Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 520: Live drill

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The surrounding audience certainly didn't feel the water temperature, but the broadcast around it was explaining the situation we are facing now, and when I heard that the temperature of the pool where we lived was below zero, many people were the first The response is that we are very resistant to freezing, but after broadcasting to everyone the science's ability to cope with extreme cold, these people's eyes began to change.

After we walked through that cold and extremely cold water, we entered a very exaggerated high-temperature water. The temperature in this water did not reach a Baidu, but it has reached 90 degrees, which can almost be regarded as boiling water.

Humans are expected to start screaming immediately when they encounter this temperature of water, and then they will be burned to death in a few minutes. But it is still useless to us, because we use the same method as in cold water, and arrange the electromagnetic field around the body to stabilize the molecular vibration within a safe range. So although we do soak in the water at 90 degrees, we The temperature of the water molecules around the body surface has always been maintained at thirty degrees. This temperature, let alone us, is unlikely to cause harm to humans.

When we were moving in hot water, some of the outside audiences were already smarter to analyze there: "... their physical fitness seems to be very strong, and their power is almost comparable to that of large construction machinery. It seemed to be quite relaxed at the time. After that, it was super bouncing. This is mainly the effect of muscle strength. Then, the tiger can show some deterrent ability to the animals, and then the piranhas should be able to discharge them. I saw the arc at that time. Then I used an unknown ability to fight the sharks, and dispelled the sharks anyway. Then came the extreme temperature resistance of hot and cold water, and they should be able to breathe underwater. In this way, their ability It's quite a lot. "

"You seem to have forgotten a few points." A person next to him added: "Have you seen a woman like Medusa? She is said to have appeared in human form at ordinary times, and can be replaced by replacing her body when needed. This snake-monster-shaped body. It is said that they have several spare bodies, changing bodies is like changing clothes. If we also have this ability, as long as the brain is not a problem, there is no need to worry about accidents. Even if it is Can you easily survive a plane crash? "

"You say, this is indeed a very important ability."

Someone around asked: "The group of heads of state called us this time. I hope we support this ..."

"Dragon." Someone reminded.

"Yes, it is the Dragons. They want us to support the development of the Dragons. Then do you think that in exchange, we will make us a member of the Dragons."

As soon as this guy raised this question, everyone around him began to think. No matter what they do, they always calculate the gains and losses first. This time, things are so important, and they are certainly no exception. Well. According to their imagination, if they support our dragon family, they must have something in return, and becoming a dragon family seems to be a very good way to return.

If the leaders and Mei Lin who arranged the party knew what these people thought, then I guess they would definitely reconsider whether to hold this party.

Although the purpose of this gathering is to unite everyone to recognize our existence and value, and then let everyone take us as the core and work together for the future of humanity. However, it now appears that the content of the party is obviously a bit off. These people are not thinking about unity and the future, but how to dig out benefits from us.

I have to say that the leaders of the countries and Mei Lin took it a bit for granted this time.

Although this idea has begun to spread, neither we nor the heads of state are aware of it for the time being. So we are still doing the next test.

After hot water we encountered the extreme pressure test, which was performed in a special pressurized tank. This pressurized tank is made of metal, not glass. Because this kind of pressure can no longer withstand that huge internal pressure. So this time a special pressurized tank was used. The internal space of this pressurized tank is very small, which is about the volume of a subway car. Of course, although the space in the cabin is not large, the pressurized cabin itself is not small. The outer wall of this cabin is divided into three layers. The innermost layer is a 2.8-meter thick special steel containment shell. On the outside of this containment is a 5-meter-thick reinforced concrete structure reinforcement layer. On this layer of concrete, There is also a layer of one-meter-thick pure steel restraint shell. The strength of the three protective layers is very exaggerated, and the final effect is that this pressurized tank can simulate 1.5 times the water pressure strength at the bottom of the deepest trench in the world. This strength is unacceptable for diving equipment in the world. pressure.

but. We were most often sent into this pressurized chamber, although the pressure was not pushed to the limit. But after 1.2 times the pressure applied to the bottom of the trench, the pressure was stopped and passed through a dedicated monitor. People outside can see that we did not react too much in the cabin, and it seems that they are not affected by water pressure at all.

The audience ’s feelings are actually correct, because we use electromagnetic barriers to establish a protective layer like a protective cover around us, so although the pressure in the cabin has reached 1.2 times the pressure at the bottom of the trench, our bodies are actually not Did not feel any pressure.

In fact, if we do n’t protect, our body will also have problems after that pressure, but it will not die, it will be very uncomfortable, and it will hurt, but as long as our resilience is not always in These words stay in the total pressure, as soon as they come out, they can recover in a while. But today ’s test says that the meaning of performance is more important, so we will not be wronged to carry this pressure on ourselves. Anyway, as long as we withstand this pressure, it doesn't matter which way we carry it, doesn't it?

In order to let those outside have an intuitive concept of the pressure in the place we just lived in, the other party specially connected a special water valve to the outlet of the pressurized tank, and then placed a 20 cm thick valve in front of the water valve. The steel plate was then operated by the equipment to open the water valve. The moment the water flow spurted out of the water valve, the steel plate in front was like a layer of window paper that was instantly punctured by a hole by the water column. However, because the water in the pressurized tank is fixed and not replenished, this water pressure is instantaneous. Immediately after breaking through the steel plate, the water flow became smaller,

When we came out of the pressurized chamber, people outside looked at us differently than when we first came down. The eyes of these guys before were apathy and contempt, but now they have become expectations and excitement.

Looking at the eager gaze around. We didn't say anything. The electromagnetic force field of our body shook and rattled. A layer of water spray spurted out, and a large area of ​​the ground was instantly wet, but our bodies were dry, as if we had never had any water at all. The people around were amazed again.

After coming out of the water tank, a group of our bodyguard-like people led to a place where the training ground was clearly visible, and the audience was separated.

There are a lot of people coming here for this banquet. According to my scan information, there are currently more than 6,500 people in the villa, of which more than 1,300 are service staff in the villa, and the rest are all guests. You can imagine how many people this is.

Among these people, those who can truly control the future destiny of mankind are actually only a part of it. The remaining ones are slightly inferior, and the latter part is relatively more important. It can not let everyone be together as before. Watched it.

When we entered the driving range to prepare, the outside guests were also allocated. Most of them were sent to three different banquet halls for normal party activities, and they could be at three banquets according to their wishes. Walk around between the halls. Except for these people. The remaining staff is about five or six hundred. Although it is much less than before, it is still a large group of people.

These people finally entered the observation room above the driving range. There are only two extremely thick bullet-proof glass between the driving range here and below, and there is also a large projection equipment here, which can be connected to a large number of cameras in the training range below, so that you can intuitively see the training situation below. Of course, it ’s the same if you look in front of the glass wall. But to be honest, it is not as clear as looking at the projection screen.

This observation room was not built for this kind of thing, the actual capacity is not large, there are only 200 seats in total, even if the fixed single chair is temporarily removed and replaced with densely placed simple chairs, hard The room crowded with five or six hundred people was still packed like a can of sardines. Fortunately, the observation room is similar to the design of a movie theater. There is a certain inclination in front and back, and the screen is also very high. It will not obstruct everyone's sight.

After the crowd entered the room and sat down, Ye Yue and I in the venue below had entered this rather exaggerated training ground.

Terry, who had stopped to accompany us when we were just preparing outside, said. This place is actually a game place built by the young masters of the Rothschild family. Strictly speaking, this is actually not a training ground, but a game ground for live-action shooting games. It is actually a kind of real-life cs field that everyone sees, but this repair is more exaggerated. Not only is the area very large, the scenery is super realistic, but also there are many maps to choose from. It is said to include multiple map versions of forest battlefields, street battlefields, street battles in buildings, snow scenes, and suburban factory areas.

I have to say that these prodigals are not comparable to us upstarts in terms of fun. The real-life cs venues of others actually have maps. Who has heard of them?

In addition to the large number of maps and the large size, the equipment in this place is first-rate. Various hidden cameras are located in all corners. As long as there are editors and directors, you can completely synthesize your battle scenes into shootouts, and there is no dead end in the audience. In addition, some of the map scenes here have weather effects, which can artificially simulate wind and rainfall, but the wind can only be up to 5 winds. After all, this is not a military wind tunnel. However, the rainfall is very powerful, and it can simulate the type of super heavy rain, the type with more than 1 meter per hour rainfall. After all, simulating rainfall is relatively simple. It's all done by adding pipes and electronically controlled valves. In addition, people's site can simulate the effect of water accumulation according to rainfall, which can really demonstrate the effect of flooding.

In addition to these environmental facilities, there are also a lot of game equipment in this place. The weapons used in the game are all real guys, as long as they are loaded with bullets to kill people. However, of course, during the game, they will not really pretend that the bullets are hitting each other. Even if they are not afraid of death themselves, the parents cannot let them play tricks. In fact, the bullets used in the game are weighted plastic warheads. The difference between this kind of bullet and ordinary training bullets is that it really hurts after hitting, especially for large caliber firearms, which can really be simulated. The effect of flying people out. Of course, gamers need to wear corresponding protective gear, otherwise this warhead cannot be used, otherwise they can still kill people within five meters using this bullet. Of course, in addition to this relatively dangerous bullet, there are also more normal training bombs. Such as paint bombs with soft shells and soft rubber bullets.

Paintballs also require protective gear, but they are slightly safer than heavier rubber ammunition, at least they will not kill people, and they will at most be injured. As for soft rubber bullets, they are really game ammunition. You can hit a green body without wearing protective gear, and there is no danger.

As for how to calculate the hits and wins in the match mode, this is even more advanced. Because the cameras are densely packed here, the victory judgment here is actually the responsibility of the computer. During the battle, the computer will monitor the bullet's flight trajectory. When someone is hit, it will perform calculations to calculate the damage and notify the person who was hit whether you were "sacrificed" or "wounded" and the extent of the injury.

We were not brought here to play games this time. After we entered the audience, the audience found that the equipment on us was very strange. It was not the same type of steel armor as before ~ ​​ ~ It was not the camouflage clothes and body armor as imagined, but a very gorgeous armor. . In fact, the people who play the game will know at a glance that this is the game equipment in "Zero", but in fact we are wearing the same shape of power armor in our game.

This is different from the equipment that people here prepared for us before. This is our own special equipment brought by our own people. With these equipment, our strength is considered to be in a complete state.

When we were wearing armor, with a sword on our waist and a rifle in our hands, the people in the observation room were all question marks. We did n’t know what kind of drill we were going to do. If it was fighting, we obviously had a gun. It ’s not suitable, but if it ’s a shooting drill, what ’s going on with this armor and sabre?

Just when everyone was puzzled, a staff member of Mei Lin came up and held the microphone to start explaining to everyone. "Everyone, let me explain your doubts below. What you will see in a while is not a simple exercise, but a comprehensive exercise. As for the comprehensive method, I will not say it, you will know it when you see it. But I will say What's more, their enemies are all real guys. If there is any unbelief, you can go and check it by yourself now. "

The words of the staff immediately caused a debate, and obviously everyone was surprised. (To be continued)

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