Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 489: Silly Intruder

Since these people want to invade our network, we simply let them in. For our Dragon's psychic network, human computers cannot be invaded unless they use artificial intelligence as a proxy and only download data instead of operating on the network. Because our network speed is too fast, all terminals are in dynamic calculation, and the speed is dozens of times higher than the highest recognition ability of human beings. At this speed, the data will roll like a screen. Oh yes, there is one more point. Our Dragon's Mind Network is a kind of fuzzy dynamic network. It uses a fuzzy algorithm with directivity to define the data. That is to say, there are a lot of uncertain things in our network information. Many data are just representations. A tropismal concept, not a definite conclusion.

This kind of fuzzy data is originally the field that electronic computers are not good at, because electronic computers are binary, no matter how complicated | excellent | excellent | | more | new | most | fast | And one or two codes to represent. Therefore, the data of the electronic computer is always black or white. This state is an advantage in many cases, but it is a disadvantage when thinking about problems.

The biological brain of our dragon race uses a sixteen-bit calculation mode, which means that one of the most basic things can use sixteen states to define it. For example, for a person, we need to define whether he is a good person or a bad person. According to the thinking mode of an electronic computer, it can only think that this person is a good person or a bad person, and there is no other situation. Of course, many people will doubt that computers can actually rely on a combination of sequences to encode, and then use complex coding to define whether a person is a good person or a bad person, so that there are countless choices, and even good and bad people can be divided into tens of thousands Hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of millions of levels are then gradually defined.

However, the above-mentioned definition modes are all artificially compiled procedures, and the final results are intended for people to see. No matter how perfect or complicated you design this coding, the computer just accepts the artificial definition, it still does not understand whether this person is a good person or a bad person, because in the final analysis, the computer can only understand 0 and 1, there is no third case. This is why the artificial intelligence developed on current electronic computers is all about simulating intelligence. Because the artificial intelligence based on 0 and 1 codes, no matter how complicated the response mode you set, it will only use the response designed by the programmer. It ’s just a way to respond appropriately to the actions of others. The computer itself does n’t understand what it is doing. It just imitates and executes the instructions in accordance with the regulations. There is no self-thinking because the computer has no self. Understand nothing.

There are sixteen basic codes of our dragon family, so our thinking mode is three-dimensional. We can use the most basic cognitive mode to define everything we see. This determines that we have the same or more developed thinking ability as human beings. And, most importantly, we have "self-awareness." This is a characteristic of living things, but it is the rarest step for artificial products.

These counterfeit goods pretend to be our dragons and access our spiritual network. If they use an electronic computer, then the result is nothing to recognize, because our mental network is a huge combined consciousness. Using a computer to invade our mental network is equivalent to using a computer to forcibly invade a person's brain. . No matter how advanced this computer is and how powerful it is, do you think this computer can invade human consciousness? Obviously impossible, because the computer's instruction mode is completely different from the human thinking mode. The two are as strong as black and white. Even if the computer intervenes in human thinking, it will immediately attract human attention because the two This gap is too obvious.

Of course, the greater possibility is that computers cannot read human thought at all, because human brain waves are not computer code. For a computer, 0 is 0, 1 is 1, but for a person, 0 is sometimes not 0, and 1 is not necessarily 1, even everyone's understanding of the world is different. They There may be completely different definitions of the same thing in the brain. For example, your father, he is a human, this is an established fact. For a computer, this person is an individual human with the number code XXX. No matter which computer is used, as long as the person's information is read, the final definition is exactly the same. This person is number XXX.

However, humans are not like this. To you this is your father, to your grandpa this is his son, to one person this is his good friend, to another person this is a very annoying guy. Everyone has their own definition of your dad, and these completely different definitions actually correspond to a completely fixed existence in reality-your father.

As a result of this huge difference, even if the computer is connected to human mind, it cannot understand the data, and because it cannot understand, it can only copy the data. So, if a computer downloads data from our mind network, it may download a whole bunch of contradictions about one thing. Are these instructions and data wrong? No, they are all right, but they are recorded according to the different expression habits of different people, and they have various independent cognitive definitions, but the computer cannot understand these, it can only copy data, and the result is copy What came out was a messy and contradictory conclusion that there was no way to understand.

In this state, it is impossible for a computer to download understandable data unless all individuals of our dragon family have a completely consistent view of something. However, although our Dragons are highly acquainted with networked thinking, our thinking mode does not mean that our ideas are exactly the same. The reason we are unified is because we compare the conclusions of thinking that we don't use in the thinking process, and then choose a conclusion that everyone thinks is the most likely to implement. To put it plainly, we seek common ground while shelving differences. Our mode of action is the way after seeking common ground while reserving differences, so everyone follows the same steps, but as far as thinking is concerned, we actually think a lot, so our mind network is actually chaotic from the beginning, and there is no conclusive conclusion.

Based on this theory, computers cannot invade us, and the reason why our electronic brain can work with our biological brain is because the two are subordinate. The part of our electronic brain is an extension of the biological brain and is a kind of subordination. The electronic brain is like a personal portable computer for the biological brain. It is a kind of assistant. It is used to complete the repetitive calculations that the biological brain is not good at and does not want to go to. Kind of existence.

Just as humans and computers have different thinking patterns, but this does not prevent humans from using computers. The thinking modes of our biological brain and electronic brain operation are completely different or even incompatible, but this does not prevent them from working together.

However, the intent of the intruder is to let the computer invade our mental network. They want the computer to directly join our mental network. We must know that in our Dragon's mental network, the electronic brain is actually more like a router or a switch, and the biological brain functions as a computer in the network. This is the true face of the spiritual network. And this group of guys actually expected to use a router to invade the entire network, which is a bit whimsical.

Of course, it is possible to use a quantum computer or a biological computer without an electronic computer. These two computers have exactly the characteristics of an electronic computer and can completely link the fuzzy network of thoughts, that is, they can be incorporated into the mental network. .

However, there is also trouble here.

Although the thinking mode of such things as quantum computers supports fuzzing data, its behavior is excessively rational. Although the behavior pattern of our dragons is also very impulsive, we actually have emotions. However, quantum computers do not understand emotions such as anger, because emotions are controlled by hormones, and computers do not have a body. They do not produce emotions, even if they are simulated. This false emotion can deceive ordinary people in life, but it will be particularly conspicuous in the high-speed communication mode of the mind network, so it will be found immediately when the other party accesses the network. And because of the design principles of quantum computers, they cannot be scaled down.

The legendary quantum computer has a volume because of some special principles. No matter how advanced your technology is, a quantum computer can never shrink below this volume, because once the compressed volume is less than this critical value, the quantum stacks up. The effect will not occur, and it will not be able to complete the calculation. Therefore, the quantum computer may have strong computing power, but it is definitely not suitable for carrying alone, not even a vehicle. At least large ships are also required to qualify.

It is impossible for the other party to use a quantum computer, let alone a biological computer. Not to mention whether the other party has calculations in this regard. Even if there is, then an obvious biological computer with its own personality is connected to our mental network. The place of mind network is not reserved, it is a completely open network. Here your thoughts will be displayed directly in front of everyone, so hiding private is impossible.

This is actually the most fundamental obstacle that prevents humans or computers used by humans from accessing the Dragon Mind Network. Because our Dragon Mind Network does not exist, any individual who enters the Dragon Mind Network will immediately expose all of his information, which determines that a camouflage invasion is absolutely impossible. You can imagine that in a bathhouse where everyone is naked, you are standing full-armed and telling everyone that you are one of them. Do you think this can fool others? Of course, my metaphor is not appropriate, but that's probably what it means.

The signal that the other party used to invade is obviously from an electronic computer, and it should be a group of humans who operate it, and the other party probably has a certain understanding of our Dragon Mind Network, but this understanding is not as good as it is.

There is a folk slang saying that "half bottle of vinegar is messing around" is what it means. If you do n’t understand at all, you definitely wo n’t show up because you do n’t know anything, and if you really understand everything, then you certainly wo n’t show up because you know the depth of it deeply, and What you are saying is actually correct, then it is not a mess. Only those who know a little but do n’t know very well are the people who will show the most, because they know something, but they do n’t know much. When they want to express, they can only say something in a random way. The so-called half bottle of vinegar.

These intruders know that our Dragon Mind Network is extremely fast, and humans cannot keep up with this speed, and the electronic computer cannot correctly define the total data of our Dragon Mind Network. So the other side thought of a way to simulate a thinking with a group of people.

This method is simple. First let the computer invade the Dragon Mind Network, and then map all the data to the human operator. Although the computer itself cannot understand the data, it does not prevent it from moving the data. Of course, if it is only moving, then the thing that is produced is completely incomprehensible, because it must be understood during the transportation process, and then processed after being understood. The recorded part is the correct information.

Computers can carry data, but they don't understand it, so they can't record it, and it's wrong to write it down. But humans can record, but humans can't keep up with this reaction speed, so they have adopted a multi-person operation.

Hundreds of people are operating this response program after this computer. Every time data is moved out of our Dragon Mind Network, the computer will divide it after receiving the data, and distribute the data separately to one person. Analyze and understand, of course, this person will definitely not give a quick answer, but the Dragon Mind Network is not delayed in screening, so he can answer slowly. Exchange data, so what about the new stuff? Simple, pass it directly to the second person, and let this person answer the question. Then the same way, give the lower three questions to the third person. As long as someone answers, the computer can screen the corresponding questions in the Dragon Mind Network, and then record the correct information, so that they can read the correct information they need from our Dragon Mind Network.

This method is a bit stupid, but it has to be said that as long as there are enough people, it is indeed effective. Because you can really read the data you need, it's just a little bit slower.

But unfortunately, although this group of people know something about us, they don't know how fast our Dragon Mind Network is, so they don't understand how many people can deal with the Dragon Mind Network without its problems. Waterfall-like data flow.

These guys obviously underestimate the speed of our Dragon Mind Network ~ ~ They just know that our Dragon Mind Network is fast, but to what extent it is completely unknown, the result is just dumbfounded as soon as the data is accessed Already.

The other party used more than thirty people for this operation. In their whim, although the thinking style of our dragons is fast, it should be enough for them to impersonate a consciousness together? After all, this is not fighting for computing speed, but normal network data exchange, so they feel that although our entire Dragon clan ’s consciousness data volume is terrifying, if only accessing and reading information, there are more than thirty people working together It should be more than enough.

However, when the other party saw the densely populated question and answer data on the big screen in the operation room, they were dumbfounded instantly.

"This, this ... What's going on?" These people were just happy because they suddenly got access to something inexplicably, but they didn't expect the data to look like this after it was suddenly opened. People in a room are completely dumbfounded in an instant, let alone answer, the screen in front of them is exactly like the waterfall refreshing data under the net, and they ca n’t even read the text on those questions. How can I answer this?

A thick-eyed, white-eyed white man stood frowning in front of the big screen and said, "We still underestimated these monsters! After all, they are alien biological weapons, how could it be so easily invaded? Oh! Pity!" R1152

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