Starting from Zero

Vol 7 Chapter 41: The second test

"Do you know?" Ziyue asked anxiously.

An old man next to replied, "Everyone on Longdao can't know her, but she can't help but know her, that little aunt and grandmother are simply troublemakers!"

I look at Ziyue: "Your sisters are really quiet everywhere!"

"Go." Ziyue looked at the old men: "Can we meet first? This time I'm here to get her out of here."

"Why do you want to take her away?" This time it was the old man in the middle.

Xi Ziyue looked nervous at him and asked, "Why? No?"

I waited for a few seconds without moving, just as we were about to ask the second time, the old men jumped together and then cheered wildly. The old man from the podium changed hands from the podium and shook hands with us, with tears in his eyes: "Hisse (sniffing), I ... I'm so excited! ... you are finally here ... get that Take the scary guy away! Oh! Thanks to the great dragon god, we finally have to say goodbye to that disaster ... 5555 ~ "

I rely on it, don't be excited to send Lin Yue away? Is Lin Yue's destructive power stronger than me? I said that I lost two dragons in a row and they didn't react at all. It turned out that Lin Yue was more stimulated, but now it is numb.

"Do you mean you can take my sister away?" Ziyue saw them and understood the situation.

The old man nodded quickly: "Yes, you can take her with or without passing the test. You are really benefactors of the Dragon clan! If you don't come again, my old bones will be ruined!"

I'm dizzy, Lin Yue is too good! Actually scared the old man of the Dragon family into this.

The cheers on the ring ended, and the old man of the chief returned to the rostrum. "Although we hope you can take her away now, you still have to complete the test first, but she can leave with you regardless of success or failure."

"Then tell us how to test it? End early and be good."

"Yes, yes, yes." The old man touched a pile of scrolls from under the podium. "Although the second test is a test, it can actually be regarded as a reward. These are all teleportation scrolls. Very different from what you usually use, this is a two-way transmission." The old man unrolled the scrolls for us to see. "Attention here." He pointed to the magic badge at the beginning of the scroll. "This badge is the start switch. When you use it, you just need to pinch this position on the reel. When you start the reel, you can be teleported to the predetermined position of the reel, where you will encounter some powerful enemies. After defeating them, you will encounter the controller there, which is the total boss. After defeating him, this scroll will automatically seal it into a magic egg, which is your reward. After the mission is over, you can return to this badge and return to it. The mission is here. If you are dead, the scroll will teleport you back here. Because this is a test, we have protection measures. You will not explode the equipment even if you die, but the level will still drop. "

If there is no death penalty, then you are not afraid. Anyway, if you do n’t pass, you wo n’t pass. It ’s not a big deal to drop one or two levels.

"We have 7 people left, what are you doing with so many scrolls?" The female player who asked me to indicate the location of the keyhole at first asked.

The old man smiled and said, "This task is not performed by you, but in groups." The old man next to him handed him a small paper ball. "Here are seven lots. Come here and draw. One pair of two, one person can practice alone."

"Can't you choose a team by yourself?" Ziyue wanted to be with me. After all, with the strength of our two, I basically didn't worry about any levels.

The old man still smiled and said, "This is a rule. Lots must be drawn. Can you come first?"

Helpless everyone went to the lottery together. After returning to the field, we opened the paper sign to see our group. I got a triangle on it. "What does this triangle mean?"

"The graphics are the same."

"Then we're a group." Asked Tian is actually another triangle.

Ziyue took her own sign: "Who is the circle?"

"I am." You Ya and Ziyue are grouped together.

"Let's be a group." The girl who helped me point the buttonhole was grouped with the guy who didn't talk. The last male player was in a group.

The old man said: "Since the team is divided, you can pick up tasks." He first took a lot of tasks and stacked them on the table in front. "The one-man warrior, you pick first? Here are all single-player tasks, which can be done without a single person, and the difficulty is relatively low. You can pick them in. Pay attention to one thing. You guys It ’s best to choose according to your own strength. Simple tasks have less rewards, but greedy choices that are too difficult to complete can't make ends meet. So be careful. "

While the player approached the selection, the old man piled up 7 stacks of scrolls on the table next to him. "These are two-person missions. The wooden handles under the scrolls have difficulty levels arranged in the order of S, A, B, C, D, E, and F. You can choose them yourself. There are mission briefs in the scroll, because the tasks of the same level It's not necessarily all the same difficulty, so you better look at the introduction for reference. "

一 As soon as he finished speaking, everyone rushed together, and basically nobody paid attention to the tasks on both ends. The two girls of Ziyue chose a C-level task. Ziyue wanted to get a B-level task, but Youya next to her thought that she was not strong enough and should not choose too high.

The old man added in our selection: "You two-person team must pay attention to these tasks are completed by two people, so if one died after entering the task, even if it fails, the one that did not die will be transmitted immediately. What to punish. "

I was so told that Ziyue had to choose the C grade, otherwise you wouldn't be able to get away with her alone! The non-speaking guy chose a D-class mission, and it seems that safety is the first consideration. That single player is better than us. He took a B-level mission and was really brave.

In the end, our group is left, and asked Tian to me: "The two of us are better to choose the simple one. It is not worth the failure of a magic pet. We still have the treasure in the next test."


"I agree with you." I don't care much about magic pets. Reached and dragged an F-class scroll, such a simple task should be solved!

"Did you all choose? You can't change it after you decide." The old man asked finally.

"Okay." Everyone answered unanimously.

The old man listened to us and took back all the scrolls we didn't choose. "Well, now you tell me what tasks you have chosen."

Ziyue first reported the mission: "We chose a C-level mission, which is to take out the flame crystals from the river of flames."

The non-speaking guy gave the scroll to the female player next to him. The female player reported: "The D-class mission we chose is to destroy the two-headed snake temple." After that, the female player muttered quietly: "Strange, Why is it that our D-class task is better than that of the C-class task? Can it be said that the two-headed snake is relatively simple? "

The single player said, "The level B mission I chose requires the magic necklace stolen by the devil wolf." Strangely, this level B mission sounds much simpler than those two!

Finally, it came to me. I reported: "We are an F-level mission, and the goal is to resolve the dispute between the Kingdom of Rosetta and the Bayat kingdom." But it seems that none of us have read the introduction. After thinking about it, maybe these two kingdoms are very small, or the kingdoms of very weak races, the task level should not be wrong.

As soon as I finished reporting to the old man, he stared at me with twinkling eyes: "Warrior, although you are an evil force, but I want to say ... I admire you. Among the more than 2,000 warriors who have arrived here for thousands of years, You are the tenth team of warriors who dare to choose F-level difficulty, you are really brave. "

"Ah? I heard that right?" Wentian asked puzzledly, "Isn't this the simplest F-class task? Shouldn't you be brave and brave?"

The old man said in wonder: "Who says this is the simplest F-class task?"

I took the scroll to show him the words on the handle. "Look, isn't F inscribed here?"

"This is the F level, but you seem to be mistaken. The S level is the simplest and the F level is the most difficult in the task level. Shouldn't you reverse it?"

I'm dizzy! Old man you yin us! Holding the last hint of hope, he asked, "Don't you say that we chose the F-level task for the tenth team? That is to say that nine teams have also selected the F-level task before, so what happened to the nine teams?"

"Hang it all up."

Bang. Asked Tian Yi to fall to the ground. "Sorry, slipped."

"I rely, aren't you overcast us?" I don't give them face.

"It's you who don't see clearly what matters to us." The old guy pushed it clean. "Now that you have made your choices, you are ready to go in. Tell me the rules beforehand, lest you go in and say I bully you. Do not use summoned creatures, otherwise it will fail."

"Can't any summoning thing work?" Ziyue asked.

"Nothing is allowed. Magic pets, demon servants, summon scrolls, summon gems, summon contracts are not allowed."

"Protest." I called out. "What do you say if someone is an animal trainer?"

"Are you a trainer among you?"

"I am an animal trainer evolution profession." I stepped forward.

The old man said: "Animal trainer can allow the use of a magic pet, others can't. You put this magic pet out first, I will help you attach it to the scroll, and it won't open your Fenglong space after a while. "

I considered for a long time and didn't think about which one to call. "I don't know which to call now, can I decide later?"

"That's all right." The old man was so good at talking. "You can summon an unlimited number of times, but remember that there is only one creature. You only need to summon once, and the others cannot be summoned. I take your first call as the standard."

行 "OK. But there is still a problem. Is the avatar a summoner?"

"No, avatars are not allowed."

"All right!" What a bad luck, only one of my most fierce pets and summons can stay. Now the phantom on his body is also forced to separate from me, or he will be occupied as soon as he enters.

Under the guidance of the old man, everyone started their own scrolls and started to operate. As a result, I just felt that I suddenly lost contact with the whole person and fell into the hole. It took me a second to reflect that it was not a matter of teleportation but that we did appear in the air. Before I opened my wings, the two of them fell to the ground one by one. "Ah! Ah!" After two crashes, the two of us landed on a large slope, only to find out later that it was a hillside. At the foot of the two people slide down the **** together, this one is good, along the **** rolling all the way to the foot of the mountain and then stopped ~ ~ ask the sky stumble to climb from the ground Get up, but apparently fainted and stood there still shaking. "Zi Ri, where are we?"

"It seems to be in the mission space." I searched for a long time and found nothing.

"What are you looking for?" Wentian also found that I was looking for something.

"Where's the task scroll?"

"Scroll? Didn't you just hold it?"

"I didn't know where to fly when I rolled down."

"We can't go back without it, find it quickly!" Wentian was anxious.

别 "Don't get excited, I see it." The scroll hung on a rock above the hillside. "Wait down, I'll go up and get the scroll."


He ran to the slope, picked up the scroll, and turned to go down, but saw that Wen Tian was running towards the mountain with a speed of 100 meters, and there was a row of people behind him. These people are riding horses with long flat spears in their hands, but these people do not have armor and do not use saddles. They feel like they are backward. At present, this group of people are questioning the sky.

"Squat." I yelled and asked the clever squat on the spot. The eternity in my hand has become a long stick, sweeping past Wen Tian's head.

There was a hissing noise for a while, and the chaser was swept down by me, and the people immediately rolled off the ground. However, these people didn't look simple. Although the lead guy fell off the horse, he didn't fall when he rolled on the spot, instead he jumped and threw a flying axe at me.

开 Opened the bow about two and a half months ago, while the flying axe was hit, and the other one and a half months accurately pinched the neck of the guy who shot. He was honest with his head against such a sharp object, and the others stopped when he saw that the boss was under control.

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