Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 529: Arrive at the foot of the mountain

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The process of entering the water is of course very simple. The side we are on is still quite far away from the villa, so the personnel distribution is not particularly dense, and we can easily dive into the water.

Although I did n’t bring Ariana with me this time, it ’s not that we do n’t use sonar induction on our side.

Although this lake is not small, it is not particularly large, so when we went underwater, sonar discovered several targets as soon as it unfolded.

"An underwater target was detected." A large piece of red markers were flashed in our mind network in an instant. These were not fish, because there were no such large fish in this lake.

It can be seen from the feedback from the sonar that these targets in the lake are roughly divided into three types. The first is a particularly large signal, which is initially judged to be a small submarine. That's right, it's a small submarine. Although I don't know when these submarines came.

The second type of feedback signal is slightly smaller than the submarine, and it is preliminarily judged as a diving robot. The third signal is smaller and should be a frogman.

The feedback signals of the three targets are completely different, so we can easily analyze which targets are what, but the number of these targets is very large, and it seems a little scary.

"Master, we can't use the mirage system in the water. If the other party uses active sonar, we can't hide ourselves." Xiaochun's words were not actually reminding me, but asking if I needed to retreat to the shore. There is no way to hide yourself in the water. Although the power armor on our body is very advanced and equipped with a variety of black technologies, the only feature that this thing does not have is the sonar shielding function.

In fact, not installing sonar shielding function is not that we do not have similar technology, but that we did not expect to install this kind of thing. Everyone knows that sonar is actually a technology that uses objects to reflect sound for positioning. The size of this reflected sound wave is mainly related to the volume and material of the target itself. Of course, passive sonar is another technology, which is actually very different from active sonar.

Generally, a submarine rarely activates an active sonar under water. This is mainly because the sonar generator of an active sonar is simply a super-bulb to a passive sonar, which can be found across a long distance. Although the ability of active sonar to search for targets is stronger than passive sonar. But once your active sonar is turned on, it means that you have exposed your position first. This is also the reason why there have been accidents in the past when submarines of the two countries collided underwater, because everyone was afraid to drive active sonar, and the quiet technology of military submarines is relatively good. So neither of the submarines has active sonar, just like a person holding his breath and moving lightly in the dark room carefully, everyone makes no sound, the room is too dark and nothing can be seen. What a weird thing.

It is precisely because people generally do not open active sonar. And we are dragons, not submarines. Our propulsion sound in the water is much quieter than submarines. It is impossible to be detected by passive sonar, so our demand for acoustic wave absorbing materials is not strong. Besides, even the other party has active sonar. We are so large in size. There are many fishes in the sea that are larger than ours, so the acoustic signal we reflect is definitely not so strong. It is difficult for the sonarman to distinguish us from things like dolphins. This further reduces the need for sonar disguise. Moreover. Our armor is just a special coating without sonar absorption, not to say that there is no such design at all. In fact, the sound wave reflection of the shell material of our power armor is very low. In the ocean due to the waves, there will be a lot of interference, which further reduces the possibility that we will be found by active sonar. This determines that we almost do not need to worry about sonar in the water, because it is difficult to find itself.

However, the environment here is different.

This is a lake. Although it is not a backwater lake, it is just a lake after all. How much background noise do you think a lake can produce?

It is because the lake is too quiet, so the effect of the sonar facility here will be very good. Especially passive sonar. After all, active sonar also needs to consider the problem of underwater echoes, but passive sonar does not have to worry about these at all. Although our sound underwater is not great, it can be completely masked by the ocean background sound in the sea, but not in the lake.

Originally we thought the other party prepared a few frogmen under water at most. Then I prepared a few speedboats on the water. I did not expect that the other party would even have submarines and underwater robots. This configuration is obviously a bit unexpected.

What can I say in the face of this situation?

"Damn it. There are no weapons in the water. It doesn't look so easy to handle," Emmenis said.

I thought for a while and said in the mind network: "We go forward as usual, since we can't hide it, then push it flat."

"Really push?" Jingjing asked in surprise.

I confirmed again: "Yes. Push."

"I like this decision." Lingling said excitedly.

"Is this straightforward?" Ling asked in the mind network with some uncertainty.

"Of course not, flat push is flat push, the technology still needs some. We will give play to our strengths in a moment."

With the thoughts I conveyed in the Mind Network, it took a few seconds for everyone to fully understand my schedule and start moving forward.

In fact, the place found us immediately after we entered the water. After all, the passive sonar of the other party could clearly hear the sound of any object entering the water. A lake is so large that it would be strange if the other party could not hear it. However, just as they gradually approached us in progress according to the signal, a harsh booming noise suddenly came from the water, and then all the sonar equipment was finished in an instant.

"Damn!" A sonar sitting on the speedboat grinned as he desperately drew his ears. The earphones he wore on his head had just made a sharp howling sound in the crackle, and almost no sound could be heard in his ears, and he could not hear anything else if he shouted loudly.

"What's the matter?" It was found that the sonarman actually took off the headset, and the commander on board of course had to ask about the situation.

Although the sonar saw the boss asking questions, he could not hear his ears at all. He did not hear clearly until the other person repeated three times aloud, and then replied, "I don't know. The other party used some method we didn't know to make it underwater. High intensity noise, sonar systems are now completely useless. "

"Broken hardware?" The commander asked.

Some sonars who have recovered their hearing slightly shook their heads and said, "No, the sonar device is protected against overload. It is not so easy to cause problems, but because the noise is always there, so long as the noise does not disappear, our sonar is a waste. . "

"Damn it, and they took the lead again."

In fact, if that commander knew what had caused their equipment to fail. He is expected to be more manic, because it is not a complicated thing to let their sonars be scrapped, but an ice mop. Yes, they are ice cubes. They are ice cubes condensed from the lake water here. Of course this ice cube will not be a simple ice tart. It is actually a very standard resonator, and it is a resonator specifically suitable for underwater use. The principle is similar to that of a whistle mounted on the wing tip of a dive bomber, but this sound is generated by water instead of air. Compared with that kind of wind whistle, this water whistle has a louder sound and a wider frequency, and the tone of the sound can be changed by changing the speed of the water flowing through the whistle.

This whistle was made by Frost and Snow using the temperature control ability to freeze the lake water, and the user was Yeyue, because she is the fastest underwater in us, after all, her tail is really a good thing. Ideal for moving in water.

Under the water, Yeyue grabbed two water whistle and walked through the water at high speed, and this noise caused the surrounding sonar devices to lose their effect. However, although the sonar of the other party is useless, we are not affected, because we do not rely on sonar to determine the target at all. The previous sonar detection was just a wide area investigation. Now that we have determined the target, we have changed to electromagnetic induction capability.

Submarines and underwater robots must carry a lot of electronic and mechanical equipment anyway, and the electromagnetic signals emitted by these things cannot be completely shielded. In a scene with a very large range in the ocean, it is really impossible to find a submarine by relying on the leaked electromagnetic waves, but this is a lake, and the area is so large. Although each other's submarines are single-person submarines. But in such a large place, it is too easy for us to determine the electromagnetic signal of the other party. Even for us, the signal strength of the other party is almost the same as that of fireflies in the night. Although the brightness of the firefly itself is very low, it is still so conspicuous in the night, it is difficult to miss it.

As for the frogmen ... To be honest, the signals from these guys are also super strong. Their brain waves are exactly like a transmitter. We can clearly receive these people's brainwave signals in the water, not only their location, but also their emotions can be accurately sensed.

Relying on this asymmetric information collection ability, we very easily leaned against the fastest submarines, and then in the surprised eyes of each other, put a piece of soft rubber with the word "plastic bomb" on the submarine observation window Just ignore the last post.

We just pasted a piece of soft rubber, but if it is actual combat. This is really a plastic bomb. And we will not stick it on the observation window, but directly on the hull. Since we can silently paste this stuff on the observation window, other positions are naturally simpler.

The people inside the submarine knew that they were killed when they saw the "bomb", and then pressed a temporary plus button in accordance with the rules. There was a loud noise outside the submarine. Of course, this came from the loudspeaker, that is, to tell others that he was "killed."

It's night, and nothing can be seen on the ground, no matter how dark it can be underwater. Sonar was abolished, these people became completely deaf and blind, and were easily approached by us, and soon lost all boats and submarines. As for the underwater robots ... worse, because they were persuaded by us.

Dragons are all experts in electronic warfare, because our brain has some characteristics of electronic computers. Although our electronic brain is actually a quantum computer, it is essentially compatible with electronic devices. In addition, our electromagnetic control can physically cross certain software level things, so it is difficult for the computer to have any resistance in front of us. These underwater robots are unfortunately unfortunately automatic robots. If the remote control model is used, we will at most paralyze them, but now they are completely betrayed.

Because of the robot rebellion, the Frogman army was also annihilated. Afterwards, we started firing directly from the water towards the shore by the lake, and the bullets flew horizontally, and then the defensive forces on the shore disappeared.

No one wants to know that we can directly attack people on the shore under water. The general common sense is that at least we should attack people on the shore, but we just do this process underwater, so people on the shore There is no way to fight back effectively. Because we are underwater, the other party cannot determine our exact location at all, and the bullet will deflect to a certain degree. If the inclination is not large enough, it will even become a floating bullet. After entering the water, the bullet will bounce up again without entering the water at all.

Originally, our defense was immune to most weapons. Now there are water on the surface to help prevent bullets, and the enemy cannot find our exact location. The firepower is completely battering. In this case, it is really impossible to produce a deterrent. So the result It was our side that killed the other party without rubbing. After all, our electronic brain itself is pre-loaded with ballistic calculation software, so even with underwater shooting, we still maintain a hit rate of more than 90%.

When we went ashore, looking at the horrible "corpses", we knew how big the grievances were, because their brain waves were about to materialize.

"Xiaochun ~ ~ Give me a scan map again." Regardless of the "corpses" around me, I ordered directly in the spiritual network.

"Would you like me to look up?" Xiaochun pointed to the sky.

"No," I waved. "Everett, throw two reconnaissance planes."

Everett just came up from the water, and the body was still wagging down. He heard my order and bent down slightly. The two bevels on the two bevels on the sides on the back suddenly popped three times. A bacon-like bauble, this thing looks like a flying saucer in an alien movie at first glance, but its surface is very smooth, without any protrusions, and its diameter is only twenty centimeters. The edge of this small flying saucer is a blue cold light strip, which does not look very bright, but it is very beautiful.

This thing flies without hearing any sound, and it is very fast and extremely flexible. After being released, it flashed a few times and disappeared completely, but the topographic map around our mind network suddenly appeared in a large-scale update. The previous electromagnetic scan only received a black and white map, but now it is a full-color scan, and a large red mark is swiped in the map area in front of it. This is the target discovered by the miniature reconnaissance aircraft, and the number is rapidly increasing.

"I depend, many people!" (To be continued.)

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