Starting from Zero

Vol 23 Chapter 2: Mountain legend

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"Shhh ..." I patted the guy's shoulder and made a silent gesture, and then said, "Shut up when you see it, don't talk nonsense. This kind of thing is a big international dispute. You don't want to suddenly The world has evaporated? "

I'm not scaring him. Although Japan has secretly made nuclear-powered diving carriers and nuclear weapons, hasn't it all been carried out underground? Although everyone knows that is the case, there is a concealer cloth that can obscure everyone. However, on the bright side, Japan still belongs to a non-nuclear state, which means that no other country or Japan itself can use or store any nuclear weapons or nuclear-powered military equipment on Japan's mainland.

Someone may ask that there are no nuclear-powered warships in the US military bases in Japan? Yes, that ’s nuclear-powered, but that ’s not against the rules, because military bases are leased by Americans, which is equivalent to U.S. territory. As long as they are inside the courtyard, killings and the like must follow. The United States law has nothing to do with Japan. Similarly, the nuclear-powered aircraft carriers docked in military bases are nothing more than Americans' sites. This is not a problem for Japan.

However, the region we are in is within Japan, not an American military base. Besides, we are not Americans, so driving a nuclear-powered car on the road is actually a violation of the United Nations ’specific target for Japan. The security charter is enforced, so this thing can be done, but it cannot be said that once it is big, it is a state dispute. A few countries are awkward there, and several civilians are trapped in the middle. Isn't that just being killed instantly?

After stopping that guy ’s ghost call, I got in the car by myself and let Ling and Xiaochun get in the car quickly. Preparing to start, I suddenly saw a large group of people coming in front. This group of people will not have the non-mainstream dyed yellow hair and nasal ring, but I don't know how they feel more stubborn than the group around me, but I have no intention to care about their affairs. After Xiaochun came over and got on the co-driver, I started the vehicle and continued to drive.

I didn't intend to cause any trouble, but what surprised me was that the group of people in front of us had taken the initiative to find us. Just as our car turned out of the parking space and was ready to drive out. The people on the opposite side had no intention of giving way at all, and a large group of people directly blocked the not wide traffic lane in the parking lot. At first glance, the guy who was the leader even went to our car after I parked and lifted a foot on the wheel, and then the guy put on a look that thought he was very fortified. He pointed at us with his chin and squinted and looked at me and said, "Well, when did the guys in Kawata start playing off-road?"

The calm young man who took the lead among the people behind us immediately stood up and said loudly, "Garden Temple, that's not our car. Don't make trouble."

As soon as that guy talked, I knew it was going to be bad. Sure enough, the guy on the other side said more arrogantly when he said this: "What are you anxious for not your car? Since it's not your business, then don't make peace. We don't Trouble you, don't bother us. "

The guy at the back heard a sudden stupefaction. But after thinking about it, it seemed that the expression suddenly relaxed. After a slight smile, he said directly to himself: "Let's go, it's not our business anyway."

Well, this guy is completely black, this is ready to hang people. We were able to drive out with nuclear-powered armored vehicles, indicating that they were not ordinary soldiers. Besides, they also saw us before. Ling and Xiaochun and Yeyue's looks are all superb on earth. How could such a beautiful female soldier be a frontline army? So he guessed that our group should be members of the special department of the U.S. military or a certain senior official's house, anyway, it is not their existence that can be aroused by such a small mess. Well. Since we are ordinary people who cannot afford to exist, it will be obvious what happens to the group of people who provoke us. This guy made it clear that he wanted to use our hands to rectify each other, after all, the goal of the other person to stop our car was them. After all, we and the other party are innocent and innocent, and the other party directly asks us for trouble without reason. The reason we stopped the car was because we saw a few words together and our car was driven out of the crowd of these people, so we were treated as companions of these people, so we had Stopped the scene.

The people who stopped the car across the road all saw this situation for a moment, because they came here to provoke. The other party turned around and left to dry them here. What's going on?

This group of people are still in a daze. But I just opened the window and yelled at the arrogant guy over there: "Do you want to cause trouble or what do you mean? Want to cause trouble to say something, I promise to let you have something to handle. Just leave me alone if you don't want to cause trouble Don't block my car. "

The guy on the other side turned away suddenly because of the provocative person, making it as uncomfortable as punching on the cotton. After hearing what I said, he immediately found a big outbreak, turned directly and walked to the window with a strange posture and rushed I arrogantly said, "Asshole, are you looking for death?"

When I heard this, I said helplessly: "It seems that you want to cause trouble! Then, let me find something to do for you." When the other party murmured there and did not know what I meant, I suddenly got out of the car The crowd who hadn't gone far out shouted, "Hey, do you know which cars are these people?"

The other party didn't plan to go away, but just pulled away a little bit and waited to see the movie. He heard my voice and immediately excitedly pointed at a street car parked on the road not far away and said, "From the beginning of the red They are all to the little green turtle. "

I nodded and got back into the car and closed the door again, and when people around me were still wondering what I was doing, our door was suddenly opened behind a door, and then I saw a vertical metal pipe rising from the roof of the car, but soon they found out that the thing seemed not a metal pipe, because the structure below was obviously a gun. Of course, this gun seems to be a bit big, and obviously not ordinary people can take it.

With the apparent rise of the gun, the bottom of it also appeared on the top of the car. At this time, many people found that the base with the huge gun was clearly an unmanned turret, but the structure of the turret was very simple. And it's small.

Sure enough, the barrel that was erected in the eyes of everyone quickly flattened, and then a small device on the side of the turret quickly moved upwards, and a click said that a feeder was inserted on the side of the gun, and the next time I saw the gadget directly Turned in the direction of the row of cars on the road.

At this time, the fool knows what we are going to do. It's a pity that the guy rushed over and smashed our window too late. The unmanned turret first lifted up a few bursts toward the top of the car. Those people who hadn't noticed were awakened by the huge gunfire. Many of them were still hovering in the row before. The people next to the car ran to both sides in fright, because three bullets just rubbed over their heads and flew by. Many people even felt the hot wind brought by the bullets when they passed.

I was satisfied when I saw the crowd running to both sides and controlled the barrel down to point to the front car. Then I heard a noise, there was suddenly a large hole in the side fenders on the front side, and then less than one second later the body seemed to be slammed from the side towards the cliff side. He flew out, fell over the fence and fell off a cliff.

Before the car owner exclaimed, the turret on my side rotated again. There was another buzz, and the second car flew out. After two shots, I started to fire continuously. The car behind it stopped flying out of the cliff because of the observation platform outside the docking position. However, the car hit by this obviously large-caliber gun would be severely damaged immediately. As long as the engine is hit, it will immediately explode, and the body will be immediately hit out of a big hole. One of the cars even hit the body beam and caused the entire car to break into two pieces.

A total of thirteen cars from the other party were named by me. The people on the other side were all about to collapse. After all, these cars were always cheap. In addition, many cars have been modified for a large price. For these people, it may be that they bought the money after saving for a long time, and suddenly they were blown up. It's strange that these people don't collapse.

After smashing thirteen cars in one breath, while the other side was watching the burning car in a daze, I kicked the throttle directly. The four plasma strong magnetic engines burst into strong power, and the front of the car suddenly rushed and rushed Go out. The group of people yelled at the back immediately to catch up, but how could two legs run across four wheels, but this was not the worst, because when our car turned out of the parking lot and rushed onto the highway. The car stopped suddenly.

I opened the window and rushed to the group of people who rushed over and shouted, "This is a gift for you." After I said it, the other party saw a black can-like thing flew out of the car, accurate. Fell in the middle of their crowd.

If it was before we shot them they might wonder what it was. Because under normal circumstances, that kind of thing is not expected at all. However, because our actions just now show that we are absolutely military personnel. Otherwise, even folk gun enthusiasts would not be able to mount such cruel weapons on the car? Not to mention that Japan is banned from guns, it is against the law even for Americans to mount such exaggerated weapons in their cars.

Because it has been determined that we are absolutely military personnel, when this thing fell into the middle of the crowd, the people suddenly thought of what this thing was. Yes, it's a grenade. The military cans throw out metal cans like cans. After these two points are connected, normal people will probably think of grenades, right?

In fact, this thing is really a grenade. Of course, I haven't got so sick that I just threw a grenade and blew them all up because of provocations. In fact, this thing is not the type of explosive grenade, but a shock bomb. When this thing explodes, it will produce a very strong shock wave, but no shrapnel is generated, and it will not cause death or injury if it is dropped several times. The most is the perforation of the eardrum plus the sudden blow by the air wave and the injury. No more lethality.

The explosive content in this thing is small, and the power is not large. The reason why the volume is large is mainly because it contains a chemical to reduce the speed of the airflow. After all, if there is only a small amount of explosives, there may be cases where people near the direct explosion point are directly shocked to death, and people who are slightly far away are okay. The special substance in this grenade can delay the release of the power of the explosion. The speed of the blast wind generated is accurately calculated, the coverage area is large, but the impact is not large, and at most it hurts people. But it is not lethal. To do this is actually more trouble than killing people directly, so this grenade is so big.

That group of people is better than knowing that this thing is just a shock bomb. They all thought that I threw a grenade under their feet, so many people were scared at the time, but they heard a huge noise before others found their urine pants ring. The white smoke spread out instantly and sprayed everyone around him.

This shock bomb also has a special role in creating a lot of irritating smoke. Although this smoke spreads very quickly, people near the burst point will be sprayed with faces because of sudden contact. The irritating substances inside can make people sneeze constantly and the eyes are red and swollen. It is definitely not dead, but it makes you feel worse than death.

The guy who is not going to be a pitman is also opening his mouth and is about to fall. He was prepared to pit people, but he did not expect the results would be so exaggerated. I just saw a circle of white air waves sweeping across the ground, and then the glass of the cars closest to those people burst directly. All cars with sirens around started to growl, and those people were lifted off directly, and many people flew out one or two meters before they landed, and they didn't seem to fall lightly.

Our car was on a mountain road during the chaos here, and now I understand why these people are gathered here. After a long time, people came to race cars. Every other segment of the road up the mountain, there were several people standing in the corner of the curve and holding walkie-talkies. Obviously this is the person who reports the traffic conditions prepared by the organizer of the game. After all, the road is very narrow and there are only two roads. Usually it ’s not a big deal when you drive at the speed limit, but it ’s not good if you are racing. If no one at the intersection prompts whether there is an oncoming car, it is easy to cause an accident. This group of people is quite professional, and even the road traffic crew is prepared.

Several roads have passed by us on the road to the top of the mountain, but they are all oncoming cars. After all, our speed is more than 100. It is not impossible to catch up with such a pavement from behind, but at least ordinary people and ordinary cars are definitely not good.

When we reached the top of the mountain, there was exactly a zebra crossing on the road. The guys of the racing team obviously used this stuff as a starting line. As we passed by, we saw six cars lined up in two rows. Someone had signaled us to stop here, but I didn't stop at all, and the car turned around on the side **** as soon as I hit the direction. This **** is part of a mountain, with an inclination of more than 30 degrees and a high bulge. Of course, the gang of cars and private cars cannot pass. But it doesn't mean we can't get through.

In the exclamation of the surrounding people, our car jumped directly from above. The racing girl in front of the track was so surprised that she had forgotten to hold the flag. As a result, when she put down her hands, the car drivers staring at the flag thought that it was a starting signal. Then all six cars started whistling together, but just after they started, they saw a huge off-road vehicle flying directly from the side of the hill without driving at all. They smashed in front of them and stabilized. Rush forward.

These people are surprised though. But as soon as the car started, they rushed forward as much as possible.

Originally they thought they could surpass us as soon as they accelerated, but what they didn't expect was that our car's speed kept increasing after passing them, and the speed was even faster than them. Seeing the straight path at the beginning of the track Not only did they not go further, they were pulled farther and farther.

"Just a joke? Is that car a monster?" The driver in the car in the first team in the team said with a strange expression.

A woman in the co-pilot position held the walkie-talkie and listened for a while. Then she turned to the driver next to her and said, "Yamada, they said that they met the owner of the car down the mountain, and they talked for two. Sentence. That car is a military vehicle, a plasma motor, a nuclear power! "

"What? Nuclear power?" The driver next to him trembled and almost didn't drive the car off the cliff. As a result, the second car behind him immediately seized the opportunity to overtake this car and rushed to the front, but this one is already here. Unintentional competition, after all, what I just heard is too scary.

Although the straight ahead is not short, because the speed is very high, it will end in a moment. The end is a reverse bend with more than a hundred degrees, and the angle of rotation is quite large. Even a road sports car, there is absolutely no way to turn this bend without reducing the speed to below sixty, after all, it is too steep.

Although the car was pulled away by us, it was not completely thrown away. It was only an example that it was more than twenty meters, not too far away.

Watching our car dash towards the curve. The guy in the back of the car said nervously: "Why don't they slow down? Is the road unfamiliar and don't know that there are sharp turns ahead? Their cars are heavy, and this distance can't stop without slowing down! Damn, It's over the safety line, Sakura, contact Yamada and they're going to call an ambulance. The car has passed the safety line, and it's definitely not bad. It's really troublesome, but you must be dead! "He is not It's good, but it's because the racing department in this place actually knows the police. Because the people who host this event are very powerful locally, and because of the security work done well, no major event has happened in so many years. At most, the car has a problem. It has never hurt anyone, so one eye was opened and one closed. However, if there is a serious car accident while they are engaged in the game and they are dead. That's hard to say. Although this is not really their business, how can such a business be made clear?

At this point, our car is only 20 meters away from the curve, but the speed does not mean a slight drop. Even a lightweight high-performance car is too late to brake, but our car seems to be completely I didn't see the bend in the front and didn't slow down at all. I just leaned forward to the inside of the hillside.

Just when the group thought that we were about to crash the car and die, our car was constantly approaching the slope, followed by a strange sound of friction. Then, in their surprise glance, our car drove the wheels on one side to the slope, so the whole car was lifted halfway and became inclined.

In terms of where we are going now. The right side of the road is a cliff, and below it is a steep **** with an inclination of seventy degrees, but there is a fence on the side of the road. As long as it is not particularly fast, the fence can block the vehicle and not let the car out of breath. However, there is no guardrail on the left side of the road, because this side is a **** of about fifty degrees. The lower part of the **** near the inside was covered with more than three meters of concrete **** rock embankment. This kind of thing can reduce the rolling stones or soil on the mountain body from being washed by the rainwater and affect the driving safety. On the other hand, it can also strengthen the strength of the mountain body and reduce the possibility of landslides to stabilize the roadbed.

Because this **** is not a road. So it is not very flat, although it is not to say that all are protrusions. But in general, it is not so smooth. With the 50-degree inclination of the mountain and the curve, ordinary cars on this **** cannot get on. The speed must be fast enough to drive up, otherwise it will slide down, and the cars that can drive to such a speed are basically sports cars, and the chassis of the sports car is not high. This kind of uneven **** sports car does not go at all, even if it goes up It will also be shaken because of the bumpy plane, because the speed of the car on this **** does not go at all. After all, the chassis of the sports car is very hard. There is no way to guarantee the grip on the bumpy road and it is easy to fly.

However, although their cars are not working, it does not mean that we are not. We are an off-road vehicle. Although the **** is not very flat, the unevenness is also made of concrete and large stones. It is much smoother than mountain roads that are not roads at all. So not only can we drive on it, but we can run very fast.

The curve in front is very steep and urgent, but if we drive on the **** like this, the centrifugal force generated by the curve becomes the pressure pointing towards the inside of the slope, so that the centrifugal force brought by the high-speed corner will directly stabilize the body Pressure, not only does not cause side slipping because of too fast speed, but helps us stabilize on steep slopes and allows us to gain acceleration.

In this weird way, we kept the speed of 160 kilometers across the curve, and then our car decelerated from the slope, because the next curve was a reverse curve. Slow down the corner. However, our car has a small super electromagnetic engine to help stabilize the body, so although it is necessary to slow down, it does not have to be too low.

In the end, when we turned the super steep corner with more than ten kilometers, the car behind us actually forgot to race because we watched the corner. As a result, it was too close to the curve when we remembered it The cars all braked and spun straight on the ground. Fortunately, a few people had good skills but didn't hit them.

The people in the following year were scared of cold sweat, but I didn't notice them at all. After a little bit of effort at the foot of the curve, the vehicle speed suddenly increased and soon disappeared.

Soon after we rushed down the mountain road, we entered the straight city road, and there was a legend left on that mountain road, a mountain bike that was faster than a super sports car.

"Is this here?" We don't know what the legend is, at this time we are looking for someone in this small town.

Of course we have to come to Japan to do business, but there is still a small matter that needs to be done beforehand.

Looking at the road that was less than one lane wide in front of me, I said helplessly: "Let's get off and walk!"

After Xiaochun got out of the car, he saw a private car that drove out of that lane and said, "Now I'm a little bit envious of mini cars!"

This road is obviously out of specification ~ ~ The width of the pavement can not reach the width of the standard car lane. Our armored vehicles are almost as wide as the entire lane. However, the locals have not been affected much because they are buying the mini cars that are very popular in Japan. The width of this car is much narrower than that of ordinary private cars. Even if the emptiness beside this kind of side road can let a motorcycle pass, as long as not two cars meet each other. Unfortunately, we can't. If we are forced to open in, we may have to pull off the courtyard walls of both sides.

Of course, it is not intentional to build other people ’s streets, mainly because this is a mountain city, and the houses are built in the same terraced area, so the width is limited, and there is no way to arrange too wide roads.

Of course, we are not here for tourism. Although the scenery of this mountain city is also unique, we don't have so much leisure. We are actually here to pick up people. (To be continued)

The latest chapter of the 5201 novel high speed start from scratch, this chapter is the second chapter of the mountain legend. If you think this chapter is good, please don't forget to recommend it to your qq group and friends on Weibo!

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