Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 517: Real test

After all the tigers came out of the cave, the walls that had been disguised as rocks automatically descended and closed the passage again, so the tigers could no longer go back along the passage. ※%,

The tigers didn't react much after finding that the back passage was closed, but after seeing us, the response of these tigers was great. I saw all the tigers suddenly made a uniform movement, that is, turning around. Yes, it is running, but unfortunately this section is blocked, that is to say, there is no way forward and backward, the tigers soon find that there is no way to escape in front, and then some tigers start accelerating to the cliffs on both sides. , Even tried to climb up. The most exaggerated thing is that the tigers can really climb to the edge of the cliff top, and they can go up just a little, and the female audiences who are scared are screaming again.

Everyone knows that the bouncing force of tigers is very good. After accelerating towards the cliff, you can step on the cliff and run two steps upwards with inertia to use the physical strength of the tiger. These ten-meter-high cliffs can just block them, if not Because the area at the top of the cliff was slightly reversed, the tiger went straight up.

Everyone said that the dog jumped off the wall, and this group of tigers were also forced. Otherwise, why would anyone risk climbing the cliff? Although it can go up to a height of ten meters, it is still quite high for the tiger, especially when it can't get up, it will fall down when it reaches the top, and it is quite painful to fall. However, the tigers didn't mean to stop at all, so they kept rushing upwards, it seemed necessary to climb up.

Seeing that the tigers were obviously frightened, the audience were all bosses with mouths open, and they did not expect that the tigers actually responded this way. Originally thought it would be a dangerous human-tiger war, I did not expect that in the end it was a group of tigers that we were scared to learn to jump over the wall.

Although the tigers are very scared, we can't stop walking in order not to scare them. So we can only helplessly start to move forward.

This closed area is actually a little 7-shaped, and the previous section has a slight turn. The tigers were forced to reach the corner there to practice climbing the wall, while we walked slowly.

As we approached, the tigers immediately became more flustered, and some tigers became apparently anxious.

When the people above looked at the situation below helplessly and wondered if we would kill these tigers, we let them down again.

I saw the dragon girl step forward slightly, and then stretched out a hand towards a tiger who had given up climbing a cliff because of its small size. That tiger is the smallest because of its size. So I knew that I couldn't climb up, I stopped the activity at the beginning, and then narrowed into the corner after seeing us.

The movement of the little dragon girl's outstretched palm gave the toothy grinning tiger a moment's notice, and then the expression on its face began to slow down slightly, gradually stretched out, and finally returned to calmness. After looking at the dragon girl's hand for a while, the tiger suddenly walked two steps towards the dragon girl, then stopped suddenly, looked up at the dragon girl and yelled again, and took a step back. The little dragon girl smiled and watched that the tiger didn't move. The tiger did not respond to the little dragon girl, so she immediately started to move forward again, but the pace was very slow, and she felt a sense of fear, her muscles were tight, and she seemed very scared.

By the time the tiger was halfway through, all the surrounding tigers had stopped, and at this moment was watching the tiger. It seemed to be waiting for the result, and the tiger suddenly accelerated after walking to a few meters away from the dragon girl. I walked to the dragon girl at a fairly fast speed, and within the last two meters, the tiger was basically relaxed, and then walked directly in front of the dragon girl.

The little dragon girl smiled and waited until the tiger took the initiative to touch her palm with the top of her head before touching the tiger's fur slowly, then the other hand moved slowly to start touching the tiger's fur with both hands. The tiger seemed to enjoy the touch, and a grunting sound came from his throat, and he began to arch the little dragon girl continuously. In the end, he started to roll on the ground, letting the little dragon girl touch her belly.

After having the first role model, when I and Yeyue made similar moves, the tigers slowly tentatively started to approach us, and finally all turned into a circle around us like the previous one. If it weren't for the striking yellow-black stripes and that huge figure. It is estimated that many people will regard this as a group of domestic cats.

"Did I see the eyes or are the tigers really coquettish?" A guest asked unbelievably. "How did they do that? I heard that these tigers just killed someone!"

"It's not the tiger's problem, it's them." A sharp-eyed man next to us pointed at us, and then said, "It's time for you to go down.

"But how did they get the tiger to do that?"

The man next to him shook his head and said, "They naturally have their way, but I definitely don't know."

In fact, it is very simple to soothe the emotions of tigers. Because tigers are animals, their thoughts are very simple and straightforward. Our dragons have the ability to invade the brain. Even human memories and consciousnesses can be manipulated and modified. Not a problem. This is like a senior mechanical and electrical engineer, you will certainly have no problem repairing children's toys, because compared to those he usually does, repairing children's toys is not only his professional type, but also relatively simple.

However, just now we did not modify Tiger's memory at all, because it was not necessary. What we do is use the electromagnetic waves to affect the brain waves of tigers, and then release a quiet and peaceful signal, so that the fear of tigers is reduced and reassured. When the tiger approached, as we touched, we could more thoroughly control the tiger ’s emotions through contact, and began to implant feelings of excitement and comfort, linking it with our touch. Taking tiger's simpler thoughts, it will soon form that our touch can bring a sense of comfort and joy, and animals will not hide their feelings. They do not understand what is shy and implicit, so when they Knowing that our touch will bring them happiness, they immediately become kittens. Began to recklessly ask for our touch. This is the real reason why these big cats seem to have lost their wildness in an instant.

Some people may think that the taste of the tiger is very heavy. Although it looks cute on TV, it is actually very uncomfortable to get close. In fact, this is limited to artificial captive tigers.

Some people who have been to the zoo may find that animals such as tigers or lions have a very heavy stench and urine smell, which is very unpleasant. In fact, what you smelled at that time was not the smell of tigers and lions, but the smell of cages.

Because big cats have the habit of dividing their territory with urine, tigers and lions in cages cannot move around. Therefore, the urine can only be put on the cage, and even if the breeder cleans it frequently, as soon as they find that the taste of their mark has faded, they will immediately replenish it, so cleaning is useless.

In fact, although wild tigers and lions also have some odors, they are not very heavy, especially tigers, and they can hardly smell any obvious smell.

In fact, this matter can be understood. As a predator, tigers must catch other animals in order to survive. If the scent of a tiger is so serious that even the bad smell of humans feels like blowing their noses, then in the wild, haven't those herbivores started running away a few kilometers away? How can you let these carnivores hunt with such a big smell? Don't think that standing on the downwind can solve the problem of odor. You should know that when the wind is not strong, the odor can be transmitted far to the upper wind position, so under normal circumstances it is impossible to completely rely on the wind direction to cover its own odor.

In order to ensure the success of hunting, both tigers and lions consciously control their own scent. Lions are worse because they are in the tropics, but tigers have higher latitudes in their main active areas. The temperature is low, so the body odor is not particularly heavy. In front of these tigers are themselves raised by Mei Lin. Not only is it in a semi-wild state, it won't make you lose yourself, more importantly, it will be cleaned by the top, so the smell is not very heavy in fact.

Seriously, if you don't consider the smell and danger, tigers are really suitable for pets. These guys are not only cute. And the fur is really super comfortable. The soft and fluffy feel is really better than any artificial blanket. It is no wonder that many people who have status in the past when there was no animal protection law like to use tiger skin to make cushions or clothes, because the texture is really very good.

Under our care, tigers have become domestic cats, and this level naturally loses its effect. After the response came, the staff of the control agency immediately raised the passages from which the tigers on both sides came out. We also understood that this meant to let the tigers leave. So he took the initiative to drive the tigers into the aisle, and in the other room, those who wished to see us killed by the tigers were thundering, but no one was willing to ignore them. Mei Lin didn't pay much attention to their existence, but she lost her temper before, so she couldn't get angry. Now, in the name, they have made revenge anyway, as long as they have not achieved their purpose ... this life was said to be irrelevant. So now Mei Lin has no plans to ignore them anymore.

After the tiger was sent away, the aisle in front of us automatically descended, and then there were some organs with the nature of solving puzzles. During the period, we also encountered the so-called. One of them was obviously instructed by others, not only given After the error prompt, what's more important is that this guy actually clamored us to lose a grenade after we left. However, although Terry has said before that we can kill these people who do not like us, we did not kill them. On the one hand, we didn't care about these small maggots that were instructed by us; on the other hand, because we found out The key point of this test.

In fact, the breakthrough test we are currently conducting is only part of it. The real test lies in our various performances in action.

Just like those super rich who have the power to recruit bodyguards, not only depends on whether you have the ability to protect him, but more importantly, depends on whether you are loyal. As soon as the enemy comes, the bodyguards are bought directly. Even if the bodyguards are more powerful than Superman, do you dare to use them?

What humans need now is for us to become the actual operators in the process of immigration. That is to say, we are both: pilots, pilots, security, military, equipment maintenance and other tasks in one, not only to ensure the flight Deal with various external crises, make decisions, and find ways to ensure the normal operation of the equipment. Ensure that humans can safely reach the target immigrant planet. All that is needed is not only our ability to do business, but the mentality of our race is more important, otherwise we will run away when something happens, but all human beings are in the dorm. Is it to put humans directly on the road to extinction?

Therefore, level testing is not important. What really matters is the psychological test. Of course, this psychological test is not as simple as sitting there and doing multiple choice questions, but using our series of reactions and decisions during the test level to judge our principles and behaviors. After passing various analysis, Being able to determine our true psychological characteristics is the key content they want to see.

Unfortunately, although these people use this test level to hide the psychological test part, the behavior of these guys is too naive. Of course, the main reason is that they don't understand the terribleness of our dragons.

Because it is a completely artificial life form, our brains are optimized for design. The human brain has evolved over a long period of time, and it has many useless traces of evolution. These leftovers are the so-called undeveloped brains. In fact, it is not impossible to develop, but the useless part. In fact, there are very few precedents for extraordinary evolution in nature. That is to say, few animals have evolved capabilities beyond what they need or cannot use. Similarly, the human brain cannot evolve too many parts beyond use. Because the laws of nature are so.

However, we dragons are artificial creatures. The aliens who designed our dragons are designed with the goal of optimizing their abilities, so our brains are not only in the speed of response, but also in all related abilities of human intelligence tests such as memory and logical judgment. Are better than the human brain. What's more important is that we use a compound brain. In addition to the biological department, we also have a small piece of electronic brain based on quantum chips. The biological brain as the main control provides perfect logic and open thinking ability, while the electronic brain is like a personal computer equipped for the biological brain. It is a tool that makes our thinking easier.

Under these conditions. We can think of ways that humans can think of, and it's like adults and children. Many children use lies to deceive adults, and think that their lies are perfect, and they do n’t know that adults know that this is a lie. Just don't want to care about it.

This test designed by these guys, we saw some clues at the beginning, and even I can confirm that Terry's previous words were not at all intended, at least not all. His words are actually a psychological hint. If we kill those "" as a result, our score will drop in the psychological evaluation of these people, which is a trap. Unfortunately, all of their plans were broken by us, and after discovering this speculation, we contacted the son-in-law, then invaded all the electronics here, read lip language through the monitor, and eavesdropped on the sound collection function on mobile phones and other devices. We have connected everything together and confirmed each other many times. The conclusion is obvious, our test is not these levels in this canyon at all, but it has already begun when entering the villa. Including those who deliberately find faults, they are actually part of the test, but the unlucky ones do not know.

Now that we all know that this is actually a psychological test, what do we do?

Do you still need to ask? Of course came along their plan. If we do n’t know this, we will of course follow our own meaning, but now that we know this is a psychological test, even the test standards have been figured out. Now we are like outstanding students who have already obtained the answers in advance. Although we will do each question ourselves, we will also actively check the answers. If the answers are not the same as those obtained in advance, we are Will go to fill in that correct answer. Otherwise, watching me detained? I think few people can really do that, right? People who do such a thing are not called noble morals ~ ~ That is a mental disability. Especially when this exam is very important, it can't be done that way.

According to the information we get, the interaction between these "" and us is that some people are harmful to us, some people are friendly to us, and what we have to do is to show the basic human nature to those who harm us, that is, It will be angry, but you cannot do too much, otherwise it will be judged as a killer, which will deduct points. As for those "" that show goodwill, our correct answer is-friendly response. This answer is actually very simple, but not everyone can do it. Otherwise, the world would have long been socially unified.

After passing through the checkpoint passage of about five or six kilometers, the canyon was over, but the track did not end there because a burrow appeared in front of us, and when we were asked to jump down, we found that the bottom was actually a huge one. Fish tank.

Yes, this is a fish tank, and it turned out to be a fish tank for piranhas.

The viewers who have been moving down look at us surrounded by piranhas with different expressions. Obviously each of them has their own ideas, but unfortunately, there is only one way to deal with them, and that is to kill all The piranha is instant. (To be continued ...)

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