Starting from Zero

Vol 7 Chapter 52: Last Farewell to Long Island

Welcome to the "Start from scratch" help system, a question is prompted below. Some readers asked why the Bell Tone Knight was not killed by the hero dragon, and why he could be summoned again. If you don't know the reason, please review the previous chapter. There is a blood pool in the special building of Isinger. The ringing knights are all soaked in the blood pool, and there is a chance to resurrect once a day, even the Yalong cavalry, so as long as they die no more than 2 times a day, they can be resurrected.

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"What are you doing? ... come ... 唔 ...!"

The great demon found that we were too late when someone was approaching, and Skott swooped up from behind. A guy pressed him to the ground, riding on his back with his left hand around his head and holding his chin firmly. As soon as he twisted, the mandible of the big devil was removed. Then his right hand reached in front of the big devil to cover his eyes, and by the way he pulled his head back hard to make him hard.

Less than 0.5 seconds after Skott succeeded, the two bell-tone knights followed one left and one right and flung on the arms of the devil to completely control his arms, but the devil constantly struggled and twisted, It seems that the strength is not small. The two bell-tone knights jumped up and grabbed the big devil's arm with both hands, then stepped on his shoulder blade with their feet and pulled back hard. I heard a rattling sound, and the big devil's body twisted violently immediately, but he couldn't get rid of it and could only moan from his nose in vain. The bell-tone knight is an undead among the undead, and basically has no concept of such things as human nature, so don't expect them to have any humane ideas. The twisting of the big devil's arm behind his back in this way apparently broke the joint, and even a click may even have broken the bone. This is all his mercy. The clerk in the library ’s temple of light was called a miserable last time. This is a trivial matter.

After all, the big devil is different from that clerk. He is a combat creature and has much higher endurance. In this case, he is still struggling. Two bell-tone knights came up and pressed the devil's leg to the ground. Seeing he was still struggling endlessly, the two bell knights tacitly held his thigh and walked around easily, making two more clicks, and the hip of the devil was dropped.

"5 seconds, hurry up next time." I walked in front of the big demon, and Amenis covered a small area here with an illusion. Others could not see the situation here and we could see each other inside. However, the eyes of the devil were pressed by Skott and could not see me for a while.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh because the jaw joint was dropped), the speech is not clear and I do n’t know what to say, but it looks bad.

I let Phantom leave my body and translate the words of the great devil directly, so that we could hear him talk and not attract other undead because of his barking. "Who are you?" The voice of the great demon came out of Phantom's mouth, and we heard it clearly.

"You don't need to know our identity, you just have to give the keys."

"What key, I don't know what you're talking about." This guy actually pretended to be confused with me.

"Don't strike me sloppy, I haven't followed you for a while, I just saw the key just now, do you honestly hand it in?" Seeing him not speaking, I continued: "Don't be so stubborn! Tell me the truth, I have some relationship with the Dark Temple. As long as you give me the key, I won't treat you like it. But! If you don't cooperate, I will be angry. When I am angry, I will get out of control, and if I lose control, I will I ca n’t guarantee what I will do. It ’s bad if I take a little bit off your arms and legs, so do n’t let me be upset. ”

"Don't think about it."

伸 I reached out and took a dagger and rubbed it across his face. "How many times do you say you need to cut this thing to kill you? I'm best at cutting thin slices. The thinnest pieces of meat can become translucent. It is not a problem to cut 10,000 pieces of your body."

"You ... you ... what ... what do you want? I ... but ... big ... big commander."

"Are you confused? I'm not yours. The higher you are, the more I can't let you go."

"I'm not going to hand over the keys anyway." I didn't expect this guy to be so loyal that he wouldn't hand over his death. I just couldn't find the key on him. The key of Long Island is about the size of a guitar. If I saw it on my body, I could see it. Now I don't see the key, which means that the key was saved by magic like storage space. If he doesn't take it over, he won't necessarily get it if I kill him.

I ca n’t help but continue to persuade. "Don't you be so stubborn, isn't it? Fate is more important than anything. When you die, you have nothing, or should you give it up?"

"I'm not afraid of death!"

"How are you hard?"

"The above account, if I do n’t complete the task, let me raise my head to see you. The key is gone without the task, anyway, it ’s a death, I might as well be a hero. Pity my family will suffer later!

gosh! It turned out that this guy was planning this thing. "You don't have to worry, I'll give you the third way. You give me the keys, and you lean on me, so you don't have to die."

"I think too! But my family is still in the temple! I run away, what do they do? Be a hero, at least the family members have the temple!"

I actually encountered a demon from Gu's family, this probability is really ... nothing to say! "Otherwise? You take refuge in me and I will rescue your family?"

The Great Devil thought for a moment and said, "Are you sure you can save them?"

"I'm sure." At this time, you must be sure.

"All right! I agree to join, you put me up, I'll give you the keys."

使 I winked at Scott, and Scott and the bell knights immediately released the grip and took his joints back. After the last joint was connected, the big devil burst into a wild laugh: "Ha ha ha ha! A group of idiots, have you ever seen the demon in love at home? Want me to trust you, next life! Hahaha ... oh!

When I'm an idiot? Who am I? I've never been tricked by anyone but no one can trick me. When I helped him with the joints, I had summoned the plague and luck and placed them in another illusion. I could not see the two dragons from us, but they could see us. The big devil laughed, turned around and took off to try to escape, but as soon as he flew up two or three meters, don't plague the slap and shoot it back.

Wes Gothic they rushed up three or two times more quickly this time to change the big devil back to the previous shape. "3 seconds, this time it looks like a little bit." I walked back to the demon: "I say a fool? Who is more idiot?"

This time, the big devil is no longer pretending to be poor, and said fiercely: "I warn you, you can't run away if you kill me."

I kicked his raised head back to the ground. "I also warn you, because of my power, the Dark Temple will not turn my face for such a small thing like sesame mung beans. My use of the temple is much higher than you. So ..." I added to my feet A little strength. "Don't pretend to be the boss in front of me, you are worthless at all."

The big devil endured my humiliation without answering, and it seemed like he had run into a martyr! "Since you're so stubborn, I'm sorry." I took my foot down. "Scott."


"Cut him into small steaks, let me see how you do."

"It may take some time, at least a few thousand pieces of such a big devil will be cut, and it is estimated that it will take more than half an hour."

"It's okay, you cut it slowly. Shut up and don't let him speak."

没 "No problem, make sure each piece is transparent and bright."

Struggling to death can often burst into strange powers. The 8 bell knights came forward to hold the guy barely, and Skott took out his portable dagger and began to stab the knife. Although he dropped his chin and was stuck with a stone in his mouth, since this guy can make no small movements, fortunately, he is far away from the camp here, and I don't think he can hear anything.

In three minutes, Wesgoth turned one of the guy's arms into bones, and a pile of meat was piled up next to it. I let Mirage intrude directly into his heart and talk to him. "Do you want to promise me now?"

"I ..." The guy began to hesitate, and I didn't urge him to let him think slowly.


I waited for a while and said, "Now whether you are willing to hand over the keys or not, you will die." He shook my eternity in front of him. "If you hand it over, I'll make you feel better, or else ...!" Scotte cut a small piece of meat and grinned, hurting.

"I pay, I pay!" Hey! After all, the cult organization was not as good as a Communist member, and it was finally forced out by me. The big devil trembled and opened the item space with Ling Chi's right hand, and the gold key finally came out.

I took the key for a moment and confirmed that it was the genuine one. "You ...! How good it was to promise me in the beginning, I can still see how to put your life on the face of the temple. It must be so stupid. It's a fool. Okay, now that I have got what I want Something, I'll talk to you, I'll give you a simple one. "Picking up the eternal random area, after a blood flower, the big demon burned the fire of life all over, and it turned into a pile of ashes in an instant.

After collecting the keys, they also stole the Scots, put them in the night shadows, took Emmys, and took off to return to the Acropolis. We didn't know our coach was gone until we left. From the West Acropolis teleportation team back to the East Acropolis, Ziyue they have not yet returned. Rose said that they just said that it was almost over, and probably came back after a while.

I told Rose how the key was taken, and just after half of Ziyue they came back. I hurried up. "Did you get it?"

Lin Linyue shook with the key. I took a look at it. "Yes, it's genuine. How did you get it?"

Sun Yandao at the back: "We made use of our flying ability to attack the command of the other party. The thing was stored in a box in the command. We took it back without much effort. But when we came back, we were attacked fiercely. Almost made them **** things back, but we still ran back. "

"Anyway, just bring it back. You wait here for a while, and I'll go back to the task alone. Lin Yue, help me lead a way."


I only took Lin Yue home. The two were more convenient to move. On the road, Lin Yue took the key and asked me, "Is this the thing that can open the seal that restricts the Dragons from leaving?"

"Listening to the Dragon King seems to mean this. What do you ask?"

"I'm a bit worried."

"worry about what?"

"If this thing is sent back, the seal will no longer exist. Then the dragons can not walk around? Although there are no boats here, it is not too difficult to build one. What if they run out of the island by themselves?"

I stopped suddenly. "Why didn't I notice it!" The seal is gone, and those players who haven't been taken out of us can completely figure out how to leave! Although Lin Yue said that the shipbuilding is definitely impossible, the dragon seems to be able to swim! And they are very good at flying! "Lin Yue! What you said makes sense, but it's not a problem of shipbuilding. In this game, there is a storm zone isolation between countries, and there is also a layer outside Long Island. Without advanced shipbuilding, there is no way to make ships that can cross the storm zone. of."

He Linyue said at ease immediately after hearing: "It will be fine."

"Why? Can't they fly out or swim out by themselves?"

"No. Although we dragon players can be transformed into dragons arbitrarily, there are a lot of relative restrictions. At the beginning, I told you that you can't name yourself is one of them, and there is a limitation about flying. We Although there are more advantages than dragons, we can arbitrarily transform the human shape, but we have lost the ability to fly for a long time. There is no problem in short distances, but the road length is not enough. How far is it from the nearest coast? At the speed of dragons for 10 minutes Fly past? "

不 "No, it takes at least an hour to reach the nearest land."

那就 "That's fine. We can fly in the air for up to 10 minutes continuously. Even drinking endurance supplements is useless. This is a system limitation. You must continue to fly for half an hour after each flight."

"What about swimming?"

"This is also limited. A progress bar will appear after the dragons enter the water. Regardless of whether your head is on the water surface, as long as you can't reach enough feet in the water, it will start to decrease. Once it is reduced, it will be considered flooded. Dead. There is a lake in the center of the island, and we found this when we went swimming, and the progress bar was gone in less than ten minutes. "

"Even if the seal is gone, only those real NPC dragons can leave here. Can't the players go out?"

"It's not necessarily there. If anyone ventures to land, and after accidentally drowning a ship passing by before passing into the sea, it will be considered a successful escape. But I think this hope is very slim. Even if someone responds, Knowing the exact location is highly unlikely. Unless they report the coordinates at any time. "

"It can be rest assured that there is no coordinate system at sea, and there is nothing to report. It depends on latitude and longitude, that is too general, and no one can be found at all."

"That's good."

对 "Yes, are there any restrictions you just mentioned?"

"Of course there is. The equipment worn by dragon players is only valid in the humanoid state, and the equipment attributes are not considered after the dragon shape. Also, there are no miscellaneous types such as sacrifice and thieves in our career choices, except for mage and warrior. There will be no major department. Fortunately, there are not many divisions in these two departments. Everyone can barely find their favorite profession. "

"So you have a lot to lose?"

"Well. But in general, the benefits are great. Otherwise, everyone would have changed the trumpet to take the outside leveling for a long time. If you are willing to stay, it is because the innate attributes of this dragon are too good."


During the conversation, we reached the gate of the seal and took out the key. The magic array on the gate automatically sent us into the gate. The elder was already waiting for us here, and saw that we immediately got together. "You got it?"

I nodded. "Take us to see the Dragon King!"

"Oh! Okay."

我们 After we arrived at the Dragon Temple, the reaction of the Dragon King was similar to that of the elders, and the excited business was not right. After seeing the key, the Dragon King used some kind of spell, and the space illusion in the room suddenly disappeared. Only now I see this room is very strange. In the empty room, there are four stone benches with a height of one fan, nothing else. The Dragon King asked us to insert the keys into the holes above the four stone platforms. When the last key was inserted, I looked at the stone platform, and they began to shrink slowly until they completely fell into the ground.

The King Dragon's voice appeared: "Okay, the seal is finally opened, and our dragons are free. As a reward, you can immediately get the reward that was said at the beginning. The eldest will take you there."

"Thank you."


The King of Dragons explained something to the elder before taking us away from the Dragon Temple. The money is relatively simple. Because it is a task, it is directly transferred to the account without cash transactions. As for those totem beasts, it is more troublesome. The dragon king said that the totem beasts would be brought back from here. How to bring 1,000 dragons? This is not a small number!

Elder Bian took me to a very chic house, which looked like a blockhouse from the outside. Not the chimney-like turret of Little Japan, but the real concrete bunker of the Germans. There are very few parts on the ground of the whole building, most of them are low, and it is quite solid at first glance. What's even more strange is that there are more than a dozen dragons guarding here. For the first time in such a long time on Long Island, I saw any buildings with guards. Even the Dragon King was not guarded. Is it more important here than the Dragon King?

I turned to ask Lin Yue. "Where is that?"

"I don't know. This is a restricted area. Never let it approach. There is a guard 24 hours."

Elder Wu stopped outside the building. "The dragons you want to use as totems are all inside, but have you taken so many?"

"Ah? It's all here? Let me get it?" This building doesn't look like it has 1,000 dragons installed.

"You will understand when you go in."

的 I pushed in the door in doubt, and the scene in front of me made me dumbfounded. This is an incubation room. There are many shelves in the room like a library. The shelves are lined with colorful eggs. Needless to say, these are definitely all dragon eggs. Are the so-called 1,000 dragons to be delivered in the form of eggs?

The elder said to us, "Here are all dragon eggs. Each shelf has a label, and there is a record on which shelf the eggs belong. You can choose for yourself. If something is not enough, you can only use other substitutes Now, here are all the unhatched dragon eggs on our island. "

看着 I was surprised to look at these shelves. Such densely packed shelves have several layers on each shelf. It is estimated that the number of dragon eggs in this room is not less than 100,000. Such a huge number is really scary. It is estimated that these eggs cannot hatch because the system limits the number of dragons. Otherwise, how can the dragon's reproductive capacity accumulate so many eggs?

"Can these be taken at will?"

当然 "Of course. As long as there are no problems with the total."

"I see." I picked up a watermelon-like dragon egg and threw it in my hand. "Is it heavy!"

Lin Linyue saw me there and hurried over to grab the dragon egg. "What are you doing? What if you break?"

"Broken? Haven't you seen a dragon egg before?"

"What?" Lin Yue asked in confusion.

I picked up a dragon egg and smashed it against the wall, Lin Yue was scared and screamed, but the dragon egg slammed the wall into a large pit, and fell back to the ground and rolled back. "See? This thing is harder than the iron ball. It won't matter if the floor is broken."

"I don't know!" Lin Yue knocked on the egg on his hand. "Does this thing sound solid?"

"Yes, because the shell is thick and sturdy, and there is a soft film inside, it sounds like solid. Dragon eggs in the wild are very easy to mix with stones, so even if the dragon egg is lost, it will not be caught by other creatures Found. In fact, with its hardness, there are not too many creatures that can be opened. "

"Do you know dragons well?" The elder could not help but interjected.

"Don't you remember that I have 4 dragons? Besides, I have such a good relationship with the Asian dragons. It doesn't make sense to not even know these?"

"I forgot you knew the Asian dragon!"

As I teach Lin Yue about dragons, I choose dragon eggs. In fact, the dragon egg itself has nothing to choose, anyway, the shape is not the same. I mainly choose the type of dragon. Dragon is not actually the name of an animal. It is somewhat similar to what we usually say of artiodactyls or rodents. It is not a description of an animal but a variety of animals with certain common characteristics. In other words, the dragon is a collective name. Any flying reptile that has a high level of intelligence and abnormal defenses and has three pairs of limbs is called a dragon. One of the reasons why dragons are not considered dragons is their mental retardation. Secondly, they only have four limbs and no six limbs. The dragon has a pair of wings in addition to its four claws. The flying dragon has only one pair of wings and a pair of hind legs.

Since dragons are many kinds of creatures, there will be differences between each other, and the characteristics of some dragons are very different, and even some alien dragons are not as long as ordinary dragons. My current choice is to remove those less useful dragons in order to find useful species and give them a reasonable configuration.

First I found a very rare dragon, the name of this dragon is Zhilong. This dragon is not large, and it does not exceed 2 meters in adulthood, which is basically the same size as a dragon. But don't underestimate them, it can be said that as long as it is a dragon, it won't go where the garbage goes. Zhilong has extremely developed intelligence. It is like catching a super computer. Using them to assist research can greatly speed up the research progress. In addition, they will also fight some skills, such as mind control. Because their minds are too developed, it is difficult for ordinary creatures to resist their psychological attacks. I know that I have to thank the Dragon King for these contents, of course not Europe, but Asia. He told me about the special features of various dragons in the dragon family, and explained the team configuration of the dragon family during the war. Generally, the dragon legion will bring one or two wise dragons to participate in the operation, so that the battle will be more effective. Considering the advantages of Zhilong, I decided to take all the Zhilong here. However, Zhilong is really a very rare species. There are only two Zhilong eggs here. They look small compared to goose eggs and have many patterns on them.

After picking up the Zhilong egg, start to choose the next one. The goal this time is Linglong. Many people think of the dragon as a ghost dragon, but in fact they have nothing to do with it. The ghost dragon is an undead that has been transformed after the death of the dragon, but the dragon is a real dragon. However, Linglong has a special ability called Guanghua, which can turn itself into a translucent state after use. At this time, he is immune to all his physical attacks, and can even penetrate materials such as walls. Because he can freely control whether any part of himself is materialized, he still has physical attack power. A dragon with physical attack but not afraid of physical attacks is very powerful. The most important thing is that these movements basically belong to warrior busters. Warriors and knights without attribute attacks are not able to take him to eat by physical attacks. . But unfortunately, there are not many such dragons. I only rounded all the dragon eggs that I could find.

Below is the fairy dragon, the crystal is the fairy dragon, and the hero dragon Liuyan is also of this type. It can be said that the fairy dragon is the mage of the dragon. For this common army, a large number of configurations are needed. Fortunately, the fairy dragon is also a big family, and the dragon eggs are full. I collected 200 fairy dragon eggs.

Below is a black dragon designed to deal with the Master. The black dragon's ferocious temperament is the most aggressive of the dragons, and it is born with magic resistance. Although it is not completely immune to magic, even if the forbidden spell has limited damage to them, it belongs to the authentic master nemesis. With these attributes in mind, I took 180 black dragon eggs. It's not that you don't want more, mainly because the number of black dragons is not large, 180 are all in stock here.


The Black Dragon is followed by the Crystal Dragon, and this guy also has the name Crystal Dragon. In fact, they are not made of crystal, but the scales of Crystal Dragon are shaped like crystal and have good gloss, so they are often considered to be composed of crystal. In fact, it is just a layer of scales. Crystal Dragon has three birth defects. The first is that he cannot fly. The crystal dragon's wings are highly degraded, and only two small protrusions can be seen without flying ability at all. The second flaw is that Crystal Dragons will not use Dragon Flames. I am afraid that the entire Dragon family will not have Crystal Dragons. The third is that Crystal Dragons only use a small amount of magic, and they are all low-level magic, and their power is very small. Although there are so many disadvantages, it has been said that God is fair to everyone, and when he closes a certain door, he will look at the window for you. Although there are so many shortcomings, Crystal Dragon has a lot of advantages. He can't fly but can run especially. Crystal Dragon's running speed is not much slower than flying, and his jumping ability is quite exaggerated, which makes up for the shortcomings of flying. In addition, although Crystal Dragon does not have dragon inflammation, it has a perverted defense and almost absolute physical attack power. This advantage basically makes up for his lack of dragon inflammation. As for not having magic, he also has the corresponding ability, that is, he is not afraid of magic and the blood is particularly thick. In addition to the black dragon in the dragon family, the crystal dragon has a high magic resistance, and there is a certain probability of magic reflection, which can make up for the defect that he can't magic! In view of the above advantages, I took all the crystal dragon eggs I could find, but unfortunately there were 36 in total.

After getting the numbers, there are still 560 places. Directly find the Holy Dragon Egg, which is the first comprehensive strength among the dragons. Although all of his attributes are not the strongest, they are all very powerful and have the strongest overall combat effectiveness. It is said that this is the best type of main force, but unfortunately there are not many powerful dragons. There are 20 holy dragon eggs in total, and I evacuated them all at once.

Shenglong was not enough and had to take the golden dragon crown. The golden dragon is also the second overall strength of the dragon family. The problem is that the number is not too much, and a total of 140 were found. Turning over other types of dragons, a large number of silver dragon eggs and red dragon eggs were found. The silver dragons are not special but have a large number, and the red dragons are similar, and both dragons have good attack power. One dragon is more powerful and one will have a lot of attack magic. Because there are no other eggs worth picking up, the remaining 400 places are all silver dragon eggs and red dragon eggs, each with 200 eggs.

After all is done, let Fenglong help install all of them. So many eggs are really a big bunch. You must know that the eggs of other dragons except Zhilong are basically the same as watermelons. Think about how many 1,000 watermelons are!

"Is that all?" The elders saw that I had finished packing up and helped me count them.

恩 "Well, that's all. Can we leave if nothing happens?"

当然 "Of course. May I take you out?"

"No, I know the way."

Elder Wu said to Lin Yue: "Don't go into trouble after you go out, it's better than here."

Gao Linyue said: "Be assured! I will be fine. But I will be safe if you leave your bottle."

The elder smiled awkwardly; "All right! I want to go back like my king is resurrected, you go." After saying goodbye to the elder, Lin Yue and I left the central area of ​​Long Island. Opened completely, it seems that the seal is really gone.

Everyone was a little impatient when I returned to the East Acropolis. I said I could leave, and these people rushed out of the door immediately. I saw them one by one quickly turned into a dragon shape and left the ground, startled all the players around. Rose and I ca n’t fly and have to ride the night shadow, anyway, the night shadow is also walking in the air, and the speed is not slower than them. Really better than endurance, they are not really rivals of Night Shadow. Ziyue was riding on Lin Yue's back, and it wasn't a problem to carry a single person anyway.

Such a large group of dragons flew up to scare away the surrounding monsters, which saved us a lot of trouble. It soon flew to the edge of the island, but things changed slightly.

"Where is the boat?" Ziyue was scrambling around on the beach.

After I fell, I looked around strangely. The location was correct. This is where we landed. At that time, in order to avoid the boat being washed away by the waves, we carried the boat to the shore. Now I can still see the traces of the boat pressing in the forest. But the problem is that the trace is on the ship but not on, and even those few players are gone.

"What happened? What about the boat?" Those players who wanted to follow us asked us in confusion.

Ziyue pointed at the trace and said, "The boat was here when we went ashore, and there were several people guarding it!"

I said to Rose: "You make a phone call to Feier to ask the situation and see if the people who brought us can be contacted."

"Okay, wait a minute."

Rose is off the line for a long time, mainly because the bend is too large. Rose must first call the residential area of ​​Japanese MMs, and find Fei offline, and then call Fei offline. After clarifying the situation with Feier, Feier went online to find Woma, and Woma then contacted the players who sent us. It was really troublesome to find those people who asked for the situation and then turned it back.

Rose came online again and said: "They were here an hour ago, but suddenly several dragons came and moved the boat to the sea. Then the dragons transformed into adult form and wanted to sail away. Later, they found that they would not drive. Our people forced them to sail, our people activated the ship ’s self-detonation system and blew it up. Now the players who brought you back are resurrected in Tianyu City. They said they did n’t know who those people were, and they hit again. However, they simply fry the ship. By the way, they said that the black dragon was the leader, and it turned out to be a woman or a Japanese. "

Lin Yue preempted: "That's the black widow. They bombed well. They would rather let them leave if they bombed the boat. They must have ran out after we handed in the task seal and opened it. We went to pick the dragon eggs and it was too late. Long time! "

A dragon player in the back asked, "What shall we do?"

Rose said: "Our guild has gone to charter a boat, but it will take a while to arrive, rest assured, we will definitely take everyone away. After all, if we ca n’t get away, we will lose more than you."

"Charter?" Someone heard the question.

I explained: "We are a Chinese guild. There are no port cities on the European side, so there are no ships here. But rest assured, we have an alliance guild in Germany. They have a lot of ships. No problem. "

"How long will it take to arrive?"

Rose explained: "Because I don't know what boat can be rented, there is no way to determine the time, I will go and ask again, and come back to tell you right away." After a while Rose came back online: "Hello, they made a small Cruiser, it can be reached in 48 hours if there is no accident. "

怎么 "Why does it take so long?"

"The British have been more mad recently in the German offshore ~ ​​ ~ Our alliance guild is hostile to the British, and warships have to detour, so we need to delay more time."

"In this case, we will go offline first, and it will be up the next day." A player proposed.

好的 "Okay, it's safer so that we don't attract the guys back and forth. It would be troublesome to sink another ship."

Everyone agrees not to go online during this time, about 48 hours later, it will be online at 6 pm the day after tomorrow. It seems that I was forced to go offline during this time. We were so negligent. I knew that Ziyue should be brought here to watch first, but now it is too late to say anything. Depressed offline take off the helmet, sit up and move your body. Rose has gone out.

I went to Lucky first when I went out, put him off the line, and let him have a good relationship with his other half. After I was lucky, I went directly to the restaurant. Rose was already here, and even the dishes were ordered for me.

"How fast are you?"

"I'm starving. If I hadn't waited for you, I would have eaten long ago." Rose is now a feast without a ladylike image.

"Don't you keep in shape? Eat so much?"

"No matter, anyway, you have been dangled to this scarlet turtle, it doesn't matter if the figure is not standard." Rose said jokingly.

两个 Our two Zhengxiang fathers suddenly appeared in the restaurant. "Dad? Why are you here?"

"Dad!" Rose quickly got up to sit with me and let Dad sit opposite us. "What would you like to eat?"

不用 "No, I came to ask you something. I just came to your room without seeing anyone."

"What's the matter?" I asked in ambiguous stuffing in my mouth.

"Big event."

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