Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 504: Post hoc

The ground interception team did not let the people in the escape capsule wait too long. When they looked nervously at the coastline, they suddenly saw a small red dot on the coastline dragging the orange-red tail flame into the air. Then he flew straight at them.

"Air defense missiles!" A guy in the escape capsule shouted, but this would not have any impact on the missiles. The anti-aircraft missile was still accelerating towards the escape capsule, and what made them even more desperate was that two light spots were lit on the launch platform on the ground, and two anti-aircraft missiles were launched.

In order to deal with a small escape capsule, three anti-aircraft missiles were fired at one time, which is regarded as a high priority. In fact, the escape module is not as flexible as a fighter, and it is larger than a fighter. In addition, there is no stealth design in itself, so the ability to dodge missiles is almost no. To deal with this type of aircraft, as long as the missile locks [pig] [pig] [island] novel www.huhu.m to set the target, the possibility of missed is very small. However, for the sake of insurance, three shots were fired below in one breath, which means that unless two or three miracles occur in succession, they are dead.

Miracles are certainly not so easy to happen, so they were hit by no surprise. The first missile that skyrocketed hit the tail end of the escape capsule accurately, and the opponent was very savvy and separated the booster rocket one second before the missile hit, so the first missile hit was actually waste fuel Canister instead of the escape cabin itself. But the first one was deceived, but the remaining two were not so easy to deal with.

The second missile accurately hit the escape capsule's built-in thruster and then completely detonated it, while the third anti-aircraft missile was detonated in advance because of the second ballistic explosion, except in the escape capsule. It left no results except for large and small scratches. However, this has achieved the expected goal, after all, the escape capsule has been shot down, which is enough.

In addition to the use of escape capsules for immigration vessels, they can carry out powered flights. You can also perform an unpowered landing. This thing automatically detects an oversized paraglider immediately after the thruster is knocked out, and then slides over to the landing ground.

When this situation was discovered, the soldiers on the launch vehicle over there were stunned, because it did not expect that there was a parachute, and even more terrible was that the height of the gadget was not high enough at this time, and the missile launch may now hit Near high-rise buildings. So they dare not fire at all.

The fighter jet taking off from the land also arrived at the scene at this time, but encountered the same problem as the air defense missile. The escape capsule had already drifted into the city, and the fighters were afraid to fire. After all, the missiles on the plane are too powerful, and the consequences of using them in urban areas are unthinkable.

Fortunately, when there was nothing to show here, our group of people on the sea finally arrived on the scene by a transport plane.

The supersonic penetrating transport aircraft does not use the supersonic mode. After all, it is the coastline of its own country and does not require penetration. Therefore, in order to reduce interference with citizens. The plane slowed down before approaching the urban area. It is now passing over the city at a speed of 800 kilometers per hour, and under the belly of the rear of the transport aircraft, two special cabin doors are opened slowly. Then I saw two medium-sized robots sliding out of the two hatch openings, and then the two exit positions began to continuously slide out the combat robots. Thousands of combat robots were thrown away at one go. At this time, the people on our side have already jumped with the first robots.

Because the plane was flying low. So we did n’t use a propeller at all. We spread our wings and eased to the ground with the help of wind. At this time, a large group of people were surrounded not far from the front. From above, it can be seen that the escape cabin was lying in the middle of the crowd. It seemed that someone was trying to pry open the shell to rescue the people inside.

It was right to see an accident and go to the rescue, but the situation is more special now. It's not innocent people in this escape cabin, and these people are so far as they are now. That can do everything, so I am very worried that those who help kindly will be hurt.

It's a pity that it comes whatever you are afraid of. Just as I shouted to let the crowd spread and rush forward, the kind-hearted person inside finally opened the cover of the escape cabin, and the moment the cover opened. The person who came out first was not the person inside, but an iron golem.

This thing fell out of the door with a bang, and then exploded without waiting for everyone to react. The dense crowd around me was immediately dumped like a wheat crop, and my side suddenly corrected in my heart. Unfortunately, it's too late to say anything now.

I didn't dare to stop at my feet, and I rushed forward, but because the people around me were brought down, I can now see the situation over there. At the exit of the escape cabin, several people were supporting each other and jumping down. One of them who came down first stood with a gun I had never seen before, and was obviously on alert, but this guy was I saw him as well as me.

The guy didn't hesitate at all. When he saw me, he raised the gun in his hand and aimed at me and pulled the trigger.

I thought it was a gun, but what I didn't expect was that it was a single-arm railgun, and it was so small. Being able to board the escape capsule at the last minute, although the people inside are not necessarily the highest commander of the group of people who have abandoned humanity this time, but at least they are people with a certain identity, so their weapons are better.

The power of such things as railguns depends on the initial velocity of the projectile. The single-armed railguns have too short acceleration trajectories and there is not enough energy to carry them, so the initial velocity is usually not too high. Specially dealt with, the power is really not ordinary, I just felt that my body was hit by a huge force, and then the whole person flew backward.

Lingling ran past me with the holy sword and saw that the other side turned his muzzle. He immediately threw the holy sword in his hand as a dart without hesitation. The holy sword let go, and the opposite gun rang. Lingling was shot in her right shoulder, and the whole person suddenly rolled over and flew backward, but the holy sword struck a great distance in an instant, and then pierced through the speech with a gun alert to nail it behind Escape cabin.

Several people who were originally climbing out of the escape cabin suddenly found that the guy who came out first was nailed to the escape cabin by a sword, and immediately caused confusion.

It seems to me that these people are not combatants, because all eight are too young. The guy who was just crucified by Ling Ling's sword is the biggest one here. But even this guy is definitely not over 30 years old, and the rest are basically around 20 years old. At first glance, it is the type of son or rich man. It is not a combatant anyway. Only the dead may have received some training.

Rubbing the painful chest, I stood up from the ground with Xiao Chun's help and looked down. The position of the breastplate was actually penetrated through a hole. No wonder it hurt so much. It turned out to have been penetrated.

Lingling is better than me. Because the position of the shot is the shoulder and she is a movable joint, she naturally slides backward when hit by a huge force, which causes the kinetic energy of the projectile to be lost. Although the power of this railgun is not small, our power armor is not a general commodity, and it is obviously impenetrable under the condition of loss of kinetic energy. Lingling's power armor had only a deep scratch on her shoulder. Apparently it was a bounce, so I didn't hit it.

Although I ate a bullet firmly on my chest and penetrated the power armor, the bullet did not penetrate deep into the body, but was stuck by the bones inside after just touching the muscle layer of the chest. Already.

The bullet was sucked out with electromagnetic force and thrown away. The scar on my chest was basically healed within a few minutes, but the hole in the power armor could not be repaired, so I had to go back to repair it.

Xiaochun is helping me here. The rest were not surrounded, but all rushed towards the guys who ran out. Just now Lingling has nailed one. Seven goals remain. These people are not combatants. Although they have a gun in their hands, the threat to us by ordinary people with guns is negligible.

Ling took the others with three strokes, five strokes, and two strokes, and all of them were arrested and anesthetized and brought down one by one. Then they talked about the unconsciousness of all these guys.

The surrounding crowd seemed to end the battle, and slowly someone came out of the hiding place. And not a minute later, a siren sounded in the distance.

In fact, the police force here is already prepared, but it is just because they are not sure where the other party will fall. So they were always on standby, and our battle ended too quickly, so even if they immediately came over as soon as they knew where they were, they were still half a beat.

After that, we don't need to deal with it. The police arrived with an ambulance from the hospital. In addition, people from Longyuan also arrived and the scene was quickly brought under control. And we escorted the bodies of those anesthetized and the crucifixed guy aboard a helicopter to the airport for a large transport aircraft, and then flew directly to the United States.

About eight hours later we were already standing in a small auditorium-like place in the basement of the Pentagon. The commandos from all countries participating in the operation came together, and leaders of all countries were also present, while on the side of the wall were piled upside down.

The word "heap" is used because these people are all overlapping, just like a pile of rubbish. In fact, in a sense, these are indeed rubbish, garbage among human beings.

Of the two groups, the left one is relatively small, about thirty people, while the right one is about eighty people. However, more than thirty people are all living, while the pile of eighty people are all corpses.

In fact, these are not all the enemies killed in this operation, because some are bodyguards or deceived American soldiers or government personnel, so none of them were brought. These people and bodies here are all the real manipulators of this immigration ship plan. It is that they jointly developed such a plan, the purpose is to run a step first, so that their lives have a greater insurance. However, they probably wouldn't have thought at first that their own life-saving measures had harmed themselves. As a group of more than a hundred people, only thirty or so are still alive. And these thirty or more are not all intact. Among them, two legs are missing, one left arm is missing, and there are several minor injuries. In short, such a large-scale battle, even if they are not combatants themselves, some casualties are inevitable.

The President of the United States glanced in front of the crowd and said: "These people are human traitors, but because our immigration plan still needs to be kept secret, public review is impossible. But I don't think such people have reviewed it. It is necessary, I suggest to execute directly. What do you think? "

This kind of thing is of course unanimous. After all, there are no outsiders here. You don't need to pretend to be a compassionate face. Everyone here has restored its original appearance, because the people here know each other and look like each other. Pointless.

Now that everyone agrees, the US President has no nonsense, and nodded directly to the officer over there, who immediately commanded a line of soldiers to step up and fire a shotgun for those unconscious. It is also lucky that these people can be killed in their sleep. After all, they do not need to suffer and feel fear.

In fact, during the execution of the soldiers, I found that a woman's legs in the group were shaking in a small area, and a puddle of yellow liquid appeared on the ground. I was a little curious about this inexplicable girl who woke up, so I was stopped when the soldier was preparing to make up her gun ~ ~ My excuse is to study why she narcotics to us She is so resistant that everyone else sleeps like a dead pig, and she can wake up early. This woman is only the granddaughter of one of the wealthy wealthy men who is going to run. There is nothing important in itself, so the US President did not take her seriously, and I directly agreed when I spoke.

After the killing of those people, a team of soldiers naturally came over to collect the corpse, and the US President turned to us and said again: "This time things are almost done here. I would like to express the help of the United States Government on behalf of you here. Thanks. In addition, because this incident is a bit noisy, governments of all countries need to work together to cover up what they really want before the news is fully exposed, but it is best to communicate on the spot before you leave. I do n’t want to say much about experience. Now let ’s talk about the last thing. ”The President of the United States took the manuscript in his hand on the podium, and then said to us,“ This time the United States has suffered heavy losses. There were several migrant ships, so our construction progress was a bit behind. "

"Then what do you mean ...?"

"I want to borrow workers from us. We provide equipment and materials and construction sites. Can you support some workers to help us complete the progress?" (To be continued ...)

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