Starting from Zero

Vol 23 Chapter 25: substitute

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This group of people are definitely rabbits. The cunning rabbits' three caves are fully played by them, and they have a strong sense of danger. Every time I touch the vicinity of the Japanese Prime Minister, the other party will immediately transfer them, but I do n’t believe them. The secret strongholds can be used indefinitely, and they are always removed by me.

Looking at the team below, I started diving without hesitation. This time, the other party seemed to have learned a lesson and used five civilian vehicles to transfer the Japanese Prime Minister, instead of using military vehicles or armoured vehicles in the past.

Because these people did not attend the show at the Rothschild family estate, they were not clear about our abilities. So according to ordinary people's ideas, these guys initially used tanks, armored vehicles and armed off-road vehicles to transport the Japanese Prime Minister, because the **** team is undoubtedly very safe in the perception of normal people. However, in the face of our overwhelming destructive power, tanks and civilian vehicles are actually not much different, and their shells cannot stop our attacks anyway. However, in comparison, civilian vehicles are faster and more concealed, and can be mixed into the traffic stream to avoid detection. Therefore, in the course of confronting us, civilian vehicles are actually more practical than tanks. Just like now, if instead of using civilian vehicles to transfer the Japanese Prime Minister, but continue to use tanks or armored vehicles, then we must have found the target long ago.

The five civilian vehicles running at this time looked very ordinary. It started with a family recreational vehicle, followed by two family cars, neither of which was a luxury model and looked almost indistinguishable from the traffic flow around it. Behind it is a large SUV. The black body is quite small, but it is still a civilian car. The last light-duty box truck was also printed with "Jiahua Delivery" on the side. At first glance, it was a commercial vehicle. Most people would never think that all five vehicles were armed.

After lowering the height, I gradually approached the team, and then the rear door of the last van suddenly opened. An armed man was half-knelt at the back of the car, carrying a surface-to-air missile launcher on his shoulder. Then suddenly pulled the trigger. Almost regardless of the order of the two missiles, they flew up with white smoke, then slammed into my power armor, and then exploded.

I didn't do any evasion, but suddenly gave the most power before the impact. As a result, I felt my body vibrate a bit, and then returned to normal. As soon as my consciousness moved, a green equipment sketch was opened in the upper right corner of the line of sight, and then one-by-one pop-up status reports of the devices in various areas quickly retracted, taking two seconds. The self-test of the whole body equipment is completed, and the screen is green without any problems.

"Does this atomic armor work well?"

Although my power armor was originally not afraid of missiles, it was true that there would be a progress indicator when being attacked, telling me how much metal fatigue occurred in the equipment shell, and sometimes if I was hit by an anti-tank missile, I could still see Tips for slight deformation of the armor. But this time there was nothing. The hardness of the atomic armor is beyond imagination, it is invincible.

After passing through the flames of the explosion, I smashed in directly from the back door of the van. A juxtaposed six-tube Vulcan artillery shot at me at the door. The horrible rate of fire of the Vulcan Cannon hits an orange-red light and shadow, but even at a distance of less than one meter. Vulcan artillery was still unable to penetrate my atomic armor, and no damage was even reported on my screen.

After deliberately standing at the door for two seconds, I confirmed that the close-range firing of the Vulcan Cannon was useless to me and I walked up. Extend one hand to grab one of the barrels, and then apply a little force. The deformed Vulcan artillery exploded instantly, and several people behind were frightened.

One guy reacted and raised the grenade gun in his hand and aimed at me as a grenade. With a loud bang, the rear panel of the train was lifted off, but I came out of the smoke from the explosion with a flame of fire. Turning his head to look at the shooter, he stretched out his right hand and pinched his neck, his fingers were slightly hard. With a click, the guy's struggling body softened instantly.

Throwing the corpse casually and proceeding forward, grabbed the guy who operated the Vulcan gun and pinched it and threw it away, and then found that the two guys who had previously launched the missile again carried the missile launcher loaded with ammunition and aimed at me again Pulled the trigger.

This time they did not use air-to-air missiles. Instead, the anti-tank warhead was replaced. After the missile launched, one of them hit me directly on the chest, and the other hit my face. Of course it's across the helmet.

Boom ... The two explosions sounded almost at the same time. The lower carriage was completely finished, and the whole car swayed on the road. Both the missile-launching guy and the rest were directly killed by the shockwave, but I was not injured except by taking a step back by the power of the explosion. The defensive power of the atomic armor was indeed the same as the pilgrim leader said, and it was completely indestructible.

After restoring balance from the explosion, I walked directly behind the car. A punch was inserted through the rear window, grabbing the driver's head and dragging it out. The out-of-control body immediately crashed into the side rails. I dropped the guy and jumped out. Then I stepped on the front hood of the SUV. The front of this car smashed by the huge weight suddenly smashed the mud down, then the body erected forward because of inertia, and flew directly over my head.

Taking advantage of the body flying overhead, I directly supported the roof with both hands, and then used my strength. The body immediately flew out, and then crashed into the roof of the private car in front. The two vehicles exploded together, then rushed down the highway with flames and crashed into a drainage ditch on the side of the road.

Opened his wings again and took off again, soon catching up with the private car in front. Although it is out of the new Tokyo area and the speed of the other party has been increased to 200 kilometers per hour, this speed is still too slow for me. After easily catching up with this car, I did not start directly, because the perspective scan showed that the Japanese Prime Minister was in the car. If I dismantle it directly, the Japanese Prime Minister will be very dangerous. So I let go of the car and rushed towards the family RV in front, but before I got closer, the sunroof of that car opened first.

A man got out of the sunroof with a very strange weapon on his shoulder. This thing, like the bazooka, needs to be carried on the shoulder, but it is larger than the bazooka, and the front launch tube is slightly longer.

After aiming at me, the guy immediately pulled the trigger and snorted. A mass of blue slime flew over. I'm not afraid to see this. It is actually a plasma gun, and my atomic energy armor is not afraid of plasma at all.

Plasma bomb attacks mainly come from two points-high temperature and current. The current will not be said. I'm an expert at playing electricity. I don't dare to touch the electric current of that kind of ultra-high voltage transformer. The general electric current doesn't make any sense to me. Oh no. It can't be said to be meaningless, at least it can charge me. But to say hurt ... it's really impossible.

As for the high temperature ...

Atomic energy armor itself is constantly undergoing internal nuclear reactions and continuous reverse nuclear reactions. The time interval of this process is infinitely close to zero, so all the substances in atomic energy armor. In theory, it has always been in a semi-free state. In this state, you have no way to say what form it is, whether it is solid, or gaseous, because the atomic energy armor is constantly changing back and forth between the two states, and the switching frequency is amazingly fast.

This state of atomic energy armor determines that it will not be affected by high temperatures in the usual sense, unless the temperature is high enough to have a direct impact on the nuclear reaction, such as greatly speeding up the nuclear reaction rate in local areas, resulting in the circulating chain inside the atomic energy armor. There is a disconnect, which can destroy atomic energy armor, but in fact this local high temperature is generated. No temperature difference of tens of millions of degrees is impossible. Although the plasma bomb is very hot, it is not strong enough to produce an instantaneous temperature difference of tens of millions of degrees. Therefore, plasma bombs have virtually no effect on atomic energy armor.

I was stunned by the plasma. I just wiped it with my hand and continued to chase forward. The guy who opened the gun almost didn't drop his jaw. But I didn't wait for him to respond before I arrived. Grab the guy with one hand and pull it out of the carriage, then throw it out of the road, and the guy banged into a big tree on the roadside and broke the big tree, of course, he himself broken.

After throwing this guy away, I ran into the car twice with the plasma cannon he had just held. The body suddenly ignited a fire, and then burst out of the road with a loud explosion.

80% of the team was removed in an instant, and the rest of the Japanese Prime Minister's car was still running wild. At this point the car had turned off the intercity highway. Driving down the road, but I landed directly in front of the car.

The guy next to the driver shouted to let the driver kill me, but the driver was still rational and wanted to avoid me in a dozen directions. It's a pity he wanted to avoid me but didn't want to avoid it. Actively panned half a step, blocking the way of the car, then I opened my hands and banged against the head of the car. The entire car stopped instantly under a severe impact, the anti-collision airbags inside the car were all opened, and the body jumped up. But I went back under pressure.

When the upturned tail fell to the ground, I came out of the severely deformed front. When he came to the back of the car, he stretched his head and glanced, then put his left hand on the door and pulled it out. I squeaked the door directly and tossed it aside, grabbing the dizzy guy near the door with my right hand and dragging it out like the door.

After throwing this guy away, I saw the Japanese Prime Minister in the middle. Reaching out to grab his arm and trying to pull it out, the other person seemed conscious. Although he was a little dazed, he took the initiative to help my arm climb out, and I was quickly got out of the car.

I thought this was a complete mission, but what I did n’t expect was that the “Prime Minister of Japan”, who had been lowering his head and crawling along my strength, suddenly hugged me when I left the door. Like a koala bear, the whole person hung on me, and it was at this instant that I suddenly discovered the problem.

This guy turned out to be a young man, looking up to thirty years old, but although the Japanese Prime Minister is also a young man, he is almost fifty years old, and his sons are almost the same as the guy in front of him. The guy I saw with my eyes was completely a young man, and after he crawled on me, his weight did not match the weight of the Prime Minister of Japan, which means that this guy was not the Prime Minister of Japan at all. But even more strange is that even now, my electronic scan results still show that this guy is the Prime Minister of Japan.

Just when I was wondering why this happened, the guy holding me suddenly clicked on a small device in his hand, and the data of this guy in my electronic scan instantly became with me I saw the same state in my eyes. The previous second also showed the first reminder from Japan. The next second suddenly turned into a stranger. At the same time, in my scan, I finally scanned all the details of the whole body of this guy. .

This guy was wearing a one-piece camouflage suit under his clothes. This thing is not a camouflage suit for visual deception, but an electronic camouflage suit, which can generate interference waves and allow infrared, electromagnetic and other detection equipment to detect false data that the other party wants you to detect. It can be said that this thing can hardly be recognized by electronic reconnaissance equipment unless it is observed at close range, but the popularity of this thing is not very high.

As a result, this thing is quite bulky and it is not suitable for combat personnel. Secondly, the cost of this gadget is very high, and it is afraid of EMP attacks ~ ~ The cost-effective is amazing. Finally, and the biggest reason is that this thing simply cannot erase the signal and make the wearer invisible in front of the electronic device, it can only confuse the audiovisual. Therefore, this gadget is meaningless on the battlefield. Only agents who need to face electronic detection equipment can use it, but because this clothes is very heavy, it is easy to see the problem under the clothes, so the agents will not use them. this thing. In this way, this thing is almost useless. But I finally found out what it really does.

This thing is simply the best camouflage suit for the replacement of important leaders, because important leaders definitely don't need to run action. They don't have to worry about the clothes being too heavy when they are run by bodyguards. The enemy generally does not chase particularly close, and usually can only be tracked with electronic equipment in the distance, so there is no problem of being seen by the naked eye. In this way, this thing is completely suitable for the substitutes of those important people, and can completely deceive the detection equipment.

The Japanese thought was really unique, and actually found this use. But I have to admit that it is really easy to use, because I was completely deceived.

Of course, as the camouflage clothing was closed, I not only found the camouflage equipment on him, but also found another thing, the same thing I saw in the information transmitted to me by the leader of the pilgrim.

"Nima ... Space Grenade!" (To be continued.)

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