Starting from Zero

Vol 23 Chapter 8: Rescue operations

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"Do I need to follow along?" Asked Everett, looking down at the entrance.

"No, you can help us to block the chase on it. I don't want to be blocked in it." I said as I walked to the entrance, looked down and went straight.

The entrance is a **** with a great angle. At the bottom of the **** is a pure copper door painted with anti-rust paint, and we cannot detect anything behind the door. After all, our perspective ability is very poor for heavy metals.

"This thing is at least one meter thick, what should I do?" Ling looked at me and asked: "Blow it up or open a hole? The circuit system is all inside, and we can't manipulate it."

"Let's make a hole!" I shouted back to Everett: "Everett, help open a hole."

"Understand." Everett's body suddenly began to deform, his limbs fell to the ground, and a hammer-like thing pointed at the ground, and a thick steel nail on the ground was driven into the ground for further fixing. The armor behind Ritter was folded and deformed, and an electromagnetic railgun more than four meters long was assembled and aimed at the door.

With the completion of the assembly of this electromagnetic gun, a blue arc began to shine on the track, and a small snake-like arc continued to flash between the electrode pads, and Everett's whole body began to shine with cheats. This is actually caused by static electricity, not that he is leaking electricity.

With the increase of voltage, a small and large discharge sound began to gradually appear, and then suddenly fell into silence at a certain second. The electromagnetic gun also suddenly slammed back. When there was a loud noise, the sound behind us The center of the gate suddenly sunk a large piece, but it didn't break or perforate, but Evrit didn't stop there. This time at a faster speed than the last time, it only paused for two seconds and a loud noise. There was a circle of smoke and dust on the ground around Fleet, and there was a sudden shock on the gate, and cement powder continued to fall on the surrounding cement wall.

After the second shot, Everett's electromagnetic gun began to bombard three shots at a rate of two seconds. In the thunder of the fourth shot, the door behind us made a sound that was significantly different from the previous one. I reached out to signal to Everett to wait first, then walked to the gate to take a look. At this time, the central department of the gate had turned red, as if it had just been removed from the steelmaking furnace, and the edge was even dripping with copper liquid. And in the center of this recessed part, a large hole about enough to be drilled by a person suddenly appeared.

I compared with the ok jewelry from Ivrit. I lifted my leg and kicked it on the edge of the red door. The burnt red door was missing a large piece under my foot, but there was an Rockets flew out. Apparently the people behind the door did not give up resistance.

The rocket passed through the hole in the door in the middle of my chest, but I completely ignored the rocket and carried the attack hard with an electromagnetic barrier. Then I backed up two steps to run up and suddenly leapt forward when I reached the hole. Both hands passed through the center of the big hole forward, and then the body passed through the hole lightly like a swimming fish. After landing, it rolled around on the ground to remove the impact and stood up again. Of course, my sudden entry immediately attracted intensive fire attacks, and there were two magnetic armor-piercing ammunition in the bullets and rockets flying around the sky. This thing can be used to greet the tank. But it was just right for us.

Bullets and rockets have no effect on me at all. The magnetic armor-piercing projectile exploded immediately after it flew in front of me. The dust billowed in the super-strong wind pressure channel brought by high explosives, but it did nothing for me.

Two heavy armored soldiers emerged from the opposite corridor, each holding a large gun with a rudimentary shape, and then blasted out a blue fire dragon at me. Immediately after the fire dragon fell on me, I was completely ignited, the flames soared into the sky, and spread to the roof until it spread to the surroundings. However, there was no use for eggs. I carried the flames like a demon out of **** and continued to move forward. The flame did not affect me at all.

Ye Yue and Ling later entered the gate one after another. Xiaochun looked at the wall and found a hidden control switch. In the past, he used his hands to directly insert the concrete wall to lift the outer cover off. Then he smashed the controller inside and pulled out a bunch of threads and himself. Connector. Xiaochun then fell into a stagnation state, but the lights in the base began to flicker, and the monitoring in the control room suddenly turned off. The next second, all facets changed to Xiaochun. Avatar.

"Hey, bugs, autumn is here. Are you ready for the annual death?" The base guards in front of the monitors all stood up, but all the appliances in the base suddenly burst out in the next second. It's gone, including the previous picture.

Xiaochun took off the wire and turned around and said, "Okay, let's go, now they are the same as us."

After burning out all the electrical appliances connected to the line in the base, the only remaining equipment is emergency equipment. These things only include emergency lights and some simple functions, which have little effect on defense.

After striding through the passage in front, I was worrying about the road in front of me. Xiaochun walked directly and said, "This side." Then he turned to a wall.

Little Japan has so many ideas. Obviously there are seven or eight roads here, but none of them is the right road. Instead, the right road is behind a wall. There are some sundries stacked in front of this wall. Normal people don't pay attention, but in fact these sundries are fixed on the wall. When the door needs to be opened, sundries will rise along with the wall to reveal the back passage. .

When Xiaochun invaded the system here, he got the topographic map by the way, so he went straight to the wall and grabbed the mop and raised it. After a click, the gate did not move. Xiaochun said awkwardly: "Sorry, I just burned the power circuit by accident!"

This door was originally electric, but now it can only be operated manually without electricity. Fortunately, she has just unlocked the locking device.

Together with Yeyue, I inserted my hand into the gap under the door and then forced upwards. The door of dozens of tons of cement mixed steel plate slowly rose under the strength of both of us. The movable device of this door has a self-locking device. If it is pushed up, it will not fall off without a drive device, so we just lift it up and put it there. Anyway, it will automatically stop there and will not restart. Come down.

When we walked through the front door, we saw a passage full of armed robots, and these armed robots have obviously all been counted into the activated state. After seeing us, these armed robots immediately started firing at us, and behind Armed robots even jumped up and hurled at us.

"The controllers have gone crazy?" I said helplessly as I watched the armed robot rushing up. Robots are actually not suitable for hand-to-hand combat. The reason everyone thinks that robots can fight is because the metal drive casing of the robot is obviously stronger than the structure of the human body. But in terms of the structure of the robot itself, these guys are actually more suitable for operating hot weapons rather than rushing up to fight the enemy. Of course, it doesn't matter how you deal with humans. Anyway, humans are weak chickens compared to robots. Even the champions of the Hercules competition are only weak chickens compared to robots. But we are obviously not, because we have a mechanical skeleton inside ourselves, plus the power armor on the outside, our power can be said to be a monster level.

The first armed robot that rushed up was grabbed by one leg and grabbed a leg, and rounded off several armed robots that jumped up behind her. Then she rushed directly into the armed robot army. I saw countless metal fragments flying around, and from time to time I could see a blue arc flashing, and the picture was full of violent aesthetics.

Yeyue, who killed no less than a thousand armed robots all the way, stood on the other side of the aisle and looked around to find out if you have any targets to start with, and Ling and I were busy assembling robots. That's right, it's assembly robots.

The dismantling of the armed robots is not fake, but not all of them are shattered. In fact, there are still a lot of intact parts. We dismantled the main components intact and pieced each other together to create a dozen mobile armed robots. Of course, the control system was slightly modified, and then we had a group of thugs.

The next part is not exhausted by us.

The Japanese have concentrated their resistance forces at the gate, and there are actually not many resistance forces here. Relying solely on armed robots made up of broken pieces will get the rest of the defense.

When we found the place we marked earlier, we saw an empty room. This was the place where the Japanese Prime Minister was detained. Of course, he was not the only one. In fact, there were really high-level Japanese personnel before here. At least one third of the senior Japanese government officials on the basic mountain surface were here, and the number exceeded at least one hundred.

These guys are controlled here, while the outside Japanese political situation is controlled by those secretive guys. The purpose of our coming here is probably also known to the other party, so when we found that we could not resist our invasion, we simply transferred all the people out.

I was planning to use the olfactory system to help find where those people had been moved. Suddenly, a small box popped up in the center of the line of sight, and then quickly zoomed into the upper left corner of the line of sight. You can see that this is the situation on the ground here. A line of military vehicles is heading outside the base in the picture. Apparently the person we are looking for has already appeared.

"Everett. Block them. The person we are looking for is in the car. Take care not to accidentally injure."

The image transmitted by Everett suddenly turned gray and white, and the car was translucent. In the middle, you can see the orange-red figure in the car. Obviously this is an infrared perspective picture.

After identifying the personnel, Everett immediately started, smashed directly through the steel wall of the warehouse, and rushed out to block the convoy leaving the road. The front four-wheeled armoured car fired wildly at Ivrit, but Ivrit rushed forward regardless of it.

The driver in the car watched Everit, who was rushing towards him, and immediately looked at the officer nearby and asked, "Dazuo!"

The officer next to him shouted in disguise: "Crash! Crush him!"

The soldiers were ordered to step down the throttle immediately, and they did not think that the robot in front of them would be stronger than the armored vehicle. Of course, this idea is theoretically correct. Because the robot has a moving structure, these joint points are all fragile parts, and the robot's body structure is not designed to resist impact, and it is structurally impossible to be stronger than the body. However, this is the normal case.

Although Everett also needs to abide by the laws of physics, it is because of the laws that he is actually much stronger than armored vehicles. Because Everett ’s body is made of shape and gold, the strength of the material offsets the structural strength. The disadvantages also surpassed a lot. In addition, Everett has an electromagnetic shield, this layer of protection belongs to the field of quantum science. There is a certain conflict with classic physics, but the addition of a protective cover does increase the strength, so Evrit is actually more porcelain than the armored car in front of it.

Although Evrit is dominant in terms of physical strength, Evrit does not plan to play a brutal collision with the opponent. Immediately before the two hit each other, Ivorite suddenly reached out and grabbed the side of the body, and then suddenly lifted. The front four-wheeled armored car rolled over and rolled towards the side. I didn't know after rolling all the way to the side lawn Is it the gasoline leak or the ammunition that went wrong, it exploded into a big fireball.

After lifting the armored car off the road, Everett rushed towards the front truck. The driver slammed in the direction and tried to dodge the past, but how could he drive away in such a short distance. With a boom, Eiffelt threw open arms against the front of the truck. Then there was a loud noise in front of the soles. Four sharp nails pierced the ground and locked the ground. The truck was completely stopped in an instant. Of course, the people in the car were miserable. There are still many people hitting their heads. Fortunately, the speed has not been mentioned yet, so no one hung up.

After stopping a car, Everett no longer cares about the car. Anyway, the front of the car is in a ghost shape and it is estimated that it can't drive. Leaving the car, Everett turned and rushed towards the team passing by. A truck hit the truck's head sideways and knocked it off the road. Then it grabbed the rear wheel of a truck that was about to rush past, and the tires burst into pieces. The unbalanced body leaned off the road. Although three vehicles were stopped, eight vehicles rushed over. Everett turned and chased behind the team for a few steps and found that the speed could not keep up. Two wheels popped under his feet, and then began to accelerate as if stepping on roller skates. He immediately jumped up the speed and left the base gate when the team left I finally caught up with the last car and grabbed the rear door panel and dragged it back. The body suddenly slammed, but the door was pulled down.

Without the gate, the **** soldiers in the car fired at Everett, and they were holding grenade guns. There was a bang in flames in front of Everett. But Everett rushed up at a constant speed and grabbed the trailer hook at the rear with both hands. This thing is not the same as the door panel. It is connected to the ground and is extremely strong.

After grabbing the load-bearing position, Everett suddenly pulled back. The body was a meal in an instant. One of the guys who shot the gun fell towards the front because of sudden inertia. As a result, the inexperienced recruit egg shot at the roof of the car when he fell. If he had an assault rifle, even a sniper rifle, but he was holding a grenade rifle. As a result, a grenade hit the roof of the car and exploded, instantly bringing down a large number of people near the door. Fortunately, most of the guards were near the door. Controlled government officials are crowded ahead.

Everett couldn't care about the casualties either. He pulled the car by pulling it, then lifted the tail of the car with one hand, and pinched the drive shaft under the car with his left hand. Even a truck with a rear wheel can be regarded as a great skill. You can only lie dead without a drive shaft.

Put down the truck and walk to the front to shoot the driver in the flat cab and kill the driver inside. Looking at the other seven cars in the distance, Everett can only helplessly guard the four cars that were stopped for our support. If he were to chase the people behind the car in front, he might not be able to keep it.

The out-of-control convoy fled and quickly disappeared into the surveillance area. At this time, a lawn in the base burst directly into a large hole, and Ling and I flew out of the hole. Walking too slowly from the gate, we simply opened a skylight and came out.

We are all aware of the outside situation through the real-time broadcast of Everett, so there was no pause, and we just pulled away and rushed to the sky. It can be seen from the sky that the team has not left our surveillance range, and immediately adjusted its direction and stuck it down.

The four wheels couldn't run the wings anyway. We almost caught up with the fleet in an instant, but at this time the fleet actually changed from seven cars to a dozen cars. At least five armored cars came from other gates. Drive out and join the team.

"Remove obstacles."

I ordered us in the dive to throw out a row of missiles, accurately blast all the armored vehicles into pieces, and the team reverted back to the state of only seven trucks.

After finishing the armored car, we continued to make a rush. I rammed the driver ’s cab directly from the side. After I was killed in the cab, I grabbed the front of the vehicle and took the whole body in the air for half a circle to place it on the ground. Later, they also got three cars according to the gourd, and now there are only three cars left in the seven-car fleet.

Looking at a car that I wanted to drive past me, I turned around and passed the car, then raised my right arm, the missile launcher bounced, and a blasting bomb chased up from behind and drilled into the bottom of the car. After driving, the whole truck jumped up a bit and then rolled out of control. The people in the car may be guilty of some crime, but they must not die.

The remaining two cars were a little messy because the car in front of them suddenly overturned. One of them also rolled over, and the other ran over, but Yeyue didn't know when it was standing in the middle of the road. There was no suspense, and the last car was paralyzed.

The clearing of the car is not troublesome, and rolling over has saved us a lot of things. In the end, except for the idiot soldier who shot a grenade into the roof and killed two government officials, there were only injured people in the other cars. However, when we gathered these people together, we got a news that made us very angry.

"The Prime Minister is not here?"

A government official entangled with India ’s Asan said: "The Prime Minister was indeed with us before, but he was transferred as soon as you started attacking the base. Now we don't know where to go! "

"This bastard, please try to trouble me!" Although I was so annoyed that I didn't find the Prime Minister of Japan, I can't help finding it now. I turned to this guy and asked, "Which departments can you control now? The international community hopes that you can resume Japan's military and political management as soon as possible. Where can you get the most control right now?"

The guy thought for a moment and said, "It would be nice if the Prime Minister were here, but now ..."


"You can send us to the headquarters of the navy. The Japanese navy is controlled by the Americans and will not be so easily manipulated by internal forces. This is the rule established after the last defeat. So since you represent the international community, as long as the Americans If we are willing to step in, we can quickly integrate the strength of the navy. As for land ... it may take the Emperor to come forward. "

"Mikado? Isn't he ignoring government affairs?"

"But the Emperor is still the leader of China's military and political affairs in name!"

I nodded and said, "I see. You go to the car over there, and I will take you to the American naval base ~ ~ After that they will assist you. I will find a way to rescue the emperor or the prime minister Come out and talk! "

"Thank you very much!" The guy took a bunch of Japanese officials and bowed deeply, then obediently went to a truck with a crashed cab next to it. Although more than a hundred people are very crowded in a car, they are not free now.

Yeyue and I, the four of them grabbed the four corners of the body and flew directly with the car. They landed at the nearest U.S. military base ten minutes later. We have been informed here long ago that a group of military officers and medical staff are already waiting here. After a brief handover, we immediately proceeded from this side. There are still two key figures who must be held in hand, otherwise Japan will really mess up.

Although there are two options for rescue, at present it seems that one can start, because the Japanese Prime Minister does not know where those people are going. Although the son-in-law can control any networked camera in the world, the problem is Even so, there is no guarantee of monitoring every angle, so it will take time to find the Japanese Prime Minister. But the Japanese emperor was much easier to find, because he was participating in an event, and there were live broadcasts by reporters. What's more important is that the place is only fifty kilometers away from us. It takes less than three minutes to fly over.

"If you can't find the Prime Minister, get the Emperor back first, as long as you can stabilize the Japanese political situation." (To be continued.)

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