Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 471: Discovery of the American people

"I said you can also run into trouble when airborne?"

"Exactly it is not us, it is the band of Asan. Their team was blown away from the landing position by strong winds, and fell directly into the marching team of the opposing team. It's my turn over here. "

The last time Terry cut off the communication, I still heard very fierce gunfire in the communication. Obviously, they were not playing easier than us.

I just cut off the communication here, and suddenly I heard a gunshot from the side, followed by a sound from the side of my head, and someone was obviously hitting my head. Of course, the impact is so small, it must be a pistol, and I didn't even feel the obvious shock.

Turning his head to look at the source of the gunfire, he found the second floor of a shop on the street when the fire opened. Seeing that I turned my head, the guy on the second floor even pulled up the curtains. Within my infrared line of sight, the barrel of that guy's hand was as bright as a warning light in the night.

Switch the passive infrared mode to the active infrared mode, and then start the spectral enhancement, then I can see the situation in the room on the second floor. Because the electronic brain automatically compensates, the picture I see now is not a simple outline, but it can clearly see the items inside. Of course, these are textures, which may be different from the actual situation, but the shape is definitely correct.

Under my infrared vision, I can see five people behind the window on the second floor, including two men and three women. There was a man and three women hiding away from the window. It seemed that the attack just now had nothing to do with them, because these guys were all shrinking together, apparently very scared. However, the remaining man was more excited. This guy has been walking around the room and has no intention of stopping. And from time to time, he walked around the window to look at the situation outside, and there was only a gun in his hand in the room.

After determining the situation on the second floor, I also lazily went up, raised the rifle and aimed at the guy on the second floor, then adjusted the ammunition mode to armor piercing, and then pulled the trigger. The gun trembled slightly, and then saw that guy suddenly freeze. Then he raised his hand and touched his chest, then fell out of balance and fell forward to the ground. The shot just hit the heart directly, but because the ammunition speed of the armor-piercing mode is too fast, the kinetic energy still does not drop significantly after breaking through the wall, and it broke through the guy's heart, but did not cause much damage, just opened The small bullet went out. Of course, the heart is hit, and even a small hole is enough to kill someone. It just took a few more seconds.

Regardless of the situation over there, my attention returned to the street. The blocked rebel forces have dispersed, and the soldiers have basically left the road, all entering the buildings on both sides, and then using the passages in the buildings and moving along the alleys behind the street buildings. However, although most of the infantry entered the buildings and alleys on both sides, the armored vehicles and tanks were still on the road, so our attack pressure was not reduced at all. Also pay attention to the cold guns flying from the houses on both sides. Fortunately, our defense is hard enough, and the individual weapons are basically the same. Heavy weapons are too large to carry out sneak attacks, but they are not too much of a problem.

"Scott, you take the bell knight on the main road, okay?"

Scarlett nodded. "Leave it to me."

After confirming Scarlett's mission, I sent Ling, who had just joined us, to let her lead someone along the left side of the road. Sweeping the rebel infantry, and I carried the rest from the right side. In this way, three roads can be used to sweep the rebel forces. Although there will still be leaks, as long as they block the large forces.

"Yueyue, go up and support us." I pointed down the roof and said to Yeyue.

Yeyue looked up at the building in front of her. Then nodded, the huge snake tail gradually stood up, pushed the upper body to the height of the third floor, and then borrowed the force on the fire escape and the window sill in the middle of the snake body. The action was like walking on the ground. No, and I did n’t use my arm to help.

As soon as Yeyue came up to the roof, she suddenly noticed that someone was already here, and not one or two, but twenty or thirty people gathered on the top of the building.

At the top of this seven-story building is a large flat rooftop. It looks like someone was partying here before, but these people were trapped here because of a sudden battle. After Yeyue came up, she found that there was a large group of people staring at herself, and many women screamed and hid in horror. The most outrageous is that a man was actually pushed downstairs because the woman in front was desperately dodging backwards and fell straight.

Ignoring the confusion on the top of the building, Yeyue sent her entire body to the rooftop. Some people who were scared by just seeing her six arms and weapons on hand were even more frightened. However, Yeyue didn't care about this at all. After moving all the people to the rooftop, she moved straight across the rooftop and moved forward. The crowd in front saw her approaching and consciously retreated to both sides to make way. However, Yeyue stopped suddenly while passing one of the tables.

Turning around and looking at the food on the table, Yeyue's helmet suddenly lifted up without warning and folded into a peculiar collar behind the neck.

Originally, when the helmet was opened, those people thought they would see a monster's face. However, after the helmet was unfolded, it turned out to be a long, smooth and black hair, and then exposed a delicate little face. Although the aesthetics of the Eastern and Western people are slightly different, some beauty is non-racial, and the appearance of our dragons is not entirely Asian, but it is a mixed-racial feeling that tends to account for most of Asian ancestry, and even some of them It looks completely white. The beauty of Yeyue belongs to that kind of beauty with a little Western style, so everyone on the scene felt that momentary stunning. However, this fascination is also instantaneous, because the next second they focused on Ye Yueyue's eyes.

The beauty of Yeyue gives a mysterious beauty, and the core of this mystery is near her eyes, because there is a pair of horizontal slightly V-shaped goggles. This crimson goggles blocked Yeyue's entire eye section, which made everyone who saw her soon change from stunning to eager, eager to see her eyes, and because of this beautiful face. Everyone can't help guessing what kind of beauty those eyes can be worthy of this beautiful face.

Just when everyone was guessing, wondering, curious, and eager, Yeyue carefully picked up a cute little cake from the plate and licked it. At that moment, many men around were almost moaning. They groaned, and they were wondering how good it would be if they were that little cake. However, although they are not small cakes, the smile that blooms on Ye Yueyue's face makes them feel as if they are about to suffocate.

Even when a group of men drooling at Yeyue, Yeyue stuffed the little cake into her mouth. Then I took another plate and put it in order, but I thought that I still had the plate, and then lifted the whole small cake basket directly, then turned around and left.

I do n’t know if the hormonal over-secretion brought courage, a young man who looked quite tall and handsome suddenly stopped in front of Yeyue, and then pretended to have a cool look and opened his mouth and said, "Hey, beauty. This ... "

Yeyue had no intention of stopping at all, and pushed directly on that guy's chest, and then the guy flew out as if he had been hit by a locomotive. A bang crashed over the table next to it, then smashed the iron door in the stairwell, then knocked the large iron door directly with the door frame, and fell into the stairway.

Without a pause, Yeyue took the basket and continued to move forward, and soon reached the edge of the rooftop. At this time, there was still a fear of death. At first glance, this guy is not the kind of good-natured boy. Come straight out and say, "Take our party cake, but let us have a look at your eyes."

This guy was just talking. The purpose is to fight for face, after all, he can be regarded as the type of big brother in school. However, he originally thought that Yeyue would not hit him, but he did not expect Yeyue to turn back at the last moment, and then looked at her with a charming smile and asked, "Are you sure you want to see my eyes?"

Slightly hesitated, but at this time he could not be subdued. All I could say was stiffly: "Dangdang ... of course."

"That's okay." Yeyue suddenly turned back and swam back, her movements were very fast, and she changed the way she was standing upright like a person walking, but used the upper half that she was more accustomed to lean forward at 60 degrees, Twisting his body like a real snake swims quickly and put on two.

The distance between them was more than ten meters. But Yeyue came to him in less than two seconds after turning around, and then suddenly six hands stretched out together, two hands grabbed his arm, both hands pressed on his shoulders, and two hands held him. Faces on both sides, and then pressed his face close to his face, exhaling, said, "Don't blink. This is the beauty you can only see once in a lifetime."

With Yeyue's words falling, her red goggles popped up suddenly, and then the guy saw Yeyue's full face, especially those pair of thrilling and beautiful eyes. Among those beautiful big eyes was a pair of pupils with colorful irises. The splendid colors even had a little flash, like a vortex. At that moment, he just wanted to wander in this beautiful light and shadow, and it is best not to wake up. then……

Then he was completely frozen.

Yeyue's eyepiece only bounced for a moment, about a second, and then dropped again. Then Yeyue turned around without looking back, leaping away with a string of silver bell laughter. It really drifted away because people directly crossed the alley between the two buildings to the top of the opposite building. This kind of span is only a little more than five meters, and even if there are many humans, many people can jump over, let alone night and moon.

Yeyue was gone, but there was a sudden scream from the top of the building over there, because someone touched the guy who saw Yeyue's eyes, and then the guy fell straight and fell down. Still keeps the movement just now without any reaction.

After discovering that this guy was dumped, some people found that the two people on the left and right sides of this guy were also freezed, so they hurry and helped them to place them on the ground, and then started various inspections.

Although the group of people who participated in the party were college students who had just graduated, the people who came came with them, and one of them was a doctor. The doctor touched the carotid artery of the guy who wanted to see Yeyue's eyes, and immediately got up and touched one of the other two. The others asked nervously, "What's wrong?"

"That has no pulse. There is still rescue." The doctor said that he jumped up and touched the last one, then looked up and shouted, "Is there any emergency?"

"I will." "I will" ... several people cried at the same time.

"Come over here to help them with artificial respiration, don't stop." After speaking, the doctor ran to the guy in front, then ripped off his shirt, and put his hands on the heart of the guy and began to press hard. . At the same time, I continued to give this guy artificial respiration, and sometimes he listened to my heartbeat. After several times in a row, this guy still kept lying upright, as if he was not a person, but a sculpture.

After more than a minute of rescue, this guy showed no signs of recovery. But the two guys who were only artificially breathed up suddenly, and then took a breath, a drowning shock person suddenly recovered his consciousness, and then the two men turned neatly and started to fall to the ground Vigorous vomiting, not only sprayed out all the food previously eaten, even the contents of the intestines were poured back together and sprayed out, causing everyone around them to hide by holding their noses.

The doctor saw the situation here and gave up the guy who was in first aid, then ran to check the situation of the two guys, as for this on the ground. He has been defined as completely incorruptible.

People around saw the doctor abandon this guy who didn't slow down, and then someone asked him what happened, and the doctor just shook his head and said he did his best.

Although the two guys who vomited more than vomited fiercely, they recovered very fast. After vomiting everything in their stomachs within five minutes, they returned to normal. The person next to me used to help them hand over a cup of warm water, and then asked, "What happened to you just now?"

The two were sitting in a chair with arms folded, covered with blankets, taking a sip of warm water and glancing at each other. Then one of them slowly lowered his head, while the other was thinking about something. After a few seconds, when everyone thought he wouldn't answer, he didn't expect him to speak suddenly. "eye."

"Ah? What?" The person next to him didn't hear clearly because of the accident.

The man also seemed to have sorted out his thoughts, drank saliva again, and said, "Eyes. The woman ... no, the devil's eyes."

"What's wrong with her eyes? She just glanced at Mayr. She didn't do anything to you, why did you ...?"

The man with his head lowered suddenly raised his head at this time, and then said very surely: "I remember! That's not a demon, the woman is Medusa."

"Medusa? Eyes of petrification?" Everyone around them took a sigh of relief, and at the same time the heart shook.

As a modern man. Everyone's first reaction was to think that monsters are all deceiving. They simply don't exist. However, if you think about it, the shape of Yeyue just now, and just the glance that fell to the ground, the whole body is stiff like a stone, isn't everything about the legendary Medusa? Except that there is no snake hair, and the face is obviously oriental, this is a standard Medusa shape.

Is there really a legendary monster like Medusa in reality?

The crowd is now completely unconcerned about the fighting downstairs, and the various topics that were still being discussed before have become whether the legend is true and whether the mythical creatures really exist. For young people, this kind of topic with obvious curiosity style is originally something that everyone is interested in, and the mood swings after escaping from the dead make the conversation heated.

This is not because these people are heartless and heartless, but because they are normal ordinary people. They are just using this to divert their attention. This is actually an instinctive escape psychology, and seriousness can also be considered a psychological trauma syndrome.

While this group of people was fiercely discussing the identity of Yeyue and the existence of other legendary creatures, Yeyue was walking through the corridor, holding the previous basket in one hand, and pulling out a small cake from time to time. Put it in your mouth, and then enjoy the look.

Regarding this gluttonous problem ... In fact, it is a common problem of the Dragons, not their special habit.

Because the physical fitness of the dragons is exaggerated ~ ~, the consumption in the fighting state will be very large, and in order to ensure that we can always have sufficient energy to support the battle, so the aspect of appetite in our dragon creature instincts appears Slightly aggressive. Moreover, we are different from humans. The human digestive system is primitive and inefficient, our digestive system is much stronger, so we transform food very quickly, and our appetite does not appear after hunger, but as long as the energy in our body is not Full, there will be a strong appetite. However, everyone also knows how can the body's energy always be full? Because as long as we live, we are consuming energy all the time, and we ca n’t eat it all the time. Therefore, the energy in our body cannot be 100% at all times. On the contrary, the time when 100% appears is actually very short. In all cases our energy values ​​are active between 99.99% and 99%. Although this is similar to full value, we just have a strong appetite because of this.

Fortunately, our dragons have a good self-control ability, otherwise it is estimated that they will become zombies directly.

Yeyue, who was eating very much, walked in the corridor. I did not expect that the door in the front was suddenly opened, and Yeyue saw a scene that surprised her slightly. An American soldier is holding a gun against a little girl's head and shouting, "You don't move." (To be continued ...)

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