Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 454: American Emergency Plan

Chapter 454 American Emergency Plan

Once the spaceship of the group of people takes off, we will not have the opportunity to wait for the spaceship again, and even if we go up, how we return after the spacecraft takes off is also a problem, so we not only have to go up, but also prevent them from taking off. It became very nervous.

Terry urged us to rush out of the underground base almost continuously, and then on the road Terry began to explain to me and others in the team the content of this operation.

First of all, we figured out one thing, that is, the troops dispatched in this operation were all foreigners except Terry and his twenty or so men. In other words, with the exception of Terry and their twenty or so people, the rest were not Americans.

After learning that there are only twenty or so Americans here, the communication channel in the convoy was immediately in chaos, but was quickly soothed. Terry They separated more than twenty people when they got on the car, and then each car had a Terry man. Except that Jingjing was driving in the armored vehicle we were in, the rest of the vehicles were driven by Terry's subordinates, and now these people have to act as comforters in addition to driving.

Although everyone is a little bit emotional, the hundreds of people dispatched this time are all elites, so although you can't say that the discipline is good, but at least they won't be fooled. After everyone was quiet, Terry began to explain, and we quickly understood the reason for this arrangement.

Those guys who rob the spaceship and abandon all humanity can do this kind of thing in the United States. It can be seen how profound their invasion of various forces in the United States is, although because they are now preparing to run, many exploited people have found them. I didn't plan to take myself, so I stopped serving this organization, and even many people took the initiative to help the government fight this organization that abandoned them. However, this organization is, after all, a powerful organization, and we are not sure what kind of state their penetration into the US government is.

Because of this, we cannot be sure that any unit of the United States is absolutely safe. This is why there are no American cans of iron cans among the personnel dispatched this time, not only because most of those guys are sent to countries to perform tasks, but the more critical reason is that the US government is afraid to guarantee these troops. There is no other person's eyeliner in it, and once our actions are exposed, the whole world will be in danger. Therefore, none of the people in this operation came from the US government and the military.

Terry is the Prince of the Eagles. His identity is very special, so he is absolutely reliable. The people who follow Terry are all security personnel of the most important confidential unit of the Eagles. These people are all emergency screened personnel, and it is basically certain that there is no possibility of infiltration by the other person. After all, this screening is very strict. Those who can hold confidential positions in important units of the Eagle Regiment are already clear. This time, among this kind of people, a selection of ten people was selected, and the staff is naturally more reliable. No one dares to carelessly affect the future of mankind.

之后 After people from the United States choose to do so, of course, they cannot rely on just such people, so the people brought by representatives from various countries become the key. As a matter of fact, the heads of state had already known the news before coming here, but each country also knew about two or three people, and now these people in the team, like me, have only just got the news.

这些 We are all selected by the heads of state to conduct a secret screening before coming. If it is a normal meeting, obviously there is no need to bring so many security forces. Although I was a little strange before, I didn't expect that we were here for this matter. Now that I know the reason, I immediately feel that the previous things are straightened out.

Then tell us why after we were concentrated here, Teri they started to publish the real mission information.

First Terry they explained to us the origin of the mission. Just like I thought before, because those people planned to take off, and those on the periphery of their organization who knew the spacecraft took off but did not receive a notice of boarding, immediately understood that they had been abandoned. Of course, these people will not continue to help those who abandon themselves, but some of them have chosen to be silent because they are afraid that the government will settle accounts after the fall. However, some people came forward out of anger, hoping to help the US government pay the organization and at the same time allow the US government to give them a place for immigration ships, which is a revenge and a transaction.

Among these people, there are some who hold positions that can slightly touch some other party's important secrets. Although the **** who abandoned all human beings are not human, they are not stupid. Those who are abandoned are those who are irrelevant to their plans. Those who truly grasp the core secrets have been notified in advance as promised. The information these people actually have is peripheral information. However, when the peripheral information is gathered, some internal information can be inferred, especially the US government itself is not equipped, and their intelligence system is still very powerful. Although this time it was a major mistake, it was because of the intelligence agencies. The senior management was also bought by the other party. Now the high-level of the intelligence agency has gone to the spacecraft waiting to launch. Although the intelligence agency without the head has temporarily lost its chief command, it is also because the bought-in chief command is no longer available, so those collected by the previous agents were The intelligence suppressed by the boss of the intelligence organization has now been turned out.

If it wasn't because the boss of the intelligence agency was bought, the information was deliberately suppressed, and the collection of the information was intentionally interfered, then the information can be restored to the other party's entire plan after the aggregation. At this point there were no internal problems with the intelligence agencies. Comparing this information with those of the surrendered guys, many things were immediately cleared up.

组织 That organization ’s plan for the world is nothing more than two. One is to use fake orders to command US special forces to invade the ark bases of other countries, and then to blow up the migrant ships in these bases, forcing all countries to let them go. The second is to use the nuclear weapons they control within the United States, and use nuclear deterrence to force countries around the world to let them go. Of course, there are secret bombs that they installed at some ark bases throughout the United States. Once these bombs explode, the future of the Americans will basically be non-existent. By that time, what Americans can do is really uncertain. Already. So, this can even be regarded as triple insurance.

Now that the US special forces that have invaded the ark bases of various countries have been blocked, the US government has responded quickly and decisively ordered all overseas US forces to lay down their weapons. Although this order has caused heavy political and military losses to Americans, it is a method of drawing wages at the bottom of the bill and directly dissolving those people's first insurance.

Regarding the other two insurances of those bastards, the Americans have also used intelligence reassembled by the rebels and their intelligence agencies to figure out the general situation.

They first determined that the bombs in those Ark bases in the United States were a hybrid control bomb. This bomb has a timed detonation device, but this device has a remote reset setting. They planted some dead men in these bases, and at the cost of taking away their families, let them stay willing to complete this task. These people were the original staff at the Ark base, and the bombs were brought in. At the same time, they also have a device in their hands. This device is like a car remote control, which sends out a wireless command when pressed. The countdown devices on those bombs have actually been working, which means that they have actually started to count down when they were installed. However, those who are bought will pass from the vicinity of the bomb every once in a while. When they pass by the bomb, they will click the remote control, and then when the bomb receives a signal, it will reset the time immediately, that is, restart the countdown.

As long as these people reset the time without interruption, these bombs will never explode, because their countdown time has been reset without resetting to zero. However, once these people learn that the ships are not launched or are intercepted by anyone, they will stop resetting the time device, and once they no longer reset the time, the bomb will detonate after the countdown has finished. .

The American approach to this threat is simple and violent.

They directly used the invasion of their ark bases by their own special forces as an excuse, and feared that other countries would also destroy their ark bases in the same way, and directly closed all ark bases.

These bases have been completely enclosed from now on. When any person enters and exits, the base will be completely closed. Even the supply of raw materials will be suspended for a period of time. After all, there is some material in the base. What a big problem.

After the base is closed, the US government will close the communications in the base, and then use a set of fake communication information to access the base. That is to say, at this time, the people inside the base will lose contact with people outside, and they will not receive When it comes to network signals, the only external information channel is the one-way communication such as television and radio. Moreover, the television and the radio that they stopped are not real, but are faked by the US government. People in the base thought they were seeing outside news, but they were actually fake videos recorded by the US government. In the video, the U.S. government will pretend that everything is going well. Those people ’s ships will take off in the news and then leave the earth. When these people in the base see the news, they will think that things have not changed, and they will continue to repeat. The time to set the bomb so that the bomb does not explode.

Of course, this method cannot be carried on indefinitely, and people inside will definitely find problems over time, but the US government has not expected to cheat for long. As long as the information is not leaked during our operation. Regardless of whether our operation is successful or not, those in the spacecraft are estimated to be unable to survive. After that, as long as there is a problem with the launch device, the spacecraft can wait indefinitely on the launch pad, which can further gain time. Then, when the base is closed, an internal inspection is also performed.

Because it is known that these bombs need to be reset with the remote control constantly to prevent explosion, so as long as a large number of radio detection devices are prepared in the base, the transmission signals of those radio reset devices can be detected. After that it was simple. As long as the signal occurrence time is compared with the location information of the personnel in the base, those who are responsible for the bomb reset can be accurately found, and because the effective range of this radio recharge device is only a few meters, the bomb location can be located by the way, after all Even if you hide it again, searching within a few meters will not be too much trouble.

As long as the person responsible for the remote control and the bomb are found, then the next thing is not how Americans play? So, Americans already have a response to this bomb problem.

Of course, the premise is that our action cannot leave a leaking fish, otherwise, once those people escape, and in case they are released information about their attack, and then if they are seen by people here, then That caused the bomb to detonate, that's it. Of course, this probability is very low, because the other party is very unlikely to run away after it is found to be attacked, and even if it runs away, it is necessary to send the information to the joint people in these ark bases under the control of the US government's information It is also quite difficult, so the probability of failure is very low. But after all, it is a matter of safety for all humankind. Even if this probability is very low, we dare not have the slightest carelessness. The accident of human extinction has become the cause of us. Who dare to say that?

After explaining the problem of the bomb, what remained was the problem of nuclear bombs.

美国人 About this nuclear bomb, Americans also think of a way. Because they don't know which nuclear bombs those people control, the way Americans take is to seal all nuclear weapons. Of course, it is not just the American seal, but the seals between the major powers participating in the operation.

Some people may not know that nuclear weapons and conventional weapons work differently. Compared with chemical explosives that need to be treated with care, the characteristic of nuclear weapons is stability. If the detonation device in a nuclear bomb does not work properly, whether you throw it from high altitude, burn it into a fire, or contact various chemical substances, it will at most cause the shell of a nuclear weapon to rupture and a radioactive leak will occur. The nuclear weapon itself It will definitely not explode. Even if a nuclear leak occurs, as long as the radioactive material is not completely scattered in the air and cannot be recovered, there are many ways to deal with these problems easily. Therefore, it is very simple to invalidate nuclear weapons. Even some methods can be done by any person, without any professional knowledge, because the manual detonation device of nuclear weapons, as long as the input is wrong three times in a row, the nuclear bomb will be locked. After that, unless a detonator is replaced, this nuclear bomb will Complete failure. So, as long as you have access to it, it is very simple to abandon a nuclear bomb.

Of course, this is not the way Americans use it, but the way to remove all nuclear bomb detonators.

The plan of the Americans this time is for all countries to dismantle everyone's nuclear weapon initiation devices, and then store all the initiators centrally. As long as the initiators and nuclear weapons are not together, the nuclear weapon itself is equivalent to scrap iron.

Every country has very strict management of military materials. Even a very large number of things such as rifle bullets have specific numbers. There are records where one shot is made and where one shot is destroyed. Even the bullets have detailed records, so the nuclear bombs are certainly not wrong. How many nuclear weapons a country has is definitely very clear, at least for themselves. Therefore, as long as the corresponding number of detonators are recovered, it is useless even if some of those who control them have the password or authority to detonate the nuclear bomb, because the nuclear bomb has been physically sealed, not that you let it explode it. It will explode.

Of course, the detonator can be rebuilt and the other party can steal it, but it takes time, and before they could succeed because the US government and other countries around the world did not know about the existence of this organization. Now that they have surfaced, time will be delayed The longer they are, the less likely they are to have a chance to win, because the US government must have more control than them. Besides, we are about to start the operation. After this operation is completed, even if we fail and let the other party run away some people, they will definitely lose a lot. The remaining people will never be able to The US government is working against it.

In fact, all of the above are considered in accordance with the worst intentions. After all, this matter is of great importance and everyone dares not have the slightest chance of luck. But even if everything is considered according to the worst possibility, we have determined that there will be no major problems, so this operation can be carried out without affecting the security of all humankind.

He explained the ins and outs of the operation, and then Terry began to introduce us to the operation.

Because people from different countries come from different countries this time, cooperation will become a big problem. After all, everyone did n’t know each other before, and they have n’t trained together. Only a tacit understanding is a ghost. Even if it is all elite here, the first cooperation will inevitably have some problems, so the approach adopted in this operation is to do it separately.

There are more than one target spacecraft, but as many as sixteen, so we have no need to form a mixed formation. The countries participating in the conference include the United States, China, Russia, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom, six particularly strong countries,, and Japan, South Korea, India, and Italy. These countries are all countries that build their own immigration ships, so they are not a weak presence, because even though all countries in the world share a part in the construction technology of immigration ships, after all, everyone has retained their hands, so if you have a complete knowledge No, sharing technology alone will definitely not make a migrant ship. Besides, building a migrant ship itself is a test of national strength, but it is not that any country can build it. Therefore, the countries that can basically participate in this meeting and send delegations all have a certain amount of international weight. Laggard countries, small countries, poor countries, and countries without advanced industries don't need to think about it, because they have no ability to play, and they cannot afford it.

The distribution plan put forward by Terry was discussed by representatives of the countries in the previous meeting. Eight of the sixteen spacecraft in the target exist as tankers. There are basically few people in it, so they are each responsible for one of the second-tier countries. The remaining eight main targets are each of our six strongest countries. Responsible for one, the remaining two teams are responsible for Japan, South Korea, India and Italy. Although this still requires cooperation, only two groups are duo, which is not a big problem. Moreover, these two groups are relatively strong, of which Japan can almost be regarded as a first-tier country, Italy is similar, South Korea and India are slightly weaker, but they are also in the vanguard of second-tier countries, so even if the cooperation is not too smooth, it should not be a problem. Big.

The team is grouped, and then the formal task content is next. Because this thing is designed separately for each spaceship, it is not notified on the public channel, but is discussed by each team. We naturally got our mission plan. R1152

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