Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 477: Borrow

"I want to say what you guys are!" After hearing Terry's words, I had no idea how to vomit. + ◆, the various departments of the US government are just like horse honeycomb penetrated by this **** organization, and it is no longer enough to describe the current US government system. "So who else in the United States is not a rebel force now?"

Terry was silent for a long time before he said, "It seems that I can't guarantee it except myself!"

"Okay, now you tell me what to do?"

"I want to know!" Terri said distressed. "The disappearance of Dr. Donovan is a major challenge to our entire immigration system. All I can think of now is to fill this uncertainty as soon as possible."

"Do you mean to rescue Dr. Donovan?" I confirmed.

Terri replied very positively: "Yes, Dr. Donovan cannot fall into the hands of those people, we must rescue him."

"Wait a moment." After greeting Teri, I directly contacted the son-in-law, and then asked the son-in-law to help establish a communication line and directly access the room where the heads of state met. "Hello, heads of state, I'm Shen Lin, Captain of the Chinese Commandos, and everyone should have the latest information on the situation. The convoys that have fled are basically trapped. It is only a matter of time. But Dr. Donovan is missing. What it means is clearer to me. So now we need to send a commando to search and rescue Dr. Donovan. "

"This thing must be done." The president said, "Terry, are you online?"

"Yes, Mr. President."

"I now authorize you to call any person you feel reliable to investigate Dr. Donovan's disappearance and find Dr. Donovan as soon as possible. I will give you the Supreme Federal Assistance Order and you have the authority to direct and dispatch all federally owned resources. Operations Anyone who obstructs your actions in the process, you have the right to be executed on the spot. This is for all humanity. I will take responsibility except for any problems. "

"Yes, Mr. President, I see."

After Teri said it, I immediately continued: "I wonder if you have any intelligence analysts around you?"

The heads of state looked at each other, and then the head of our country spoke. "Shenlin, let me know if you have any ideas. At this time, everything is simplified. We trust your judgment."

"Thank you and the heads of state for your trust. What I want to say is that I think we may be looking in the wrong direction."

"What do you mean?" Chief One asked.

"Since those migrant ships have entered the launch process. We have been passive. For the past eighteen hours we have been revolved by various rebel operations, and no matter what we do, we always slow them down. Immigration This is the way the ship enters the launching process; the rebels threaten humanity around the world; the other side escaped after we successfully attacked the immigration ship; and then a large-scale army controlled by the rebels suddenly emerged. Even Dr. Donovan has disappeared. I know that you have no intelligence analysts in the secret meeting room, but you can control a country, and your mind should be the best of human beings. Do n’t you see that? Is this a problem? "

After my words, the heads of state at the scene fell into silence, and after a few minutes, I heard the British first spoke first: "Do you mean all this is intentionally creating confusion?"

In fact, the heads of states are not stupid. The average IQ of people here is definitely a lot higher than the average IQ of humans. So when I said something, they should have thought of something, but they hadn't clarified their thoughts for a while. Now that the British Prime Minister has said so, the thinking of the heads of other countries has finally become clear.

"Shenlin, talk about your thoughts, we may also think of your doubts!" ​​Chief One said.

I did not sell Guanzi anymore, and said directly: "I suspect that the other party did not intend to use eight migrant ships to leave. They should have other bases where there are real migrant ships. They originally intended to use those real migrant ships. Leaving. And everything before was to mess up our actions, let's cast a jerk. No time to deal with them. "

The Italian Prime Minister asked, "Will it feel like adding something to the snake?"

The French president said: "This is a battle of life and death, and no one will be too hasty. It can also be said that for the safety of life, no complicated preparation is too much."

"But if there is such a base, how do we find it?" The South Korean president looked at the US president and said, "You also know that the current US political system ..."

Although the South Korean president did not say explicitly. But the President of the United States also knows that this is the status quo, so he didn't say anything, just asked: "So how do we solve this now?"

There was a moment of silence among the heads of state. Not that everyone doesn't know what to do. In fact, the answer is very simple, everyone knows. The matter is there. Individuals can think of solutions, but the question is is it really appropriate to bring this up?

It is not always a way to keep silent like this. The heads of states are not easy to explain because of their status. I have to come by myself. What they care about is exactly what I don't care about, because I'm not the head of state and I can talk freely without bearing anything.

"Heads of state, I think the situation is quite critical now. I hope you can temporarily abandon the contradictions between the countries and let us focus all our strength on this matter. Now the situation in the United States has endangered the whole Human security, and the US military and political system has been invaded too severely, and the interior has been completely unable to function normally. Although I believe that most of them can still function normally, we do not know which ones are safe and which are unsafe. Using these uncertain forces is purely gambling on the future of mankind. Therefore, my suggestion is to ... remove troops from abroad. The opposing forces do not need and do not have the ability to penetrate government organizations around the world at the same time. The troops of other countries should be safe and reliable. Moreover, the more countries that have a bad relationship with the United States, the more reliable they are. "

Although I didn't say it explicitly, the heads of state should be able to figure it out. Countries with bad relations with the United States must also be the most proactive against Americans, so those traitors within the Americans will have a particularly difficult time penetrating these countries, because they have even betrayed the United States. But they are still Americans. These countries that have a bad relationship with the United States will naturally take great precautions against them, so it is difficult for these guys to invade these countries.

After I made it clear here, the heads of state naturally focused their attention on the face of the President of the United States. All we need now is to see if the US nods. This matter is something that we in our country need not think about. It is definitely beneficial and the most correct decision. But the United States is different. The United States is a sovereign country after all. It is also a world-class power, and it is very abnormal for such a country to let other countries' armed forces enter the country. Our commandos can be allowed to enter, because of the small number of people, and in the second place we are also in the name of a head guard. Although the scale is a bit super-organized, there is an excuse. However, if more troops are to be mobilized now, it is another matter entirely.

If it is normal, don't even think about it. The Americans will definitely not allow other countries' forces to enter the United States for missions. But now, after all, is not the case. Now the current situation is really very troublesome, and the Americans have internal problems, and it also involves the safety of all human beings. Whether it is li or face, they are all Americans who have suffered losses. Moreover, this matter is not the kind that cannot be resolved. It simply does not allow Americans to cover it up. Second, things are different now. If it was before. Americans also worry that these troops entering the country will not withdraw, and they will be very troubled. It may have a significant impact on the homeland security of the United States. However, this concern is now almost negligible. Don't forget that the solar system killer is coming, and the earth is about to die. Now who cares about the territories except those little Bula nations who do not know the end of the world? Territory can only be used for a maximum of one year. What is it to do? So many migrant ships. Even if the territory is occupied for an additional year, the resources dug out will not be taken away at all. It can be said that the territory is now the least valuable thing.

Without these reasons, we would not make this proposal at all with the Americans, but it is different now. Our suggestion may sound a little unreasonable at first. But it is not unacceptable to Americans today. After all, this thing is also good for Americans themselves, and after the battle is completed, there is no need to worry about these troops staying in the United States, or threatening the security of the United States, because that is not in the interests of all countries. You can doubt that countries will tear up the agreement for the sake of their interests, but there is absolutely no need to worry about which country will actively tear up the agreement if it is not good for itself.

So many people looked at the President of the United States together. He was also very entangled. Although this matter would not harm the interests of the United States, he always felt a little uncomfortable in face. After all, the President of the United States is a politician. How much is your face? Can't eat or drink, what do you want it to do? Besides, all the people present are heads of state and all are from mixed politics. Who doesn't know who? Anyway, people who love face will not know about it, and those who know it are shameless government personnel, so ... this matter has no effect at all.

After the pretense of struggling, the US president said, "Well, we the United States agreed to participate in this joint human operation in the United States."

What the President of the United States says is technical. He did not say to let other countries' soldiers enter U.S. territory, but said that the United States agreed to participate in joint operations on the United States. Although the meaning is still the same, it sounds much more sounding. This is a joint action. The Americans are involved, not all countries are asked for assistance. It seems that everyone is equal, and because of the consistent strength of the United States, at first it sounds that many people will think that the Americans are in charge. This is a hundred times better than asking other countries to send troops to the United States to assist them in solving their problems.

No matter what the US president says, the heads of state know that the Americans nodded. Moreover, everyone didn't deliberately find trouble, they nodded, and sold their face without loss. The head of China's No. 1 first set the tone. "Since the United States has also agreed to participate in this joint operation, let's discuss how each country cooperates. Which specific country and which troops are sent from each country? Will each country send a unit to form a coalition or will some countries concentrate their elite forces? This needs to be decided. "

The matter was on the right track and the thinking was streamlined, and the heads of state made a decision in a few words.

The final conclusion is that the main force of the reinforcement is provided by China and Germany. The command of the multinational force is inconvenient, and the former UN peacekeeping force is the best example. Everything must be coordinated for a long time, and the slow speed scares people. The peacekeeping forces are to deal with small countries that are particularly backward. They are anti-aircraft guns and mosquitoes. Even if the command is not good, it is not a big problem. However, this time, it is not ordinary forces. The number of personnel and equipment of the other party are world-class. Therefore, the situation of peacekeeping forces is obviously inappropriate.

Therefore, the final decision was that China and Germany were dispatched together, and the number of participating countries was small, and the communication between the command became much easier. Moreover, because there are only two national troops, the strength of both sides must be quite large. The military problem is not big, which is much safer than the multinational force.

Another reason for using our two countries is the problem of the combat effectiveness of the troops.

Needless to say, our country's troops. All dragons came out of the dragon clan. Compared to humans, even if we do n’t bring anything, the empty people can already hard armor armored front. What's more, we still have a lot of sophisticated supporting equipment, and the combat effectiveness can be imagined. In addition, our thinking network of dragons is the most complete command system. No matter how many dragons can command and communicate like one person, our cooperative combat power is naturally top-notch.

As for Germany, the situation is slightly different from ours.

The German soldiers were still human, but their power armor and robots were too good. Although these robots and power armor have separate attributes, they are not much stronger than similar products in other countries. But other cattle are better than others in every attribute, although each is only a little bit better. But all attributes are beyond a little, this combat power is beyond a great deal. Anyway, when the Germans were in joint operations before, the Germans were one of the fastest countries, and they were not lucky, but they resisted all the attacks and got the task when they encountered positive resistance.

If our formation and the German formation are mixed, we will use the execution power of the Germans to cooperate with our spiritual network. It can definitely be commanded like an army of a country. Of course, the premise is that the Germans will listen to us. But I don't worry about this, because the command system used by the European Union was bought from us, and their communication network is actually compatible with the whole system. Just pull them into the network. Command or whatever ... in the name of their headquarters. Looking back, they found it amazing to let the foreign ministry quarrel, and they had nothing else to do anyway.

Of course, the implementation of the plan is very fast, and although the Americans agreed to let us step in, they did not say nothing at all. After all, this is happening in the United States. Even if they are not mainly responsible, at least they should care about it? This is like your home decorating a house. After you outsource it, don't you care? See what is always needed.

The European continent is closer to the United States than the Asian continent, but our submarine bomber is faster, and the next high-level atmospheric orbital bomber can reach the United States in five minutes. The Germans used the American **** of support. , The speed is slightly slower, but fortunately the Atlantic Ocean is not wide, and finally arrived in more than two hours.

In the end, the mixing of troops was completed at a airport in the mountain under the supervision of Teri and me. German transport planes and our Longyuan bombers landed at the airport one after the other, and then unloaded the personnel.

To be honest, at first I thought that the base would support us some dragon units ~ ~ I did not expect that it would not be dragon fighting units, but a large number of servant robots. These things, dubbed as high-end inflatable dolls by the active duty forces, are basically similar to our dragons' structure. The internal use of full mechanical skeletons, outsourcing biochemical exteriors, but no electronic brain, but a semi-remote intelligent terminal. You can say this is a kind of robot, or you can say that they are the peripherals of a super computer. When they are online, they are all remotely commanded by the Dragon Mind Network. Once the network is disconnected, the slave robot will enter the autonomous mode. At this time, it is the standard robot mode.

The Germans also had a hard time this time. The first troops transported were almost blind. All mobile armor was marked with a red and black Hydra logo on the left arm. This thing is not the logo of the Hydra organization in the movie, but the mark of the German Hydra Special Army. The status of this force in Germany is the same as that of our Longyuan Special Security Force in China. Most of the weapons and equipment it equips are specialized equipment, and they are basically experimental super-era weapons.

"I rely, the Germans have sent the old books at the bottom of the box!" Terri sighed as he looked at the Germans' luxury legion.

"Who told you Americans can't do such a big thing. Do you think they want it?" (To be continued ...)

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