Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 548: Related aliens

After the shielding was closed on both sides, the aliens in the opposite group did one more thing, that is, they opened the mask of their helmets and took off the entire helmet.

The group of people under Mei Lin have never seen the true appearance of these aliens for so many years, but now they have seen them for the first time, and many people are almost on the monitor screen.

The moment the opponent opened the helmet, we were also very excited here, because we could immediately see the true colors of the aliens. Although you can scan each other's body structure with perspective, after all, you can intuitively see that the shape of the face can better reflect the characteristics of a creature, so we are all very excited and want to know what these aliens look like.

After the other party opened the mask, we found that the image of the other party did not seem very strange. When I saw the power armor of these guys, I found out that the aesthetics of these aliens seem to be very different from ours, because their power armor does not seem to us to be ugly. Instead, it is quite gorgeous and looks very beautiful. And since the two species have similar aesthetics, it means that the appearance of the two species should conform to each other's aesthetics, otherwise, the things designed by the two sides according to their preferences will definitely not have similar appearances.

Of course, I just guessed before. When we see the other person's face, we can finally be sure that the other person is really not much different from us or humans.

The faces of these aliens are very similar to humans, basically a rhombus with a narrow width. Of course, the corners are not so regular and not very sharp, but there is probably such a trend. I feel that this face shape is more like a human face, the difference is that the faces of this group of aliens are slightly longer than humans. The chin extends downwards more strongly, which is reminiscent of the ornament on the beard of the Egyptian pharaoh.

In addition to the basic facial structure, these aliens have facial organs like eyes, ears, nose and nose just like humans. And the locations are exactly the same as humans. Of course, there are some differences in the details.

The first is the eyes. Although they also have two eyes. And the location is similar to humans, but the eyes of these aliens are pale blue. Of course, humans also have blue eyes. Many of the white races have blue eyes, but the actual human eyes are passively reflective and blue, but the eyes of these guys are really glowing. Our dragon eyes can not only receive radiation in the visible light band, but also receive a variety of other wavelengths. In addition, our eyes can accurately measure the intensity and frequency of radiation. The other person's eyes were clearly not reflective, but really glowing. Although the intensity of the radiation wave is very low, it is really actively emitting light.

Because the light in this room is very good, the eyes of these aliens are not very bright. We can only discover this because of our special constitution. If it is a human, it is easy to ignore the past if we don't pay attention. However, these glowing eyes really look beautiful, it feels like two blue diamonds are installed in the eye sockets.

Except that the eyes will glow, the eyes of these aliens appear to be slightly larger than the orbits of humans, without eyebrows and eyelashes. By the way, these aliens appear to be completely hairless, with no hair. and also. The eyelids of these guys look exactly the same as human eyelids, but they don't seem to blink very much. Humans blink to moisten their eyes, and these aliens also blink, but only infrequently.

Beyond the eyes, the noses of these aliens are also somewhat different from humans. Their nasal bridge bones are long but not protruding, but the faces of these aliens are not completely flat, but protrude slightly forward in the middle, so their nasal bridge bones are not high though. But because the entire face is protruded forward with both sides back and middle, it looks like the bridge of the nose is raised. But because their noses are actually not very high. So the nostrils are small. Also, the noses and corners of these aliens are very clear, unlike human noses that have swollen noses. Their noses are almost straight up and down without any curvature in the middle.

These guys have slightly larger mouths than humans, but this is because their entire bodies are taller than humans. Proportionally, their mouths and human mouths are not open when they talk, they do n’t seem to be used to it. Communicating by voice, although they have this ability, is obviously not commonly used. Through fluoroscopy, I found that they had no teeth in their mouths. These guys have a very thin layer of muscle tissue under their facial skin, and bones down. In other words, these guys are in fact skinny, similar to those who are about to starve to death. However, because their head bones are fuller than humans, even skinny, they don't look as thin as those who are about to starve to death, they just feel a little thin on their faces.

It can be determined from the facial epidermis of these guys that there is not much muscle tissue. These aliens should have no expression, because their facial skin structure is quite hard, and the underlying muscle tissue is small. There is bone in it. Exercise, naturally will not have a rich expression.

By scanning the heads of these aliens, it can be determined that these guys are far more intelligent than humans. In nature, there is a way to roughly level the level of biological intelligence, and that is to calculate the ratio of brain volume to biological volume. The larger the ratio, the smarter the creature is, otherwise it means that the creature is very stupid. Many modern scientists think that the meandering dragon in dinosaurs is very stupid, because these guys are very large, but their brain capacity is very small.

This view can be more accurately verified on all living things on the earth. For example, humans are the species with the largest brain volume and body volume ratio on earth, so humans are the smartest. The creature with the same large ratio is the dolphin, and it turns out that the dolphin's intelligence is indeed quite high.

The proportion of these aliens' heads is basically the same as that of humans. Although their heads appear larger than human heads, because their bodies are larger than humans, the proportions should be the same. However, humans have more muscle tissue and skin outside their heads, and these aliens have almost no meat on their heads. But it looks similar to a human head. After scanning, it can be determined that their skull thickness is similar to that of humans, so that the ratio of their brain capacity to a car obviously exceeds that of humans. Moreover, even if the space occupied by the head muscle tissue is not considered. These guys ’back brain parts, which extend farther back than humans, also fully demonstrate that these guys’ intelligence levels are definitely much larger than humans. The conclusion we just scanned is that these guys have 15% more brain capacity than humans, which is not a big percentage. In fact, it is quite scary, because in fact, the brain capacity of modern humans is only 3% less than the brain capacity of apes. This 15% is definitely a pretty scary ratio.

After scanning the skull structures of these guys, we also unexpectedly found that there are two symmetrical brain tissue structures on the sides of their brains, close to the ears. The structure of this part is very special, and all the members of the dragon family on our side are all stunned after seeing this structure.

The reason this brain tissue structure makes us react so much is because we also have this organization.

This part is actually separate from the main brain in the brain. It is neither part of the brain nor the cerebellum and brainstem. It's a special structure on the head. Humans don't have this brain tissue at all, but we do. At the same time, the reason why our dragons can sense and control electromagnetic force is because we have this piece of brain tissue. In other words, this piece of tissue is used to manipulate the electromagnetic field. Well, since the other party also has this organization, it means that the other party can also manipulate the electromagnetic field.

Of course, this is not the most surprising thing. What surprised us most is that the internal structure of the other person's brain tissue is exactly the same as ours.

If two organisms have similar functional organs. This is not surprising, but it would be strange if the organs and internal structures of the two organisms are exactly the same.

Based on the information we currently have. Our dragon family is an artificial life body created by the aliens who built the fourth special zone. It is a biological weapon created by integrating the characteristics that the aliens think are the most perfect. Well, since we did not evolve naturally, but were artificial, at this time, the same organs as these aliens appeared in our bodies, it can only be explained that our creators borrowed or simply copied from each other. This organ structure is forcibly integrated into our brain.

I say plagiarism rather than lineage. Mainly because the intelligence we got from the Fourth Special Zone showed that the aliens who created us. In fact, it should be similar to humans, or the aliens are actually humans. At least biologically, those aliens are humans, and the aliens in front of them are clearly different from humans. This shows that these aliens are not our creators, and our creators should have borrowed the brain structure of the other party.

In fact, when we scan each other's brain tissue, the other party is also scanning us, and this mutual scanning can be sensed by both of us. It's as if someone is touching you with your hands. Even if your eyes are covered, you can definitely feel the feeling of being touched. When we and each other are using each other ’s detection capabilities to explore each other, both parties can actually feel each other ’s exploration, but both of us obviously have the intention to communicate, so we did not take the initiative to stop, but instead opened our bodies and did not resist. Cooperate with each other's induction.

This open approach is obviously conducive to building the foundation of trust and communication, so we quickly determined the general situation of the other party. Next, the other party reacted before us.

This time the other party sent out the same kind of fluctuations that they used to communicate with each other. This seems to be their main method of communication, and sound waves are not their usual method. However, this time when the other party released this kind of fluctuation, they also activated the electromagnetic control capability at the same time, and touched the special structure section in our brain that emits electromagnetic waves with very weak control force.

We knew instantly that the other party was teaching us to use their communication methods.

The other party obviously uses this special block to send out something to communicate, and this part of our brain is exactly the same as the other party, it means that we definitely have this function. And before, we did hear the fluctuations caused by their communication, but we would not issue such fluctuations.

This time, the other party constantly touched that specific area in our brain tissue with electromagnetic control ability, and started to simulate bioelectricity to activate our brain tissue. The next second, a miracle happened. Under the bioelectrical stimulation simulated by the other party. The organ in my brain tissue actually emitted the same wave as the other side, and I not only heard the wave from myself, but also understood the way this wave was emitted.

The advantage of strong physical precision control is that you only have to do it once. We can repeat the same operation indefinitely, and benefit from the existence of the spiritual network. When I learn, other dragons will be there.

At that moment, everyone on our side learned how to send out this special wave, and the other party was obviously not surprised by this, but immediately started the next operation.

It is still the counterpart's simulation guidance. This time, it is not to issue such fluctuations, but to create different fluctuation intensities and different fluctuation modes. The change of this kind of fluctuation is very special, because humans have never been exposed to this kind of thing, so I don't know how to define the internal change of this fluctuation. Just like electromagnetic waves have frequencies. Sound waves have timbre, and this particular unknown wave has its own special variation, but because no such thing has been discovered before, we don't know how to define it. However, although it is impossible to define, our bodies or brains remember different ways of these fluctuations.

The change of this fluctuation mode is not a phase change, but a continuous and smooth transition without interval. The other party began to repeat certain special fluctuations after teaching the change of this fluctuation mode, and from this we understand that the communication mode of these aliens is transmitted by the change of this fluctuation mode.

When we can master such fluctuations. The existence of the group of aliens who has been communicating with us suddenly raised his fist and knocked on his chest, then issued a wave, and then pointed at a companion around him. There was another wave. He pointed everyone all over, then everyone had different fluctuations, and we knew instantly that this was the name of each of them. Of course, this name cannot be translated at all because it is not recorded with sound waves.

Because this is a new way of communication, so we do n’t know how to define our own name, so I just opened my mouth and spoke my name, and at the same time sent our own name by electromagnetic waves.

Although the other party does not often use voice communication. But obviously it is not completely unnecessary, at least the other party has a strong ability to control the sound. Immediately after we repeat, we can call our names like we are like ~ and pronounce it fairly standard, without the strange tone of foreigners learning Chinese.

The Big Three in front of the surveillance camera finally found out that we had started to communicate in substance. He immediately ordered the exercise to be suspended. At present, these aliens are obviously more important than exercises, because the other party is likely to have quite high-end technological power, and if we can get some technical support from them, our immigration plan may have unexpected developments. After all, the technical level of the other party is likely to exceed that of human beings by a large margin. Just giving pointers may bring huge progress.

After exchanging names with each other, I let Evrit go directly to the front and use the equipment on him to project a super complicated star map in the room. As soon as this star field map came out, many people in front of the surveillance camera immediately screamed, because this is not the star field map held by the earth people at all. At present, the star field map on the Earth is only a part of the Milky Way and is very incomplete, but this star map is very large and complete. Obviously, this is not a known star map on Earth.

The eyes of the President of the United States and Russia gathered on the Chief Executive No. 1 at once, which meant to ask, "Where did you get this thing?"

When the Chief No. 1 explained the origin of this thing, we started to communicate with the aliens on the star map. (To be continued)

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