Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 527: Spooky events in the mountains

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"Confirm that target A1 has entered the attack range." Ling first reported the situation in the psychic network.

"Xiaochun, the map is enhanced." I kept ordering in the mind network.


With Xiaochun ’s answer, a circle of electromagnetic pulses diffused out, and at the same time, the 3D model of the surrounding objects was suddenly refreshed again, not only the scene became clearer, but also some small animals that were originally living objects appeared to move. .

Xiaochun reported immediately after scanning: "The target A1 group is moving in the direction of M24, and the other party is launching an attack formation with the intention to determine that it is malicious behavior against the A2 target group."

This A2 group is the second group farthest from us, and the A1 group is naturally the closest one. However, the situation of our two groups is special because only those who cannot be identified carry weapons, and seven of them are in these two groups. Among them, there are only six people in the A1 group and each has a weapon, while the A2 group has a total of eight people. Although there are a large number of people, they only have one weapon and only pistols. Of course, the weapon we are talking about refers only to hot weapons. Cold weapons are not counted. Otherwise, is it not a weapon with a fruit knife?

The mountain area here belongs to the public forest land and is owned by the government. It is not a private land, so it is understandable that outsiders appear in the mountain forest. After all, camping is not a strange thing. However, the six people in the A1 group approached the A2 group with weapons in a semi-enclosed formation, which is strange.

Although we don't know what happened to these two groups of people, we always need to check it closely.

"Target A1 members have been identified." Amenis suddenly reported in the Mind Network.

"Attention all units, enter the enemy distance, start optical camouflage. Keep the radio silent, change the communication mode to laser communication." With my order, our group of people moving rapidly between the branches suddenly appeared It started to blur and disappeared completely. If it's daytime, a closer look may reveal a twist in the air, but unfortunately it's nighttime. And it is in the mountains and forests with very good vegetation protection. Even during the day, the sun cannot fully shine on the ground, not to mention it is at night, although the moon is very round and bright. But the woodland was still dark. Starting optical camouflage in this mode is naturally completely gone in general.

Soon we reached the top of the A1 group and squatted on the branches above each of them, but the six guys below were totally unaware of our arrival.

We are doing exercises this time, so our goal is to take part in the exercise, but the following six are obviously not the participants. Because according to the rules of the exercise, all personnel participating in the exercise must wear a dark brown ribbon as a mark on their wrists. After all, there are still many staff members who do not participate in the exercise. Of course, according to regulations, to maintain neutrality, these people must ignore the presence of both sides of the exercise, that is, if they see it, they should not see it, and if they find that the personnel of the two sides are at war, they should take the initiative to avoid it. Of course, irrelevant personnel in the war zone before the exercise began have been emptied.

The six people here should be ordinary Americans and have nothing to do with the exercise, so we didn't plan to attack. but. At this time, these people have also carefully moved to the periphery of the A2 group stop position.

I rolled my eyes from side to side, and the picture in the line of sight quickly refreshed a green line from the top to the bottom. The line of sight switched to the low-light night vision mode, but the picture I saw could n’t see the entire environment because there were too many trees. So my heart moved, the picture in the line of sight refreshed again immediately, a bright white line brushed the entire line of sight from top to bottom, and after this line crossed our line of sight changed from the previous green to complete Black and white world, however. In this state, everything in front of me is translucent. Not only can I see what's behind the tree, I can even see the beating heart in the chest of two people who were huddled together in the tent behind a big tree more than ten meters away.

Yes, this mode is X-ray mode. With the ability to see through, it is a very good visual mode in the case of particularly many obstacles.

Five of the eight have fully entered deep sleep, and I can receive their brain waves and confirm that they have entered deep sleep. One of the other three people was in a light sleep state, and seemed to be uncomfortable with the wild environment, so they did not sleep well. The last two were in a tent, whispering and laughing together. of course. Although the voice was very small, I heard it clearly.

Judging from the things that eight people carried and their age, these eight people should be four couples playing together because they are divided into four tents. The high concentration of hormones in the air shows that they have had reproduction activities within two hours. . However, although there are four pairs of eight people, there are only three men, and the remaining five are women, because one of them is two sisters. Even in this relatively conservative country, homosexuality and love are not a rare thing these days, let alone the United States, which is even more normal.

After confirming the identities of these people, we planned to leave immediately, but according to the current situation, we could not leave. Because the following six are obviously not for guest. These six men are all males, with an average age of about thirty, and all have weapons. At this time, the fool knows that he is uneasy when he sneaks up close to someone ’s camp.

If we do n’t see it, it ’s fine. Since we found it, we need to solve it. After all, we are not cold-blooded animals.

Six people quickly touched the tent, because only the tent where the two were not asleep were lit, so three of the six went to the gun to see the other three tents, and the rest The three of them raised their guns at the tent in front of them.

One of them nodded to the other two people and intended to pull the zip on the tent door, but he just took a step and heard a click under his feet, stepping on a tree branch. The sound is already quite loud on such a quiet night. The two of them had never slept and heard them immediately. The man sat up, and then asked, "Who's outside?"

The three people outside didn't answer, and then the woman inside heard a scared voice, but the man broke the girlfriend's pull and opened the tent to look out. As a result, he was only held by a gun when he opened the tent door. The guy froze for a moment, then the man outside whispered, "Don't move, come out slowly. Put your hand where I can see."

The muzzle was against his head. Of course, the man could only obediently, and after he came out, one of the three wretched guys couldn't wait to lift the tent door. The woman inside was completely naked, and suddenly saw a stranger's face. And she was so ugly that she screamed on the spot. When the man heard his girlfriend screaming, he immediately turned around and pulled the man who was going to go in. As a result, the man who planned to go in turned back with a gun and knocked the man to the ground.

Of course, the screams here caught the attention of the other three tents. Six people awoke and came out to check the situation. The results were of course all under control. After all, there are six guns. Although there are eight people there, five are women. What's more terrible is that the only pistol is still in the tent and not brought out. After all, these people are young people who come out to camp, but they are not soldiers in the army. Of course, how come they are comfortable? It is definitely impossible to sleep in clothes and holding a gun, and ordinary people lack the sense of vigilance, and they do n’t even look at the situation. Hold it in your hand. of course. It's useless even if you bring it. There are six guns outside, and four of them are long guns and only two are pistols. One of them is useless at all.

All eight were quickly taken out, and the men and women separated. Before that, it was obvious that the yelling roar that lifted the curtain was a demon. When you saw these girls who were wearing only inner clothes or bare clothes, they immediately turned into wolves, and then leaned towards one of them to take advantage of the past, but the result was quite unexpected. .

I can understand why he chose this girl, because this is the most beautiful of the five women. But, unfortunately, he didn't know that this woman was one of those two lesbians. And it is clearly the male role in the two-person relationship. Although she is the most beautiful woman here, her character is completely a man. When the insignificant fellow tried to reach out and touch her, the woman suddenly started. She let go of her hands that had covered important parts of her body before suddenly pinching the man's outstretched wrist. Then twisted and pulled the guy to the front, and at the same time raised his right knee and knee, according to the life of this guy. The powerful ordinary person can also clearly see that the guy in the front bounced up a little.

The insignificant man's complexion turned fuchsia almost instantaneously, and the whole person lost his resistance completely. Men know that this part is hit hard unless you have previously practiced things like iron gear. Otherwise, it will definitely be finished at once, and Master Wulin is useless. Of course, the practice of sunflower collection is another matter.

The woman moved very fast and had good continuity. After she lost the combat power of the guy in front of her, she did not hesitate to grab the pistol that was inserted in the waist by the guy, and then did not let go of the guy. The thing that kept him from using him as a shield, while holding up his gun without stopping, was to ping-pong two shots to knock down the two guys who still had guns.

The six people here are paralyzed because they have controlled the people on their side. Others have inserted the gun back into the holster or carried it on their backs. Only two of them are holding the gun and not aiming at it. Side, just holding the gun with both hands, the muzzle pointed diagonally to the ground.

Because the muzzles of these two people are not forward, the action of raising the gun is half a shot. After all, the pistol itself is more flexible than the rifle. In this close range, the continuous firepower is not considered. The pistol is actually more than the rifle. Advantage.

The sturdy girl raised her hand with two shots, less than three meters away, and of course it would not miss. One of them was unlucky and was shot through the heart by a single shot, and died instantly. The other was shot in the shoulder. Rolling on the ground, after all, except for the veterans who have regularly been on the battlefield, most people can still fight back even if they do not die after being shot. In the movie, those who are almost sieved and can shoot at the enemy can only be achieved by the sturdy characters who often walk in the bullet rain. The average person can never do it.

After two shots killed two people who took the gun, the woman turned her muzzle at the third guy who was pulling a pistol, and then just before the guy took out the gun and raised it, it was a shot. This guy's neck was interrupted halfway, and the guy immediately fell to the ground and pumped, and he saw that he was not alive.

After killing three people, the rifles on the back of the remaining two people have been released, and one of them has been moved quickly. The woman fired in a hurry, but it hit the fly, and only took the guy's halved clothes and flew a piece of cloth, without hitting the man, and at that time the man's finger was on the trigger and was about to go Buckle.

Seeing this scene, those around him were already panicked. Even the sturdy woman was extremely nervous, because she knew that once the other side opened fire, she would not be saved. Although she blocked herself with an attacker, she wasn't sure if the opponent would hit her head directly at such a close distance, and even worse, the rifle in the other's hand had a large penetrating power and penetrated one at such a close distance. People can still bring the others behind, and they only have a gun on her side. Once she is brought down, no one can help her at all, and it will still be dead.

Seeing that the situation is extremely critical, many people have a look of panic or panic, and the tragedy will happen in the next second. But ... what happened was not a tragedy but a spiritual event.

The sturdy girl's nervous pupil seemed to see a white flash flash in front of the two people who raised the gun. At that moment, she felt that time had slowed down, but when the white light passed, the time The flow rate suddenly seemed to return to normal. Then the two people pulled the trigger opposite, and the sturdy girl's instinctual body shook ~ ~ but the expected gunshot and pain did not appear, and then the two men in front looked stunned and looked at the rifle in their hands. It turned into a pile of broken parts and fell to the ground, leaving only the point in his hand still in his hand.

These two people are completely dumbfounded, but the sturdy girl is not dumbfounded. Immediately raising the gun and aiming at the two people is one person and one shot, but this time because the opponent has no action, the sturdy girl did not hit the key, but aimed. He fired a shot on his thigh. After bringing the two men down, he immediately pushed away the guy in front of him who had not recovered yet and shot him on one leg. Along with the guy's scream, the girl's muzzle moved to the other leg of the guy, apparently intending to interrupt him again, but the sound of a short position came from the trigger. This is a regular pistol with seven rounds of bullets.

Although there were no bullets in the gun, several people around him also reacted and picked up the guns on the corpses on the ground, and those people had no ability to resist at all, and if they were not treated in a timely manner, it is estimated that they could even live. After all, the bullet pierced through a large hole. If you don't handle it, bleeding can also die.

"OK, this is all right. Replace the target." With my voice, the information marked in the mind network changed, and the highlights of these two groups of people disappeared into dim colors, indicating that this is something that can be ignored. And we are moving closer to other goals. (To be continued.)

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