy was such a lie that was apparently problematic at first sight, and it was actually adopted, and Da Rirui and the Jade Emperor did not look like the kind of fool with an IQ of less than one hundred and fifty. This existence would believe such a lie, which subverts the three perspectives of Moon Shadow.

Of course, I also know that Yueying is very confused, but I have no intention to explain it, and I have already told her before coming here. When I talk to Dairi Rulai and Jade Emperor here, her task is to stand there as a wooden man. No matter what I say, she just listens, she doesn't need to say, unless someone asks her a question directly, it's good to be dumb.

Although Yueying is very puzzled now, my guidance has memorized it very much. Although the eyes of the boss fluttered around our faces, his mouth did not move.

After reporting the situation of the Moon Shadow, I began to say to the Emperor Jade: "Jade Emperor, I have a merciless invitation, and I hope the Emperor can be gracious."

The jade emperor, who was already very clever, certainly didn't need to continue pretending to be stupid at this time, and the IQ returned to normal levels in an instant. "Do you want me to unseal the dragon's body?"

I nodded and arched my hand: "The Jade Emperor's Ming Jian. Yue Ying's current state strength is not ten, and it has a great impact on me. I have taken over my magic pet but can't work for me, and I often go overseas with those foreign countries. The gods fight especially need this high-end combat power, so I hope the Jade Emperor can give me some help and let the dragon body be unsealed again to strengthen my strength. "

The Emperor Jade Emperor and Dayi Rulai glanced at each other, and then the Emperor Jade Emperor looked at Taishang Laojun again and said, "Taishang, you made the chain that locked that demon dragon that year. Is there a way to escape?"

Taishang Laojun twirled his beard and said, "This is difficult. The seal on the dragon is made of the material refined by the **** stone, and the hardness is amazing. Once it is cast, it can no longer be destroyed, so I have no choice. Remove that chain! "

"You **** ..." Yueying couldn't help but matter about myself, but I just covered my mouth with just three words.

"Yueying has been trapped for many years, and it is understandable that there is some injustice in my heart. Laojun should not be surprised."

Taishang Laojun said generously: "She has complaints to understand that the seal was actually hidden. I am not in a position to listen to you. I can only tell you that after the seal is completed, we all actually have some regrets. We're just back to the sky. We can't do anything about the chain, but we can remove the seals around it, so that the dragon's body can be taken out of the forest of the monster at least. "

"But what percentage is left with those chain powers?"

Da Riru interjected suddenly: "It really is not impossible to talk about it."

Taishang Laojun and the Jade Emperor both looked at Da Rirulai in wonder ~ ~ Da Rirulai said without delay. "Did Laojun forget your congenital precious purple gossip furnace?"

"Don't ..." Tai Shang Laojun looked at Da Riru in surprise and paused.

I was a little dazed by these guys, so I asked directly: "What the two are talking about? Can you explain one or two?"

The Jade Emperor understood it, and looked back at me and asked: "President Ziri still remembers Sun Wukong."

The emperor of the Jade Emperor I reacted at that time. "Don't you want to put the dragon's body in the gossip furnace for refining?"

Taishang Laojun seems to have figured it out and looked at me and said, "Yes, the chain has been connected with the dragon body to become a whole, separation is impossible, but my purple gold gossip furnace can simulate the generation of heaven and earth. Change, directly refining the dragon body with that Optimal Lock and condensing it into chaos, and then letting your magic pet subdue it, it is tantamount to put all her power into her soul body. You will lose some good things, but at least you can fully recover the potential of that year, and it will not be difficult to cultivate. "

I asked Xiangyue Ying: "What do you think?" R1152

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