Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 540: Discharge bombardment

The bomb was made temporarily, so it was in a hurry, so a lot of things are using substitutes, such as the air pressure sensor. The actual air pressure sensor is actually quite complicated, but the stuff used on this device is not even a barometric sensor at all.

This so-called air pressure sensor is actually a gas cylinder similar to a syringe needle, but its inside is vacuum. Because the inside of the oil barrel was always in a vacuum state, the internal vacuum gas cylinder will not have any reaction. However, once the pressure of the oil barrel is relieved, the gas cylinder is affected by the external atmospheric pressure, and the external piston will be quickly pressed into the vacuum gas cylinder. internal. There are two copper plates at the bottom of this vacuum cylinder, and there is a gap between them, so that the two are not connected, that is, they are not powered. This state indicates that the surrounding environment is still a vacuum environment. The bottom of that piston is covered with a layer of copper. Once the external air pressure is restored, the piston will be pressed into the bottom of the gas cylinder, and then the copper plate will contact the two copper contacts at the bottom of the gas cylinder at the same time. . Once the circuit was switched on, the air pressure was restored and the bomb detonated.

This design is very simple, but it is quite terrible, because the speed of air pressure recovery is very fast, and the piston is super sensitive, so as long as people open this oil barrel, it will inevitably cause an explosion. But now Frost and Snow have sealed the top of the oil barrel, so even if the lid is opened, the air still cannot enter the inside of the oil barrel, so the air pressure trigger will not start. As for 4 removing it ... this is the simplest. Just pull the piston.

After the barometer was gone, Frost and Snow scanned it uneasily again, confirming that there was only such a barometer, and then the surface ice layer was removed.

After the air pressure was restored, the bomb did not explode because the barometer was no longer working. Now that the shell of this bomb has basically failed, we are assured to cut the entire outer wall of the barrel directly, so that the bomb is completely exposed to us.

Intuitive look. The structure of this bomb is quite complicated. There are very precise pipe structures on the outside, and these pipes are the main design that prevents you from disassembling the wires.

The other party actually stuffed the bomb into a pipeline group. In addition to the outside barometer, the inside of the pipe was filled with something similar to grease. This thing is not conductive, and can play a role in shielding electromagnetic fields and dissipating heat.

All the lines used by the bomb are sealed in this pipe, and the grease filling inside the pipe is the second insurance. Because once we open the pipe, the oil pressure inside the pipe disappears. Without oil pressure, the bomb was immediately detonated by a trigger. Therefore, this grease-filled pipe is also a tamper-resistant design.

Of course, we don't want to dismantle the pipes, but we want to directly attack the bomb itself.

Because the magnetic field shielding device has failed, now there is no way to completely shield our electromagnetic induction ability by the shielding of the grease itself. Further scanning inside confirmed that the bomb's internal detonation device was eventually connected to four batteries.

Modern bombs must be electrically detonated as long as they are not ignited on the spot. In fact, modern high-ends are quite safe. Many military uses will not be detonated even if they are thrown into the fire. An electric arc generated by a strong current must be used to instantly detonate this bomb with a temperature of several thousand degrees.

There are many advantages to this design, the biggest benefit is safety, and you won't be blown out by somehow. However, their shortcomings are very uniform, that is, they need current to detonate.

The current required to detonate a bomb is not too much, a coin cell the size of a dollar coin is enough to detonate the first stage. Then use the detonation tandem initiation method to detonate any size.

The internal structure of this bomb is more complicated, so four batteries are used. One is the main battery, which is directly a lead-acid battery for vehicles. The other three batteries are all the same lithium battery, and they appear to have been removed from some kind of remote control. After all, this type of battery with positive and negative electrodes on one side is a special battery, which is not very common.

The solution we thought of to solve this bomb was on these four batteries.

There are too many protection designs on the bomb, and it takes too long to crack them one by one. And the enemies around were not in a daze. They have already attacked us. It's just that the electromagnetic barrier formed by Jingjing and the Xiaolong girl protects us, so the bullet does not threaten us for the time being. However, such an attack from the other side can't last long. After all, those outside are not miscellaneous soldiers, and their equipment is terribly good.

Because we are in a hurry, we need a simple and straightforward way to solve this bomb. So in the end, the solution we thought of was to steal electricity.

No matter how complicated the bomb is, it definitely needs electricity to explode. Even for nuclear bombs, the initial detonation part required electricity. Mechanical nuclear bombs are not without, but at least this is not. What we need to do is drain all the batteries that can be discharged inside this device. As long as the battery is dead, no matter how many detonating devices we trigger ~ ~ the bomb will not detonate because there is no current to detonate the bomb .

The reason why we plan to steal electricity instead of shortening the wires is mainly because the oil pressure in the serial pipeline is closed. We cannot cut off the current faster than the current response, so the bomb must explode before the current is cut off. In addition, this bomb has several lines. If it cannot be cut at the same time, it cannot guarantee that the bomb will not explode. Even if our dragons are fast and their behaviors can be synchronized, this synchronization is only superficial synchronization, and there must be some gaps in detail. These wires must be cut synchronously to ensure that the bomb will not be detonated, and the error interval in the middle cannot be lower than the time for the current in the bomb's circuit to travel through the entire loop. The speed of electricity is the same as the speed of light. The total length of the lines in this bomb will not exceed one hundred meters. You can imagine how long it takes for the current to complete this point. We obviously can't cut all lines at the same time, so this method is not feasible.

However, simultaneous power reduction is not enough, but stealing electricity is ok.

There is no voltage detection system in this bomb, so if we discharge the battery, the bomb itself will not respond during the gradual decrease of the voltage. When the voltage drops to the time when the voltage stabilization capacitor can no longer maintain a stable voltage output, the bomb will detonate. It is possible for the device to be connected to the initiation line, but by then the remaining power in the battery will not be enough to detonate the bomb anyway. In this way, the bomb is completely scrapped. (To be continued ...)

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