Starting from Zero

Vol 7 Chapter 80: Mousetrap

Vinda nodded. "The patrol soldier found something on the wall."

"Take me to see."

"this way."

Wu Weina, all three of them followed me to the city wall. The place that Vida said was the East City Wall, which is the direction of the sea. Rose and Red Moon were already there when we reached the wall. Everyone sees me coming out of the way.

走进 I walked into the crowd and saw a strange black mark on the ground. "Is this footprint?"

A demon knight standing beside him nodded and said, "It is human footprints, and it is newly left, no more than 3 minutes. The other party climbed up all the way from the sea, so it left a watermark."

I look at Hongyue them. "What do you guys think?"

Rose said: "Unsurprisingly, those little Japan."

Everyone nodded in agreement with Rose, and I nodded. "How many footprints did you find?"

One guard said: "Footprints have been stepped on by many people. The other party must have stepped on the footprints of the previous person in order to avoid exposing the number of people. They belong to a very professional team. There is no way to judge the number by footprints. We just found 8 There are signs of entry in this place, which means that many people came in. "

玩家 A player standing behind the team said: "If I were Japanese, I wouldn't send only a few people in. Isinger's area is not ordinary, and there are certainly no way for people to find what they are looking for."

Wu Hongyue said, "The question now is what are they looking for?"

Xun Ziyue said: "It may be stealing the magic spar, or it may be destroying."

"Don't guess what they want to do, anyway, they have to solve it anyway." I turned to Vinda and said, "Assemble the troops and form a patrol post. So at the intersection and double posts, there must be at least three patrols on each street. Tonight Let's catch the mouse! "

Rose said: "Is it too boring to catch mice? How about we use mouse clips?"

"Mouse Clip?"

Rose laughed: "Relax the patrol in some places and concentrate the guards where we want the rats to go. When they do, they will naturally think that the key protected area is the important place and desperately drill inside."

"I understand what you mean. But the important areas still have to be defensive. You can't let them drill holes. All right, go catch the mouse. See who catches more tomorrow morning." I took out a white crystal and called Chu Jingjing then connected to the guild video broadcast. "Everyone's attention. Little Japan's invasion of Essinger was unsuccessful today, and now it is starting to perform small moves. It has just been confirmed that Japanese infiltration personnel have infiltrated our Essinger. In order to avoid any losses, we are going to play to catch mice Game. Pay attention to this crystal in my hand, this is the angel angel calling crystal, which is equivalent to the magic pet egg. The cute MM next to me is the angel angel crystal, grade 1000! Who catches the most mice tonight, this crystal Whose one is the prize? If I catch the most, then I will keep it, and I will take out any guild activities next time to make the prize. Okay, now I announce the start of the game, everyone will work hard! "

The people around me looked at me with strange eyes, and I looked at them: "Is there anything strange?"

Tong Hongyue shook her head and said, "It's not strange, I want to ask what you said is true?"

"I announced that I can still take it back? This is a guild broadcast."

Almost all the players around me disappeared as soon as I finished talking. It seems that proper rewards can indeed improve the enthusiasm of work. I have never seen them so crazy before. There are only Roses and a few NPCs left by my side, and he turned to Vinda and said, "You should go now."


我们 When we left the city walls, everything in the city had changed. Hundreds of thousands of patrols lined up in various streets, and some guards were full of guards. Wei Na even sent her Temple Guard to help. I was sent to the Juling Tower by the Amplifying Tower's amplification effect using a large range of true vision. This magic can completely eliminate the effects of magic such as invisibility and mimicry. Don't think about hiding the sky. In addition to soldiers, parts of Isinger are also equipped with opal. Although it may appear to be decorative, it is actually a monitor bought from Atlantis. As long as Little Japan walks past these opal stones on the wall, they will be found. And some of them still have a certain amount of attack ability, as long as the distance is close enough, you can accidentally give a fatal blow.

Little Japan dare to enter Isinger is their biggest mistake, today we have to let them stand in and lie down.

The little Japan who sneaked into Isinger was very smooth at first, but after a while, it was obvious that something was wrong. A ninja approached the ninja next to him and said, "Chairman Matsumoto, did the Chinese find us in?"

Matsumoto looked out from the edge of the building where he was hiding. "Probably yes, several patrol teams have passed in these minutes. Fuck, there are so many guards here!"

Another ninja suddenly said, "President, my invisibility is invalid."

"Eh?" Matsumoto looked at his hand and looked around, and then he made himself invisible twice in a row: "It seems that something is interfering with invisibility. Tell everyone to be careful, invisibility is invalid. When it's over, it's concealed by obstacles. "


日本 Little Japan, which has no stealth ability, began to use various methods to evade the guard. In some places, it was necessary to fight with the patrol guard for a short time. But even if you are careful, there are leaks, not to mention there are dark whistle on our side.

The opal controlled by the City Tree was the first to discover the target. The radio in the city suddenly rang: "Attention of the patrol. Five Japanese ninjas were found in front of the building at 0731027 on D3S6 Avenue, F2, C6, and they are now fleeing from east to west.

Although this is a public radio broadcast, the whole city heard it, but Little Japan did n’t know how to arrange the area codes of Isinger, so even if I heard it, I did n’t know which team it was talking about. Little Japan is flustered. Our guard certainly knew the place, and nearby patrols immediately started to gather there.


The five ninjas who were discovered were hiding in a flower bush next to a cat's eye. They thought no one saw them, but they knew that the monitor was less than a meter above their heads. Five demon knights ran towards the flowers and ran away. The ninjas found themselves exposed to hurry up and want to run, but a large number of guards had completely blocked the road, and even the roof was full of guards. Several dazzling columns of bright light from several nearby defensive buildings shot over, taking several ninjas as if they were on the stage.

A little conscious Japanese wants to resist, and he glances at each other and suddenly breaks in one direction. As a result, he is shot by the archer as a hedgehog. Several demon knights grabbed a corpse's leg and dragged it to the Lingling Tower to return to life.

5 ninjas here have just been killed, and a group of 5 people has been found in the southeast corner of the city. The five idiots were found by a cat's eye nearby as soon as they jumped out of a building. Several big searchlights turned them into dazzling emperor stars. Then the Isinger players who were more fanatical than the Star Chaser rushed together to kill them. Of course, the players were not fanatical because of their charm. It was because of the reward of the angel crystal that I proposed. Those 5 little Japanese were almost trampled to death in the process of the players vying for them, really pathetic! Another urban stampede!

多 For more than half an hour, the Japanese squads were arrested one after another. Those rookie ninjas couldn't cope with such a complicated environment. There were too many whistle and whistle. As soon as they are found by players or opal, there will be a lot of searchlights to light up their snow.

This time, there were many people in Little Japan. Because some people planned to do bait attacks from the beginning, many Japanese players who were not ninjas sneaked in. These people are not ninjas at all, and they are not trained. They are very easy to expose, so people have been arrested for the first half hour. Hundreds of corpses have been tiled in the open space in front of the Juling Tower, and the number is still increasing.

Over time, when the corpses in front of the Juling Tower increased to 1,700, the Japanese attack team was basically cleaned up, and the rest were some highly skilled professional ninjas, and they were all masters. Little Japan is more developed in this area.

I do n’t know who remembered it first. Some players took out their steel claws to help catch people. Later, it turned out that everyone relied on the nose of the steel claws to help find people. We don't have police dogs here, steel claws can just replace them. Little Japan can be troublesome now. Obstacles can block the sight but can't stop the smell. Many little Japan who thought they were hiding well were dragged out of the hiding place by the steel claws. However, there are still many small Japanese that have not been found. After all, our guild has more than 10,000 full members, and nearly half have not participated in the rat-trapping operation because they are offline or have problems in other cities. Searching for such a large Isinger by these remaining steel claws alone was really too busy.

I sent out all my magic pets to act on my own, leaving only Phantom to help. Rose followed me and walked around the city like a stroll on the street. Not to mention, it really made us run into a team. The two of us just passed by the guild warehouse, and a few shadows flashed across the street after a pair of guards passed by.

Rose just stopped when I was about to shout. "You're waiting for me here, I'll do it myself."

He quietly followed the shadows and activated the cloak effect of the cloak. Amenities is my magic pet, harmful magic will not work for me, so I can still be invisible. The five little Japanese are not all ninjas, only three of them are ninjas, and the other two seem to be Japanese samurai. The ninja is ahead and the samurai is behind the line. They were very careful and kept as quiet as possible along the way, but how could they realize that someone was behind them while avoiding the guards.

When five of them reached the top of a building, I also quietly approached them. Hold eternity into a small dagger in your hand and slowly approach them. While they were watching the patrol cycle of the nearby patrol, I touched the last of the samurai behind them. Suddenly his left hand covered his mouth and nose, and his right hand quickly swept across his neck with an eternally changing dagger. The guy pedaled twice, but Isinger was facing the sea, and the strong sea wind completely blocked him. sound.

I dragged the unlucky egg to the wall and put it in the building from the window. I touched those guys and killed another samurai in the same way and dragged it back to the room. For the third time, I touched them to prepare for action. After finding a ninja behind, I slowly moved my left hand over his head to cover his mouth, and the right-handed dagger was in place. The ninja was about to start and suddenly said, "Where does Minghao Jun think that thing will be?"

The front ninja didn't look back and said directly: "It should be over there. Judging from the distribution of the guards, the blockade is the tightest. Obviously, we don't want us to come near, then there must be important things in it. Do you mean?"

最 The ninja who spoke first in front of me replied, "Well, it makes sense."

Another ninja also said, "I think so. What does Zao Tianjun think?"

I waited for a while and no one answered. The three ninjas turned back together, and they all froze. The questioning ninja shouted in a low voice, "Zaotian? Wu Ze?"

The front ninja said, "What about people?"

"I was still behind me!"

"What else do they run around like this?"

"What shall we do now?"

"I think they should be found first."

此时 I squatted less than two meters away from them and watched them arguing. These three stupid people had no idea of ​​losing two living people around them.

吵 They were noisy and happy, and a few searchlights lit in the distance, attracting the attention of three people at the same time. The guy at the front said: "It was probably Honda's team that was arrested."

I leaned back again while they were staying and approached the last guy. Take the shot cleanly and solve the problem in a single shot. Dragging his body back two meters, the two guys in the front suddenly turned back, and I quickly covered the body with myself with a cape.


"Why is Nimaru gone?" The two guys asked at almost the same time.

The younger stupid voice said: "Is it God Hidden?"

Another immediately reprimanded: "Don't talk nonsense, here is the city, how can it be hidden here?"

I almost laughed while listening, and it took a lot of effort to hold back without laughing, these two idiots are really funny.

The smaller ninja asked another: "Ming Haojun, don't you disappear suddenly, right?"

"Bastard, what are you talking about! How can I disappear!"

"But they are ..."

"What monsters might be around!"

"In the city?"

"Maybe! That **** in Ziri is a monster in itself. Last time, we didn't treat him like 6000 people in Liangliang. Maybe his city is rich in monsters!"

I want to laugh while listening. These two idiots are still studying the missing people there, but I don't have the time to spend time with them. Raised his right finger to the older and more sophisticated guy, with a slight snap of the spring, a soul-chasing arrow flew out.

when! All three of us were choking with a crisp sound. The arrow was hit, but it was not where I aimed. That guy really isn't an ordinary character, so he can react to raise a knife and block his arrow in such a short time. But because they have two people, I want to solve one in one hit, so I use the powerful soul-chasing arrow. At such a stop, the soul-chasing arrow failed to hit the target, but he cut off his Toyo sword. The arrow that missed its head flew obliquely and shot through the calf of the rookie next to him.

Sudden change, all three of us were very surprised. The rookie basically only knew that his legs were rolling and he and the experienced ninja reacted at the same time. His cross steel dart flew over immediately, and as soon as I let the body flash away, there was no sense of invisibility as soon as I moved. Just remove the invisibility and turn over and take a half step. A row of steel darts landed where I just squatted.

"Run!" The ninja unexpectedly did not continue to attack, but turned and pulled the injured companion and jumped off the edge of the roof.

I had done a good defensive posture, but I didn't expect him to run away suddenly. Hurrying to the side of the floor without seeing people, it is estimated that the other party did not go to the end but got into the window halfway. As soon as I stepped on the railing, I jumped down and spread my wings slowly. A few drops of blood were seen in front of a window sill, and the window was open.

I crossed the window and entered the building, looking around. There was no blood on the ground, and no sound could be heard in the room. It seemed lost! But I wasn't quite sure, and stuck my head out of the window again. Sure enough, I saw two dark shadows flash around the corner and disappeared in the small lane between the buildings. I hurriedly jumped out and ran straight to the alley without landing my wings. Chasing to the alley just saw two shadows digging in through a window in Jiaxiang. I followed up immediately.

The more sophisticated ninja may be a thief in reality, and he is flexible and terrible. It is like walking through the wall and jumping through the ground. I jumped into the window and found out that this was the back door of the restaurant. I jumped into it and fell into the sink for washing vegetables. However, the two guys obviously also suffered, because there were two rows of clear watermarks on the ground showing that just two people were covered by water.

I followed the water trail all the way up to the second floor. There was no sound in the black hole in the room. The water has dried up, and the seal is invisible, but this second floor is a dead end, there are no exits around, and the windows are closed. The other party must be hiding somewhere in the room.

"Come out! I know you are here."

Whizzing! Something appeared, but not people, but two darts. I dropped two darts with one hand and fell to the ground with two beeps.

I looked in the direction of launching a dart, but couldn't find anyone. After a closer look, I found a small slingshot-like mechanism on the room beam. The dart just fired from this little thing. No wonder the speed is so slow. This guy's technology is great too.

听到 I heard a little movement and suddenly turned around and threw the dagger around my waist. A splash, the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground. I hurried over and saw the injured rookie. My dagger hit his eyebrow. But there was a sudden movement at the entrance of the staircase, and I flew out of the other dagger. Hold the dagger on the rookie's forehead, step on his shoulders with his feet, and pull out the dagger with a strong pull. Wipe the blood on him, then set the dagger, and walk to the stairs to check the situation.

The dagger was nailed to the handrail of the staircase, and there was still blood on the tip of the knife. It seemed to have wiped the target ~ ~ but it did not seem to hit the point. The other person knocked over the table and ran out from the back door. I know this chase is of little significance. Anyway, he was hurt by me. Without sacrificing him to use powerful purification, he will slowly wither and die, because I just saw Combat prompts show that the evil invasion was successfully initiated.

I turned and walked out of the gate, not planning to chase that guy anymore. But just after opening the door, a row of weapons arrived suddenly, but after a second, a female voice said, "President?"

"It's you!"

切 "Cut! I thought it was a rat!"

I clapped my hands and said, "How many of you have been killed? I have four already."

"Chairman, you are too inferior! Sister Lan is now 27."

有人 On the other side, someone shouted, "What is 27, Sister Bai just killed the 29th."

Sweat! These girls are really fierce! There are 29 in less than an hour. It is estimated that there are no records here, and there must be more.

"Keep on, angels are beckoning to you."

"Well." Everyone nodded strongly and began to spread and continue to catch the mice.

I just said that the player named Baijie suddenly pulled a bow, and a ninja fell on the roof. I saw the one I was chasing just now. A girl next to her shouted, "Sister Bai is over 30."

叫 I shouted, "Wait. This guy has just been hurt by me, even if he doesn't kill him for a while, he will be corroded and killed by evil spirit."

"But in the end Sister Bai shot and died."

"That's half. That's 29 and a half."

"Having half the number? What about 29 and a half?"

"We counted the dead, 29 half dead, good. Well, that's it, you should go find a new one, or else let others grab it."

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