Starting from Zero

Vol 7 Chapter 31: Victory breakthrough

Both duplicators think that the other party is the enemy. Anyway, no one knows the true or false right now, just keep fighting. I have enjoyed watching it. Although I can watch them fight, there is another problem that I cannot help others. One can't tell whether it's true or false, and the other is that I'm sure I'll show up.

The melee is still going on. Both sides are replicas, and their attributes are the same. It ’s really harder and harder to decide the winner! Suddenly the two replicas used the magic dragon to puncture the heart at the same time, both sides shot at the same time, the two steel guns staggered each other and hit each other at the same time. boom! There was a sound like a water polo explosion, and the two of them exploded at the same time. Immediately after the explosion of the two clones, two clouds of smoke disappeared into the air, and even their weapons and armor disappeared together. This change stunned everyone around.

I made a V gesture around. "Hey! The two duplicators were killed!" When I said this, my eyes were always staring at the two roses, only for a moment, one of them laughed, and the other showed a slightly disappointed expression. This slight change was immediately caught by me. "It's you!" I pointed at the rose with a disappointed expression and threw the spear violently. The rose was hit by the magic dragon gun with no response at all, and a spear pierced her body and flew her out together and nailed it firmly to the ground behind.

"You ...!" The rose I nailed to the ground pointed at what I wanted to say, but she exploded into smoke before disappearing into the air, and only my dragon gun was nailed to the ground. Swaying.

Rose gave me a thumbs up and then returned to me. "You are so cruel!"

"what happened?"

"Have you gotten your hands on that? Although it is fake, it looks the same as me after all!"

"I call the enemy and me distinct."

"What do you mean I am an enemy?"

"How dare you! I mean you are your own and that is the enemy. Although you look the same, I can still distinguish between me and my enemy."

"It's almost the same." Rose pointed to the pets who were still fighting, "What about these?"

"It's easy." Called Fenglong to open the special space. "Lucky, come back soon."

This trick is absolutely easy to use. I am so lucky to be able to enter the special agency space. But what I didn't expect was that a mirror image of Fenglong suddenly appeared in the mirror. He immediately rushed to mingle with my Fenglong, and the two special agency spaces couldn't figure out which one was true. Fortunately, he didn't dare to drill.

I said ruthlessly. "Feng Long, let out the tank."

The phoenix who stabbed each other actually made a tank like my phoenix, and now the two big bugs are mixing face to face. I said to them both: "Tank, bombard with magic crystal, and die with them."

After speaking, I pulled the rose and flashed out of the room from the entrance. The tank opened its body to prepare for shelling, and the fake tank on the opposite side also pretended to prepare for shelling. Anyway, the mirror image of Rose and I were both killed, and other magic pets could not run away with their mirror image. The room was so small that as soon as the tank opened fire, the entire room was gone. By that time, all the magic pets are dead, including those mirror images. As long as the mirrors are cleaned up, Rose and I can come back and study the mirror conveniently.

刚 As soon as the two of us flashed out, the tank fired. We just felt the room shake violently outside the door, and when we came back, the room fell to the magic pet. Fortunately, the plague was still alive, and their mirror images were killed. The tank itself was fine, but his mirror was dead. This is mainly because the tank is standing at the corner of the room and the mirror is in the middle of the room.

These three magic pets and the two of us are now in the room. Rose uses group recovery to help them heal their injuries. Just now the artillery hit Fenglong also hung up, the summoning space could not be opened for the time being, so they had to wait here first.

I said to the mirror: "Hey, tortoise. Your super treasures haven't been able to treat me, it's your turn."

"You ... don't be arrogant. You can't get in even if you can't find the entrance."

虽然 Although this guy's mouth is not convinced, but his voice has obviously started to stutter, he will still be afraid. I looked around the room and said, "The entrance is so easy to find. I don't even have to know that the entrance must be behind the mirror."

"You ... you're not right. Hah ... haha ​​... ha!" This guy was so afraid of death that he pretended to do it, I guessed wrong, and it was really stupid to even make this intermittent laughter.

I walked to the mirror and looked closely at it. This thing is huge, and it will take many people to move, but I dare not use the space gate to summon the Yalong cavalry. I know the characteristics of the mirror in the recent battle. First of all, the person copied from this mirror has exactly the same attributes as the original body. Second, attacking the mirror is useless, and the only result is another mirror of the attacker. Just now everyone else had only one mirror, but I appeared two myself because I attacked the mirror. If I attack the mirror now, I will definitely make another copy of me. The third characteristic of mirrors is that there are limitations to reproduction. This mirror must be copied to a person only once in a certain period of time. Unless the person attacks the mirror, it cannot be copied again. If it can be copied multiple times, my copy person should not be able to finish it, and it should not be destroyed as it is now. The tanks, luck, and plague over there are also the same, and if they can be copied infinitely, they will definitely be refreshed again.

Since I know these characteristics, I can't open the space door rashly. Neither the Ringtone Cavalry nor the Yalong Cavalry has been copied. If I put them out now to help move the mirror, I will definitely run out a lot of mirror images of the Yalong Cavalry and the Ringtone Cavalry. It seemed that the only way was to wait for luck and the plague to recover and help move the mirror. But I don't know how long it takes for this mirror to recover. If it takes longer, it can copy us again.

I waited for a long time. Fortunately, they finally recovered almost. Fortunately, the recovery time of the mirror seemed to be longer than ours. I commanded two dragons to remove the giant mirror from the wall. As soon as the mirror left the wall, all the gems on the frame were extinguished, and the transparent mirror surface instantly turned gray and no longer reflected.

"How did this happen?" I looked strangely looking at the mirror that suddenly lost its luster, wouldn't such a powerful thing break down so easily?

Rose looked at the mirror and said, "It seems to have lost its magic!"

Lucky also said, "I can't feel the magic of the mirror fluctuating, it seems that I have completely lost my life."

The plague looked at me and said, "Would you like to try it back?"

I nodded. "Just go back and try."

The two dragons carefully connected the mirror back to its original position, and as soon as the mirror touched the wall, it seemed to be restored to life. All the gems light up at the same time, becoming devastating. The gray mirror surface suddenly turned on and became a reflective mirror surface.

Rose seems to see something. "This mirror may belong to a city defense facility and needs magic crystal power pipes to provide energy. There must be magic crystal power pipes in the wall behind it."

"So this thing is not a single-use equipment?"

"Such a powerful thing will definitely not be used by a single person, otherwise no one will be an opponent as long as you hold it."

I nodded. "That's it!" This thing can copy the image of the enemy, and the attributes are exactly the same. No matter who it is, fighting with your own mirror, even if you can win in the end, you will surely have lost half of your life. At this time, someone will make up for it and it will be over. But the properties of this thing seem to be too strong as a city defense facility! Put this thing on the wall, the enemy sieges 100,000 people, it also copies 100,000 mirror images, the other party can't attack in any case!

Rose let plague and luck take the mirror down again, and then let me see the properties of the mirror. I went over and tried it, and it really turned on the properties. It turned out that even if the mirror was robbed when it was removed from the wall, it is now held by two dragons, and I am the master of the dragon, so I am also the master of the mirror.

属性 At this point, you can fully understand the attributes. "So this is ah!"

Rose anxiously asked me: "What attributes do you see? Tell me!"

"This mirror is indeed a city defense facility, just like the magic crystal cannon. Its function is to copy enemy personnel. But its use is not the same as we think."

"How is it different?"


"This thing is not used to copy a large number of enemies to fight, but is used to copy enemy leaders to destroy it. Did n’t you just guess that these duplicators can eavesdrop on the private chat system? Really let you guess, copy People do have this function, which is mainly for the convenience of sabotage and infiltration operations. You think that when you fight, there is always chaos. There is a duplicator who pretends to be a coach or a senior officer. Those soldiers ca n’t tell. I don't think the people around me are fake. "

Rose said excitedly: "These duplicators are so powerful that they can be mixed in even by the player team."

"I wo n’t estimate it, but I am sure. When the dummies just impersonated, were n’t the two of us able to tell whether it was true or false? They can eavesdrop on chats and read the information that the players around them are thinking. There are these two. Function, it's easy to cheat players. "

"That's what it said." Rose reminded me again, "What's next?"

"Properties say that these clones can penetrate into the enemy, issue false orders to disturb the enemy, or assassinate the opponent's coach."

Rose nodded again: "Well! It can be true. These duplicators can deceive the player, issuing fake orders is definitely OK. There should be no problem with the assassination. Once it is long, it can be mixed into the opponent's camp with a big swing. It is certainly impossible to prevent a character from being suddenly attacked by someone with the same strength as himself. "

Just now, we have few people, and we obviously saw the copy people. If on the battlefield, the duplicator conducts a surprise attack, then it is definitely not an opponent. The strength of the two sides is exactly the same, one without alert and the other prepared. The result is very easy to guess.

"Is there a limit to this thing?" Rose asked.

"Yes. There are many restrictions! The first is that the copy target must be reflected by a mirror to copy. The reflection distance of this mirror is 8 kilometers, which means that the target must be within 180 degrees in front of the mirror and not more than 8 meters away from the mirror. Kilometers, all targets within this range can be copied. Also, only one mirror can be copied for a target. After the mirror is copied, it has nothing to do with the real body. The mirror image of the death of the copyee will not disappear, and the mirror will also disappear. There is no time limit, as long as it is not destroyed, it can exist forever. If the image is destroyed, as long as the target is within the reflection range of the mirror, it can be copied again, but the interval between two copies must be greater than 12 hours. "

怪 "It's strange that after the two of our mirrors are destroyed, no new mirrors continue to appear! There was a limit to the interval!"

恩 "Well. There is still below. The mirror image copied by the mirror is maintained by the magic of the mirror, and the mirror needs external power to operate."

Rose said: "No wonder it turned black as soon as it was taken off the wall."

"The attribute says that the mirror determines the number of supported mirrors based on the amount of input energy obtained, but it can only support up to 49 mirrors at the same time."

"There is a limit to the number for a long time! I knew you would release your Yalong cavalry all the time."

"That's it! I thought I could copy infinitely at first!"

"What else is written in the attribute?"

"It is also said that the energy of the mirror comes from the power of the city. Once the mirror leaves the urban pipeline connection, it will immediately lose its effect. The mirror image that has been copied will also disappear immediately. Also, this mirror cannot be destroyed at all. It ignores all energy attacks, all attacking energy. Will be reflected. Although physical attacks will not reflect, they will pass through the mirror and enter the mirror. Moreover, the person who attacks the mirror will have an extra mirror image. This extra mirror image does not require energy support, and each attack will have multiple Mirroring will not increase until it reaches 100. "

"I don't think most people can survive the 100th attack. With two or three mirrors, you can kill yourself!"

"Although mirrors generated by attacking mirrors do not require mirror support, they need real body support. Once the attacker dies, these mirrors will disappear together."

"That's fine too." Rose stroked the edge of the mirror. "What a good thing! Hey?" Rose suddenly turned to the back of the mirror. "Zuri, come and see."

I quickly followed. It turns out that the reverse side of the mirror is also a mirror side, but the area is smaller than the front side, and there are not so many gems on the frame.

"What is this? Is it written on the attribute?" Rose asked me.

"It doesn't seem to be." I have just turned off the properties, and this will open again to confirm. "Strange, why are the attributes different?"

"What attributes are different?"

I ran back to the front to open the properties a bit, then back to the back again to open it again, and then back to the front to open again, and then tried again and again a few times: "This mirror has two properties, the front and back properties are completely different. same."

"No way?"

"I have tried it several times. The name of the mirror on the front open attribute is Mirror Mirror, but the attribute on the back is‘ Inverse Mirror ’.”

"How could this be?"

"I don't know, maybe this mirror has two sides!"

"What attribute is written on the other side?"

"The reverse side is written in the 'mirror of the inverse knot', a special construction item for the city. The function is to open a completely mirrored space where you can see everything outside, including players. Just grab a certain thing in this space. The player controls him, and he will also feel power outside the mirror. People who enter the mirror world from the outside are quite and completely invisible. People in the mirror world have no consciousness, they are just copies of things outside. So you are not inside They will be seen, or they will not respond. "

"What's the use then?"

"It is very useful. For example, I enter the mirror world to find your mirror, and then press and hold this mirror to keep her from moving, and your real body outside will also be restricted from moving."

"Isn't that invincible?"

"That's not it. This mirror also has restrictions. First of all, power will transfer to each other. If I hold your mirror in the mirror and you struggle outside, I will also feel the power of resistance. And the power of the mirror world is The limit is reduced by 10 times. That is to say, in the mirror world, I push you with 10 kilograms of force, and you can only feel a kilogram of force. When you resist with a kilogram of force outside, I will feel 10 kilograms inside. Resistance. Another limitation is that this mirror only transmits power and does not transmit damage. You attack the mirrored characters in the mirrored world, and the outsiders only feel attacked, but they cannot lose their health. "

"In this case, this thing is very suitable to interfere with the enemy." Rose analyzed: "For example, if you are a certain person PK, I enter the mirror world to help grasp that person's hands and feet. Although the power is weakened 10 times, but After all, it is a resistance, which will seriously affect his flexibility and coordination. Or I am holding him on a leg in the mirror world, and he must have trouble walking outside. "

"Don't worry, there is one of the most powerful restrictions behind this."

"What restrictions?"

"A maximum of 3 creatures are allowed in the mirrored world at a time. If the creatures inside do not come out, the outside cannot enter."

"That's also good." Rose said: "At least it can be used for destruction. By the way, I move objects in this mirrored world. Is there any reaction outside?"

"Yes. But everything inside is 10 times heavier, you don't have to move it."

"I don't take heavy things and specialize in destruction. For example, in the mirror world, pushing the shells of the opponent's ammunition depot off the shelf, it will definitely be a big bang."

"It's really good to hear you say that. Just go back and make a mirror for this mirror, and it can be used on both sides."

He said I opened the space door, and the two dragons finally carried the mirror into the space door with the assistance of the Yalong cavalry. Thanks to the size of the space door, it can be controlled at will, otherwise such a large mirror cannot be moved in!

After putting the mirror back to the space door, I did n’t close the space door, because the room inside did n’t know if I needed any help ~ ~ The space door can only be opened three times a day, this is the second time, so do n’t worry Point is not enough.

硬 On the wall behind the mirror, there is a double door carved in hardwood, which looks like a double-page door of a library and is quite luxurious. Behind this door is the guy who is playing with us, and we will soon know what monster this nasty guy is. I guess he must be a guy with high intelligence and no fighting ability, otherwise he would not rely on his men to fight without doing it himself.

I stood at the door and shouted, "We are coming down. We are here." He politely kicked at the door, and the two doors crashed and fell to the ground. Rose and I walked into the door, and we were both silly.

Behind the Yamen is a huge room like an indoor gym. The entire room is empty and there is nothing like a monster in the huge space. The only thing that is special about the whole room is that there is a flower bed surrounded by stones in the center of the room. There is a circle of white jade fence more than one meter high on the side of the flower bed, and in the middle of the flower bed is a solitary tree with a height of 78 meters. The whole room was empty except this flower bed.

There is no obstruction in such an empty room, the sight is very good, and it is impossible to hide people. Where is that black hand hiding behind the scenes? Is he invisible, or are we being played again? I don't believe in evil and open Xingtong's anti-stealth detection capability. Even if there is invisibility, I can see it. But I was quickly disappointed and there was still nothing in the room. This is an empty room. It seems that guy is not here. Damn it's been played again.

"Hero's life!" The voice rang again. But not right! What did he ask me to do if he wasn't in the room? Is he here? But why not see it?

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