Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 484: Rescue spacecraft engine

In fact, when Xiaochun notified me, our position was still over Eastern Europe, but everyone knew the speed difference between the spacecraft and the aerospace vehicle. △. It will take several hours to fly from Europe to the coast of China by civil aviation. Some short-range aircraft may need to be refueled once, but the interstellar migrant ship is not an aircraft, it is a spacecraft. The minimum requirement for others is to be able to reach the first cosmic speed, otherwise how can they fly? Even though this immigration ship has been damaged by some of our propellers, the speed of the first universe has not reached the speed of the first universe, but the speed of the first universe is 232 times the speed of sound. of.

The fastest fighter in an aviation aircraft is only a dozen times the speed of sound. This is still an experimental aircraft. The maximum speed of a practical fighter has not reached ten times the speed of sound, let alone civil aviation. Supersonic speeds are very rare. Most cannot reach the speed of sound.

Therefore, it takes a few minutes for the civil aviation from Europe to the east coast of China to be dead.

The result of such a fast speed is that if this thing is plunged into the densely populated area of ​​the city, the number of casualties will probably be in thousands, and breaking ten thousand is not impossible.

Of course we can't let this happen, so the best way is to blow it up now. We are currently over Eastern Europe. The population itself is relatively sparse. Even if a few parts are dropped, it is not easy to hit people. Even if the spacecraft disintegrates now, with its speed, the wreckage will continue to fly far ahead to land. Eastern Europe is almost deserted. The area around the world's tallest Himalayas is almost a sparsely populated safe area. Even if the spacecraft falls, it will not cause much problems. It is absolutely not a problem to control the number of casualties within a hundred people. Good luck and zero casualties are also normal. After all, this place is mountainous, and there are no people in thousands of miles, and the environment is bad, let alone people, not even animals.

Thought that the existence of the spiritual network, the moment I knew the situation, all of us here also knew the situation. At the same time, all the people in the administrative departments of the eastern coastal areas of China have been notified that all vacations are cancelled and all people are on standby. Once it is determined that the spacecraft will really fall into a coastal city, an emergency plan will be started immediately. One is also good.

When we were preparing for a war in the coastal city, our side really started desperately.

Since it is to be destroyed, it cannot be dealt with simply. Everyone who followed the ship was desperately improving the output, and all the available destruction methods were activated. Destroy the hull as much as possible. Moreover, this destruction is also particular about it and cannot be destroyed casually.

The spaceship, which is equivalent to eight aircraft carriers bundled together, cannot be completely demolished simply by us. Although we are not ordinary people, after all, we are not large in number and have limited destructive power. It is impossible to really have a big impact on this thing, so we must focus on the destruction.

Let this thing fall early. The easiest way is to destroy three parts-the central control room, the power system, and the shell.

The spacecraft can fly depends on the power system, and the migrant ship is not a glider. The wing of this thing is very short and basically does not perform any gliding function, so once it loses its power, the thing will immediately become a free fall. The central control room is actually the same as the power system. This place controls all power systems, as long as it can destroy this place. The spacecraft will lose control, and even if the power system does not turn off, it will fly randomly and eventually fall quickly.

This part of the shell is mainly to reduce the resistance and ensure the integrity of the spacecraft. As long as the outer shell of the spacecraft is broken. The resistance of the spacecraft will increase, resulting in a decrease in speed, and as long as its speed decreases, the destructive force will also drop a lot.

In fact, it seems that the power system is the most important. As long as this part is completely destroyed, the spacecraft will fall immediately.

It's good to understand where the focus is, but we are a little bit confused now.

This spacecraft is different from those previously used as bait. It is a spacecraft independently designed and built by the other party, and has been completed in a hidden state. Therefore, this thing does not have any design drawings here, we have no idea about its structure at all. This led to the fact that we could not find the various cabins and channels of this gadget very well, and even we didn't know the location of the cabin section inside it.

The reason why we could destroy the main thruster and an auxiliary thruster so quickly was mainly because the positions of these thrusters were easy to find. Although we don't know their design, we all saw that the thruster was in the spacecraft before getting on the ship. Bottom, so you can definitely find the thruster just walking backwards, which made Hans find the position of the main thruster so quickly and destroy it. However, although the main propulsion was destroyed, we have not found the entrance of the auxiliary propulsion. The one that had previously burst was still accidentally destroyed by accident. Where are the entrances of the other five auxiliary propulsors? do not know. Fortunately, the positions of these thrusters are distributed in a circle, so we probably know a range, at least we don't need to touch it randomly.

While searching under the attack of the armed men inside the ship, it quickly turned out that we found an auxiliary thruster, and Hans, who was separated from us, also successfully found an entrance to the auxiliary thruster.

At the same time, we found two entrances. Both of us quickly drilled in, and then left a few people to guard the entrance and people outside shooting. The remaining people went directly to the propeller to destroy it.

To be honest, I really don't want to see this thruster when I see it. The preciousness of this thing is unknown to most people, but we know it very well. Although this type of propeller is small, it cannot support a migrant ship with one propeller, but using this propeller as the main propeller, and then bundling our rocket propeller, we can send a medium-sized migrant ship out of the earth Gravity circle.

At present, there are not enough immigration ships in various countries. The main reason is that the propellers dug out from the remains of this alien are not enough, not that the hulls we build ourselves are not enough. I don't know the situation in other countries. At least in terms of China's current industrial level, before the arrival of the final safety node, we can completely build a migrant ship carrying more than two billion people. In other words, there are still a lot of vacancies in taking the whole country away. But in fact, we can take only a little over a third of this number. The reason why the data is so different is because there are not enough alien engines, so we can only mass-produce our own rocket engines. Our rocket engines are not only large in size, but also limited in production capacity. This is the key reason why the production speed of migrant ships can not keep up with the time.

As long as one of these engines can take away, there will be one more immigration ship, which will save tens of thousands more people. This is definitely not a joke, after all, it has a bearing on the lives of tens of thousands of people!

Looking at the huge alien engine in front of me, I was really a bit reluctant, but now it's too late to say anything. This spacecraft is now like this, there is absolutely no way to land smoothly, which means that these engines can't keep it at all. In this case, it is useless to keep it, and sooner or later it will be destroyed in the crash. Anyway, I ca n’t keep it, just let go of it and let it finish early.

"Ling, we ..."

I was about to let Ling and me do it together, but I didn't expect Lengbuding to suddenly hear the son-in-law's voice ringing in the spiritual network. "Wait."

"what happened?"

Son-in-law is also online, so she knows our thoughts. In fact, the son-in-law did not want the engine to be destroyed, so when I thought about this, she was thinking about whether there was a way to hold the engine. Finally think about it. The son-in-law came to the conclusion that-yes.

"I have a way to keep the engine and don't break it first."

When I heard the son-in-law, I was not in a hurry to ask how to protect. Instead, contact Hans quickly, but they can't hear our mental network, so we must quickly stop it.

"Hans, don't rush to destroy the thrusters first, we may be able to keep these thrusters."

Although Hans is different from me, he is not particularly knowledgeable about technology. But at least he knew that this thing was very important, and even a country could fight for one or two of them, so when he heard that he could keep it, he was immediately interested.

"Do you really have a way?"

"I don't know, this is the advice given by my logistics support department."

"That should be fine," Hans added immediately after he said, "I want half of the propellers that are kept."

I didn't answer immediately. Instead, I used the mind network to contact her son-in-law about her plan and success rate. Because it is a mind network, it was faster than speaking. We exchanged hundreds of opinions in just one second. Show me all her plans with a simplified version of 3D animation. It took only one second after I understood all the information, and I turned around to contact Hans at this time. "Now there are five thrusters left. I don't know how many. I promise to give you one at most."

"If there is damage, I still need one. If all five are intact, I want two intact."

"The deal."

Although the damaged thruster cannot be used directly, the parts on it are actually of some value, so Hans intends to have an additional damaged version, and in case 5 complete ones are OK, he can get two Taiwan thruster, but it made a lot of money.

As soon as I agreed, Hans suddenly asked again: "The two damaged propellers should be removed, too? The big ones belong to me and the small ones, regardless of the damage."

Hans' idea is actually very simple. Now there are two damaged thrusters, he gets a small one, and then adding the 5 intact thrusters may give him a damaged one, so he may get a good thrust. And two damaged propellers, and the features of the aliens ’equipment seem to be very mechanically produced, that is, all the parts are of a uniform standard. In other words, there are great hopes for two damaged propellers to make a good one in a complementary way. Of course, it doesn't matter if he gets two intact thrusters and one damaged, it's better. Therefore, this proposal can be regarded as a drought and flood protection.

Anyway, one is demolished and five are demolished. I don't mind how to deal with it.

After discussing it, I gave up the intention to destroy the thruster, but started to deal with the thruster in accordance with the advice given by the son-in-law. Of course, I also had to send a note to Hans. However, Hans also has a command network, so in the end I simply let the son-in-law directly enter their power armor to guide them how to do it.

In fact, this plan is not very complicated. To put it simply, let's not destroy the hull first, but instead control all the thrusters. Try to ensure that the spacecraft does not crash first, let it fly over China's coastal areas, and then directly discard the thrusters over the East China Sea or South China Sea, and the son-in-law will be responsible for responding below. As for how to respond ... it's actually simple. Son-in-law will arrange a large group of biological force field generators at sea, which are things that look like giant white eggs.

This thing has the electromagnetic force field control ability of our dragon family, and the output intensity is much greater than ours. As long as there is enough of this thing. You can use the electromagnetic force field to support the thruster to achieve a soft landing. Moreover, because it is airdropped on the sea, as long as it is not too fast, even if it is dropped into the sea, it will be fine. The alien equipment is still quite sturdy, and it will not be a problem as long as it falls into the water. Of course, these biological force field generators alone cannot support things flying at hundreds of times the speed of sound, so we have a few more things to do.

First, although we cannot crash the spacecraft, we cannot let it fly too fast. Otherwise it is too late to slow down. What we need to do is to connect the thruster with our own electronic brain, and then directly operate the thruster instead of the control system on the spacecraft to control its output power, so that we can fly to the sea safely and control the speed at ten times. Below the speed of sound, otherwise those biological force field generators could not catch the thruster at all.

Second, in addition to controlling the thruster, we also need to invade the spacecraft control system. Find the control switch of the forced ejector.

Regarding why the son-in-law would know that the propellers on this spacecraft can force ejection, it is actually because all migrant ships are like this.

Because of some principles we don't know. This kind of alien spacecraft thruster is said to be unstable after being damaged, it may explode, and it is very powerful. Therefore, these engines of the aliens are all modular in design and easy to replace. Once damaged in combat, the engine was ejected entirely. Used directly as a bomb. That's why alien spacecraft usually don't have that large propeller, but instead they are packed with a large number of small propellers at the stern. Because in this case, if there is a problem with one or two thrusters, throwing them out will not affect the flight of the entire spacecraft, but if there is only one large thruster. Once abandoned, the spacecraft loses power.

This feature of the alien thruster was found in a file we suspected of being a safety manual, and this file is not encrypted, we can easily translate it, and migrant ships around the world also know this Therefore, everyone has designed a disengagement device for their own immigration ship, and when necessary, the alien's propeller can be completely separated from the hull.

Because of this reason that everyone knows, we can basically determine that the propellers on this ship should be the same, and there must be an ejection device. We need to find and control it in order to eject the thruster when appropriate.

The speed of this migrant ship is very fast. We just made a simple plan and it is almost over the Himalayas, and at this time its altitude has begun to drop. We were almost in the sub-orbit when we were at the highest point before, but now the altitude is only over 40,000 meters high. It can be said that the altitude has dropped very fast and the speed is the same. Because the atmosphere at the bottom is denser, the speed of the spacecraft is further decreasing. The current speed is only about 120 times the speed of sound, but this speed is still amazingly fast.

While blocking the door, at the same time finding the control node on the thruster, Ling and Aimeness teamed up to pull off all the other control cables, and Xiaochun quickly connected the thruster data port with his electronic brain external port. Because our dragons are designed by aliens, we and the alien propellers work in the same mode. The two can easily complete docking and information interaction. In contrast, the link device on the spacecraft is complicated. More, a converter is needed in the middle to convert regular computer signals used by humans into alien standards to control these spacecraft thrusters.

After Xiaochun connected to the signal, she couldn't do anything. Instead, she wanted to maintain the status quo and maintain the stability of the spacecraft. We had to leave here temporarily. Let Jingjing stay to guard the entrance, Xiaochun herself is connected to the propeller and cannot move, so they control the cabin. Others moved quickly towards the next thruster compartment.

The rest of the cabins are easy to find after we find one, because we probably know the way the entrances are arranged, as far as the enemy's obstacles are concerned ... it's really not a thing for us. The combat effectiveness of our personnel is very strong, and the other party dare not use heavy weapons in their own spacecraft. Naturally, they cannot threaten us.

Rushed all the way to the next power chamber, and then cleared everyone in the cabin. Then, the light car found the exact same position of the connection line, but this time let Ling connect the thruster, Emmenis was responsible for keeping the door, and the remaining people continued to run.

After the third power cabin was invaded by us, Shuangxue was responsible for connecting the thrusters, Lingling was responsible for keeping the door, and then others continued to run.

Next is the fourth power module. Yeyue is responsible for connecting the lines, and Xiaobai leaves the gate. And because Xiao Bai was inconvenient, I also left two mechanical dogs to assist.

Hans was waiting outside when they reached the fifth power module, and saw us approaching us immediately.

I can only connect the thrusters this time. Because there are no more people on our side. There are not many people who board the spacecraft at first. At least one person in the cabin needs to be responsible for the propeller and one person to be responsible for the doorman. This is really not enough for those who engage us.

I have Bailang by my side and a few robot dogs. After I connected the thruster, Hans let a subordinate stay to help, and he rushed out with someone. Their task is to go to the two damaged thruster bays. Although they cannot control the damaged thruster, they need to find a catapult to eject the two thrusters.

We have almost completed the entire occupation. And that's it, when everyone was in place, they almost missed it. Because at this time the spacecraft has gone over Anhui Province, and the height is only over 10,000 meters. Falling at this height is definitely a matter of minutes.

In fact, when Xiaochun first controlled the thruster, we were already correcting the spacecraft's flight attitude. Otherwise, with its original trajectory, there will still be two kilometers of altitude left at this position. Even if it is not bad, now we can bring back 10,000 meters.

After we send the signal in place. The son-in-law immediately reminded in the mind network: "Note, now that the mind is covered, I will take over all the lines, countdown three, two, one."

The countdown to son-in-law is not a ten-second countdown, but a three-millisecond countdown. This time is just enough for us to keep pace. With the start of the spiritual cover, the alien propeller of the ship was taken over by the son-in-law. As a result of the linkage of the five better propellers, the attitude of the spacecraft was corrected and finally no longer messed up. , And the speed has been controlled and is slowly decelerating.

At this time, the attitude of the spacecraft is basically at an oblique forty-five degree angle. The bow of the ship points obliquely to the front sky and the stern of the ship points to the ground. There are several advantages to this. One is to increase the windward side and use air resistance to slow down. Twenty uses most of the power to resist gravity, not to accelerate it, which can both ensure flight altitude and reduce speed. Of course, the height is actually falling, it's just under control, not as bad as it was at the beginning.

We lost the boss. We finally let the spacecraft successfully leave our country's land. Now even if it falls down, there is not much problem ~ ~ But we still need to control the attitude carefully.

"Everyone's attention, prepare to cut off the thrusters in order," the son-in-law reminded again.

"We are ready."

"Okay, listen to me. Thrusters # 1 and # 3 are off."

"The flameout is complete."

"Adjust the flying attitude so that the spacecraft stands up."

"Report, insufficient power output to change attitude."

"Then throw the No. 1 and No. 3 thrusters first."

"Are you sure you want to pick it up?" I interjected.

"You just throw it, anyway, it was picked for nothing."

The son-in-law's powerful argument left me speechless, and I could only instruct to cut off the No. 1 and No. 3 propellers as required, but there was a small accident in the process. (To be continued ...) u

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