Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 451: The dark side of humanity

In fact, the information given to me by the son-in-law is not too much. After all, at this time, the senior officials of various countries have just received the news and hurriedly used the remote conference system to hold a meeting. There was no time to discuss anything too complicated.

The content of this meeting really surprised me that the members of the meeting actually had the US government.

Yes, you read that right, there were even Americans participating in this meeting. This is actually the case this time.

First of all, it was not only us that were attacked, but the main EU countries, Russia, and us were attacked. The most unfortunate was the Germans. They actually had a migrant ship injured by a bomb. It can already be determined Can't keep up with the immigration plan. In other words, the Germans will lose tens of thousands of lives as a result.

According to the information brought out by the Americans themselves during the meeting, this time the incident was a high-level alliance between a bank consortium led by the Federal Reserve and a small number of large enterprises | Excel | Excel | Small | Said | More | New | Most | Quick | Human tragedy.

These guys are particularly afraid of death, so they think that the last time of immigration is not safe enough, so they plan to take a step first, because if they can leave eight months in advance, then no matter what the problem is in the solar system in the future, they will not be Reached them.

In order to achieve this goal, these guys used their power to control the three prescription boat bases in the United States, that is, the three bases that I saw raised the launch pad.

The three bases were supposed to be built with ordinary migrant ships, but after being controlled by these chaebols, they privately changed the structure of these ships. According to information provided by the US government, the 16 spacecraft actually carried less than 20,000 people in total, instead of what we originally thought was the carrying capacity of more than 120,000 people.

The reason why the number is so different from our imagination is mainly because only eight of the sixteen spacecraft are real carriers, and the remaining eight are used as booster rockets.

That is to say, they use eight ships to carry fuel for the remaining eight ships, and because they have doubled the fuel, they can increase the initial speed, which will greatly shorten the sailing time of the migrant ship, and because the fuel volume will increase Times, they can not only increase the initial speed, but also have a lot of chances of derailment than normal immigrant ships, which means that in the event of an accident midway, they also have more room for contingency, and the migrant ships we build because they carry There is not enough fuel to make large-scale orbital changes by relying solely on the super-electromagnetic engine. Therefore, if we need to perform multiple orbital changes in an emergency, we will not be able to do it, and they can.

These guys are doing everything they can for their lives, and they have wasted eight spaceships, or the lives of 64,000 people, just to buy an extra insurance for themselves.

Even more frustrating is actually behind.

If we waste the eight ships carrying fuel to increase their own chances of survival, this is barely understandable. After all, biological instincts are for survival, and it is not wrong for them to squeeze other people's living space for their own lives, even if it is inhumane. Even if it is extremely lacking in morals, even if it violates the law, at least it still makes sense.

However, it is even more chilling from the bottom of my heart that these guys did not build a spaceship of the full dorm type. Because they are ready to launch, many things are not going to be concealed. In addition, the other party actually abandoned a lot of people who helped them. All the information about these ships was obtained by the US government.

According to the construction drawings of these spaceships, these spaceships are actually completely designed according to those luxury yachts on earth. There are not only gardens and swimming pools, but also man-made small forest parks, meat farms, and planting bases. Although these things are miniature and the design is very compact, you must know that this is not built on the ground, it is inside the spaceship! One can imagine the space needed to build these things. How many people can you take away if you save this space?

However, people have never thought about others. They turned the spaceship into a space garden just to enjoy the same environment on the earth. The life inside is almost not different from that on the earth. Even to do this, they drastically reduced the number of people carrying them. The key to the success of their previous plan was that everyone was afraid of dying, so these people used many people to run first as a bait, and persuaded many people to cooperate with them and provide them with various conveniences, so that the US government None of the intelligence agencies was able to spot the plan ahead of time, because even the intelligence agencies of the US government had been bought.

However, these people are actually cheated. They didn't plan to take these people at all. The good date they told them should actually be one month later, but they were suddenly preparing to launch today. Those people were abandoned. Many people were even disbelieved after being told that the other party was ready to take off, and some people collapsed on the spot.

Because of giving up so many people, their eight spacecraft to be really voyaged actually only carry 2,200 people, that is, only 17,000 people can follow them, many others People, including those involved in the construction of the spacecraft, were abandoned.

The huge remaining space on the spacecraft is not only used to build those luxurious leisure facilities, but also used to store a large amount of industrial equipment and basic materials, so that when the spacecraft reaches the target, it can quickly start the reconstruction plan, which will be more than our reconstruction plan The speed is much faster, because we are taking as many people as possible, so the cargo compartment is compressed as much as possible, and it is not necessary to not have all the essential products. This way, although it saves a lot of space for people, but after going there The time to rebuild civilization needs to be extended. Of course, even then, the time should not be too long. After all, human technology has reached the point where it is today. Even if the equipment that was taken is less and refined, but because the key equipment is there, it will be very fast to reproduce human civilization.

Up to fifty years, human beings can rebuild a similar degree of civilization on the earth over there, that is to say, fifty years after the immigration ship arrives there, we can completely restore modern civilization. According to these people's plans, they may need only ten years to complete the basic reconstruction of civilization. This is indeed an advantage, but the cost is the loss of hundreds of millions of lives and the total loss of humanity.

The information Americans themselves disclosed was simply incredible, and the heads of state were a little stunned. And the most important piece of information is still to come.

The group created by the chaebols also announced a warning message that they also have special preparations at other bases in the United States, about half of which have bombs on migrant ships.

The immigration ship is not a military missile, and its huge size determines that this thing accelerates slowly and is easily hit. Even if the other party is suddenly preparing to launch, modern military technology can intercept even missiles. Isn't it trivial to deal with such a large migrant ship? Of course, the other party will not be so stupid. After preparing for the spaceship, the opponent will be beaten down. Only idiots do that.

They installed bombs in American immigration ships in advance. Although not powerful, they were enough to make it impossible for those immigration ships to reach the last time of immigration. In other words, once the bomb exploded, these ships were made in vain.

Because the immigration ships are large and the other party has not notified them until now, the U.S. government has not had time to investigate. Even if some bombs were found in some of the immigration ships and safely dismantled, it is impossible to find every one completely? In this state, no American can afford to lose any spaceship, so they are absolutely afraid to confront these people.

And these people are using this bomb as a threat, threatening the US government not to approach their launch platform, to stop them from taking off, or to blow up the migrant ships and prevent half of the Americans from evacuating. The U.S. government simply did not dare to gamble with half of the spaceships in the country, so it did not dare to move them. As for the authenticity of the bomb ... the other party directly told the US government of the bomb location and unlock code on three of the spacecraft, and the US government did find it. In other words, 80% of the words of the other party are true, because since they can place three bombs, it would not be a big problem to put 30 or 300, after all, the spaceship is the subsidiary under their control of the chaebols to build Yes, it's too easy to bring something in.

The other side threatened Americans with bombs and did not give up other countries.

For threats from other countries, these guys use double insurance. They controlled US nuclear weapons bases. According to them, several nuclear weapons were already under their control, and if other countries attacked them, they would detonate them. Although these nuclear weapons are in the United States, they will not be fired, but will explode in the United States. However, according to the principle of nuclear bundling, once the United States is attacked by nuclear weapons, Americans will necessarily need to bind other countries for their own interests. Then a nuclear war broke out.

According to this situation, other countries must not dare to disturb. And the other party's means do not stop there. This attack on our Ark base is happening all over the world, and their attack is also to further deter countries. According to their plan, these attackers would burst into the base, then control the immigration ship, and then use the immigration ship as a hostage. As long as we dare to hit their spaceship, they will blow up our immigration ship.

These people secretly took away 16 spaceships. The losses were actually American. Our countries can be said to be innocent of these guys. Therefore, if they hijack our immigration ship, we will definitely not want them. Killing these migrant ships. At that time, we can only let them go in order to ensure the safety of migrant ships.

With this pair of insurances, these people can be sure that no country in the world will dare to move them, and even if some people want to do it, these big countries will also protect them because we are threatened by them, and they will be treated as such.

However, these double insurances that threaten all countries now seem to be incomplete, because the defense forces of the spacecraft bases of various countries have exceeded their imagination. Most of these invading troops have failed to enter the base. They went in, but as a result of the fierce fighting, they broke a migrant ship halfway and could not serve as a hostage at all. But even without these migrant ships as a threat, we still dare not fight, because the nuclear deterrence in the United States is still a problem.

Regarding the control of nuclear weapons, the US government is stepping up its investigation and replacement of the detonation code, but it must not be completed before the other party takes off, so basically we have little hope that we can stop them.

The conclusion of this summit is probably that we must resolutely eliminate these attackers who have invaded each country, and then everyone will join hands to block the news. We must never let ordinary people know about this. There is also the issue of the departure of the other party's spacecraft. Although the heads of states are angry, everyone finally calmly decides not to stimulate those madmen and let them leave.

Those guys may not be able to complete the immigration plan even if they run first, and now the focus is to ensure that the humans on the earth leave safely. Isn't it too stupid to cause human extinction for the sake of anger? The impulsive young people may be out of breath when their brains die, but at least these middle-aged people in the decision-making countries are naturally not so impulsive, so everyone has decided to put up with this tone, and can not take people's lives for the sake of anger Just kidding.

"How do you feel? Very annoying?" The son-in-law asked.

I nodded and said, "Yes, my lungs are exploding. Even if my hormone secretion is relatively low, I feel difficult to calm down! The Presbyterian Church does not know how to bear this breath!"

"You said it was the Presbyterian Church. The old man is more calm than the young one, right?"

"By the son-in-law, do you say governments do not dare to do anything, what if we do?"

How clever the son-in-law, I just mentioned it, and she said immediately: "I show you this meeting report in the hope that I can do something. Moreover, I think we can really do something."

"I have something to say."

"Do you know our dragon edge has a base on the back of the moon?"

"You mean Luna 2?"


"But that's a research base!"

"Actually not." The son-in-law gave me a shocking secret. "Under the base of Luna 2 is actually an unmanned base. The upper base is responsible for the human living environment in the non-gravity or micro-gravity environment of the eye space. This is true, and it includes not only our group but also all parts of the world. Researchers belonging to those countries are in it. So this is a joint base, and the information is basically transparent. However, no one knows that there is actually an unmanned base under this base. All inside is under my control and there is a complete unmanned inside. The production line produces only two things-a multipurpose robot and a space fighter. "

"We still have this kind of factory on the moon?"

"In fact, we also have a large factory on Europa and Europa, each responsible for the production of large unmanned warships and space fighters."

"Are you going to intercept them halfway with the contents of these bases?"

"Yes," said the son-in-law. "There is a heavy space fighter inside Luna II. This space fighter can carry a drilling missile that digs itself. This missile is not an attack weapon, but mining and protection. It is used by the immigration fleet. Because the immigration fleet does not carry much fuel, it cannot frequently change orbits. If it encounters a large meteorite, it must be crushed to a level sufficient to block the electromagnetic barrier. This missile is responsible for As long as it is launched towards the meteorite, the missile hits the surface of the meteorite, then starts the drill bit to drill into the meteorite itself, and when it reaches the core of the meteorite, it will detonate and completely blow the meteorite.

I can temporarily change the production order, let the automated factory produce a few modified space bombers, and then take a few more of these missiles over. The large-scale missile cannot be blocked by the electromagnetic barrier of the migrant ship. The stealth coating of the space fighter can let it avoid the migrant ship's radar to approach the other side quietly and then release the missile. In space, only one such missile is enough to completely kill an immigration ship. "

"It sounds so good. So is there any plan two?"

"Of course." Son-in-law said: "Plan two is to have a biochemical crisis in the opposing ship."

"What do you mean?"

"Have you seen the movie Alien?"

"Aren't you thinking ...?"

"Yes. Our Dragon's biology department is fully capable of producing alien-like creatures. Although not as exaggerated as in the movie, as long as it penetrates one end, it should not be a problem to kill all the people in a spaceship. The other spaceship needs Prepare for a period of time, the fastest will have to wait another five or six hours to launch, we have time to plug a few of these creatures into each spacecraft. "

"Are you sure this creature is reliable?"

"These are basically downgraded versions of our Dragons, and of course they are reliable."

I thought for a moment and then asked, "son-in-law. Is it possible that these creatures you said would take control of the ship after killing all the people inside?"

"What do you want?"

"Of course it will save some more people."

The son-in-law understood what I meant in an instant, so he said, "I understand, and start to execute the plan right away."

Actually what I think is very simple. Although these spacecraft were launched early, it was a pity to waste them. After killing the people inside, I just need to find a planet that the immigration fleet needs to pass to put these ships into orbit ~ ~ Then rely on the gravitational force of the planet to continuously orbit the planet, so that the spacecraft can not keep moving while maintaining speed . On our side, we can take more people to take off based on the number of people that can be carried on the spacecraft.

If the immigration ship is deadlifted, it can actually carry a lot of people. The reason for limiting the number of people is to ensure that they can maintain a stable and stable living condition during the long immigration process. However, if there are spaceships waiting for the unloaders in front, even if our spaceships pull more overloaded when taking off, there will be no problem.

Although the eight airships to complete the immigration plan carried less than 20,000 people, it is good to save one more person at this time, let alone nearly 20,000 people! It is a heroic feat to save people's lives by creating a seven-level floating slaughter and saving the lives of more than 17,000 people at once. As for those people on the ship now ...

Can you do such things, are they still human? r1152

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