Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 522: Shock show

The test started very suddenly, because there was no advance notice at all, just after a very loud whistle, the moving target in the shooting range suddenly rushed out as if going crazy. Alas,

The commentator explained next: "Because the highest difficulty is selected, the system will not make any restrictions on the hardware performance. The mobile target machines that can work in the field will enter the training field and start to calculate the score." With the commentator Then, a small box suddenly appeared on the main screen, which showed a target paper. This target paper is basically similar to the ordinary shooting range. It is a white piece of cardboard with nine concentric circles and a black dot at the center of the circle. In addition, it is slightly different from the target paper in the general shooting range. The four corners of the target paper have air holes for hanging the hooks of the mobile target.

When the commentator briefly explained the problem with the target paper, we were already shooting on the side of the field.

Because there was no advance notice at all, it started very suddenly, so we were actually loading spare cartridges when the target appeared, but because our brain power was turned on during this test, that is, the body entered the normal mode. The brain is not put into rest, so this sudden attack has no effect on us at all. Almost at the same time that the whistle sounded, we put down the ammo in the hand accurately and quickly, then picked up the rifle on the side of the plate and started aiming, and then the rifle sounded like a heavy machine gun It's not over.

Because we are using our special assault rifle instead of ordinary rifle, we are already very familiar with the performance of this gun. In order to adapt to our physical conditions, this rifle has been greatly modified in many aspects. One of the more distinctive features is our current shooting mode.

An ordinary assault rifle usually has three shooting modes and a lockout mode, which is commonly known as insurance. Lock mode no matter how you pull the trigger, the gun will not sound, this is to prevent fire. The remaining three shooting modes correspond to three situations. Single shot mode. That is, only one bullet is fired once the trigger is pulled. To fire the second shot, you need to release the trigger and press it again, and then the second bullet will be fired. Pressing the trigger all the time will not make a second bullet. The gun in this mode has the best stability, high accuracy, and saves bullets. Of course, the rate of fire will be very slow in this mode. Because of the need for constant release, humans cannot respond too quickly. Moreover, many people have only encountered shooting games on their computers, but have not touched real guns. In fact, the trigger of a real gun is quite tight. The fingers of some high-powered gun women do not even have enough force to press the trigger. It can be seen that the trigger of the pistol is definitely not the same thing as everyone imagines. Because the triggers are usually very heavy, even soldiers who are often trained are not likely to press and lift too quickly.

This second mode is called the firing mode, and the settings of different guns in this mode are different. Most firearms use short shots, that is, three shots with one shot. A few guns are in the long-point firing mode. One shot will trigger five bullets. However, this type of gun is very rare. Generally, it is a low-speed mode designed to save ammunition by using fast-fire weapons such as heavy machine guns. This kind of long-range firing mode is rarely found in individual soldiers.

The third simplest is the continuous shooting mode. In this mode, as long as the trigger is depressed and there are bullets in the gun, the gun will not stop and will continue to light up all ammunition or until you release the trigger.

Ordinary firearms generally use these three shooting modes. Some guns will lack one or two modes. For example, the revolver only has a single-shot mode and a locked state. There are no short shots or bursts at all. Most pistols have similar designs. Generally, only a few pistols can have a short-shot firing mode. As for pistols with continuous shooting mode, although some are called submachine guns, they are actually single-handed miniature submachine guns instead of The pistol, after all, has nothing to do with the structure of the pistol.

The shooting mode of our special assault rifle is also divided into four. And the approximate mode of each method is similar to the ordinary assault rifle, but our assault rifle has a special design added to each mode, that is, the pressure control of the trigger.

Although the continuous firing mode of our assault rifle is to fire continuously as long as the trigger is pressed, our assault rifle will determine the rate of fire according to the degree of our press, which is the same as the throttle of the car. The deeper you press, the faster the speed, and if you only press a little bit, although the bullet will still shoot continuously, the bullet may turn into a state of one shot per second. This speed is actually not fast at all. Many soldiers use automatic rifles. Single shot mode can play faster than this speed. However, if our assault rifle presses the trigger to the end, the rate of fire may be as high as 1200 rounds per minute. However, at this speed, an external bomb chain is required. Otherwise, even with a large drum, the bullet will not last long.

This design of controlling the rate of fire by pressure is completely useless to ordinary people. First, the pressure is not controlled, and the rate of fire cannot be accurately controlled. Second, the design is too complicated to facilitate mass production. So at present, only our assault rifles for Dragons have similar designs.

In addition to the continuous firing mode, our assault rifle's burst firing mode is also different from ordinary rifles. First of all, our assault rifle uses free firing, which is the default five-round burst, but it does not necessarily hit so many bullets, but it depends on the situation. Generally speaking, in this point-fire mode, as long as we press the trigger, three bullets will inevitably be shot, and it takes only 0.8 seconds to complete the three rounds, which means that the three rounds are very fast. . After three bullets, that is, after 0.8 seconds, it depends on the condition of our fingers.

If we press the trigger for more than 0.8 seconds, then our assault rifle will maintain this speed and then fire two rounds, which is a total of five rounds. There will be no interruption in this process, which is always this speed. After five rounds of light have been fired, there is another option. At this time, if we continue to press and hold the trigger, then a cycle will be started after an interval of one second, that is, the default three-round and three-round or five-round will be determined according to the pressing condition. If you don't let go, then there will be a continuous cycle of five consecutive rounds of stopping for one second and then five consecutive rounds of stopping for one second.

At last. The single shot mode is also the biggest difference of this assault rifle. The single-shot mode of this assault rifle is actually a super-sensitive burst mode. Although this mode is to fire a bullet, it refers to the situation of pressing the trigger lightly, and if you press the trigger stroke over half , Then it will enter the continuous shooting mode instantly, and if it can be adjusted continuously around one-half accurately. You can make the assault rifle perform a super-fast single-shot firing according to your wishes. This is a shooting mode that takes into account the rate of fire and accuracy. The only difficulty is that the half stroke of the trigger is not controlled. It is difficult to accomplish this control with human body accuracy.

However, this gun was not designed for humans. Our dragon can control this mode very easily. At the same time, another feature of our assault rifle is that it can be remotely controlled.

This assault rifle has a simplified communication interface installed with our Dragon Mind Network, which can perform wireless data communication. However, the scope of this simplified communication protocol is only one hundred meters, which is short-distance communication. But the advantage is that it always works in passive mode and will not be found by the enemy. In addition, we do not necessarily need wireless remote control, because there is actually a data interface on this assault rifle, we can use the data cable behind our head to connect this interface, so that not only can control various types of this gun without delay Shooting mode, and can also view the ammunition situation in real time or choose the type of ammunition fired. After all, our assault rifle is a multi-function rifle, and it is not only capable of firing one ammunition. Instead, the cursor comes with seven ammunition, so relying on manual control is a bit tedious. Or use it after wireless remote control and data connection. Moreover, once the data is docked, we can not only see the feedback data of the gun, but more importantly, we can connect the characteristic sight on the gun.

Although our eyes have advanced vision, they can not only be used as telescopes, but also have multi-band reception capabilities. We can see not only visible light, but also infrared and ultraviolet bands, and even electromagnetic waves. For ordinary people, radio is an electrical signal that needs to be set to receive, but for us it is a radiation band that can be seen directly by the eye. However, although our eyes are bullish. But it is not mainly used for aiming, it is more inclined to collect information at a wide angle, rather than aiming precisely at a point. In contrast, this assault rifle scope is much more professional, not only more responsive, but also visible distance is much higher than our eyes in the presence of visible light and infrared, after all, the aim of this thing Mirrors are larger than our eyeballs, and the internal structure is relatively more professional.

We just found out that the test started suddenly, so we did n’t have time to plug in the data cable at all, so we can only connect the rifle in wireless mode. There is no electromagnetic interference here, and even if there is, we are not afraid. We are not so far away from the rifle, the gun is in our hands, and we can still carry out data communication even if there is interference at such a short distance.

After the rifle is quickly raised, our electronic brain and biological brain start at full power instantly, and then a large number of moving target locks appear in front of our eyes, and the electronic brain also gives a prediction of the movement situation, and the target aircraft is constantly In the process of changing the motion mode, our electronic brain also measured the maximum moving speed of these things and the size of the speed variable, and constantly updated the data in real time.

With this situation, we started to select attack targets in the brain, then designed the attack route, and then the rifle in our hand suddenly sounded.

Although the amount of computing data is large, our electronic brain and biological brain are not comparable to ordinary computers. Although there are now more than a hundred targets in the shooting range that are up and down, but our electronic brain is only used In 0.01 seconds, it turned into the dynamic capture and real-time motion tracking of more than a hundred targets, and our biological brain completed the attack plan and assigned targets in 0.01 seconds, which means that our side has four Individuals have actually assigned their own goals, and two people will not hit one goal.

Looking at the dazzling more than a hundred targets in the venue, some of the audience who had obvious shooting experience almost did not fall off their chins, one after another whispered in surprise: "How to hit this? Don't say aiming at the bull's eye Then, the entire target is almost a ghost. "

Just when these audiences thought that we were going to make a bleak result this time, the gun on our side rang suddenly, and it was not a shot, but a sound of gunfire.

Suddenly I heard this voice, and the audience was stunned, and then immediately relieved. It is not that they understand our intentions, but that they think they understand our intentions.

Because the targets in the field move too fast, their idea is that we must not be able to aim like them, so simply use the assault rifle as a heavy machine gun. As long as the continuous firing, with the speed of fire of the rapid-fire weapon, so many targets are in front Flying around, on the contrary, there is a great possibility of encountering some targets. Although the average number of rings will certainly be unbearable in this case, is it better than zero?

Although the audience thought so ~ ~, people soon started to exclaim because they found that the numbers in the lower left corner of the monitoring screen were changing rapidly.

The commentators had told them the effect of the numbers before the shooting began. Those numbers are divided into several lines and displayed in several colors. There is a set of four rows of data displayed in red, which correspond to the shooting results of four people on our side. The string of numbers followed by the name is how many bullets we fired. The second set of numbers after an empty period is that we hit How many targets, and the third set of data after another blank is the number of rings we hit.

At this time, some people in the audience exclaimed because someone saw the number and found that the second group of numbers was not much less than the first group. That is to say, although we also missed the target, in fact, there were not many such missed targets. , Most of the bullets hit the target. Moreover, after observing for a while, these people also found that although the difference between the number of bullets that we fired and the number of hits to the target is constantly increasing, the ratio of the two is gradually shrinking. There are off-target situations, but in fact we are quickly adapting to this situation, obviously the accuracy is getting higher and higher.

"How is this possible? How fast do they aim at such a fast speed?" Someone in the audience called out in disbelief. (To be continued ...) u

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