Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 498: Pitted again

"Everyone's attention, cease fire, immediately cease fire." After hearing Hans's reminder, I quickly opened the full channel announcement, and the police force over South Korea finally received the notice to clarify our identity, and heard me The shouting quickly stopped.

Looking at me on the other side, I called for a ceasefire and immediately became angry. "Ha ha ha ha, it looks like you know who is in it. Yes, this is the group of scientists you lost. But rest assured, they just went to sleep in advance, and when we leave the orbit of the earth we will Let them wake up. But if you continue to pursue, don't blame us. "

When the other guy shouted, I was making various arrangements in the spiritual network.

"Ling, talk more with them on my behalf, and try to delay as much as possible." Ling received my order and immediately took a step forward to answer the conversation, and I quickly said to Xiaochun in the spiritual network: "Scan for explosives , By the way, can you interfere or destroy the remote control? "

Because it is a communication in the spiritual network, it is very fast. When the guy on the opposite side finished the first sentence, Xiao Chun replied directly in the spiritual network: "The explosive is in the car. The power is great. The other party The remote control in my hand is an alien technology, a quantum communicator made using quantum entanglement technology, our electromagnetic interference is useless. If they are lucky, they can also use a static force field to bind the electron pair to prevent the quantum signal from emitting, but we Not enough power! "

"What is the principle of that bomb? Will the high temperature detonate the bomb?"

"The hydrogen metal polymer bomb itself is actually a fuel cell. It can withstand high temperatures to 3000 degrees, and it will not explode below 3,500 baidus. However, this thing is not resistant to impact, the impact force will explode, and there is also a strong current. Can detonate. "

"I see." I called Hans immediately after I said it. Then he asked, "How about the heat resistance of your Hydra powered armor?"

"The instantaneous high temperature of 1,560 Baidu is basically no problem. If it is more than ten seconds, it will be a thousand degrees, and if it is more than ten minutes, it will be up to seven or eight Baidus. . "

"That would be fine."

"What are you doing?" Hans keenly found out what I seemed to be doing.

Instead of answering Hans' question directly, I responded jokingly: "Barbecue."

Hans certainly knew that the barbecue I said was definitely not the usual barbecue, but he didn't know what I was going to do now. I had to wait first, but at this time I had already contacted the son-in-law and asked her to notify the police in South Korea to retreat, and passed my plan to the son-in-law for her cooperation.

The son-in-law understood my intentions immediately after seeing my plan, so she quickly started to act, and Ling just said a few words to the group opposite.

In the secret meeting room below the Pentagon on the American side, heads of state found a split-screen picture on the side of the screen. Among them was the killer satellite that shot down the spacecraft in one fell swoop. At this time, the gadget was deforming. Yes, that's right, it's deforming. Killer satellites carry multiple assault weapons because there are too many launching components. So it had to use a revolving structure similar to the revolver's magazine. All weapons on the killer satellite are modular in design, and each weapon is packaged into a separate structure that passes through the launch location along a circular orbit. Whenever a weapon is needed, it is rotated to the launching position and loaded into the launching area. This launching area mainly includes a forced scattering system and an energy system. In this way, when the structure that needs to be launched enters the launch zone, it can be connected with the cooler and the energy interface. As for the aiming module, this is the same independent subsystem as the track control system. Does not change with changes in launching equipment.

With the transformation of the killer satellite in the picture completed, something somewhat like a washing machine drum sticked out from the opening in the lower part of the satellite, and the inside of this thing quickly turned orange-red, and a reminder sounded in the conference room.

"The killer satellite high-power microwave transmitter mode switching is complete. The power battery is in good condition, the microwave transmitter has begun to pressurize, and the launch preparation has been completed. It will enter the launch threshold after fifteen seconds."

After the prompt here, my voice suddenly sounded in the picture. "Killer Satellite, I'm Shenlin, and applied for control."

"Identification passed. Hello ancestors. The satellite killer system fully opens up operation permissions to you."

"Confirmed that the authority was obtained. Change the transmission mode to the ground temperature feedback mode and set the temperature to 100 degrees. Lock the coordinates, please calibrate according to the coordinates I gave."

"Confirm, the ground feedback mode is activated, the preset temperature is 100 degrees Celsius. The coordinate calibration is complete, and the microwave transmitter has reached a critical state, and whether to launch."

"Maintain and enter standby."

"The command confirms that the launcher remains critical and is waiting to be hit."

After confirming the situation here, I started to urge the son-in-law to quickly let the people from South Korea flash, but there seems to be something wrong with the Korean command system there, and the police did not respond for a long time. Seeing that Ling and the conversation over there were obviously untenable, I could only take the risk and turned to the commander of the Korean police force over there and told him to let his people quickly withdraw.

The commander of the Korean police force looks about fifty years old. He is very dark. Although he is older, he can see that he was born in the military and was really the kind of person who had been on the battlefield. The momentum can be felt.

When he saw me, he knew that I must have something to say, so he ran over immediately, without waiting for me to run behind the team.

I'm in a hurry now, and I didn't talk nonsense to him, and said directly: "Hello, I will not waste time politely in an emergency. We are here to use satellite weapons on targets. This weapon is a range killer and our people are motivated The armor can carry it for a while, but yours can't carry it. So I need you to evacuate here immediately. "

"Rank killing? How big is this radius? What distance do we need to retreat to be safe? Do we need any protective measures? Do you know what type of injury?"

Although the other party has a lot of questions, they are all key issues. At a glance, you know that you are the kind of person who asks for important information.

I told him very refreshingly: "The direct attack range is 500 meters in radius, and the center point is the car standing there, but the combined damage range may exceed 1,200 meters. But as long as you exit the direct attack range, There will be no lethal danger. The attack is microwave radiation, so finding a shelter can reduce the damage, and also pay attention to the speed at which the metal is heated up faster than other things. Your weapons and vehicles should run farther. "

"I see." The other party didn't talk nonsense. After listening to my words, he immediately took out the walkie-talkie and began to command the personnel to speed up the retreat, while my side ran back to Ling immediately.

The guy opposite was obviously about to lose patience. But this is normal. Surrounded by so many high-level combat troops, individuals will feel great pressure, not to mention their behavior has been destined that once they are caught, death is considered to be happiness. If you want to simply squat for a few years, you will come out. Don't think about it. Besides, there is only so little left in the final countdown of immigration. Everyone knows that if they miss it, they basically wait to die. This feeling of waiting for death is definitely worse than hanging up directly. Under this multiple pressures. How could these people negotiate with you slowly like ordinary robbers?

When I came back, I found that the people around the Korean police force had started to evacuate backward, and the speed was quite fast. I didn't know how their command was ordered. I don't think the commander could tell the truth directly, because I suddenly felt that the police were a bit fleeing, and the speed was really flying.

Sudden withdrawal of police forces. Those guys didn't find it strange that they thought we had compromised, and Ling took the opportunity to say that we had made concessions and let them calm down and not be too excited.

Those guys were certainly not satisfied with the police withdrawal alone. After all, the one who threatens them the most is actually us, and of course, the special forces of the Koreans hidden inside the base entrance behind them. But in general, the threat is greater on our side.

Although we couldn't convince them not to let us leave, we could at least use the withdrawal of the police force and talk nonsense for them. Finally, when I saw from the satellite scan that the police force had probably evacuated outside the safe range, I immediately ordered the microwave radiator of the killer satellite.

In fact, this microwave radiator is not a simple weapon system. This thing actually has other uses. First, the microwave radiator is a remote energy transmission system. Energy from solar power plants in space can be sent to the ground. This kind of remote wireless transmission method has many advantages, except for the large loss, there is almost no big problem. In addition, this thing actually has a useful purpose is to provide emergency charging for our dragons.

Yes, that's right, it just recharges us. Because our dragons consume too much energy in full power mode, they will not carry energy support for too long, and the probability of loss of backup energy in battle is very high, so it is also good to have a flexible and flexible charging method the way.

The dragon's genes include an ability to absorb the surrounding heat. The reason why Frost and Snow can make air-conditioning is because of the prominent expression of this gene. Although the rest of us are not so exaggerated in this respect, they can at least absorb high temperature, and the high temperature brought by microwave is an energy that can be easily absorbed. Of course, if it is in the mode of absorbing energy, the transmitting power of the satellite will not be as high as during the attack, and the radiation will be concentrated in a small range without such a large killing radius.

After confirming the withdrawal of the surrounding police forces and even the civilians had run out, I ordered microwave radiation.

As my order was issued, the clouds above us suddenly spread out a circular hole towards the surrounding area. This was actually caused by the air in the middle being heated and expanded to blow away the nearby clouds, but it seemed to us like Something shot through the clouds and drove them away. But this is true, after all, something really has come down, just ordinary people can't see it.

Less than twenty seconds after the microwave landed on the ground, Hans suddenly detected a red warning signal in their power armor, and then they looked at me in surprise. This warning signal is to remind them that the outside temperature has entered the alert range and let them notice.

In fact, the outside temperature is now only 60 degrees. For normal people, this temperature is a bit exaggerated, but it has little effect on the power armor. However, this temperature is not an instantaneous temperature, but is continuously rising. The external temperature reading in front of Hans was climbing upwards at a temperature of fifty or six degrees per second, and the temperature passed eighty degrees in the blink of an eye. At this point the fool noticed that something was abnormal. Some paper and plastic were curling up on the surrounding ground. The leaves of plants are rapidly turning yellow, and even the ground is refracted by air distortion. All of this means that the surrounding temperature is outside the normal range.

The guy over there also suddenly found that the problem was abnormal, but he looked around first and apparently did not think about it before we came up with it. After all, this method was somewhat out of the ordinary. However, after seeing his response, I knew he had discovered the problem. So a new order was immediately issued to the killer satellite.

"Change the heating temperature to seven Baidu, maximum power."

"The order confirms that the ground temperature is heated to 500 degrees Celsius at maximum power."

As the command is confirmed, the microwave intensity increases instantly. The plants in the surrounding streets instantly turned yellow, then burned with a bang, and the scattered pieces of paper and plastic were also quickly ignited. The car's tires began to soften, flowing down like sugar. The painted surface started to darken. Then it spontaneously ignited, and then many buildings began to catch fire, and instantly changed from a small flame to a blazing fire. The warnings in Hans' helmets were ringing, the temperature indicator on the temperature display had reached 470 degrees, and it was soaring. At this rate, even steel will soon burn. Don't think that metal won't burn. On the contrary, there is a lot of metal that can be ignited, and some are quite terrible to burn. can not stop at all. As for steel, as we know it, it can burn in the air as long as the temperature is enough. And it burns pretty fast.

On the opposite side, the guy standing on the roof holding a remote control and screaming to blow up the car first found that the situation was wrong, and then a temperature alarm popped up in his helmet, and before he could react, the car under him Began to shake suddenly. The reason is that the tire burst because of the high temperature, and because the tire burst did not happen at the same time, one side of the tire burst first will be distorted first, but as all the four corner wheels burst, the car is actually It's balanced, but it's been a few more seconds. When that guy reacted and wanted to use the remote control to continue threatening us, he was completely dumbfounded, because he did n’t know when the remote control in his hand had become a pile of things that could not be seen, and it felt like a summer child The whole ice cream turned into a liquid and flowed down.

Although the technology inside this remote control is very high-end, the shell is made by humans, that is to say, although it is completed with the core of an alien quantum communicator, because what these people get is a bad thing in itself, They were repaired using earth technology, so there are many human parts in it. These things are basically based on plastic. As a result, in the face of Qibai's high temperature, plastic has become a glue-like thing. This is still flame retardant plastic. Generally, the plastic burns up when it is more than 100 degrees Celsius, and now it turns into a pile of black disgusting objects.

In fact, these guys are unfortunately cherishing themselves. These people are either wearing power armor or hiding in a space vehicle, and these two things were originally designed for the outer planet environment, so according to aerospace standards, they are all sealed structures and have a certain high temperature resistance. But because these vehicles are resistant to high temperatures, they did not feel the temperature change at all, and it was too late to find out. The most important thing was that the bomb remote control that threatened us was dissolved. This is definitely the saddest thing.

"Okay, killer satellite, turn off the microwave transmitter and start the adjustment process."

"The command confirms that the satellite killer system is shut down and it enters maintenance adjustment mode. Thank you for using it."

The high temperature of Qibaidu actually drops very quickly in this open environment. The most important thing is that the microwave mainly heats the surface structure. The deep things are not completely heated, so the temperature drops very much without continuous radiation. It ’s fast, but the people on the opposite side are completely dumbfounded, because all of their transport vehicles can't move, and only the robot dogs and power armor can move. The people in the transport vehicles ca n’t even run because Although the temperature is already falling, the temperature outside the car is still as high as more than 200 degrees. This temperature will not cause people to burn your large blisters. There is no problem at all, so these people have no way to get out of the car. The wheels are all turned into a pool of black stuff on the ground. In this case, they are sealed in the car.

While the people over there were still in fear, our side moved first.

I and Ling and Yeyue were just teleported from their original positions as if they were teleporting, and Hans was the first time they aimed at the guy standing in that car and took him. It's a sieve. When we rushed to the side of the car, a few guys in power armor in the front car just jumped out, but before they could see the environment, they were named one by one, and all became headless corpses.

We didn't care about these people, we rushed into the car for the first time, and then carried the boxes down. The explosives in that car were all packed in the car and were not attached to these boxes, so as long as the boxes were removed, it would be fine.

The boxes themselves are quite thickly protected, and if they do n’t, they will be able to carry the explosive, but we dare not bet, so we only used the mouse booger, but I at least made sure that the temperature of the microwave transmitter would not put the inside Scientists cooked ~ ~ Okay, take these boxes first, go outside to confirm whether it is the scientist we are looking for, and the rest will be said later. "After I got the box, I took everyone to evacuate here first. As for those guys, they were handed over to Hans. Anyway, there were only some power armor and two robot dogs left. Besides, there were Koreans in the underground base. What about special forces?

Carrying a box that was much larger than our own, we ran out of the central area in one go. We didn't stop until the ambient temperature dropped below 50 degrees, and then quickly started disassembling the boxes.

The structure of the box itself is quite sturdy, so we use the method of electronic invasion. After finding the electronic lock, we open it directly with the stolen permissions. This is also for insurance. After all, there is also a high possibility that there is an organ in this thing. In case there is a setting that directly injects poisons to kill the people inside the box, then we are not busy doing it? Turn back and be criticized. That's more than worth it.

Our idea was good at first, but unfortunately, we still underestimated each other's cunning. The moment the permissions of those boxes were cracked and not opened, we were dumbfounded.

"I rely!" (To be continued.)

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