Starting from Zero

Vol 7 Chapter 67: Perfect action

"Target found." A report sounded simultaneously on all warships' communicators.

The huge observation device on top of the Tyrant captured the target image first. Now the dense fog around us has blocked our surroundings. The only part above the fog is this official room. This high-power observation device imported from Germany has a giant lens with a diameter of 2.5 meters, which can easily find distant targets. Now we are using this as the observation center of the fleet to capture the enemy.

The report in the observation room brought the chatterers below to their posts. These **** little Japanese are actually late, and we have been waiting here for more than an hour. I thought we were late and Little Japan passed in advance, but we didn't expect it to be early. If you can't wait for a long time, everyone will relax, but everyone hears that the enmity disappears.

收 I put away the playing cards and returned to the command bridge. Chuang Wang and Lin Yue rushed in with a fishing rod in a panic. "come yet?"

I held a cup of green tea while blowing tea slowly. "Don't be so nervous. The observation mirror above is bigger than the one on the Eternal. The standard observation distance is 170 kilometers. Although it is night, the enemy is still 100 kilometers. Outside! Don't worry, don't worry. "

Wang Chuang Wang was a little too excited, restless and unstable. Finally, he simply climbed into the observation room to see the situation. Hongyue shouted at it, "What did you see?"

King Chuang answered, "There are only three small warships, presumably pilot ships."

"What's next?"

"No! The dark shadow can't see anything!"

I shouted beside, "Turn on the infrared fill light to be clear."

After a while, I would run into the king's way: "I saw it. There are one, two, three, four ... Wow, 14 battleships! Is it really a little Japanese?"

"Did you see the transport ship?" Hongyue asked.

"I didn't see the transport ship, maybe it was transported in a warship." Chuang Wang replied.

I thought about it and added, "No, there must be a ship behind. Little Japanese warships are escorted. If they carry materials, they may sink together. There must be no armed high-speed transport ships, look carefully. It is said that in the cargo There are a lot of cryolites, and the carrier should be draught deep. "

"A frigate has a deep draft. Could it be it?"

"It may be it. Pass its image to other warships using a crystal communicator. Try to avoid attacking that ship when you attack."

"Got it."

I shouted to the other players above MM: "Surveying and Mapping Team."


"Calculate the speed of the enemy ship, mark the current and wind direction information, and immediately release it to other warships."


Picked up the intercom and ordered all warship turrets: "All guns are loaded with high-explosive armor-piercing projectiles, ready to accept coordinate assignments, and adjust the firing angle." Then to the foggy side: "Command the fleet to stand by on the edge of the fog."

"I understand."

Haze is the commander-in-chief of the Undead Fleet, and she can communicate directly with the evil spirits on the ghost ship from a long distance. Those ghost ships did not have crystal resonance communicators, so they had to use fog instead of the communications command center.

The grate net has been spread, and it will wait for Little Japan to drill.

Wu Hongyue asked, "Does the ship's protective cover need to be activated?"

"It's a little early, and I'll open again later."


The entire fleet remained absolutely silent, and everyone was waiting for Little Japan to drill pockets.

"The enemy is slowing down!" The observation room report made everyone nervous.

"Detailed report," I ordered.

"The distance is 24 kilometers, the speed has dropped to 28 knots, and it is slowly decelerating."

"Don't worry, it's normal. It's just that Little Japan sees the normal response of the fog."

I just finished talking down and reported: "The enemy ships are starting to change."

"What has it become?"

"The main ship was anchored and stopped, and the light warships were all scattered and moving forward."

呢 "What about the frigate acting as a transport ship?"

"Stopped with the battleship."

终于 I finally couldn't help but climbed up to the observation room to see the enemy ship's situation, which was more intuitive. Little Japan is really cunning. They keep the distance between the warships at the limit of the maritime private chat system, so that they can ensure that the order is not transmitted too close.

The separation of these light warships is obviously to detect whether there are enemies in the fog, but we will not be found. There is fog around me, and we can always know the location of the small Japanese battleship. Anyway, Little Japan itself is afraid of getting lost and not daring to move, as long as our warships keep their positions away from their channels.


"What commanded the master?"

"Intensify the fog outside."

"How strong is it?"

"It is best to see nothing beyond two meters."

"Do it now."

The mist outside is getting thicker and denser, and the little Japan entering the mist is beginning to become confused. This mist concentration is basically blind, and they can see the outline of the warship next to each other at the beginning, and they will see nothing. All battleships are driving by feeling.

I sat in my seat, sipping tea, and waiting for Little Japan to continue to approach. After a few minutes, the large warships couldn't help but start to move. After all, they were late and had no time to delay. As those large warships entered the mist, our large nets began to shrink slowly. The fog blocked the view, and all Japanese warships could only use inertial navigation. However, the waves seriously affected the effect of inertial navigation, and some outer battleships apparently began to disperse outward from their team.

Captain Takagawa Hiraha, the Japanese destroyer Akisui Maru, is muttering, "What a ghost weather! You can't see anything!"

The chief officer next to Ping Pingba said, "Need a whistle to let them come over?"

"Isn't that exposing yourself?"

Deputy Chief Wu said: "This dense fog is invisible even if the Chinese want to ambush. I don't believe any artillery can aim in this kind of weather."

"You still try to see if the chat can be connected."

Ms. Wu replied, "Still not. We have exceeded the limit!"

Jian Pingba cursed, "This idiot, tell them not to go too far, don't go too far, but they have gone too far!"

"What shall we do?"


"Let's whistle! It's better than getting lost."


As the whistle sounded on the Qiushui Maru, the surrounding battleships rang the whistle one after another. On the super battleship Emperor, located in the center of the fleet, the Chairman of the Black Dragon Masamoto Matsumoto cursed immediately when he heard the whistle: "Stupid! Who ordered the whistle?"

"Chairman of the report. Part of the outer battleships were scattered, and they honked themselves. Other warships started to learn the same when they heard it!"

"Order immediately to stop the whistle, whoever whistle will throw him into the sea."

"But the ships have lost contact, and they seem to be out of reach."

"Fool, don't you use carrier pigeons?"

"But there are too many missing ships."

"Then call back one by one. Hurry up or leave the sea with you."

"Understand." The chief officer rushed up and down to execute the order.

Matsumoto shouted from his seat and cursed to himself: "It's a **** evil today, and even when I left Japan, I encountered the **** Frost Rose Alliance battleship, and I've been so late. Fortunately, they are It ’s a small warship that has dragged a lot of damaged Korean warships, otherwise it ’s really troublesome. But now it ’s such a heavy fog again, it ’s so bad! ”

On the other side, our ghost ship is slowly inserted into the Japanese fleet at a precise angle. If there is no fog now, everyone will be surprised to find that the small Japanese warships are separated by ghost ships and are not dependent on each other, but now it is all fog, and none of the Japanese knows that they have been divided.

According to my requirements, the concentration of the fog has begun to decrease, which is to prepare for the battle that will begin immediately. But as the fog faded, the shadow of the battleship came out. Mrs. Tanaka, vice president of the Black Dragon Society on Yamato, said to Matsumoto, "Why is there a battleship on our side?"

Matsumoto turned his head casually, glanced back, and turned back: "It seems to be Kikuji. Signal them to return to the queue to protect Sakura. So many magic crystals are not only ours, but also other guilds. It's here, and if we lose it, we will be miserable! "

"I'll contact them right now." After a while, Masako Tanaka wondered to Masamoto, "Matsumoto, isn't that ship Kikuji?"

啊 "Ah? Isn't it Kikuji?" This time Matsumoto jumped out of his seat and walked outside the bridge and leaned on the railing for a long time before he said, "It looks like it!"

Putian Zhongzhengdao said: "But I just contacted Shui Hejun on Juji. He said he didn't come out in the queue!"

Matsumoto was puzzled and said, "Such a big battleship must be a Shuilu-class battleship. We have three Shuilu-class battleships. The Shuilu was sunk by the **** Chinese Ziri's fleet last time, and the rest The two ships are only Juji and Liushen. But Liushen is on our left! How come to the right? "

Putian Zhongzheng said unsurely, "Don't we go wrong ourselves?"

Matsumoto Matsumoto walked back to the bridge and asked, "Are we off course?"

The helmsman looked at the ruler and said, "Should not have it!"

"How come we are to the left of Liu Shen?"

"Ah?" The helmsman said strangely, "Liu Shen is behind us?"

"What? Rear left?"

"Yeah! I just talked privately with the helmsman on Liushen a minute ago. It's not so fast!"

Hamamatsu Matsumoto ran to the left side of the bridge and looked to the left and to the left. He really saw a huge ship shadow. He dashed back to the right railing. "Strange! If Liu Shen is over there, what kind of ship is this? Is it an enemy ship? No!" Matsumoto Masa condemned just after guessing the correct answer, because he was killed by the bomb I don't believe anyone can get in in the densely sailing fleet, not to mention such a large warship.

"Will it be Yulu? That guy is not young, too," Tanaka asked too.

Matsumoto shook his head. "Look at the bridge. That's unique to Shuilu-class battleships. There are only three ships in the world with such bridges. It's not wrong. Yulu doesn't have so many guns."

When Misaki was struggling with Masako Matsumoto and Masako Tanaka, the fog suddenly faded again. The huge bronzing ship's name and number on the battleship appeared in their eyes. Two people reacted differently when they saw that name. Mrs. Tanaka pointed at the name of the ship for a long time and wanted to speak, but no sound was heard, while Matsumoto Masako lowered his head and rubbed his eyes vigorously before staring at the battleship.

"This ... this ... Shuilu? Isn't it sinking?" Mrs. Tanaka finally uttered the complete sentence.

Satoshi Matsumoto nodded and said, "I was on the boat when it sank, and I hung up for that. But ... but how did it get here?"

Mrs. Putian suddenly pointed at the top of the battleship. "Look at the flag."

Satoshi Matsumoto glanced at the flagpole and was taken aback immediately. "Pirate?" He turned madly to inform the ships of their readiness for battle, but it was too late.

The fog has been reduced to a certain concentration. Although Little Japan still can't see clearly, but our battleship has a special observation room. This concentration has no effect on our battle. Sitting on the Tyrant, I lowered my tea cup, stood up, moved my body, and ordered: "Go!"

Hao Wu immediately notified the ghost warships with the contact information of the undead: "The hunting operation began. Pass off the frigate carrying the gems, and other warships will fire at will."

The king of our side also gave orders to other warships through the communication crystal: "Hunting begins, each ship pays attention to the hidden position, and the firepower supports the undead warships. Do not move forward. Be careful not to hit the gem transport ship. Coordinate the command to the ship. The mechanical distribution system automatically guided the fire. "

"I understand." The captains of the ships answered at the same time.

Boom! With the first shot of Tyrant, the quiet battlefield suddenly became lively. Our long-prepared battleships are almost at the same time, and the artillery management system from Atlantis has demonstrated excellent performance. Information on the location of the target was continuously transmitted from the crystal communicator in each ship's turret. Each gun is directly commanded by the flagship, there will not be a large number of shells wasted on a ship, and no lucky person will be taken care of. The fire decentralized control system perfectly guarantees the fleet's maximum lethality. Although the shells are sometimes missed, their aim is correct after all. The advantage of the undead fleet attack is that we don't have to worry about accidental injury. Anyway, as long as the magic crystal cannon and magic light cannon do not fire, the artillery will not hurt the ghost ship.


The Ghost Ship also started firing after we opened fire. Their enemies were around, and they did not need to aim, as long as the fire was certain. The cannons of the undead fired all kinds of green meteor-like shells, but unlike the magic crystal cannon, this kind of shell is fast, only a little slower than the artillery. Probably this is the so-called Undead Cannon, which looks very powerful.

Masamoto Matsumoto and Mrs. Tenaka were completely blinded. Almost instantly, Little Japan lost nearly one-fifth of the warships, and at a glance, there were warships that were on fire and sinking warships. The dissipating of the fog completely exposed this ruined scene, which in turn made the Japanese fleet more chaotic than in the fog. It's not a good thing to reduce staffing by 20% in three minutes.

Kusatsu Matsumoto watched with consolation as he watched his proud Dew-class battleship Kikuji sinking into the ocean with heavy billowing smoke. This 157,000-ton super battleship is the second largest warship of the Black Dragon Society. It has sunk many warships in China, South Korea, the United States, Russia, and other countries, but now, this once-big man is Turning his belly, he went to his final destination. As if unwilling to stay lonely on the bottom of the sea, the huge vortex caused by the sinking of the Juji number also dragged those who jumped out of the boat and brought them to the bottom of the sea together. Human bodies are like ants beside such a large battleship. They are desperately struggling to swim away, but they are helpless in the face of a huge vortex.

It was not until the broken three pieces of Kikuji completely sank that the Japanese fleet began to counterattack, and it was this booming gunfire that awakened Matsumoto. He jumped up from the ground and shouted, "Come on, keep the ships out of array, and fire at will. Order the Ota fast frigate and the Chunlang high-speed destroyer to protect the Sakura and retreat at all costs."

At the same time, I was pointing at Yamato's bridge and said, "Which ship should be the flagship? Order to concentrate the firepower and knock it out first."

Wang Chuangwang and Wu immediately gave orders separately. "Focused on the opponent's flagship."

Hagi Matsumoto just sent the order, and a dense bullet rain immediately burst into bloom on Yamato. Dense bullet rain instantly lifted the entire superstructure of the battleship, while Matsumoto Masako survived miraculously, but Mrs. Tanaka disappeared with the bridge. Matsumoto got up from behind the curled steel plate, and what he was about to say suddenly found that the top of a huge battleship in the distance suddenly lighted up, and the next moment he was hung.

亮 Of course, the bright magic light cannon on the Tyrant is of course. This is a giant magic light cannon made of our largest piece of clear crystal. We used it to draw a few wavy lines back and forth on the Yamato, and then the Yamato was divided into N segments and sunk into the sea like a sliced ​​carrot.

Although Matsumoto was congratulating him, his order was sent in time. The Japanese fleet's warships began to fight back, and a water column suddenly appeared next to the Tyrant, which appeared to be a large-caliber shell. And Sakura is turning around quickly. The Sakura is only 29 meters long and belongs to an ultralight frigate. But this ship has a pair of giant gas turbine thrusters used by super battleships, which is the fastest in Japan. At least Japan's warships do not have such fast warships, and not many in Asia can catch up with them. It can be said that Matsumoto chose it as a transport ship, but the problem is that this time the pirates are our Frost Rose Alliance.

Sakura turned around and walked away, the ghost ship next to it immediately caught up, but they were surprised to find that they couldn't catch up with the ship. The Sakura turned out to be a hydrofoil, and it got faster and faster as soon as it ran.

报告 A report sounded immediately in the observation room on our side: "President, the big fish is going to run."

"Order the assault ship to chase."

"Yes, assault the formation."

Several dozen-meter-long fast battleships in our team suddenly made a flexible U-turn and rushed towards the Sakura. The Japanese shot wildly to stop these chasing warships, but found that all the shells had fallen far behind the battleships. No one hit. The assault ship is equipped with 4 sets of jet thrusters and a high-powered side thrust engine. It is understandable whether it is linear speed or steering ability. A warship that wants to hit this speed is delusional.

追 The chase battle started there, and the naval battles here became more and more intense. The torpedo ship of Little Japan finally began to show its might, and a strangely shaped Japanese warship suddenly launched a torpedo. The little Japanese shouted and watched as torpedoes hit our warships, and then they jumped up and started cheering and celebrating. But the cheer stopped. The torpedo was exploded, but the battleship was still fighting without any response, as if it had not just been hit.

Little Japan is called smart instead of smart. Their torpedoes were manipulative and they detonated when they saw the distance. As a result, they thought they had hit. But this is actually a ghost ship that looks real but has no entity. The explosion did not respond to it at all. If they use an unmanned torpedo, maybe they will find a problem because they find the torpedo crossing the hull, but now they think the torpedo is not powerful enough. As a result, several torpedoes were launched together.

This time, the little Japanese plan to wait for the torpedo to hit the battleship before detonating, but after the torpedo hits the battleship, they drill into it. The low-level players in the torpedo were dumbfounded. He watched as his torpedo drilled out of the battleship and out of the other side, and waited for his reaction to discover that there was a battleship in front of himself. The torpedo crashed into their own warship, and the people inside shook their inertial hands due to the impact. There was a thunderous blast in the middle of the hit ship and it fell back into the water, and the whole side of the ship was lifted off a large piece.

He Linyue shouted with a telescope: "Haha! Little Japanese torpedoes passed through the ghost ship and blown up their own warship."

"Bombardment!" The observer outside called out suddenly, and we all lay on the ground immediately. The glass of the tyrant bridge was blown up.

Wu Hongyue got up from the ground and shook off the glass residue on her body. "I can't underestimate the Japanese cannons, they actually flew here!"

I patted my body and said, "Ninety-nine percent are stray bullets. How can they be so accurate?"

Suddenly the intercom in the ship's bridge rang, and the sound of a war song was heard. He was now the captain of the Flash. "President, are you all right?"

"It's all right."

"You have a bright red spot on your bridge."


"I said you seemed to be sighted by the laser."

"I see." I quickly turned around and waved and waved to everyone to squat, and then I squat under the console and gave a command to the outside with the communicator. "The enemy has new technology, maybe a laser sighting system. Find me and send it to the ocean floor."


"I found the target." There was news soon, but it was found so quickly.

"Standard coordinate system, direction 2, distance 40, correction angle 18." I don't know which female player reports the data, anyway, we can't remember too many women in the guild.

"Thank you." I quickly ordered the battery: "Hear it?"

"We are reloading, jammed!"


There was a sudden sound from above. "Leave it to us."

The magic light gun that had just cooled fired again, and a white beam of light appeared in the night, sweeping through the center of the enemy fleet like a sharp sword, and a row of battleships was cut in two by the waist.

"Throat!" Chuang Wang got up from under the podium and said, "Good job."

注意 "Attention." We haven't understood what happened yet, and the battleship suddenly shook suddenly. I only saw the No. 1 turret on the foredeck turned into a large hole and was billowing thick smoke. Enemies use magic crystal cannons. This thing is too powerful, no matter how thick the steel plate is. Fortunately, the shield weakened the power of the magic crystal cannon, so only one turret was lost instead of the entire bow.

"Where's the shell?"

"Over there. Little Japan's number one super battleship-Musashi. Japan's largest ship." The observation room data is quite fast.

不好 "No, it's going to fire again."

"Fortress?" I called.

The turret replied, "It's too late."

I squinted and watched the magic crystal cannon on the Musashi over there started to flash, but our side was temporarily unable to fire because of the impact just now. Although it is impossible to hit the Tyrant even if you hit the two guns again, that will add two big holes to us! Just at this moment of blaze, a red line in the air suddenly fell down and hit the Musashi. Immediately after the sky brightened, a white ball of light fell down the red line like lightning. The Burial was as if it had been hit by a giant shot, a fireball suddenly rose in the middle, and then the entire battleship broke into two pieces and flew into the water.

玫瑰 The voice of a rose sounded in the intercom. "You can't do it without me!"

"Wife? Where are you?"

"I'm in Isinger." Rose's voice was full of smiles.

"Ah?" I froze for a moment. "Can Crystal Resonator be connected so far?"

当然 "Of course not, but it will be different if there is a transfer station in the middle. I asked the fast submarine team to set up a repeater for us. It didn't ring to save your life."

"What was ...?"

"Babel Tower. What else could it be?"

"I said! Nothing but it can get here from Isinger."

Rose said in a very solemn voice: "The signal is turned on to tell you something."

"What's the matter?"

"The latest news from Atlantis has just arrived."

"Say something?"

"No one in the Great White Shark can speak Japanese."

"What about us?" I don't know what Atlantis did to us.

Rose explained: "They use magic text, which means that every transaction has an NPC as a translator."

"What happened then?"

"So far they have only contacted once. That is to say, the two sides don't know each other. And the language is inaccessible and requires a special translator."

"carry on."

"Don't understand yet?" Rose asked anxiously.

"I understand." I affirmatively answered, "Don't you just want us to pretend to be Japanese white sharks?"


I interrupted Rose: "But didn't Atlantis want the White Sharks to get the magic crystal resources?"

"Who said to give resources. I mean you use Japanese resources to trade technical information with them."

"Isn't that resource given to them yet? Do you want me to steal the sky and use stones as a magic crystal?"

"No, no, no, that would be discovered," Rose said, "I want you to put more things in it."

立刻 I immediately showed an evil smile. "Ah! You are so bad!"

"It's called Shun Shui Humanity. It's not bad. Also, the technology Atlantis has to make a copy. In return, they say that the skilled workers at the harbor will be extended indefinitely."

"This condition is good, I like it. But I don't have the thing to put!"

"I know you don't. Crystal Chocolate is rushing to you."

I look at the time. "The Great White Shark is two hours away. It's too late!"

不要 "It doesn't matter, this time it's the speed king of our guild. It should be able to reach you in half an hour." Rose thought for a while and added: "If nothing hits!"

Sweat! The king of the strongest speed is the advanced technology verification boat of our guild. That thing is basically not a ship anymore, but a ground effect aircraft. It was fast enough to catch the plane, but there were some problems with steering. Riding that thing requires a superman-like body and a steel-like will. I hope that the crystal chocolates will be alive when they are delivered!

"Well then! You guys wait for my news. By the way, you'd better watch us in the Babel Tower. If the White Shark finds a problem, you can help intercept it when we run away."

"no problem."

Putting down the communicator, I said to everyone around me: "The order is speeded up, these little Japanese are cleaned up, and we will soon have a bigger business."

混 The melee is still on our side, and on the other side, the assault ship pursuing the Sakura has killed the two escorts and is chasing the Sakura. Both sides are high-speed warships, which have run more than a hundred kilometers and have not yet caught up.

Squinting as one of the attack ships approached the Sakura, the distance between the two sides was less than 20 meters. There was a sudden boom on the assault ship, but this was not a cannon but a whale fork. In fact, it should be called a trapper fork, and the shape is an enlarged version of the whale fork. With the sound of gunfire, a pure steel arrow with a length of 1.5 meters and a diameter of 20 centimeters and a three-way barb flew out, with a thin wire rope on the tail of the arrow.

A dangling steel arrow hit the tail of Sakura. The huge long arrow suddenly exploded into a lot of hooks, and Li Li slammed the railings, fixed piles, support frames and other things on the cherry blossom. The warship that fired the steel arrow suddenly closed the thruster, relying solely on the pulling force of the rope to pull forward ~ ~ This was done so as not to break the wire rope.

There was an extra boat behind the Sakura, and the speed slowed down immediately. The other assault ships seized the opportunity to lean forward together, and the sound of continuous bangs was connected to the Sakura. Suddenly the Sakura slowed down, and it was strange to drag so many warships behind.

The Japanese on the barge desperately wanted to cut off the wire ropes. Unfortunately, these wires were already very strong. Besides, each arrow exploded into a bunch of wire heads, and they had no time to chop them one by one.

The ropes of the assault ship were connected to the hoist. As these hoists started to close the line, the assault ship was affixed to the Sakura. The so-called assault ship is actually a melee combat ship for melee. This type of battleship is the only one with very few NPCs. The main weapon on board is a commando composed of advanced players. These people are the pride of our guild. The most powerful group of people are here. As soon as the ship was posted on the Sakura, those players on the battleship immediately jumped on the Sakura.

肉 A small hand-to-hand battle on the cherry blossoms of Little Japan began immediately, but this is a bit of a downside, because our guild players have guardians. The steel claws were just giants on these ships, and they rushed all of Japan into the water a few times. Several little Japanese also planned to sink water to sink, but unfortunately they were killed as soon as the valve was opened.

I was directing the battle on the Tyrant, and suddenly the talker sounded a report. "Chairman. Here is the raid team, the target capture is complete, the crew has been suppressed and the cargo is in hand."

好 "Okay, turn around and come back, we need those things."

明白 "Understand, we can return to our team in 15 minutes."

I turned to Hongyue and said, "Haha! The stuff is here. A boat full of magic crystals."

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