Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 492: Trial light

What flew from the ruins in front was nothing new, but a migrant ship.

Of course, this migrant ship only has the approximate shape of an ordinary migrant ship. Its overall structure is different from that of an ordinary large migrant ship, but the general structure is similar. . In addition, because the migrant ship flew from the wreckage of the previous migrant ship, it must be much smaller than the original migrant ship. In fact, this migrant ship is one tenth the size of the one we got. Even so, this is still a behemoth.

Although the original migrant ship we sank was very small compared to the migrant ships that are being built in various countries, but even so, the original migrant ship was as large as eight aircraft carriers bundled together, and this migrant Although the ship is less than one-tenth of the original one, you must know that it is one-tenth of the eight aircraft carriers! This volume is already quite huge.

Probably because of its small size, this spaceship actually has a vertical take-off and landing system, and it is slowly taking off, and it looks like it will fly completely.

"I trust, don't bring this!" Seeing that the thing suddenly took off, our side is completely dumbfounded, but there is still some trouble to pursue, because none of the monsters on our side have cleared. These monsters are desperately entangled in our people, even if they can not cause us any harm, but also resolutely refuse to let go of us, that is, they are desperately entangled in continuous attacks.

Actually I now understand the role of these monsters. This is the cannon fodder, the role is to hold us, so that the small spacecraft can successfully escape.

Although I guessed the other party's purpose, it didn't make any sense, because even if we knew the other party's purpose, we couldn't get away.

Just as I watched the spaceship fly higher and higher, a warning signal suddenly appeared in the mind network. Then I found several high-speed approaching aircraft, and the identification system quickly determined the identity of these aircraft.

The emergence of these aircraft came from three different directions, the fastest of which was the fighter group from the US military base in Japan, while the other two directions were Japan's own fighter group. However, because the Japanese base is a little farther away, no American fighter moves faster. This is also the sadness of the Japanese. The nearest military airport near the capital of your own country is actually a military base of another country. To protect the capital of your country ’s aircraft, no one ’s aircraft has come fast.

Although the three groups of aircraft entered the monitoring range of the psychic network almost simultaneously. But this is not because they are at the same distance, but because these aircraft take off almost at the same time. The response speed of the Japanese and Americans is similar, and our mind network is also connected to the son-in-law, who also controls the satellite group of Long Yuan, so these planes were discovered flying together. After determining the course, the son-in-law confirmed that these planes were all heading for Tokyo, so they showed us a reminder message in the spiritual network.

According to the information displayed on the Mind Network, American fighter jets can be reached in about three minutes, and the Japanese's own planes are estimated to be one or two minutes longer, but this is meaningless. At first glance, the spaceship was a smaller version of the migrant ship. The immigration ships are all spacecraft. Compared with the aircraft in the atmosphere, these guys are really too fast. Although the acceleration process of the migrant ship is relatively long, it is definitely faster than the fighter within three minutes. In other words, even the first American fighter to arrive was unable to catch up.

"No, you can't let that thing fly!" Looking at the higher and higher immigration ship, and at the companions who were still fighting around. Although everyone looks busy, they are not too much of a problem, even if I don't help.

Since there are no worries. I will not hesitate anymore. He took a few steps forward and took a leap, his wings spread behind him. The maximum output of the plasma thruster, the whole person seems to be a missile dragged into the sky with a white mist trail, and then drew an arc in the air towards the spaceship over there.

My side was just lifted off, and a white figure suddenly rushed out of the encirclement, bouncing on several larger stones and jumping into the air, and then a pair of aircraft suddenly launched on the weapon backpack behind wing. Then the back thruster unfolded and rushed up following the acceleration.

Feeling the signal behind me, I glanced back, it turned out to be Bailang.

Unlike other people who are fighting, Bai Lang has not been suppressed by the monsters from the beginning. Instead, he has been playing sports with monsters. After finding that I took off, Bai Lang immediately understood my intentions, so he flew up.

Although the spaceship is still a giant than the previous one, the damage that can be caused by my own strength is limited, so Bai Lang understands that I definitely need support now.

As soon as our side flew up, the migrant ship over there began to adjust its direction while preparing to accelerate. The thruster behind its tail is gradually brightening, and the huge energy response shows that this thing is about to burst.

Seeing that the gadget was about to start, I quickly transferred all the energy to the thruster, and Bailang did the same thing, but just as we started to accelerate, the spacecraft also started to accelerate at the same time, and what we were helpless was that The acceleration of that thing is obviously much higher than ours. The distance is increasing at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, and the thing is not flying at level, but is climbing at a thirty-degree angle, and the speed is very rapid. The push weight of this thing is obviously much larger than the previous one. It may be because the most of the load was thrown away. The small spacecraft with reduced size has only two main thrusters, but the average mass is per gram. The thrust is several times larger, and the acceleration capability is naturally extremely fast.

"Damn, you can't catch up!" Bai Lang and I had reached three times the speed of sound at this time, but the thing in front was still far away from us at an exaggerated speed, even if it was not because our vision was much beyond ordinary people. It should be invisible. This shows how abnormal the acceleration ability of this thing is.

At the same time, I shouted the words that I could not catch up with. At the same time, in the secret conference room below the Pentagon, the heads of states were also very frustrated. Although we are not sure that Dr. Donovan and those other types of missing doctors are on that small spaceship, the possibility is quite high. and. Even if it is not for these scientists, countries definitely do not want these guys to leave Earth safely. After all, these guys are equal to the traitors of all mankind, and even the enemies of all mankind. No matter whether it is for the sake of face or for the sake of evil, all countries must not let them run like this.

Because there are many reasons for everyone to keep these guys, when this spacecraft is out of our pursuing range. The heads of states are all very frustrated. The quiet and terrible atmosphere in the conference room, the depressed atmosphere makes the female servicemen next to them unconsciously slow down their breathing a lot, and they are afraid to disturb these big brothers.

Just when everyone thought that this incident would end with human failure, the monitoring screen in the conference room suddenly turned, and the screen I saw directly changed from a space overlooking the earth. This picture is very high, because the entire blue earth can be seen in the picture. When the leaders of the countries saw this picture and hadn't reacted to what was going on, the son-in-law's voice suddenly sounded.

"Executing the emergency code, the satellite killer system is online. Longyuan ad13 killer satellite connection is completed. Stabilizing wings are deployed, the fusion reactor is ignited, and the search target ..."

A red box suddenly appeared on the earth in the picture, and then the picture in this small box suddenly enlarged and occupied the entire screen. At this time, you can clearly see the Japanese island of Honshu in the picture. However, a small box appears again in the next second screen, and then it is enlarged again. This time everyone can see a small black dot in the screen pulling a long trail at high speed, and at this time everyone is finally Understand what this is.

Because I understand. So the heads of state revived, staring nervously at the screen. A square appears again in the image on the screen. The exact black dot was caught in the exact set, then suddenly enlarged. At this moment, there is a panoramic picture of a very huge spacecraft. At this time, the spacecraft has been enlarged to the point where it occupies most of the screen.

"Target tracking is completed. Tracking and locking are started. The weapon type is selected: electronic radio frequency gun. The electronic cabin starts to be pressurized and the set power is 30%. The charging is completed and the final safety lock is released. "

Bailang and I, who were pursuing, were already full of speed, but at this time I suddenly found that the killer satellite was inexplicably online, and then was ready to launch. Then I saw a blue light flashing across the sea in front of me, and then it ended abruptly as it appeared. However, where the blue beam passed, we could see some blue arcs in the air jumping and flickering, as if the air there was leaking electricity.

In fact, it wasn't Me and Bailang who really saw the results of the attack, nor the big brothers of various countries sitting in the secret meeting room, of course, not the guys under attack, but a group of Japanese fishermen on a fishing boat.

These people had been fishing and were on their way home. Suddenly they saw a giant flying quickly over their heads and flew into the distance. But before that thing flew far, they saw a blue light as if from heaven. The holy light shone down, but this beam was obviously not holy light, because the arc that flashed on the aircraft suddenly started flashing, and then the thing seemed to explode, and the red light flashed on the side, it actually exploded. A big hole came out, and the smoke suddenly billowed, and then the thing suddenly turned in a direction and started to fly down.

In fact, the people in the spacecraft were not dead at this time, because they were not killing weapons at all. The killer satellite is just a title, not that this kind of satellite will only kill people. However, although not dead, these people are now desperate and very embarrassed.

Inside the ship's bridge, there was a stench of plastic scorching everywhere, and even the air turned blue-gray. On one console on one side, someone was holding a fire extinguisher and blasting at a fire location, while the console on the other side was also smoky. There are some pictures on the display of the few consoles that do not smoke, but the pictures are very flickering, and some are even a mess of indistinguishable color bars. At a glance, it is known that the electronic components are burned.

In fact, the thing that just hit the spacecraft is a directional electromagnetic attack. Unlike the pulse bomb, the power of this gadget needs to be concentrated, the attack range is easy to control, and because the power is concentrated, the same output has great lethality. a lot of. However, this thing is very bulky, and it is not suitable for ground units to carry. Ordinary airplanes can't carry it, only on large warships or space weapons. However, the warship itself is not suitable for this thing because of the conductivity of seawater, so in fact there is really no place suitable for this thing except satellites.

The flickering migrant ship swayed down while dragging the billowing smoke, and the command cabin was chaotic. After tens of seconds, I heard the guy on the command post shouting, "Don't mess up, don't worry about the instruments. Switch the manual mode immediately, open the heat shield and armor outer layer, and raise the bridge."

"But Captain ..."

"No, but ~ We are flying like blind men now, and we ca n’t even distinguish between the top and bottom. Maybe the sea is in front of you. Are you planning to crash?”

The people below didn't dare to say anything, quickly activated the manual device, and then saw the spaceship point, then began to slide backwards, at the same time, the front section of the armor plate began to shrink into the body, and an external part with a lot of transparent material was It rose slowly from below.

The electromagnetic attack just burned down the flight control system and most of the instruments. Now, without visual aid, they can't distinguish between up, down, left and right, so they have to raise the console.

When the spacecraft began to deform, Bailang and I saw the spacecraft flying obliquely from our left side without any pause, and we quickly turned to catch up, but even now, the speed of the stuff is still faster than us Hurry up, it seems that if the thing can keep flying like this, we still can't catch up with it.

"Hey, hey, how did that stuff come to Korea?" When we were chasing us, the South Korean president jumped up from the position in the meeting room below the Pentagon, because the injured man was seen on the killer satellite surveillance screen The spacecraft turned a big bend and went straight to South Korea. With the tragic situation of Japan before, how can you say that the Korean president can be calm? (To be continued ...) R752

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