Starting from Zero

Vol 7 Chapter 82: I am who I am

Ziyue cried for a few minutes and then stopped suddenly, but confused me. She wiped her tears in a calm tone: "Okay, am I all right?"

I looked at her in surprise. "Do you usually cry like this?"

"No." Ziyue shook her head. "I only cry when I encounter something very serious. But I don't have long sex, so I just cry."

Sweat! It really is a cheerful character!

"Let's see below?" Ziyue said to me.

I quickly nodded and pressed the switch on the computer to continue displaying the analysis data. The next part is a comparison of my genes and Lin Yue's genes, and the results are completely different. The results now show that Lin Yue is the daughter of their parents, but she had done a DNA rearrangement of appearance before she was born, and Lin Yue's parents were normal natural persons. Another result is that Ziyue and I have no blood relationship with Lin Yue and her parents.

The analysis results are quite unexpected. I originally thought that Lin Yue was part of us, but now it seems that Lin Yue is a natural person. There is still a big difference between the DNA correction and the artificial person. Lin Yue is still a normal person.

Wu Ziyue looked at the screen and said, "I'm weird."

"Is there anything wrong?"

"It seems that I am not the daughter of my parents now, but why Xiaoyue her ...? The two of us grew up together and we still have some telepathy!"

I explained: "You are likely to be a transferred embryo, Lin Yue is the result of natural reproduction. In order to disguise you as twins, you also modified Lin Yue's DNA, I guess this is her DNA's modification traces The reason. As for telepathy, I think it's just because you have a better understanding of how you live together for a long time. "

"Then you compare our DNA and see if we have the same thing."


The computer analyzed for a long time, and the data came out to us both unexpectedly and logically. Both Ziyue's DNA and I have completely synthetic characteristics, and our two DNAs are almost identical except for the part responsible for gender-related content.

"Congratulations on your having an older sister." Ziyue even joked.

"We still don't know who is big!"

"Go!" Ziyue looked at the data on the screen and said, "So we are twins?"

"I think so!"

To be honest, this result is not surprising, I suspected it to be the most likely result before the experiment. Suddenly remembered a problem. "Ziyue, listen to me. Now I want you to answer my question. It must be accurate, can you?"

"What's the problem, tell me?"

"Have you ever seen the red moon?" Ziyue's suddenly dilated pupil and wide mouth had already answered my question. Before she answered, she asked immediately, "Have you ever seen it?"

Ziyue nodded nervously. "I started at the age of eight. Whenever it rains on a cloudy day, I can see the red moon hanging in the sky. Hou Hou also told others, but they all said that I lied, and everyone said that there is only cloud in the sky, and I But you can see the moon. "

"follow me."

Shut down the experimenter and pull Ziyue to quickly run to the base. Now there is no need to hide anything. The result has already come out. Dad knows nothing. Ziyue followed me and kept asking me what I was going to do, but I just said it was important. In fact, I was going to take her to check the situation in more detail. The equipment here is not enough to complete these tasks.

两个 When the two of us ran across the door, they saw that our eyes were straight. They knew me, but seeing Ziyue standing with me confused them. I didn't have time to deal with them, took out the electronic card, opened the gate and rushed directly into the base. Avoid the main passage and go directly from the dedicated elevator to the work area. Anyway, my security level is sufficient to start any equipment here.

He pulled out the elevator and pulled Ziyue toward the Virus Experiment Center, and everyone who saw us along the way was surprised and widened his eyes. Although I am no longer so feminine because of B13, Ziyue's appearance is still too close to me. The first reaction everyone sees us is: "I haven't heard that the president has a daughter!"

We went into the experimental area and changed the dustproof clothing first, and then entered the room through seven disinfection rooms. I dragged Ziyue directly to the lab bench of the person in charge. The old guy looked up for a moment, then looked at us both in surprise. "Master, is this ...?"

"Don't ask me first, I'm not sure of her identity yet. You can help me first."

"Please speak."

"follow me."

They took two of them in one hand and ran to the human body scanning room. There is a 179 billion yuan super-detector that can comprehensively analyze organisms. Its function is more powerful than a large general hospital. The only disadvantage is that it is too expensive. . Usually this thing is used to analyze live experimental data, but now I have another use. Pushing Ziyue onto the testing platform, the mechanical snap ring automatically fixed her body. I asked her to stay still and then drag the research director to the front of the display wall to look at the data.

"What the **** do you want me to do?"

I pointed to Ziyue: "See if she has a virus."

"What virus do you say? If you have a cold virus or something, you don't need to analyze it, I promise it will."

"B13. See if there is B13."

"What did you say?" This old guy was also one of the several participants in the B13 plan that year, so he knew the meaning of B13. "Aren't you kidding me?"

"Will I come here to make such a joke with you?"

The old guy finally realized the seriousness of the problem, he immediately began to verbally manipulate the display wall. This machine is a bit expensive, but it has nothing to say, full voice operation, automatic auxiliary analysis, and on-site surgery when necessary, anything.

"Extract blood samples, inject bioassay chips, and analyze components."


女性 A woman's voice quietly replied: "Manipulation is in progress. The sample extraction is complete .... The biochip input is completed ... the analysis of the rotation is started ... The test sample contains components that have been analyzed. Do I need a detailed report?"

"Check the database, check the virus signature database, and check whether there is a macromolecular virus."

"Data check completed. 13797 common viruses and 243 special viruses were found to meet the requirements."

The research director thought for a moment and said, "Label all virus samples with ball chains longer than 279, start the tunnel scanner, and send me all the sample photos."

"Seven types are found to meet the standard and are being separated .... Separation is complete, the tunnel scanner is started, and the photo results will be entered on the display wall."

七 Seven photos flashed on the wall on our side. In my opinion, it is not much different from Picasso's painting, but the researcher can understand it. Soon he said, "Enlarge the samples 3 and 5 by 3 times."

"Zoom in."

"Dynamic shooting of No. 5."

"Live transmission starts."

The picture turns into a dynamic picture, and a very strange shape appears on the display wall. This little thing is like an octopus, with a lot of tentacles, about thirty. There is a mass of yellow matter in the center of this thing, and you can't see what it is. Suddenly, an ice-cream-like thing passed by, and the little octopus caught the thing with a lightning flash. Next, I was a bit surprised. The octopus-like thing grabbed a purple ball in the center of the "ice cream" and ate it, then threw the "ice cream" that was no longer moving aside.

The research director's face was not very good, and his mouth could be stuffed into a duck egg. "how can that be!"

I asked, "This octopus-like B13?"

"Yes, this is it."

"What did it eat just now?"

"A kind of bacteria called Aspergillus."

"Right? The virus should not be as big as bacteria?"

"B13 is an artificial virus. It's not the same as a natural virus. We can only make such a large virus, no matter how small it is, it is not easy to operate."

"Then this thing is okay to eat it?"

"It's okay. Aspergillus is a kind of bacteria that can easily induce disease. If there are too many things in the body, people will easily get sick."

"Then B13 is doing this to maintain the health of the host?"

"Well." The research director nodded. "B13 is designed to strengthen the human body and make it healthier and stronger. It will not multiply and destroy human cells like other viruses, but it will multiply in an orderly manner. In the process, it will swallow harmful viruses and bacteria to maintain it. The role of health. But there is something strange about it. "


"Look here." He pointed to the tentacle of the octopus-like B13. "The previous B13 didn't have so many tentacles. I don't know if it was an individual mutation or her B13 mutation."

"Is there any difference?"

"Of course." He explained: "This tentacle is similar to a weapon. If there are too many tentacles, they may prey on viruses and bacteria. As a result, their own total nutritional supplement will decrease. On the contrary, if there are too few tentacles, it will It can't control the number of bacteria around it and it can't function normally. Generally speaking, 26 tentacles are just right, this kind of virus is the most perfect. "

"The B13 fighting power on her is too strong, but it is slow instead, right?"

"Yes. So she hasn't seen the strengthening process so far. At this rate, she won't have the strengthening process until at least 27 years old."

"You mean she will soften the bones like I did last time and then re-synthesize into a superhuman existence?"

对 "Yes. Sooner or later, B13 will be the case. Anyway, it's a good thing, don't worry. But I want to know how this girl carried B13. Where did you find her?"

"I can't tell you this for the time being, I'm still confused!"

I walked to the side of the instrument to release Ziyue and said, "Come with me."

Wu Ziyue asked, "What are you talking about B13? Is there a virus on me? Will it not hurt me?"

"Rest assured. The only thing you lose after B13 infection is that you never have a chance to sleep again!"

"No chance to sleep?"

"This one-and-a-half time will not explain clearly. I will take you to my dad first .... It seems that I can't call dad now!"

Ziyue followed me in the base, we said nothing, and we were thinking about our own things. But in the end, we walked to the front of Dad's office and knocked on the door. There came a voice: "Come in."

推 I pushed the door and pulled in Ziyue and went in. Dad looked up and saw that I came in, but it was nothing but when he saw Ziyue he was surprised. "you guys……?"

I let Ziyue come in and locked the door with my backhand. "We just did a DNA analysis."

"You still did it?"

I nodded and pulled Ziyue forward. "This is Taketsuki, I think she should be my only blood relative?"

Dad put down his papers and went here. He stood in front of Ziyue for a long time, then gently stroked Ziyue's hair. "Are your parents okay?"

"Do you know them?" Ziyue is very different.

当然 "Of course. Now that you already know, I don't want to keep concealing it anymore. I knew all about the original experiment. Of course, your birth was one of them. Your name is still my name."


怎么 "What? Don't believe it?"

Ziyue shook her head. "No."

"I know you are curious, now sit down and let me tell you what happened."


I quickly took Ziyue and sat down. Dad took a sip of tea and sat down across from us. "That was 40 years ago. When the lab first completed the three theories. I was not the head of Long Yuan at the time, and it was still your grandpa management group. There was a very talented doctor who designed a human enhancement program "But no matter how hard we try, we can't complete a complete embryo. Until 31 years ago, we got an intact cell by chance, a real human cell that is completely synthetic and capable of dividing."

"That's me?" I asked.

My dad nodded and said, "It should be said that it is you two and your dead compatriots."


"This cell is the ancestor. We performed parallel divisions on top of it, and then we got a lot of identical cells. But none of these cells can develop normally. We have obtained many experimental subjects using catalytic technology, but they are not Malformations are congenital defects. More than 300 subjects died during the entire process. Later we examined the cause of the failure and determined that it was a problem with the tail of the DNA. However, a doctor suggested that a virus be used instead of a molecular probe for synthetic operations. I could n’t find a suitable virus, and later decided to make a virus directly. This process took a long time, until we bought German and French technology and completely bought out their virus gene bank. Finally, B13 was born. We put It merged with one of the cells, and then the cell suddenly began to divide wildly after being silent for 24 hours. But it is unknown why it suddenly became two separate individuals during the division process. "

那就 "Then the two of us?"

"Yes. These two individuals are the two of you." Dad continued: "After that we decided to look for a surrogate mother. A couple of NSA agents working at the base at that time decided to accept this task. Then Taketsuki was born . Your mother was pregnant when the embryo was vaccinated, and the other fetus in her belly is your sister. In order to avoid unnecessary dangers caused by the difference in the appearance of the two children, we made a small change for your sister. "

"My parents are from the Security Service?"

Dad laughed. "Can we just pull a pregnant woman in the hospital and become a contemporary pregnant mother? Of course, you must find a reliable person for such an important thing."

I asked, "Why didn't I get put in?"

"What if the fox finds all the eggs in a basket? For safety reasons we decided to separate the two embryos for surrogacy. Even if there is an accident, we can keep at least one."

所以 "So you decided to have the mother complete the birth of another child?"

Dad nodded. "No one is more reliable than us. Before the embryo is formed, it can be stored for a long time, but you have formed the original embryo cells at that time, and the time is very tight. Surrogacy mothers are not easy to find. They must meet many harsh physiological conditions before they can be surrogates. Besides, we still need reliable people, so only we came here. But your mother said that since she was born as an individual, she must treat you like a normal person, so we decided not to have my own child and to raise you as my biological child . "

"So how did I look? Why so feminine?"

"This actually surprised us. The progenitor cell was actually a female gene cell, and its **** chromosome was XX. But you were split into two individuals after being infected with B13. The individual of Zhuyue maintained the female **** However, your individual cell was sorted incorrectly during sorting, and the **** chromosome became XY. As a result, you became a boy. However, your embryo has been divided by female chromosomes for the first few days, and then only **** has changed. Chromosomes, other basics have not changed, so you look like a girl. But you can rest assured that when you are born, the chromosomes have completely become the male standard and will not affect your future life. "

Han Zhuyue stared at me for a long time and smiled suddenly, "It turns out that we are sisters!"

I brushed my face to the neck. "Don't talk nonsense. Didn't you listen to my dad? At birth, he was completely male, but the embryonic period was spent in a female state."

Dad also laughed and said, "This is a small technical mistake, there is no harm. I now care more about your thoughts. Knowing all this, what do you think of me and your mother?"

I thought for a moment: "I thank you for your care and upbringing. For me, you do n’t even have children, I am really moved. Although there is no blood relationship, we have lived like this for more than 20 years, I don't think it's necessary to mess up the good life now for the nothingness. "

Dad patted my shoulder excitedly: "Good boy. We will always be your parents."

Qi Zhuyue said in a loss: "But what do my parents do?"

Dad said to Taketsuki: "I suggest you don't talk to them ~ ~ The price of helping them be a surrogate parent is that you can live a normal life without the spy department. Don't complicate things anymore. "

I rubbed Ziyue's shoulders intimately and said, "You should be happy. There is no such thing as a brother so powerful."

Bian Zhuyue immediately said: "Who says you are older than me? We are two people with a cell division, at most they are the same size."

立刻 I immediately pretended to be old-fashioned and said: "I'm still relatively old from a psychological age, you still obediently be a sister!"

Ziyue's words changed suddenly: "My sister is my sister. Is your brother-in-law giving a greeting? Don't you still have an angel crystal? Give it up? Just recognize your sister's greeting."

"Aren't you full of magic pets?"

"Then you don't have to worry about it, I'm happy to use it myself, happy to give it away, anyway, it's my business. Give it quickly!"

Dad saw that we were back to normal and then left the office with a smile. Ziyue and I left the room in a noisy manner.

Although the test results today are quite unexpected, I am still very happy. Although my dad is not his biological father, I don't have much to say about my parents' usual concern for me. I wasn't born that kind of melancholy, as long as everyone cares if he is a natural person. What's wrong with me as an artificial person? I have what others have, and I have others who don't.

Since Zi Ziyue is here today, I don't plan to send her away immediately. Dad said that in the evening, our family would have a meal together, and Ziyue would stay together for dinner. After all, Ziyue is my true loved one, the only person in the world who has a blood relationship with me.

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