Starting from Zero

Vol 23 Chapter 42: Mass production combat biological weapon

"What is this?" The monster in front of us made us all stupid on the spot. √∟,

Yeyue looked at the monster in front of him and asked, "Did I get the wrong script? Didn't I say it was disaster relief? Why did a monster come out?"

"Regardless of what it is, put it down first." I said that I had already run up and rushed up, and the person with his right hand in the charge was already pulling out the sword from his waist. Fortunately, I brought a sabre to cut some obstacles, otherwise it would be really difficult to have only one pistol on my body.

The robot dog sensed our approach and immediately connected to the psychic network, and then began to cooperate with us to surround the monster, and I rushed up without a word.

The shape of this thing is not particularly strange. In fact, the thing is a big spider. The only problem is that it is really too big.

The size of this spider is almost equal to the size of our walking tank. There are eight sickle-like long legs under the huge body, plus the pair of huge mouthparts. This is a standard monster template!

Seeing me rushing up, Xiaochun was rather relaxed and asked Ling around him: "Do you think this thing is an abnormal mutant caused by radiation? After all, this place is a uranium mine, and the mutation is also very unusual. Is it normal? "

"There are so many uranium mines all over the world. When did you see a two-story spider?" After Ling said, he knocked on Xiaochun and said, "Don't go astray. In the past, the owner is easy to lose."

"No need, just let me come." Yeyue said, rushing up with a pair of swords like a gust of wind.

Ye Yue is the only one in our group who likes to use double swords, and her fighting skills are also the best. As soon as I rushed in front of the spider monster, it was attacked by the spider monster. Although the volume of this thing is very large, the movement is not slow at all. When I saw me approaching, I immediately supported the front half of my body. Then poked at me with two sickle-like forelimbs.

When I saw the slashed blade, I quickly pushed the forearm part of the left hand to the front, and a blue barrier was unfolded. The next second, the spider's blade stabbed on the blue protective barrier and stirred up a blue. I have been pushed back by huge powers even after taking a few steps backwards to stabilize my figure. This shows how much power this guy has reached.

When I stood against the spider monster, the robot dogs on both sides immediately rushed up, and stepped on the spider monster's long legs and jumped on the guy's body. These are all military robots. The teeth in the mouth are high-frequency vibrating blades, and the cutting ability is one level of my sword. Immediately after jumping up, the robot dog began to make a random bite on the spider monster, and instantly opened a lot of mouths on this guy.

The painful spider monster made a sharp scream and desperately stepped back to hit the wall to get the robot dog on its back, but the feature of the robot dog is flexibility. After discovering the spider monster's intention, he jumped down directly. Then Yeyue waved his two swords to kill him. He only missed two legs of the spider monster when he heard two noises.

The broken leg weird screamed and turned and used his forelimbs to poke at Yeyue, but a gunshot sounded behind us, and Yeyue shot out one of the guy's eyes. In the scream, the spider monster missed the target, and Yeyue cut off the two most aggressive forelegs of the spider monster with two swords.

The spider monster that lost its four legs can still maintain its balance. I have to say how good the legs are! However, Yeyue was unreasonable. The whole person rolled over the spider monster's body like a whirlwind. The remaining long legs were cut off three times, five divided by two, and the spider monster became one in the blink of an eye. The body's spider ball, although still looking very fierce, has no threat at all. After all, it can't move except it can roll on the ground.

I walked to a pool of blood from the spider monster, and then squatted down. A simple scan of the blood sample was performed by a pop-up test tool on my wrist, and soon I saw the results of the analysis.

"I rely!"

The test results are quite amazing. This thing is not a mutation product, because the radiation value in its body is not as high as that on the body surface, indicating that the radiation contaminated on it is contaminated immediately after arriving here. In addition, this thing's in vivo genes are very stable, which is not characteristic of mutants. It is the product of long-term evolution. In addition, let us know that the most unusual feature of this thing is that its gene chain is a right-handed structure.

The human gene chain is a left-handed double-helix structure, and the organisms on the earth are basically the same left-handed structure, but the DNA of this thing is right-handed, which means that 80% of them are not the native people of the earth.

"I thought it was a mutant. I didn't expect it to be an alien monster!" Said Tao.

The next eight guides did not respond until this time, and one of them asked, "What's the situation? You say this thing is an alien monster?"

Xiaochun turned back: "Yes. DNA analysis shows that the gene of this thing does not belong to the earth, it should be an alien creature."

"There are no meteorites here, how can there be ..." The wizard asked halfway and got stuck because he suddenly reacted. Before the landslide below, an alien relic was dug, and if this thing is an alien creature ... "Is it in the relic?" He just shook his head and said, "Impossible! The spaceship has been in use for so many years. It can be understood that the performance of the material is good, but how can the organism survive in this environment without food and oxygen? And so many years! "

"It's about asking itself."

We were talking about Yeyue but suddenly came over carrying a spider's leg. I was trying to ask her what she did with the spider's leg. I didn't expect her to just hand over the spider's leg. I looked at it in confusion, and found that there was actually text behind the medial joint of the spider leg, and the most unacceptable thing was that the text was actually engraved on a piece of metal. As for the metal piece, it was directly made by some process. Embedded in a hard shell on the spider's legs, like a house number inlaid on a wall.

"Nima, this thing is actually a mass production model!" Looking at the creator text above, I finally understood the usefulness of this thing.

The metal plate said that what was written was actually very simple, and the translation was: "74-type combat tarantula. The Sandam Arsenal was produced in the era 117xxxx."

Obviously, this thing is a biological weapon, and it is a mass-produced model, because the production batch has reached more than eight thousand and nine thousand, more terrible is that this is still out of the 773 production line, which means that at least the front There are 772 production lines. If so count. The yield of this thing is quite scary.

After thinking for a while, I opened the Mind Network and tried to contact the headquarters. It turned out that the signal interference was very strong, but it became clear immediately after switching to the dark matter communication mode. Sure enough, dark matter communication is much more reliable than electromagnetic waves, at least not affected by radiation.

Soon I got the signal from the pilgrim leader and sent the picture of the thing in front of me.

"Do you know this thing?"

The leader of the pilgrim immediately responded. "The creator ’s combat tarantula and cannon fodder have the advantage of being cheap. With biochemical spores, they can directly perform orbital airborne. Before the war starts, they can lose millions of them. When the war starts, they can reduce the enemy ’s combat power by at least 30%. . But why did you come across this thing? It shouldn't be found here! "

"We have found a dozen of you pilgrims on the planet with a total population of less than 100 million. Do you think it is strange to find one or two for such a thing that has millions of inputs?"

"No, no, no," said the leader of the pilgrim. "The situation is different from what you think. We are stuck in the gaps in the space, and our life is very long. Generally speaking, we will not be that way. It is easy to hang out. But this tarantula is a disposable consumable, and it is a very mature biological weapon. They have no reproductive ability, and there are restrictions on the genes. After being manufactured, they are put on the battlefield and used for a period of time. There will be a gene collapse phenomenon. To maintain their own existence, they must constantly be supplemented with special proteins. They cannot synthesize this protein themselves. However, the first batch of death rates are generally high in combat, and the remaining ones can be eaten. The companion's corpse was dropped to supplement this protein, so there is basically no need to worry about the effects of insufficient protein during the battle, but the Atlantis crash that year has been very long, even if they swallow each other, it is impossible to support it to this day, and if If there is no battle. No one will supplement special protein for these guys. So it should never be Live so long. "

"So what's the situation now?"

"I don't know." The pilgrim leader said as if he remembered something. "That's right. I remember this thing also has an electronic hub. You can try to force it, maybe you can find the reason."

"This thing uses the same electronic hub as us?"

"It's not as advanced as you, it's an ordinary control unit that makes these guys' behavior look a little more sane. This kind of thing is designed for combat. Without a controller, it will immediately become a killer, if it is in the earth ecosystem If you lose one, you can kill all large and medium-sized animals in a large area in a month. "

"Do I deserve to be said to be a biochemical weapon?" I said as I climbed up the back of the thing. Sure enough, there is a very small metal disc behind the head of this gadget. As long as you reach out and touch it, it will automatically open, and then a connector that looks a bit like a fire pipe is exposed, but I do n’t have that kind of connector, only a universal connection Fortunately, it can also be docked.

The leader of the pilgrim is right, the control center of this gadget is super simple, without cracking, directly entering the military code automatically connects successfully. But think about it, just like no one would install a lock on a rifle and leave a keyhole, this kind of gadget is a consumable, and the retainer is super short, and it is hard to encrypt it when you have a bad brain. Besides, the enemy will not infiltrate the electronic control center of this thing, even if it successfully invades the control? Thousands of them are thrown away, does it make sense for you to control them? That effort is not as convenient as a shot. Therefore, it is not impossible to encrypt, but it is unnecessary.

After successfully hacking into it, I was connected to the control center of this thing. In addition to a menu that is as simple as the function selection interface of the game console, there are only some log files and so on.

There are very few memory units for this thing, but this is relative to the creator's technology. Although compared with other computing units, the memory unit of this gadget can be said to be very shabby, but it is still extremely huge. At least all the network resources on the earth are now concentrated, and this memory can hold at least half of it. You can imagine how much this storage is.

From there I quickly turned to the information I needed.

This spider monster has indeed been produced for a long time. The reason why it hasn't died until now is because someone ... It should be said that something has lifted its limit.

The fighting tarantula does not have a special protein synthesis mechanism and requires external supplementation to survive, but this fighting tarantula has been subjected to secondary gene modulation. This defect has been repaired and renewable genes have been added. No matter how big the damage will slowly grow back. In a sense, this is considered immortal.

The reason why this monster is adjusted is because ... self-rescue.

With the Atlantis, which is our fourth special zone, there are many spacecraft that crashed the earth together. uukanshu. It is not surprising that some of them were equipped with general-purpose combat biological weapons. After the crash, one of the spacecrafts found itself stuck in the ground, so it released a combat tarantula to dig itself out. This is the fighting tarantula responsible for digging. Unfortunately, the crust in this place is very unstable. It has been sinking before, so the spacecraft has not been dug out, but the sinking has stabilized in recent centuries, so the wolf The spider finally began to expand the space around the spacecraft a little bit. But ... unfortunately, I just dug up a little bit of space. I didn't expect that a landslide happened when the earthquake happened again, so the spacecraft was buried again. As a result, this tarantula was actually blocked outside the spacecraft. Can't go back.

"So it is." Of course I shared it with Ling after reading this information. After reading it, I briefly talked to the guides. This group was also very surprised.

This tarantula is not incapable of returning, but it cannot return in a short time. It is very good at digging. It was a pity that it was trapped here after the landslide. It had just dug a little aisle and did not return to the battleship, but accidentally dug into the mine tunnel. It happened to run into those robot dogs.

The robot dog's identification program quickly determined that the tarantula was a threatening unit, and the battle broke out. This is the cause of the battle we saw before. (To be continued ...) u

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