Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 535: Violent advance

"Hold up. Hey," the guy holding the shield shouted, and then flashed out directly behind the hidden cannon shield. The person next to him was not slow, and almost stood behind him at the same time. His left hand was on his shoulder, and his right hand was holding a gun. He followed the movement slowly towards me and walked slowly.

With my dynamic vision, of course, it is impossible to see these two goals, not to mention that most of the people on the scene have been "killed". In my sight, these "dead people" have been replaced from red to dim dark blue, and the remaining The active target is red. The two bright red targets flashed out from behind the gun shield, and a lock frame appeared in my eyes. At the same time, an electronic prompt was displayed next to it: strong electromagnetic shield, maximum instantaneous deflection. The force is 700,000 kN and the energy reflectivity is 97.83%.

My first reaction after seeing this data was surprise, not because of how strong the shield was. This thing is really easy to use, almost equal to the strength of the electromagnetic shield that our dragons have. However, the key issue is not here, but that these two shameless guys are playing tricks.

The use of any weapon on the normal battlefield is not a violation of rules, because in a big battle, there are no rules, and winning is rules. Although there are many international conventions restricting various teams, such as the use of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, the use of dam bombs is prohibited, and the use of white phosphorus incendiary bombs in civilian facilities is prohibited. However, these rules are actually fake and polite things between major powers, and everyone will abide by the small frictions. But who really cares about these conventions when it comes to destroying the country? Therefore, there are no rules for war, rules for winning victory, and other things are insulated from war.

But we are not fighting! This is our exercise. Although it was a real soldier exercise, the opponents used real guys, and there were no drill plans. It's all about simulating actual combat. However, how to simulate actual combat is also an exercise! Although they didn't use coach bombs, we used them! We are going to use live ammunition. Of course you wo n’t say anything if you carry a shield. That ’s your equipment. It ’s abnormal if you do n’t need it. But now we are using fluorescent paint bombs for exercises! You carry an electromagnetic shield. I use paint bombs, isn't it invincible? Our paint bombs don't wear shields!

Although I was surprised that the other party was slipping in this kind of thing, since the son-in-law did not judge the other party to foul, I had to fight. Of course, in order to remind the opponent that he was fouling, I knew that if I could not wear it, I would swipe a row of paint bombs towards the opponent's shield.

At first, some people did not respond as quickly as we did, but after the paint bomb hit the shield, everyone reacted. This **** mother is in Lai Pi!

The guy over there may have forgotten that this was an exercise or did n’t think too much at the beginning. When my bullet hit the shield, he reacted to himself. This is actually a bit of a regular edge ball. Because he was obviously stinging. So I also realized that he didn't intentionally foul, but he didn't think so much at first. But after a short pause, he still pushed towards me with his shield, because he was already like this, it would be meaningless to retract it, and the commander did not prompt a foul, so continue.

The special commander behind that guy saw that the person in front had stopped and thought it was an opportunity, so he flashed a little at the gun in his hand and it was a triple shot. Of course, all the bullets crashed after hitting my glittering armor. Not even a scratch left.

"Damn, this thing is useless!" The guy scolded the rifle in his hands angrily on the ground. But he immediately found a weapon that could be used, and hurriedly patted the man in front of the shoulder and shouted, "Hurry up, move over, the gun over there."

The people in front had already reacted, and they were dragged to the side of "a corpse" by the tow, and then they found an exaggerated shape from the other side. It feels like a big guy like a prop gun for science fiction movies.

After the guy in the back got the gun, the first reaction was to fire a shot at me first, and I flashed the blue light group slightly on one side. Although this thing is flying at twice the speed of sound, it is still within my reaction range, especially if it is easy to dodge in advance when the opponent pulls the trigger.

I found that I was no longer completely ignoring his bullets as before, this guy was happy immediately. I would dodge the bullets to show that it was a threat to me. That's why I struggle to dodge. Like when he was holding an assault rifle before, I didn't even dodge at all. Even if the bullet hits the body, there is no reaction at all, and nothing will happen.

This guy seemed to find a new toy child, and started firing at me continuously. If there are any disadvantages to this weapon, it is probably that the rate of fire is slightly slow, and the maximum speed is about one minute and fifty rounds, which means that it can be fired in more than one second. This speed is slower than most gunpowder weapons. Many, it is slightly faster than the old single-shot rifle, any modern automatic or semi-automatic weapon can exceed this speed. Of course, although the speed is slow, the power of this thing is not comparable to a musket. Although it takes more than a second to fire a bullet, the power of this bullet is almost equal to the power of an anti-tank missile, and it may even be slightly larger. This kind of thing is just like holding a rocket launcher in your hand, and it feels absolutely cool. Now the kid is just excited about holding this stuff.

Looking at the light ball that was flying, I simply hung the weapon in my hand and made a squat motion, then suddenly looked up at them, the wings behind them spread out, four The nozzle of only a small plasma thruster shone with a blue plasma flame and made a louder sound.

"I depend! Quickly flash away!" I don't know who shouted, the two people over there finally reacted to dodge towards both sides, but at this time I started suddenly, and the jet from the back burst out more than two meters long At the same time, the whole person started like a rushing bull, and rushed towards them in situ. The ground was shaking violently with each of my steps. The two people only came to half of their body and I went from the middle of them. It flashed, and then a bang of unrelenting speed hit the tank blocking the intersection. The entire tank suddenly backed off because of my impact, and then was stopped when it hit the entrance of the passage, but I was completely disappeared in front of the tank. Looking at that tank, the entire frontal armor has almost become fragmented, and the front of the tank is like a large hole that appears like a chrysanthemum burst. Many people around him see the spine bones tingling, many people even There is an urge to run.

The two guys who were just scratched were moaning in pain on the ground next to them, though they were just rubbed. Although they gave way to the front, although they wore a full set of power armor, although I didn't use my full strength, ... the results were still terrible. The power armor of the two people had completely crashed. The guy with the shield was dislocated with a large area of ​​soft tissue contusion, and the power armor outside the arm was completely shattered. The other guy who had the gun before had lost consciousness on half of his body and was lying on the ground with a painful expression, but he couldn't move because his neck twisted. Now the nerves of the oppressor, half of his body is completely unconscious.

The "corpses" around them thought that an accident had occurred. When they wanted to come to the rescue, the wreckage of the tank, which had basically no shape except the turret, suddenly moved, and some of the armor on both sides fell off. The steel parts smashed to the ground and gave out a clang of thoughts. Then a shell of the tank suddenly swelled towards the outside, and then there was a loud noise. The steel plate flew out, and then everyone saw that I had changed back to black armor. I was burning blue. The flames came out of the wreckage of the tank. Like a demon crawling out of hell.

To be honest, the flame really has nothing to do with me. I just hit this tank because I scanned the tank and nobody was there. After all, it was an exercise, and I didn't plan to kill anyone. As for the situation after the impact, I actually made a calculation. The current situation of the two people is already calculated, and I can't die, both are treatable injuries. What I want is that Levi is not murder.

However, this flame was really an accident, because my main computing power at that time was on those two people, because I was afraid that I might accidentally knock them to death, so I needed to calculate the damage carefully. I do n’t think I ’m going to take a closer look when there is no one on the tank side. After the collision, I found out that this tank was actually lightweight and not the standard of the main battle tank. Although this thing looks like an American main battle tank, the thickness of the armor is only two-thirds of that of a normal main battle tank, and there is no external armor. The things that seem to reflect the armor are actually only covered with a layer of stainless steel. Rigid foam blocks. This tank is not for military use at all. This toy is a toy. It was bought by a puppet from Mei Lin's house as a car. Because it is not for war, many things are fake, and the armor is reduced. This can reduce the weight and increase the speed.

In fact, not only I got it wrong, this thing was originally parked in the parking space inside the base entrance. This was originally an internal parking lot, but the soldiers who came here to take the exercise as a real tank. As long as it works, the tank was opened to the tunnel entrance and used as a barricade and a fixed fire point. Unfortunately, when I first came in, I hit the tank turret with a magnetic armor-piercing projectile.

Although I used paint drills for the drill, according to the rules of the exercise, my magnetic armor-piercing ammunition could destroy the tank, so the son-in-law judged that the tank was scrapped and the people inside were naturally killed. So now the tank is empty, just parked there.

I just scanned that no one was in the tank, but I didn't notice that the tank was actually a cargo, and it was too hard. I smashed through the front armor, passed through the entire passenger compartment, and ran into the power compartment. Unfortunately, the engine of this tank was also modified, instead of diesel, but biofuel. As a result, I smashed into the mailbox after hitting it. Those biofuels scattered me all over.

If it ’s diesel, do n’t talk about it. Anyway, diesel is super safe, and you ca n’t even light it with a lighter. But this biofuel doesn't work. Although this thing is environmentally friendly, it is extracted by garbage itself, and only carbon dioxide and water vapor are generated after combustion. However, environmental protection is environmentally friendly, and the unstable characteristics have not been improved at all.

The tank was smashed into that virtue, and the circuits inside naturally leaked electricity everywhere. As a result, I was fuelled, and then an electric spark was lit. Thanks to me, most people are estimated to be directly cremated. Although this biofuel is not as safe as diesel, it has a high octane number. Burning was quite fierce. That's why I got fired when I came out. This is really not what I want to play cool. This is what happened to me.

Although I was so depressed by the fire, the people outside didn't think so, they felt like I was a demon coming out of the flame, and there was flame all over my body. And my armor has returned to black mode, and the crystal lenses on my eyes have changed back to dark red.

In fact, the color change of the armor is not controlled by me intentionally, but is automatically adjusted by the power armor.

This power armor has a very special function, which is to absorb external energy. We should all know the reason for black heat absorption. In fact, black does not only absorb heat, but absorbs energy radiation of multiple wavelengths. When the armor turns black, it enters the energy storage mode. In this state, the armor absorbs all surrounding radiation and converts it into its own energy. In addition, this absorption function also has anti-radar characteristics, because the electromagnetic waves emitted by the radar are also energy. When the power armor is black, it will absorb a lot of electromagnetic waves. Radar waves are absorbed and naturally there will be no reflected signals, and the opponent's radar will naturally not be able to detect my existence. This principle is simple, but it is very practical. As for the previous golden mode ... that is actually the burst mode. In that mode, the output of the power armor will be greatly improved, and at the same time it has a strong energy reflection feature, which can reflect most of the energy weapon attacks. Of course, it cannot be absorbed by reflection.

See me coming in flames. A person next to me stepped up to stop me and said, "Hey, this is an exercise. Don't get excited!" Well, this apparently thought I was going to kill him.

I looked up and looked at the surrounding situation. I raised my hand and aimed at a fire equipment cabinet not far away. When the cabinet door opened automatically, one of the fire extinguisher cans, which was as large as a domestic natural gas bottle, automatically flew to my before. Put the thing on the ground and raise your hand. The handle of that thing was automatically aligned with my side and began to spray a large amount of white dry powder and low-temperature nitrogen, which instantly extinguished all the flames on me. This kind of fire extinguisher is specially used to deal with the ignition of flammable and explosive dangerous goods such as powder residue and oil, and the fire extinguishing effect is much better than ordinary fire extinguishers. That dry powder can not only absorb oil but also block air. The temperature of the low-temperature nitrogen has reached more than 80 degrees below zero, which can instantly reduce the temperature of the combustion substance below the ignition point, except that it cannot be sprayed directly at people. There are basically no major disadvantages.

After extinguishing the flame on my body, a layer of golden light suddenly shone on me, but it just passed away, and then all the white powder stuck to my body was shaken out, it felt like I exploded, but there was no sound, It is a large white dust set off.

After I cleaned myself, my mask suddenly split into three parts and was retracted into the helmet, and then I looked at the other person and said, "I know this is an exercise, but I just tried harder, and they seemed to hurt the bones. Now, I will treat them, otherwise they will be disabled. "

When the other person actually saw my face, they knew that they were wrong, because I didn't have an angry expression. This was very obvious, so the other person immediately recognized my words.

First walked to the guy who had the gun before. He was more injured than his companion. At this time, the power armor had basically fallen apart. Although he could not see his expression, he knew it was painful to hear the voice.

I stood next to him, then looked down at him, a green beam of light projected from the top of my helmet's eyebrows and hit his head, then scanned all the way from top to bottom. After the sweep, the beam disappeared automatically. Then I stretched out a hand and hovered over him. When the people around me were still guessing what I was going to do, I realized that the power armor on that guy suddenly was pulled by some force. Moving in the same direction in all directions. Although the power armor on his body was basically scrapped, watching the special metal power armor was torn apart into pieces, the people around him were still numb. If this power armor on the battlefield suddenly disintegrated, how else to play?

All the power armor on the guy's front body was torn and thrown to one side, and then I squatted down and held his shoulder with one hand, pinching his neck with the other hand, and twisting slightly to the other side, and With a little force on his hand, pull his head up to loosen the bones in his cervical spine ~ ~ Then quickly adjust the angle and release the force to return the cervical spine, and the guy immediately sends out There was a moan, and then he began to pant quickly. In fact, he was almost choking just now, because of nerve compression, his breathing range was very small, and he could only exhale a little air at a time, so he was chronically choked.

Reached out and patted him. "Well, rest assured, there will be no sequelae. But it is best to exercise less these two days."

The guy listened to me and sat up on the ground. He just oppressed his nerves. In fact, his body didn't have much problem. Although the power armor is not as good as mine, it is still quite good, at least the personnel protection is good.

Walking to the other guy, this is much simpler, grab his arm and twist and push it and it's done. It's just a dislocation. Basic Chinese medicine is a bit basic, and many people in the army also have this kind of thing, just because the power armor on his body prevents ordinary people from doing so hard to help him return the joints.

After I got this guy, I stood up and asked, "Isn't there a living here? I'll go inside without it."

In fact, I know that there are still a few people who have not "killed", but it seems that they have no plans to continue, and they can't beat anyway. (To be continued ...) u

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