Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 445: An increasingly chaotic world

Although the angles of the two worlds are problematic, there is no problem after entering the kingdom of God. The direction of gravity here has its own independent rules and has nothing to do with the external environment. The only trouble is that it will appear when crossing the boundary of the two worlds. A transient state of double gravity. …,

After entering this kingdom of God, I found that the situation here is quite strange. Originally, I thought that there should be a group of buildings with the characteristics of the protoss in the kingdom of God. After all, the area of ​​the kingdom of God is generally not too large, so it is generally used as the old nest of the protoss, so a very large building group will be established. .

However, it is quite strange in the kingdom of God that no buildings appear. In fact, there is no ground in this kingdom of God, and it is completely a water world. Except for the platform where I entered, there was just a platform that could stand next to a person. At a glance, there was endless water in front of me. There was a blue sky above my head, and nothing else.

Such a clean kingdom of God is really rare, but I didn't delve into it, because I think there should be some relics in this place, maybe it was just because it was under the water.

After I had this idea, I decided to take a look at the water. As a result, I saw a great distance before I had any action. A black object floated down from the sea, and then turned over on the water and fell into it again. In the water. At that moment I realized that this kingdom of God was not as simple as I thought. Although the thing in the distance is not big, it is because of the very long distance. Based on my visual inspection, the thing is actually large and the thing is more than 100 meters long. Such a large creature is a hegemonic existence even in the sea, and I only saw one in less than a minute after arriving at this place, which only shows that the creatures in this place are either very large or I have won awards.

Although I saw something extraordinary. But I didn't step back. Even if this place is dangerous, I need to go and see. It's not a good idea to just leave.

After stepping straight into the water, I started to go all the way down, and soon I could feel that the sea water in this place was obviously different from the sea water outside. The seawater here seems to shine, because I have dived to a depth of more than 300 meters, but the brightness in the seawater is still very high, although it may not be the same as the surface seawater. But at least the sight will not be affected.

In addition to the relatively high brightness, the transparency of the seawater in this place is also very high. In normal seawater, the line of sight will not be too far away, but you can see a considerable distance here. Although it is impossible to be as bright as the energy in the air, the line of sight here is definitely quite large.

Continuing to dive with doubt, when I dropped to about 480 meters, I found that I had reached the end. At the foot is a solid sea floor, but unlike the usual sea floor, there is no trace of sediment or creatures on the sea floor, if it is not because the ground is a fairly natural rock structure. I almost thought I was in the swimming pool.

After reaching the bottom of the sea, I started to move forward, because the border of the kingdom of God is behind, there is no way back, I can only move forward. The kingdom of God is a kind of semi-planar plane, not a complete world. It is not infinite, so it is easy to touch the boundary. The position I entered was at the border of one side of this kingdom of God, so after I went down to the bottom of the sea, I still leaned against the border. Speaking of which, the sea in God's country is really like a swimming pool. Because the sea formed naturally does not have such a vertical coastline of more than 400 meters deep, even if there is no beach, there should be a certain degree of inclination gradually deepening. It is impossible to step forward from the shore directly to more than 400 meters.

Walking along the sea floor, the ground is completely flat, although it is not the same as the artificial floor, but the undulation is very small. If there is no sea water, this ground can allow bicycles to pass. It's a little bumpy at best, so you can imagine how flat this place is.

After walking about two hundred meters in this way, I found a large black spot swimming towards me, immediately stopped moving forward and observed carefully. As a result, I soon discovered that it was actually a school of fish. Of course, this is not a piranha. It's a fish that doesn't look strange except for its larger size. The length of this fish is close to one meter. From the point of view of the earth, this size of fish is already very large, not to mention here there are not two such big fish here, but tens of thousands are swimming together.

Although these fish rushed towards me straight, I knew they were just passing by, so I didn't move at all, and the facts were the same as I thought. The school of fish swam past me without a pause, and never touched me at all. The fish here even actively swim around me, so that they can avoid me and avoid hitting me.

After the school of fish passed, I started to move forward, but soon I realized that the fish actually came back, and this time faster than before, but after watching for a few seconds, I suddenly found that the school of fish actually followed. A huge figure. The school of fish is obviously still avoiding this huge figure, and the huge thing needlessly be some kind of predator, and it is a very powerful being.

The school of fish is very fast, and that thing must eat faster if it eats fish, so it will soon be near me, and at this time the fish have already swam past, and I was directly exposed to that monster ’s before.

In fact, the shape of this thing is not scary at all, because it looks like a killer whale. The killer whale, also known as the killer whale, sounds like a dangerous creature, but it is actually a creature that has a lot of love for humans. In fact, according to the records, killer whales have never intentionally hurt people, and they do not eat people at all, but because of their cute looks, they have become the performance champion in the aquarium and the dolphin, which is very popular with children.

The monster that just appeared in front of me and the killer whale in reality have at least 90% imagination. It looks the same round head and brain, very cute. However, this thing is slightly different from the killer whale in reality.

The biggest difference is actually the volume. In reality, the killer whale is slightly longer than the average private car, but this thing is at least two trains long, the body is perfectly inverted, and the thickest position is a few thicker than the locomotive. In the circle, it not only looks very beautiful, but also full of explosive feeling.

In addition to this super large volume. There is another thing that is different from the killer whale, that is its teeth. The killer whale is actually a very fierce predator. Although it is not known why it is close to humans, the killer whale can actually fight. There have been records of the killer whale and the great white shark. Other big whale things. All this shows that killer whales are actually quite powerful. It is not surprising that they have sharp teeth. However, although the killer whale's teeth are also very powerful, compared with the thing in front of it, it is not enough to see. This guy's teeth are exactly like filling a small dagger in his mouth, and his teeth are all sparkling, looks like silver-plated, and has been mirror-finished, with amazing brightness.

You do n’t need to think about such a beautiful tooth to know that the bite ability is amazing, and now this thing is swimming towards me, so I will go straight back. That thing almost wiped me and slipped over me.

It made me feel more fortunate that the thing didn't seem to attack me. After sliding over me, I continued to chase after the school of fish and did not take me seriously.

Watching that thing disappear into the distance, I can only move on. I haven't found anything valuable this time, but I soon encountered several schools of fish, and each time I saw different types of fish, obviously the fish resources here are quite rich.

After walking a long distance, I even found something valuable here when I even planned to give up. This is a complex of buildings. But the structure is weird and doesn't look like a marine life building.

You should know that there are two types of intelligent species living in the sea. One is more suitable for land life, and the other is not suitable for land life. Among them, the kind of marine life that is more suitable for land life will repair the house like a building on the ground, and will not seal the house in any way, because they are originally marine life, and it is obviously meaningless to seal the house. Of course, things like the Atlantis mermaids use large energy enchantments to prop up the entire city's sky is another matter. But in general, a house built on the ocean floor for marine life that adapts to land will be like a house built on land.

Another situation is the construction of marine life that is not adapted to land life. These guys are generally very good at building. And if it needs to be built, the house they build will show a very strong exotic style. Generally, the structure of the building will be like the shape of kelp or other aquatic plants, and the building structure is also very special. Generally, softness is used. The connection forcibly locks the buoyant building on the sea floor. The role of the foundation in their building is not load bearing, but pulling the building from letting it float to the sea.

Both types of buildings are characteristic, but generally they are normal marine life buildings. However, the buildings in front of them are slightly strange. The shapes of these buildings are quite regular, and there are only two structures in the whole building area-cuboid and cylinder.

The main body of this building is large and small cuboids with different volumes and functions, and the rest are cylindrical pipes connecting these cuboids. The two combine to form this subsea building group.

The structure of this structure is obviously not like the handwriting of underwater creatures. It feels more like a living place built by the land races that cannot survive in the sea, because if it is a marine life, there is no need to make your own living area like this. A fully sealed state.

After researching around this strange group of buildings, I found that the entrance was completely missing, and even more terribly, I found several windows. As a result, I could see the inside through the transparent windows. The situation seen through the window has proved that the interior of the building is full of air instead of sea water, so I do n’t know how to get in, because once I forcibly break the door, the place will enter the water and it may be damaged. It was something of great value.

Repeated inspections confirmed the door of this thing, but because I couldn't find a way to open it, I didn't dare to forcibly destroy it, so in the end I could only choose not to move this thing for the time being. I plan to make a comprehensive investigation of the situation in the kingdom of God first, and then come back to deal with this thing if nothing else is found. Although I don't know how to get in now, but I already thought about it. When there is no way, I will use the method of salvaging the sunken ship to get these buildings as a whole to the sea. I didn't dare to open this thing because I was afraid of water in it, but it would be fine if I let it surface.

A few ghost worms were left in this place for me to use as markers, and then I continued to move forward. Historically, this building complex is less than 50 meters forward is a big trench. Standing on the edge of the trench and looking down was dark. Although the seawater here seems to be able to emit light by itself, it seems that the lower the brightness, the darker the trench becomes. Of course, the bottom of the trench is dark, and there is still enough light in the mountains.

I was looking down at the bottom of the trench, and suddenly I noticed that a huge shadow was coming up in the darkness below. I took a step back and changed, and then I saw a sea monster that was larger than the aircraft carrier. It was swept away at a forty-five-degree angle toward the sea at a forty-five-degree angle in front of me. The current almost turned me over.

Fortunately, the size of this thing is too large, and obviously I will not be interested in things like my small shrimp level. The body structure of the thing looks a bit like a crocodile, but without limbs, instead it has four turtle-like side fins. In addition, the skin of this thing is not as rugged as the skin of a crocodile, and its structure is similar to that of a fish. It's all scales and it looks smooth.

This big guy started to float towards the sea after going out of the water, it was quite fast, and soon disappeared into my sight. However, instead of being scared by this thing, I was more interested in the situation under that trench. There can be something special below to be able to raise such a large creature.

Thinking of a possible treasure, I went straight to the trench and jumped down. However, while I was still descending, I heard the system promptly, and someone was ringing the call.

Anyway, I'm not in a fight right now. So I chose to go offline directly. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw a young man in a suit and tie like an office white-collar worker standing in front of me.

To be honest, it is really strange to see such people in the base, because there are only three types of resident personnel at the base of Longyuan: security, mercenaries, and scientific researchers. The clothes of these three kinds of people are quite uniform. Even if you have never been there, if you tell him that there are three kinds of people, he can definitely recognize who is what profession at first glance. But this person is clearly not one of the three occupations.

There are basically two types of clothing for scientific researchers. They are either white coats or heavy chemical protective clothing that cover the whole body. The security clothing is the same. It looks like military uniform, but it is slightly different from the military uniform of the current active army. Mercenaries' clothing is the most messy. But basically they are all combat suits. Although the styles are different, they can be seen at a glance. Suits are definitely one of the very rare outfits in us. Generally, few people in suits can see them unless they come from the top of the group. After all, the senior management of the base is done by son-in-law, which means that there are almost no administrative staff, so generally no one wears a suit.

This young man not only wears a suit, but also has a folder under his arm, plus golden glasses on his face, giving a strong sense of bookishness. My first impression is that this guy is a secretary.

In fact, my guess was really right. When the other party saw me taking off the helmet, he immediately said, "Hello Vice President Shenlin."

"Wait, what are you calling me?"

"Oh, this is the latest appointment of the board of directors. You are now the group vice president, who is responsible for the first category of business."

This so-called type of business is a business that does not make money, of course, it is not really not making money, it is just not making money directly. For example, the research institute belongs to a type of business category. Because we rarely sell research results, the research institute does not directly profit. Instead, it needs continuous investment and a large amount of funds. Therefore, the research institute is regarded as a type of business. It does not directly generate economic benefits, but depends on other departments to generate benefits.

I do n’t care about this business transfer, because this is just a false title, I ca n’t really take charge of any work. Dad, the identity they arranged for me is generally used to fool people.

"What are you doing to wake me up?"

"Oh, this is the case. There is something wrong with the 1401 factory of the Group, and you need to deal with it."

"1401? Unmanned factory?"


Although the factories affiliated to Longyuan Heavy Industries all have names, in fact, we all use numbers to indicate them. The first 1 in the 1401 factory means that this is a military factory, which means that what is produced is not for civilian use. The latter 40 means that this is the 40th factory. This is generally arranged according to the plant's commissioning time. The No. 40 should be opened relatively late. The last 1 means that this is no artificial length. That is, from production to assembly, the entire process is unmanned. Human work is to send raw materials in from the feed inlet and pull finished products from the production outlet. Even some of the more special special factories have automatic inlet and outlet ports.

"What's wrong with this factory?" I asked as I stood up and moved my limbs.

"The factory itself has no problem, it has just been armed invaded."

"What were you looking for when you were hacked? What about the security department?"

"In fact, the Security Department is already operating, but because of the situation ... you know, the world is more chaotic. The Security Department is a bit overwhelmed. Most of the intruders have been killed. Some of the fleeing Security Department are Chasing, but there are also some stolen items that were used by the other party. The people in Unit B1 happened to be on missions abroad. It is not convenient for us to call heavy firepower in urban areas, so ... "

I nodded and said, "I see. Just give me the briefing, and I'll leave in a while."

"Okay, the briefing has been sent to you."

I went to the equipment library while looking at the mission briefing that the electronic brain had just received, but after walking a few steps, I found that the young man was still with me, so I looked at him in amazement and asked, "What else is going on ? "

"It's gone." The other side answered with surprise.

"Then why don't you go?"

"Because I'll be working with you for a while."

"Are you on a mission with us?" I looked at this guy in surprise. The opponent is not a dragon, but an ordinary person. And after starting the high-frequency ray band, I can clearly see his whole body scan, just like MRI. It can be seen from this scan that this guy is an office white-collar worker and his physical fitness is not even as good as that of ordinary people. Whose idea is this? Send such a guy to follow us to do the task. Do we think that our work is too simple to make it more difficult for us?

The other person probably knew why I was surprised, so I explained calmly: "You know after reading the briefing, I have to follow you to help."

I almost blurted out "We don't need your help", but I held back at the last second. Instead, I went through the mission briefing, and then instantly understood why this guy was needed.

"I depend. It turns out you are the key! Let's talk!"

The situation this time is indeed a bit complicated, but it is quite simple to explain. The first is the 1401 factory. This is an unmanned military factory, and they only produce one thing-military robots.

There are more than twenty production lines in this factory, which can produce more than thirty different types of military robots. A few hours ago, it was invaded by armed forces. The factory's intelligent security system temporarily activated the newly completed robots on the production line and the original security robots to defend themselves. As a result, more than 130 armed personnel were killed on the spot. It also destroyed several vehicles driven by the intruders. However, in the end, more than a dozen people ran away, and the other party successfully controlled an unmanned transport vehicle equipped with 60 general-purpose armed robots.

This armed robot is a humanoid machine and comes with two miniature submachine guns. And can use any weapon used by humans, so it is called a universal armed robot. Of course, these things are locked when they leave the factory. The program copy and user information import need to be started after the consignee starts. Otherwise, it is only the initial state.

However, according to the mission briefing, it was clear that there were masters among those attackers. These people even bypassed the security process, activated the robot without a key, and used our robot to turn against us. However, it is clear that our keys are not useless, at least they have delayed a lot of time.

When the group security forces found the evacuated people, the other party activated only three armed robots. After being discovered, they left one armed robot to intercept our security personnel. The remaining enemies took the other two activated. Armed robots fled the found hiding place and took away twelve armed robots. Although they failed to take all 60 armed robots away, two activated armed robots plus 12 unactivated ones were themselves quite dangerous.

Armed robots are not human security. These guys can handle any human with bare hands without using any weapons. Regardless of whether you are a qigong master or a taekwondo champion, as long as you are human and have no weapons, you will be killed within ten seconds of meeting these guys. These guys are real terminators and more deadly than the iron skeleton in the movie.

Of course, humans generally don't go silly with the robots, but the problem is unless they use powerful weapons. General cold weapons and small-caliber firearms are basically ineffective for these guys, and China is a country with very strict gun control, which means that ordinary people cannot have large-caliber weapons at all. Even if some criminals have guns, at most they are submachine guns or pistols, and these weapons are not effective for armed robots. Even the police do not have the right weapons. Only those special police teams and our security forces in the city have large-calibre weapons, and the number is not large.

According to these circumstances, we can know that the harmfulness of these armed robots to ordinary people is very horrible. Now there are actually two armed robots that have been activated, and 12 armed robots that may be activated at any time, and flee the city with a group of terrorists . This is absolutely terrifying. It can be said that if these people are devastatingly slaughtering, these armed robots can cause hundreds or even thousands of casualties within ten minutes. Don't forget, the attackers are not ordinary criminals. Our Longyuan Group's unmanned factory has machine guards. These guards have automatic weapons, and the factory also has eight heavy-duty defense robots. These guys even have anti-tank weapons. In this case, the other party was able to break into the factory and **** a transport vehicle. It can be seen that the other party has not only weapons but also heavy weapons. After all, our unmanned transport vehicle itself is a computer-controlled civilian-grade armored vehicle. That thing didn't have a cockpit at all, and the only way to get inside was to blast off the top armor with heavy weapons. Then climbed in to find the intelligent core to remove it, and then directly connected the final control system with another computer to manually operate the transport vehicle.

All this information shows that the intruder is not a simple criminal. If these guys are not foreign forces or terrorists, they not only have a large number of light and heavy weapons, but also computer experts. After all, our armed robots have been cracked. This technical strength is at least national level. Longyuan Group is not a miscellaneous brand, which means that the other party is an expert figure.

The situation now is that the armed men are fleeing with 14 armed robots, of which 12 armed robots have not yet started, and the guy in my company, a white-collar worker who was judged by me as a handless chicken, was actually the key. .

He is the person responsible for receiving the goods. If these batches of armed robots are not robbed, they should be sent to the branch where he is located and then unlocked by him. His voiceprint, fingerprint, and iris information are all unlock codes. In addition, his face is also important. When activating an armed robot, he needs to enter the startup password that only he and the factory know, and then the robot will be in a semi-activated state, and then perform Facebook recognition to confirm that he will start to read the voiceprint, iris, and After the fingerprint is finally checked, a special electronic key card is required to officially start.

If we encounter terrorists, the other party may not be able to escape with all the armed robots, and with this key here, he can quickly start these non-activated robots. Because he is the key, as long as it can be started, he can direct these robots to perform a certain degree of action even if information is not imported. Even if all the information is not imported, these robots will not listen to his commands to kill, but if it is subdued Orders like someone or protecting someone will be accepted.

Because I know the identity of this guy, I will no longer stop him from following, after all, it is really helpful to bring him.

According to the mission briefing, the target that needs to be dealt with this time is quite dangerous. Therefore, I did not dare to entrust it, but let the ringtone knight and my magic pets who have been introduced into the real body follow along, even for the sake of Just in case, I even brought Xiaobudian and Xiaobai. The two of them were hidden in the back pockets of the two trucks, and they could come in handy if heavy firepower was needed. Of course, Everett and Brigitte must be brought with them, after all, they are also heavy fire personnel.

Because this operation is in the urban area, the harm needs to be minimized. There is also a storm that can't get around the city. At this time, the society is quite unstable. The opinions of high-level officials are very clear. We must ensure social stability, because only a stable society can allow us to build a migrant ship wholeheartedly. It can be said that we are now killing people and building an additional boat will save tens of thousands of people. As long as this kind of thing is not crazy people know how to choose.

To minimize the hassle. When we came out, we chose different types of vehicles deliberately. In addition to Brigitte and Everett needing special transport vehicles, there are other small dots and whites that can only be transported by closed trucks. The rest of us have tried to choose some of the more ordinary ones. Some people even drove civilian vehicles borrowed from researchers at the base. The advantage of this cluttered vehicle is that it does not make it clear that this is an official action. In this case, at least on the road, it will not cause any problems.

Although the enemy ran away, they brought our armed robots, although these armed robots were activated by the other party. But we ourselves can monitor their location. Each armed robot has an independent locator. This thing is independent and is not controlled by the robot's electronic system. Therefore, even if the robot's control system is broken, the device cannot be turned off. In addition, because outsiders do not know the letter Where is the transmitter, and this thing is a passive signal transmitter, so there is no way to simply detect the position of the starting transmitter. If the opponent has enough time to dismantle an armed robot. It's certainly not difficult to find the location of this transmitter in a few days, but the problem is that they don't have that much time. So even if they knew it, they did n’t reverse it, at least for a short time. Moreover, they cannot yet discard these armed robots, because once they leave these armed robots, their previous efforts will be in vain.

Because these guys know that we chase them again. And knowing that we know where they are, so these guys are not waiting for us somewhere, but are always moving, and according to the direction of each other's movement, we find that they are actually heading towards the city center.

"I trust. Do these guys sincerely want to make a big event?" Looking at the direction of the other party's movement displayed on the map, we are all in a hurry.

Today is Wednesday, not a holiday, but you know the city center of Nanjing. The difference between a home holiday and a non-holiday holiday is the difference between crowded people and many people. If there are no people or fewer people here, , Then only in the early morning hours are possible. Therefore, once the other party reaches this position, it is definitely in the crowd. And what we hate most right now is that those guys drill into the crowd, because this will expose the attack and cause public attention. The second is that it may cause a lot of innocent casualties during the operation. These two points are something we do not want to encounter. But now it looks like he can't escape at all.

Of course, we can also let the police intercept the other party, but the problem is that they have armed robots! There are only patrol police on the road, and those police officers only have small caliber pistols. How can such a thing deal with armed robots? Want to laugh at each other?

"You shouldn't have driven out if you knew!" Complained Scott, looking at the information on the map.

To be honest I also regret it. At first, it was chosen to drive in a low-key and unnoticed manner. Now it seems that it has created conditions for the other party to make a big event. If we knew the other party ’s map early, we should have dropped it directly on the other party ’s head with a transport plane. Although this would be a bit exaggerated, it ’s better than playing a robot war in the city center, right?

"When it comes to airdrops, aren't we flying here?" Tao said.

"Yeah, yeah. I can fly with Everett." Brigitte shouted.

"You can fly even if you are small," Yeyue added.

"No," said: "Everett and Brigitte can barely go out, but don't use flying, it's too swaggering. "

"What then?"

"Don't you have driving wheels? Drill alleys to block them!"

"To understanding."

"I'll follow along." I said, and went straight back from my seat to the back, with Everett not far behind me. The one I'm sitting on is a special Everett transport vehicle, and the rear is a special Everett seat.

By the time I got to Everett's side, the door behind the car was more than half open. Everett jumped directly to the ground and fell to the ground, with the roller-like driving wheels under his feet. A beautiful flick turned and then kicked a few times on the ground like a short track skating. The speed rose immediately and quickly caught up with us. I turned over from the car and jumped to Everett, and then cleverly turned on his back with my inertia. Ivorite immediately started to accelerate, activated the jet boost, jumped over the fence on the street and jumped directly on sidewalk. Then a turn into the side alley.

After Everett got in, Brigitte rushed in, and she carried someone on her back, Yeyue.

Everett and Brigitte, who used the roller skating mode, were so fast that they traversed the community directly and rushed into the company's compound on the opposite side. The security guard at the entrance originally wanted to stop us, but one of them His eyes were sharp, and he saw the logo of the Dragon Coiled Sword on the side of Brigitte's shoulder, and quickly grabbed a colleague next to her.

The dragged security guard turned his head and asked him angrily, "What are you doing to pull me? Didn't you see anyone break in?"

"You fool want to die and don't bother us." The security guard said, "Did you not see that it was a robot?"

"What happened to the robot?"

"I said that although your boy came from the countryside. Anyway, he graduated from middle school, right? You can't tell that the thing is a military robot? If you can have a military robot, what units are you thinking about? It is either the government or the army, and the rest Only the Longyuan Group. Just now I saw the logo of the Longyuan Group's special forces on the back robot. That thing is the Longyuan security robot. One can destroy a company's regular army. What stop do you rush to get? Rubber batons? Besides, they are a big company, and they will never mess up. Now their arrogance is definitely a big deal. If you delay things, you will be even more terrible. "

The security guard next to him reacted immediately after being scolded by the colleague. Hurry and apologize.

Not to mention their side, at this time we have jumped out from behind the company. Although it ca n’t fly, if you rely on the booster to make a short jump, it ’s too easy to turn a wall.

Everyone knows the traffic in Nanjing. Although it is better than Beijing and Shanghai, it is really only better. Traffic jams are the norm for big cities. Of course, it is not the peak period, so there is no traffic jam, but it is absolutely impossible to drive faster. Even those terrorists are not afraid of breaking the rules or crashing. But after all, the cars around are at that speed. How fast can they be? It's different like us. It passes through the community and other units, and the speed does not decrease at all, and it is several times faster than the movement speed of the other party.

Just when the other party was approaching the city center, we finally managed to get to the front of the other party.

"Pause and find the target." Ye Yue pointed at the side of a target character from the alley of the alley while Brigitte turned over a wall. Although there is only a side face, it can be confirmed that this guy is in comparison with the picture taken by the surveillance from the factory.

Everett and I had rushed past, and quickly heard the sound of Brigitte's voice. Instead of walking down the alley, we turned around and jumped onto the residential building and the third floor.

The street building on this side is a very special structure. The lower two floors are shops and are connected. They connect from one end of this block area to the other. There are only a few door openings in the middle, but the ones above the second floor are The residential buildings are separated one by one, so after jumping up, you can move directly along the platform above. Not only are there fewer people, but the sight is also good.

When I jumped up from here, Brigitte already rushed out of the alley with Yeyue, and stopped as soon as she slipped out of the alley. Yeyue also stood on Brigitte's head. . At this height, you can see all the vehicles on the street, and then Ye Yueyue found the car where the person just passed by was just a glance.

"Target discovery." With Yeyue's report, Ivrit and I jumped out directly from the third-floor platform. Everett was afraid to step on the floor and didn't dare to force, so I just jumped to the sidewalk on the side of the road, but I jumped out on Everett's shoulder. I was very strong and leapt directly on the side of the road. Roadside tree and isolation belt, and then smashed into the front of the large tool truck with a thunderous thunder.

My strength is not small at this time ~ ~ Slam the car directly forward and sink, the tail of the car almost lifted. The car behind didn't brake enough and bumped into the rear of the car. The driver behind immediately opened the door and came down, scowling. He didn't see me falling from the sky. After all, the driver was in the car, and the line of sight was narrow, so he only knew that the car in front suddenly braked, causing him to rear-end, so this guy was quite angry when he got out of the car.

However, as soon as his cursing sounded, he suddenly noticed that the canvas covering the back pocket of the car in front of it suddenly stood up, and then the canvas was lifted off to reveal the armed robot.

Although the stolen armed robot is a general-purpose model, it belongs to a medium-sized model in a humanoid machine, which is not a very lightweight one. In fact, the height of this armed robot is one meter nine, which is very oppressive for most people. And the body of this thing does not look slim at all, because it has a large number of power mechanisms in it, which is very powerful, but it also takes up a lot of space.

This kind of thing is actually the heaviest among ordinary security robots, and the larger ones are almost all standard military types. Of course, even a general-purpose armed robot of the guard type is definitely not easy to deal with. The driver who had been scolding him suddenly became dumbfounded, and the whole person stood there in astonishment, forgetting what he had done when he came out. (To be continued ...) u

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