Starting from Zero

Vol 7 Chapter 9: Make a splash

"Is he?" A man, a young player, stood at the door of the professional thing. I went over and looked at this person carefully. It looks like a half-elf, with the root warfare in his hand, obviously a mage profession. Looking at the age of 20 nodded, it should not be much older than me. Looks average, not handsome nor ugly. "Nothing special?"

Woma was very excited: "His characteristic is not the main profession but the auxiliary profession." After that, Woma also introduced me to that person. "This is our president, Ziri."

"Hi, my name is Rag, and I am a magician."

"Hello, I'm Ziri." I whispered to the next Woma: "Don't we have a lot of molders?"

He heard the words from me and explained, "I'm not the moldmaker who makes the mold dies. I'm the magician who makes the magic props."

"Oh! I heard it wrong, I'm sorry. So what can you do as a magician?"

非常 "Very many. For example, making magic machines, small magic items, or adding attributes to ordinary equipment. Of course, researching magic crystals is also one of my tasks."

也就是说 "In other words, you can actually be a senior magic applied researcher?"

"Roughly the same!"

"That's good. We have the most comprehensive magic research system and huge factories in the world. As long as your research can be successful, we can immediately turn it into productivity, so you can rest assured." I opened it. The human function allows rags to join our guild. First, he was given a preparatory membership for security and safety considerations. I will not be required to deal with the need to become a full member in the future, as long as they are at Woma. "After all, you are a new recruit, and it is not appropriate to give too high a qualification at one time, you will be wronged first. As long as you have the results, you can be upgraded to a full membership and climb up from level to level. But considering that you want to It ’s a bit inconvenient to take part in the research. So, let me turn on the Fenglong function for you so that he can help you during the research. ”As soon as I reached out, a black sphere flashed in the air, and a dragon fell on it. On my hand.

I handed Fenglong to the rag. "This little guy is very clever. If you have something to say, you can understand it. If you do well in the future, you will be allotted with steel claws and air combat lances, but you must produce results."

"I know that." The rag looked excited. "Actually, I just tried it. I didn't expect that you would really accept me. Researching magic crystals requires a lot of magic crystals. We ordinary players have no way to continue the research."

"I understand, after all, the production and price of magic spar are a headache, and we will have a perfect laboratory." I pulled him to the doorway and pointed it not far ahead. "Did you see that building?"

Rag nodded. "It's spectacular and beautiful."

那就 "That's the Magic Crystal Institute, the core of Isinger's technology."

He originally thought that the rag was a very beautiful building, at best it felt majestic, but his eyes flashed immediately after hearing the left and right of the building. "That ... that ... that is really ... the place to study magic crystals? That's a building complex!"

"That's right. The whole looks like a building complex, but it is actually a building. It is divided into 5 sub-buildings with passages in the middle. Each of the surrounding 4 sections has 40 floors and the middle one has 50 floors. The whole The total area of ​​the building is about 40 square kilometers, which is divided into several parts. There are more than 30,000 scientific research NPCs working in it, and some players in the guild are also working in it. "

"What a huge institution!" The rag's jaw was about to fall off. "Do you only study Magic Crystal City?"

"Yes, only the magic spar is researched here, and there is a special research place for other things." The rag suddenly burst into tears, shocking me. "What can you do?"

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I'm so excited! I'm sure I will get good results with such perfect conditions."

"Well, the next thing will be arranged by the two of them, and I have things left first."

谢谢 "Thank you, President!"

I quickly bid farewell to the rags and ran to the shipyard. The port is currently in chaos. A lot of construction materials are piled up in the port. Xiaodaodao is directing the work. "What are you doing? Aren't all the docks completed?"

"Don't you say that you want to directly produce warships from the shipyard in Steel City? We are building an underwater transport array."

"How big are you planning to build?"

"The design is an area of ​​two kilometers and 800 meters wide, so that four super warships can be teleported at a time. If there are any extra large ships in the future, they can also be teleported."

差不多 "Almost, this length is just right. But I don't think we will have more than 1,000 meters long warships, and the docks don't have that much production capacity!"

"Don't lie to me, you like large equipment, look at Isinger's style, which is not big? I promise that there will be larger warships in the future, let alone the ark is still parked outside the sea!"

"Okay, don't quarrel with you. Did you see the rose?"


"See, you're busy first, I'm fine."

I ran to berth 1079, a small battleship less than 20 meters in length stopped there, and Rose was waiting for me on board. After I ran on board, Rose ordered sailing.

I asked strangely, "Why so small?"

"We are just two people. It is inconvenient to have such a large ship. This ship has the same characteristics as the crashed Biling."

"What are the common features?"

"Come here." Rose pulled me into the cabin of the ship, and then set me up in my seat. This seat actually has a seat belt, and it is the X-shaped seat belt for racing. After I was fixed, Rose herself was also fixed in the seat, and then said to the player who sailed: "Okay, go."

At this time I noticed that the pilot was actually sitting behind the console. Generally, the warship operators are standing, but everyone on this ship has seats, and these chairs are very luxurious large fixed. The chair not only supports the body and the sides are fixed, but also has a special support around the neck on the back of the head. Ordinarily a chair should not be so exaggerated.

I suddenly thought of the usefulness of this kind of seat, wouldn't it be that the speed of this ship is exaggerated! "Rose, this boat ... Ah!"

The small battleship had already sailed out of the port. I didn't finish talking. The whole ship suddenly stunned out. The small battleship less than 20 meters left behind a huge wave of 30 meters high. I felt like I was under a huge pressure on my seat and it became difficult to breathe. This condition was maintained for 20 seconds before it eased down. The speed of the ship has stabilized. Without too much acceleration, people will not feel uncomfortable.

"Hoo!" I gasped. "So terrible speed! How did this ship do it?"


Rose smiled and asked the German MM who sailed to answer, and the German MM smiled and said, "This is a new achievement of the Magic Crystal Dynamics Institute, which was just made this morning. The inspiration comes from the last time we dragged the Japanese battleship thing."

"How to say?"

"Last time we dragged so many Japanese warships behind our warships, but the speed did not change significantly. Did you notice this?"

"Noticed, but what does it matter?"

"It's very relevant. We studied the propellers of the warships, those propellers sent by Atlantis, and found big problems."

"What's the problem! You can finish it all at once!"

"Usually truck engines have more power than cars. Everyone knows this, but why aren't trucks faster than cars? It's because of the gear ratio. The thrusters of Atlantis are like truck engines. They are slower and more powerful, so After dragging the battleship, the speed did not change significantly. Atlantis was on the bottom of the sea. The deep seawater was dense and the resistance was large. The lack of thruster power could not guarantee the speed. Therefore, the thrusters of Atlantis were very fierce, but we On the sea, we do n’t need so much traction, we just need speed. The propeller of Atlantis happens to be a large turbofan propeller. There is no traditional propeller, so we ca n’t change the propeller speed by adjusting the gear. We dismantled the thruster group and replaced the power coupler. So we got a thruster that halved its power and doubled its speed. This ship has 3 large thrusters. We want to test the lower limit. Speed. It looks pretty good now. "

"I really have yours, I like this speed, but it's a little dizzy when starting!" I almost didn't squash me when I started!

"This time is to test the extreme speed and the stability of large turbofans at this speed. So many thrusters will not be installed in the future. The test results have just come out."

"How is it going?"

"Not so good. Our turbofan blades are a bit deformed. It seems that the speed is too fast. I have slowed down the speed. When I go back, I need to consider replacing the blades with large inclination angles and reducing the speed so that the blades can withstand high speed sailing. "We just ran a record of 220 knots just now, how about it? Exciting? It's several times faster than a torpedo."

"How do I feel like I'm flattened!"

"Haha! Now, the acceleration has stopped, and the speed is now stable at 170 knots."

"Then I'll go out and relax."

Unfastened the seat belt and walked to the door. I turned the pressure door, and then pushed it lightly ... didn't move? Increased strength to push the door again, still did not move, I continued to increase the force and still no response. I started to push against the door with my shoulder, but still no result. I rely! Can't open it! After two bangs, there is still no response!

The two very strong NPC sailors in the barge came to see if I could not open the door and came to help, but it turned out that three people hit the door and it was still useless. The door just couldn't open!

"The hull seems to be deformed!"

"Isn't it?" The sailing MM jumped down and asked the NPC to take over her job. She came over and looked at herself and said, "Probably negative pressure has stood up! It must have been too fast and it burst the pressure control pipe ! "

The battleship's door is not an ordinary door. This thing is locked with high pressure gas, so don't try to open the door without venting.

I got the two NPCs ready, and then I called for one, two, three, and everyone to hit together. The door was suddenly knocked open, and the pressure pipe was pushed to develop a hissing deflation sound. "This breaks the door!"

The sea outside the battleship Shanghai was rough, but we were not affected. The speed of the battleship was too fast. The speed of the waves was relatively slow for us, so it would not affect us. The speedboat is the speedboat. Soon we arrived at the Japanese sea. We encountered several Japanese fleets on the road, but we were too fast. They found out that we started to load artillery shells. After they loaded the shells, we had run out of range. Some warships that have been loaded have fired a few guns. Unfortunately, they do not know where they flew. There is no way for warships of our speed to shoot directly.

I rushed all the way to the offshore waters of Japan and put the little fox on the boat first. We didn't have the tools to take her. We had to wait for us to go ashore and then pull the bell over. Rose and I sat at the edge of the boat and said goodbye to everyone. I pulled the mask down, the mask locked automatically, my body was tilted back, and Rose and I turned into the sea at the same time. Ariana, released beforehand, followed us into the water. Rose and I took her two hands and let her take us quickly to the beach. As soon as I landed the bell, the little fox was dragged up by the collar immediately. This thing was really convenient.

After sending us, the battleship turned around immediately, and the Japanese battleship that came after it saw nothing but a track. Wanting to chase is also a dream, and the speed is too bad.

We also ca n’t stand stupidly waiting for the Japanese to find us. First we exchange the equipment with Rose. Our armor is too conspicuous. It ’s dangerous to not change the equipment. After changing the equipment, we quickly left the shore and penetrated into the inland. Now we don't have to worry about being discovered by the Japanese. The system has just been upgraded a few days ago and the translation system has been adjusted. Players using the translation system will now get a voice with the characteristics of the player's voiceprint, instead of the strange electronic synthesizer. The biggest result of this improvement is that it is easier to be a spy, because you can no longer judge the nationality of the other party by your voice!

There are so many players in Japan, people are walking on the street. Yueran was carried away by roses in the form of a fox, and the roses and I were disguised as ordinary people. This time, I specially picked a robe of the theocratic warlock for the rose. This thing has no characteristics. The longer brim can keep your entire face in the shadows, ensuring that the person opposite can see nothing except your mouth. I found a set of axe warrior's armor. The helmet of this thing is half-covered. The mask covers the middle of the nose, but I can't recognize people when I see my face.

登陆 The place where we landed is not far from Leichuan and the Fulcrum City in the future. We want to come here to see if we land here. After crossing the current city, I walked a long way to the vicinity of Leichuan, and I saw a lot of Japanese players busy near Chuanyang Lake. Several temporary pontoons have been erected on the lake to the island of Huxin, and many players are shuttled to and from the island to transport supplies. A ten-meter-long city wall has been erected on the edge of the island, and supports are being built next to it. I didn't expect Xiao Blow's speed to be so fast, she was sent here, and they started to build the city walls.

玫瑰 Rose and I did n’t pass but just looked at it from a distance. It may be exposed in the past. It is better not to take risks. Rose contacted Xiaobiao with a chat, she is no longer a member of our guild, and the guild channel is unreachable. When Xiaoblow heard that we were here, she ran out immediately. She pretended to come to us as if nothing had happened, and flashed into the forest while no one else noticed.

"President! Why are you here?"


"Come here to do something, and by the way look at your situation."

"Everything is going well on our side. Last night we registered a guild called Lei Chuan Hui and the name of the city. This morning I went to a few mercenary unions to recruit a large number of security personnel, and even the workers recruited together. Come back. City construction should not be a problem, and monster siege is not a problem. After all, the guards we hire are from high-priced mercenary guilds. The quality should be guaranteed, not to mention the number of people we hire. Many, even if they do n’t help, so many people should keep it up. ”

"Very well, it seems that there is nothing wrong with your command."

"In fact, we are not very smooth."

"What's wrong? Any questions?"

"It's a new guild. It's called Longchuan Society. Because it's an expansion period, it's very aggressive. They also saw the place where we built the city, but we first built the city one step ahead. This morning Many times they came and said they wanted us to abandon this location and give them the city building location. Otherwise, they would disrupt us when the monsters attacked the city and let our city be broken by the monsters. "

Rose said a little bit angry: "This group is so annoying, how do you deal with it?"

我们 "We asked the mercenaries to get rid of the gang, but at noon they attacked our team of transport materials, and it looks like they are going to mess up for a long time!"

I thought for a while and thought, "Where is this guild? Is it a system city or do they have a city?"

"They have two cities in that direction. The guild is quite large, with almost 7,000 people. The nearest city is Shanhuocheng, which is not large. There is another one called Longchuan City. This is the main city of their guild. The area is relatively large and belongs to a medium-sized city. Are you going to make trouble, president? "

I nodded. "Is there a volcano or something nearby?"

"What are you doing?" Rose was startled by me.

I take it for granted: "We are two people without siege weapons. If there is a volcano, I can consider creating an artificial eruption. If I dig some guide channels in advance and lead the lava into the city, there will be no problem. Now. "

"Haha! President you are so funny." Xiao Biao covered his mouth and smiled. "Unfortunately, there are no volcanoes nearby, and the nearest volcano is also 100 kilometers away."

"That's it! It seems more troublesome." I thought for a while and thought: "Then you don't care about this matter. Since I came to Japan, I will help you solve everything and go back."

"Just two of you?" Xiaoblow didn't believe my strength.

Rose patted my shoulder and said, "You can rest assured that Ziri is the famous King of Destruction. He may not be able to build a house. No one will demolish a house faster than him."

"My wife still understands me. Well, you go back and direct the construction first. That Longchuan will give it to me, and promise to make them into skewers and grill them."

"I don't care then, president, how much you worry, I'll go first." Xiao Biao looked at no one outside the woods to return to the road and walked back to Huxin Island.

After Xiao Blowing away, Rose and I also left here. Before giving trouble to Longchuan, I want to check the situation of the nine-tailed fox demon. I hope he can stay at home and don't run around. .

Yueran led the way We quickly found Songhe Mountain, and the demon's nest should be here. On the way into the mountains, we met a lot of Japanese players. These people were leveling up the mountains, but no one noticed that we were not Japanese players.

After walking for a while on the mountain road, we suddenly turned into a small fork to avoid the leveling team. This is the closed area of ​​the fox's illusion. Other players can't see the things behind the enchantment and think it is an ordinary forest And did not notice that there is actually a channel here.

After walking on this passage for a while, we finally found the home of the demon monster-a huge tree root. But now there is a problem. The hole in the fox's nest is smaller than the hole in the dog. People like ours can't get in. There is no way but to let darts and Yueran go in. If there is a situation, darts can report at any time. Anyway, Yueran was locked by the collar and couldn't run away.

玫瑰 Rose and I were waiting outside the entrance of the hole. After a long time, the darts and Yueran got out, and Yueran had more paper in her hand. I wanted to see it, but what I saw was a little fox's footprints on a bark. But Phantom is my universal translator. With the help of Phantom, I can read out the footprints on it.

After reading it, I realized that the bark was a message board. The demon did return, but he left three days ago. The message said that the demon went to China to find a **** to worship and learn, and will not return in a short time! Really, why does this fox like to travel so much! China! Although the National University is a good thing for me, it is now my trouble. How many mountains and rivers should there be in China! It's so difficult to find a fox in such a large place ... Khan! I dare not think about it!

Rose heard my explanation and said, "Then let's help Xiaoblow quickly solve the Thunderfall Association, and then go back to China to find it?"

"It can only be so now!" Damn fox!

I left Matsugayama and returned to near Leichuan. In order to destroy an enemy, we must first understand the enemy. I will do some preliminary reconnaissance with Rose. The first place to observe is of course Longchuan City. This city is relatively large, and the Longchuan Society also attaches great importance to it. Beating people has to hurt people. The area of ​​Shanhuo City is not large and it is not an important stronghold. Hitting a few times without pain or itching has no effect. It is more practical to strike Leichuan.

I walked around the city in the crowd ~ ~ Generally speaking, the city is full, the area is reasonable, the layout is very reasonable, and the most important thing is the popularity. According to Rose's point of view, because the city is just between several large leveling points, it has a good geographical location, and it is a road junction in the middle of several large cities, so it is very cheap.

We pretend to pay attention to the situation of city defense while pretending to be shopping. The city walls are more than 20 meters high, which is high in ordinary cities. The number of NPC guards is about one or two thousand people. It seems that the other party is also rich, and it has hired so many NPC guards. The number of members of the Longchuan Society is about 500, and the ranks are not high, but they are well equipped and should have a certain combat effectiveness. It is generally believed that the attack loss will be relatively large, and other methods must be considered.

The afternoon reconnaissance work made us feel that this was not a simple target. The effect of attacking him would not be very good. It would be no problem to want to kill a large number of guilds, but it would not work to destroy the city! After dark at night, Rose and I stood outside the city and ate rice **** bought in the city. Fortunately, they were also eating at the back. Looking at the brightly lit city was really helpless. How should I start?

Rose looked at the sky suddenly and said, "Yes, have you considered Babel Tower?"

"Babel Tower?" I was surprised.

"Yeah! It's enough to mobilize the Babel tower attack. It was originally a super-long-range destructive weapon against the city, wouldn't it be enough to blow up the entire city?"

"Is Babel Tower so powerful?"

"It's just a matter of trial and fire, anyway, even if you can't destroy the entire city, even if it burns a third! It's good to just ignite a riot after the fire, anyway, you have more troops and move him clean, Let them cry! "

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