Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 551: Us and them

"According to you, the technological strength of these aliens seems very powerful, right?"

I looked at a large room at the scene and said, "This is the case according to the other side. These aliens have very strong technological strength, but the war is fought for comprehensive strength rather than absolute technological strength. Although these aliens are in The level of science and technology has a very outstanding performance, but because the population is too small, and its racial characteristics are not like war, the comprehensive strength is the weakest among the three parties. "

"Is the second strongest owner of the ruins we found?"

"Yes. The second strongest is the builders of these relics on the earth. Their technological strength is slightly stronger than that of the third party, but their strength is also limited. The third party ’s power is because of its huge territory and population base. However, the huge productivity advantage brought by the demographic dividend has simply filled in the shortcomings caused by this backward technology, and has surpassed the first and second technology forces to become the first strong existence. "

"What about you? You said that your dragons are biological weapons. Are they specifically prepared to deal with this interstellar war?" Asked a head of state.

I nodded again: "That's right. The relatively backward civilization since the beginning of the war has been fighting on both sides because of the population base, so the aliens and the creators of the ruins were forced to form an alliance. After the establishment of this alliance, the army began to integrate military forces. Using the creators ’relatively large number of troops and the alien ’s superb technology to form a mixed fleet of high and low levels, it did indeed curb the enemy ’s attack and the two sides’ The combat effectiveness contrast has stabilized. However, during the battle, these aliens found a problem that their population was still insufficient.

Casualties in the war are inevitable, despite joining forces with the creators. The main sacrifice has been borne by the creators, but these aliens will still lose some, and the birth rate of this race's newborns is actually unimaginably low. Although the rate of this casualty is not high, they cannot afford it.

So, at the proposal of the creators, the two races decided to gather the two directors. Design a biological weapon.

The original creator's idea was to come up with something like a monster, fight by strength alone, have the same breeding ability as a worm, and in turn crush the enemy's worm sea tactics with an overwhelming number advantage. "

"I trust, isn't this the Zerg in StarCraft?" It was another young technical officer who said that this person seems familiar with the game.

I nodded. "But the plan didn't pass because the aliens ..." I paused a little. Then he reiterated: "As for the aliens, they also have their own race names, but they are conveyed by dark matter communication. I'm not sure if this can be translated, but there should be little difference. Their race name translation It should be a pilgrim. "

"Pilgrim? What's this name?"

"This race has its own spiritual trust. All of them believe in a religion and consider themselves to be the creation or descendants of some great existence, so they named themselves pilgrims. We, who have human issues about each other, I will talk about it later. It ’s not very important anyway. Now let ’s talk about our problems. ”I continued:“ The creators planned to design biochemical monsters like the “Zerg” in the game. But the pilgrims seemed to think about this. The idea is quite opposed. Because the pilgrims consider themselves to be a super-existing creation, they task the lives they create if they have wisdom. They should have basic power, although not necessarily equal, but at least they must Communicate with the other party as an object of the same level, and you cannot simply think that these creations are slaves. This is why the mechanical life forms created by pilgrims also have citizenship. "

"The social perception of this pilgrim race is really weird," said a tycoon.

A leader of a country I do n’t know said, “Humanities are normal. It ’s weird without them. The earth is so big, the humanities are so different, not to mention the entire universe. In my opinion, this A small cognitive difference should actually be considered small. "

I clicked on the talking head of state and said, "This is very reasonable. In fact, the creators and pilgrims can form an alliance. External pressure is one of the reasons, but more The reason is that the two races have similar values. Oh yes, here ’s something to add. The creators of these alien relics are very close to humans. I even suspect these creators and humans have common ancestors because both The shape and the social structure are really similar. "

"Isn't the ancestor of humans ape-human?" Asked a tycoon, "I remember this message that seems to have been confirmed?"

I nodded and said, "Yes, human beings are indeed not some sort of alien existence that has suddenly been sent into the earth's ecosystem. This is certain. It is not so outrageous as said in science fiction. However, we are in the computer of the Fourth Special Zone Retrieved an order given by the Supreme Court of the Creators. The content of this order is called the “Spark Program”. Does it sound familiar? Yes, it has exactly the same name as the technology development plan that China has worked on. , But the content is very wide. The content of this spark plan is that all official ships belonging to the creator civilization, including but not limited to warships, scientific research ships, transport ships, etc., must be forced to carry a device called a originator When a suitable life development planet appears in the area of ​​these spacecraft pathways, the device will be launched on this planet. This device can create the most basic biological proteins on the planet and directly generate the most basic primitive single cells Life. In other words, this device can artificially start the life process of a planet. "

"You mean this thing can bring life to a lifeless planet?"

"Yes. As long as the planet has the basic conditions to support the existence of life. And according to the information mentioned in this plan, the creatures reproduced by this device seem not to be fixed, but in the end they will evolve into humanoid creatures. The creators used this way to spread the seed of life throughout the universe, and then waited for this planet to evolve humanoid creatures, and when this humanoid creature can already get out of the surface of the planet, they will send people to contact this Civilization. Later, the two sides will establish economic and trade exchanges. The creators will use economic means to assimilate and absorb this civilization, and eventually make it a part of themselves. "

If this theory is heard by ordinary people, it may feel a bit unreliable, but none of the scenes are ordinary people, and they all know that what I said is not strange.

The technological power of these creators is too much ahead of us. Compared to them, we are like the indigenous cannibals in the virgin forest. Everyone can imagine. What happens when a cannibal tribe comes out of the forest and suddenly comes into contact with a powerful country like China, the United States, and Russia? The indigenous people must first be alert and fearful, and those with bad brains will clamor to attack first. Of course, this kind of attack is not even tickling to the outside superpowers, because people are stronger than this indigenous tribe by many thousands of times.

When they discover that their power is like a baby in front of each other, these indigenous people will definitely not dare to make trouble. Then as long as this strong party shows a certain kindness. And use all kinds of good things that the other party couldn't think of to win over the indigenous people in the indigenous tribe, then this tribe will completely disintegrate. No matter how their chiefs and wizards stop it, it is useless, because there is a fundamental gap between the strengths of the two sides. Not to mention resistance, they can't even understand the powerful ways of each other. Under this gap, no war is needed at all. You can win a civilization by just losing a little benefit. After only one or two generations of education reform, this civilization has become a part of the creators, so the power of the creators has expanded.

This method is almost a zero-cost investment for creators. But what they have harvested will be planet civilizations, that is to say, this distribution can quickly strengthen their power. Although, look at the development history of a planet. This process is a bit slow, but don't forget that creators don't just cast one planet at a time, and then wait for it to join their extended family before considering the next one. People's homes are a way of shooting birds and spreading the net. At this speed. In just one cycle, they can get unimaginably large sites and populations, which is definitely much faster than direct immigration to slowly increase the population.

"Well, you seem to be off topic," Chief One said suddenly, "continue to introduce your origin."

I was embarrassed and said, "Sorry, mainly the information now received from the pilgrims is completely strange to earth civilization, just like explaining to a child what a nuclear power plant is. I have to give it to everyone from time to time. Explain the relevant knowledge, otherwise there is really no way to explain it. Then we come back to the topic. Because the pilgrims did not agree to build a monster life body that can be sacrificed by a large number of worms, the creators thought of a way. It is based on the pilgrims to create a biological weapon with their own abilities, but with greater survivability, and can be mass-produced or manufactured without worrying about casualties. This biological weapon will no longer be Appears in the form of consumables, and at the same time this biological weapon will no longer rely on its own ability to fight. Alas ... I have to think about it again. "

The head of the No. 1 reluctantly said, "Try to be as short as possible." Since yesterday, they have not rested for more than 30 hours. Many people are very tired, but now things are so important. If you do n’t figure it out, maybe even They couldn't sleep when they went back.

I nodded and said, "Here we need to explain how the pilgrims fought.

Basically, pilgrims belong to energy civilization, they are very good at manipulating energy. At the same time, pilgrims also possess certain technologies of mechanical civilization and biological civilization, but mainly energy technology. Relatively speaking, the creators' technology is very similar to us. They are purely mechanical civilization, mechanical technology is the mainstream, biotechnology is only auxiliary technology, and energy can only be said to barely keep up with demand, which is a hindered project.

Pilgrims are extremely scarce due to reproduction problems, so their race does not have the concept of a soldier in the usual sense. All pilgrims, as long as they participate in the battle, must be commanders. "

"All commanders? What is being commanded?"

"Machine." I said directly: "All commanded are machines. Pilgrims also have robotics. They are good at making a robot that mixes some energy technology and mechanical technology. To be honest, in my opinion, that thing is magic. Product, but according to the pilgrims' explanations. This is actually a robot. No, it should be said that this is a mechanical core, has a mind, can think, is generally very kind, and a bit rigid. But it is very efficient to execute orders.

The pilgrims made a lot of mechanical bodies. These mechanical bodies have a basic self-discipline system, which is equivalent to low-level robots. They don't have much thinking ability, but they have the same instincts. Their intelligence level is similar to that of some intelligent animals, but they have no self awareness. I don't understand creativity or anything, but only execute orders mechanically.

The army of pilgrims is basically composed of countless kinds of such mechanical bodies, but the mechanical bodies have no brains, so the mental models are used to command these mechanical bodies, and the pilgrims command the mental models. of course. Whether it is the pilgrims themselves or the mental model, they must all appear on the battlefield. Although dark matter communication is powerful, it is not uninterruptible, so you need to ensure that the distance is close enough. therefore. Mental models and pilgrims each have their own cars, and they will wear or drive a special version of the machine to appear on the battlefield. Then direct the battle. Basically, the basic compilation of pilgrims is that one pilgrim commands 12 mental models, and each mental model commands 8 mechanical bodies, which means that a pilgrim's direct army will have 96 pure mechanical bodies plus 12 units. Combat mechanics with a mental core, that is, 108 subordinates. Together with his own combat vehicles, there are a total of 109. This is the minimum combat establishment for pilgrims. Of course, this is a regular army, and special missions may also directly dispatch pilgrims without being equipped with combat robots. Oh right, the pilgrims seem to have an instinct-like ability called the Netherstorm. The effect is similar to a large-scale space storm. It is very powerful. It is said that you can get one fleet at a time, but as long as you use it, the pilgrims will fall into a weak period. It takes a long time to recover, so generally they will not be used easily. However, after cooperating with the creators, they often use this trick, first come before the war, and then just sit on the command ship to direct the war without participating, anyway, there are allies staring. "

After introducing the situation of the pilgrims, I paused a bit before I continued: "The pilgrims 'fighting methods have been explained, and our dragon design scheme is to borrow the pilgrims' fighting methods, that is, we are not a fighting unit. The biological weapon that was sent directly to the battlefield was used as a commander. That is, it replaced the pilgrims. "

"Why do you need so much physical ability?" Someone asked.

"This is what the pilgrims demand. Although they believe that our dragons were created, they should enjoy basic rights, so we cannot use us as cannon fodder and consumables. In design, our design draws on the special features of the pilgrims' brains. Functional structure, which allows us to have dark matter communication capabilities similar to them. As for the electromagnetic control capabilities we have always used before, it should be said that we have always used the wrong method, which is equivalent to using a cannon as a salute. "

"Your fireworks are really powerful."

"The idea of ​​the creators is that since they are to be powerful biological weapons and not intended to be cannon fodder, that is how strong they must be. Therefore, our brains have been optimized according to the method, omitting what needs to be eliminated in the evolutionary process. Those useless parts improved the efficiency of thinking, increased the computing power, and then added a quantum computer as an auxiliary brain. The body parts were later based on the original Zerg plan of the creators, allowing the pilgrims to modify and strengthen In the end, we finally got an individual composition like ours. As for why we are human and not like pilgrims, this is to camouflage. Because the other party also knows that the pilgrims have a small population, so once the pilgrims are found, they will not hesitate The cost is eliminated. On the contrary, the population base of the creators is very large, and the other party will not spend a lot of time for an individual of the creator civilization, so it is safer to use this appearance. "

"I didn't expect that there were so many insiders." Chief One said, "You can also communicate with each other because of plagiarizing each other's brain structure?"

"It should be said that our brain was designed by them, and our brain was idealized by the pilgrims. They removed the extra parts and added what they thought was a more reasonable configuration, so we Now the brain's computing power is actually better than themselves ~ ~ The U.S. President suddenly said at this time: "Your situation is almost understood, so can you explain what happened to these pilgrims? Why did they appear in that room? "

"The specific reason for this is very complicated. There are a lot of things that Earth Technology cannot explain, so I don't know how to explain it to you. But you can understand that the other party is stuck in the room and cannot get out."

"Stuck? That room is so big ..."

"Space is not the only reason for things to be stuck, and time can be. The other party can be said to be stuck in the time slot, so it can't get out. There seems to be some equipment in that room that can stabilize their time, and once they Leaving this room will lose time, so they will be stuck in that room. "

"Time machine?" The US President frowned. "It's really getting more and more complicated! I don't understand!"

"Actually it ’s not the same as the time machine you imagined, and I do n’t know how to explain it, but this thing is no way to shuttle time back to the past or something, specifically you can let those scientists have headaches."

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