Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 482: Qiankun Building

The wide corridor is not only wide, but also very long. We carefully move forward step by step. Then, as the t-junction in front approaches, we gradually start to be careful. ○ If the enemy is hidden here, this one is the most suitable ambush point.

I gestured to Hans and others to remind them that I was responsible for the left side, and Ling motioned her to be responsible for the right side. After everyone was ready, they started to move forward.

Although our speed was slow, the intersection in front was quickly reached, and at this time it was time for the detection robot to exit.

With my gesture, Xiaochun threw out a flying saucer-like thing. As soon as these small silver-white things were thrown out, they automatically unfolded a circle of rotors, and then turned at a high speed and flew towards the front corner. However, as soon as the small thing arrived at the corner, it was covered by firepower and was shot down instantly.

No need to guess this time, because the enemy rushed out of the corner while firing down our reconnaissance robot, and these guys are not stupid, standing outside and shooting at us, but following two heavy robots Come out later.

This tracked robot looks like a miniature tank, with full track drive, and the chassis is almost exactly the same, but smaller. The turret was replaced with a "fu" -shaped mechanical body, which felt like a human upper body with four arms.

The four arms of this upper body are not mechanical arms, but telescopic weapon racks. The two lower arms are two armed platforms, with multiple rapid-fire guns and miniature missile launchers hanging on them. The upper two arms are left-right asymmetric. The one on the right shoulder was a small railgun, and the thing on the left shoulder looked like a grenade catapult. Even this guy's head, that is, two small holes hidden under the armor on both sides of the main monitor, can be easily ignored without attention. These two holes are actually two gun holes. Installed inside are two light machine guns, similar to the coaxial machine gun mounted on the tank, and directly mounted on a moving bracket with the main monitor. Basically, the robot can scan where the gadget is.

In fact, this thing is not particularly exaggerated on the battlefield. Some advanced countries basically have equipment, and generally serve as the accompanying firepower of infantry. In addition to having a certain amount of armor. In addition to providing shelter for the infantry, its own firepower is also very powerful, and it can provide infantry with close fire support. However, the defense of this thing is actually very general. Most individual rockets can handle this thing. Some large-caliber anti-equipment sniper rifles can also be used with special armor-piercing shells.

However, in this narrow channel, this stuff seems quite difficult. Because in such a place you must not use high-power weapons, otherwise you will pit yourself together. And ordinary weapons can't do anything about it.

"Defensive formation." When we saw this thing, we quickly formed a defensive formation. A row of shields was erected in front, and then the soldiers of the Hydra unit quickly extended their large guns from our gap. Go out and start shooting at the opposite.

Even if the intercepting force on the opposite side had two such heavy-loaded robots as shelters, it still killed several people as soon as they came out. After all, the firepower on our side was too fierce, and it would be hit if it showed a little. However, although we were killed by several people as soon as we came up, the two reinstalled robots were steadily driven out. Then the thing started to turn in place, aiming the thickest front of the armor at us. In fact, it doesn't make much difference if this guy doesn't turn around. Because if we use a high-power weapon, it will be killed on all sides, and if we do n’t use a high-power weapon, it will still be the same if we ca n’t turn it, because we ca n’t move it at all.

After turning around, the multiple-barreled rapid-fire cannons on the two arms under the two reinstalled robots began to spin. The next second was a dense loud noise. Jingjing in front of me shook slightly, but it quickly stabilized. The shield in front was splashed by a dense metal storm on the opposite side, and almost no one was visible. The sound of metal bullets striking the shield was deafening, and no other sounds could be heard in the passage. All covered by this voice.

"Everett." With my reminder, the Hydra unit in the back gave way to both sides, and Ivorite followed. Compared to the personnel of the Hydra unit, Everett's equipment is obviously heavier, so it is not particularly convenient in this kind of place. Therefore, I let him and Brigitte follow, without coming forward. But now they have to get on these heavy units, because we can't rush.

In just such a short period of ten seconds, Jingjing's shield has begun to turn red. Although there is no problem for the time being, it is not good to be beaten like this. We could only move backwards carefully while maintaining the formation, and soon left the previous entrance and retreated to the outer horizontal passage. There was no attack angle on the opposite side.

It was found that after we exited, the heavy-duty robot over there only slightly moved forward for two meters and stopped, and did not chase it out. The other party is not stupid, knowing that it is not good for us to get closer.

We couldn't rush, and we didn't chase the other side out, the fighting stopped for a while. However, as Everett and Brigitte came up, the fighting soon resumed.

When Everett was ready, he suddenly walked out of the horizontal passage. The ground weapons immediately opened fire. Brigitte and Everett were splashing on the dense gunfire, and they couldn't even stand. The bullet pushed back.

Everett did not expect that the firepower on the other side was so fierce that his weapon could not be deployed at all, and he had no choice but to retreat back. Hans reluctantly threw a few grenades over the rebound, but the two robots were not afraid of such low-power offensive grenades.

"Shenlin, what now?" Hans asked, looking at me.

I hung the gun directly to the back, then took out the shield and equipped it on my left arm, followed by the sword hanging on my waist and took it in my hand.

Hans looked at me like this for a moment. Before that, he wondered why there were several people on our side with swords. Could this cold weapon work better than a gun? Now seeing that I actually took this thing in his hand, he immediately cast a look of inquiry.

I didn't explain anything to Hans, anyway he saw the result and understood. Pull the mask straight down, and then I said to Hans, "My people will be responsible for the assault. Just follow up."

Although I don't know how I would do it, since I said so, he did it. He nodded slightly, and Hans reached down and pulled down his mask.

Not everyone on our side is equipped with a sword. Most people only have daggers, and those with swords are only my magic pets. The reason is not fully equipped. The main reason is that the production of high-frequency vibration blades is too difficult to be suitable for mass production, so the equipment is limited, and it can be quite good for us.

Arrange tactics in the mind network, let my magic pets allocate teams, and then cooperate with me for a while, and mobilized several mechanical dogs from the back. When everyone was ready, as soon as I ordered it in the newsletter, there was a gurgling sound all around, and a string of at least twenty grenades were thrown in one breath. Then the passage blossomed completely. Twenty or so grenades were thrown out by themselves, so the landing points were messy, but because the landing points were chaotic, the explosion completely covered the entire passageway, and the situation on our side could not be seen at all.

Just before the explosion was over, I shouted "rush" directly in the newsletter. Lingling and I, who were already prepared, rushed out of the corner to enter the channel immediately. There were also several mechanical dogs that rushed out at the same time, and their speed was also very fast. In order to turn or even ran up the wall, it almost rushed into the passage just like a cornice. Then it started advancing in an s-shaped line at a speed of at least 120 kilometers per hour.

In fact, Lingling and I were almost the same speed, and thought we were running first, so we rushed ahead of the robot dog.

At this point the explosion had just stopped, and before the smoke had dispersed, we rushed into the smoke. Heavy-armed robots have infrared sensing capabilities, so they can naturally find us through smoke. It's just that Lingling and I are not running in a straight line, but rushed out from the corners on both sides and passed by each other, rushed to the opposite wall by inertia, then recoiled and then rushed to the wall on this side. This s-shaped charge trajectory couldn't be aimed at, and we were all wearing shields. The speed is so fast. Although the firepower of the comparable warship near the gun was still hit a few times, but it was only hit a few times. Of course, if it is ordinary people, we ca n’t stop it, but we are not ordinary people, and we are wearing shields, so even though our arms are numb, they are not damaged.

It took almost two seconds for us to rush across the passage, and when we were close to the two heavy armed robots, Lingling and I did something to surprise the gang of people across the jaw. Instead of bypassing the two heavy robots, we threw the shield directly, then, like a rugby player's collision action, bowed our heads and rushed up, our hands suddenly hit the heavy robot's chassis, and then we went forward with both feet to force, Lift the front ends of the two robots.

This heavy robot's four mechanical arms are all equipped with heavy weapons. Except for the grenade launcher on the left shoulder, the remaining three weapons are too long to even aim at us who are close to it. Now the only weapon that can attack us is the two coaxial machine guns on the robot's head.

In fact, the armed robot did the same. The robot's head was lowered, and then the two machines started firing. Lingling and I both bowed their heads, carrying bullets with a sturdy helmet top and thick shoulder armor. At the moment, the two of us were splashing with Mars, but the coaxial machine gun on the head of the armed robot did not know whether it was because of fear of shaking the monitor or felt that it was originally a secondary weapon. It's also very general. It's okay for ordinary people, and it's obviously not enough for us. So although Mars was splashed on both of us, nothing happened.

After a brief surprise, the enemies over there immediately reacted and wanted to rush over to attack us, but the robot dog, which was only one step slower than us, arrived at this time. Rushed directly from the space on both sides of the robot, and then entered the rear crowd. There was a scream in the back of the robot instantly, and because the robot dog was too flexible, the people behind did not know how to fight back, and for a moment, the chicken flying dog could not fight back.

Just after the robotic dog rushed over, Lingling and I had lifted the chassis of the two robots by 45 degrees. Now this guy doesn't talk about the main weapon, and even the machine gun above his head has no angle and can't fire at all. But the tracks of the two robots suddenly moved. And very smart actually chose to reverse the car.

This guy slammed forward and rushed at me, but I wasn't afraid. But the problem was that it was backing off. I lost strength on my side and immediately let it fall back to the ground.

The armed robot regaining the supply angle immediately wanted to fire, but our mission was completed. For more than a second of Ling Ling and I, Jing Jing and Ling had already rushed forward. Jingjing and Ling running in front jumped up at the same time. The shaking blade passed in his hand. The bodies of the two robots were cut open as if they were butter. Half of their bodies fell off the ground directly, and then they trembled on the ground a few times before moving completely.

Without the blocking of heavy armed robots, we quickly rushed through this intersection. The enemies behind were just ordinary troops. When we met, we couldn't control the situation at all. We could only drive us back all the way and left a lot of bodies.

After advancing along this horizontal corridor for some distance, we found a longitudinal passage towards the core area of ​​the building, and we tested Dr. Donovan's signal again. I don't know why Dr. Donovan's signal is much weaker than before. It is said that we could receive the signal outside the city before. It makes no sense that the signal is not good anymore. But now there is no time to worry about this, anyway, we already know that the signal is about a hundred meters away above us, and the distance is quite close.

Against the enemy's firepower forcible breakthrough, we finally encountered a security door. This gate is quite heavy, and it is not much more than a bank vault, but it was completely demolished in just two minutes before us.

When we blasted the door open and rushed in, we stumbled at the entrance. Even the bullets that came over forgot to manage. Not because we are stupid, but because we are so shocked.

"This this ... this is ... a spaceship? There is a migrant ship hidden in the building?"

I don't know what to say anymore. Everything in front of me made me completely stupid there. At this moment, the space in front of me is not as simple as a single passage. It's a completely open space. This building actually only has a circular structure on the outside, similar to the scaffolding built before the house was built, and its interior is all empty. There is a migrant ship hidden in this huge space, and looking at the booms and workbenches around it, this place should be the place where this ship was built.

Although it is incomparable with our Chinese immigration ship, even the kind of American immigrant ship is several times larger than this. But this is also a space migrant ship after all, and compared to the size of humans, this thing is still a behemoth. Don't forget that this thing occupies almost the entire interior space of this building, this is not an ordinary building. The bottom of this building is completely an entire block, although not the tallest building in the world. But it's not much worse. For such a large building, only the outer circle is a real building, and all of it is the spaceship. Can you imagine how big it is? The bottom of this thing is basically the size of four aircraft carriers **** together, and its height is about the same height as the structure of the two aircraft carriers bundled just now.

Dementia generally watched this stuff for five or six seconds, and it didn't react until I was blown out by a rocket. After we recovered, the first thing we discovered was that a large group of people were panicking from an escalator above us diagonally into the spacecraft. It should be the people who finally participated in the immigration.

Obviously, this is the last resort, the real counterpart's immigration boat. The previous ones are under the guise, and the so-called masterminds are actually pitted by the owners here. They are just stepping stones and victims of the other party's use of shields to help them complete this huge project.

In fact, the other party did not intend to trust anyone's guarantee, nor did they use a large spacecraft, but instead created such a small spacecraft. Although I haven't studied this thing, I saw a circle of six thrusters at the bottom of it. That thing is not a human product at all, but an alien propeller removed from the ruins ~ ~ In other words, the other party did not intend to use a low-speed immigration ship at all, but designed an ultra-high-speed immigration ship . Once this thing takes off, we have no way to intercept it, because no missile on earth can catch up with it.

Of course, these people certainly don't know a secret ... Our dragon edge actually has a large particle beam weapon on the moon.

Just because they don't know, in the eyes of these people, this spacecraft is impeccable. Once it takes off, there is no ability on earth to intercept them.

"Come on, don't let them take off!" I shouted at the entrance of the spaceship over there.

I saw that I was blown up, and people who wanted to help me suddenly saw the direction I was pointing at, so everyone rushed to the other side, and the fastest speed was Yeyue. Before, she had been performing the clearing mission in the back, but after coming here, she seemed to enter the home field. There are booms, pipes, and support beams everywhere. These are the best support points for Yeyue. She rushed up almost like a flat ground, and then rushed to the entrance behind those people. And in the last second before the sealed gate was closed, the gate was held by hand to organize its closing. (To be continued ...)

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