Starting from Zero

Vol 7 Chapter 86: Lure the enemy

The total number of white sharks is larger than that of mermaids, and there are more members of relatively young white sharks. When they all came together, I realized that there were more than 100,000 people, and I knew that it was time to drive the Great White Shark together.

Now it is more difficult to adjust the battleships. Isinger's battleships are fighting the Japanese. The underwater fleet is busy rebuilding Atlantis, and I can't tune out a ship. Fortunately, the White Sharks themselves have a lot of transport ships, and transporting them saves me trouble.

让 Let the children get on the boat, and walk in the warehouse to load the magic spar. Pack all the magic stones in stock into the bracelet, and then return to direct the shipment. By the time we all left the White Shark's realm, it was three o'clock in the afternoon!

It is said that this transport team is full of important things, but the White Sharks don't have much troops, so they only sent a dozen medium-sized underwater warships to escort. At first we went smoothly. Although there were many civilizations in the sea, the scope of activities was not large. Those natural creatures are generally afraid to approach such a large fleet. But things always have exceptions.

"What is that?" Hongyue found many bright spots on the crystal detector in the battleship.

The white shark soldier screamed at a glance: "Oh my God! It's the enemy!"

"Enemies?" I suddenly remembered. "Isn't it Shermo?"

就是 "That's them." The soldier had a bandage on his arm, and he was there last time.

"Are they passing by or rushing at us?" I can't understand this white shark display, and can only ask their people.

The soldier looked at him and said, "They are behind us and are chasing us."

"Strange, what are they chasing us for?" Hongyue asked.

I shook the space wrist wheel on my wrist: "Because their favorite magic crystal is here, and there are a lot of them." My bracelet is not only the magic crystal of the white shark family, my own is also inside , And the number is very huge, so many magic stones are definitely more tempting than any undersea city. Besides, these Shemo can evaluate their combat effectiveness based on the number of opponents. Our evaluation of combat effectiveness is definitely lower than that of cities. Of course, they have to attack us with a lot of magic crystals and relatively low combat effectiveness, instead of cities that are not so difficult without many magic crystals. But I'm curious. How can these guys feel the contents of my bracelet? It is said that the storage space should be able to completely block the external connection.

"Zi Ri, I'm afraid we can't cope with so many enemies?"

"They are chasing me and not the fleet. You go first, I will lead them away."

"Then you are careful." Hongyue arrived simply.

"You are not worried about my safety at all?"

"I worry more about my safety!"

"Really inhuman!"

"Come on! It won't be too late."

"I see, don't rush."

I gave this transport team to the command of Red Moon, and I drove the speedboat away from the battleship in the stern to quickly disengage in the other direction. The enemies behind them were very sensitive, and they turned around as soon as I left the battleship. The speedboats produced by Atlantis are already very impressive, but the speed of these members of the Shemo tribe is even more terrifying. Not only can't I get rid of them, but I get them closer and closer.

I've been floating up during the escape, and I'll be safe as long as I can leave the sea. But these bunnies seemed to know what I was going to do. They ran up to me and started to form a blocking net. According to this position, I could n’t reach the sea and I asked them to make dumplings.

I thought for a moment, gritted his teeth, turned the rudder and dived into the deep sea. These rogues are even prepared below. No way, except that I have no way out. Turn the power switch to the end and rush forward. But there is no advantage in speed. Sooner or later, he will be caught up sooner or later. The best way to think about it is to go to heaven. As long as I don't leave the water, I can never run them.

Grit your teeth and press the emergency propulsion. After this twisting, the speedboat will exhaust all the power of the magic crystal equipped above in a short time, and the speedboat's engine will be reimbursed from this time, but during this time The speed of a speedboat can increase several times. The speedboat took a moment while I pressed the switch, and then rushed out at a crazy speed. The monsters behind me originally saw that I had slowed down and thought I was going to succeed. How could I know that my speed suddenly changed so fast. In just ten seconds, my speedboat has completely shaken away those monsters. I really thank the designers of Atlantis. Such a practical life-saving setting is really useful.

The monsters behind saw me speed up and desperately chase, but they found that no matter how hard they could catch up, they pulled farther and farther. But my smile didn't last long. The speedboat only persisted for two minutes, and a large air bubble suddenly spewed out from the tail. Then the speed dropped significantly and became slower and slower. I rely! This last struggle is too fast, right? The limit is reached in two minutes?

I quickly jumped off the speedboat and summoned the little dragon girl. "Run!"

Xiao Xiaonv didn't understand what was going on at first, and looked down at Lima to understand. After being transformed into a dragon shape, the little dragon girl grabbed me and swam to the sea. The speed of the little dragon girl is obviously not as fast as those guys, but the last struggle of the speedboat just opened a great distance. This precious distance guarantees that we will not be caught up in a short time.

When the monsters of the Shemo tribe passed by my abandoned speedboat, they continued to chase up without looking. They seemed to instinctively distinguish between living and non-living objects. But non-living objects are not necessarily safe. When I saw them arriving near the speedboat, I started the detonation crystal in my hand, and the speedboat turned into an underwater balloon, and the nearby Shermo was blown apart.

The maggot exploded suddenly on the sea above us, and a huge water splash suddenly emerged, and then the dragon girl's long body got out of the water splash. Almost as soon as we were out of the water, several members of the Shemo tribe also leapt out of the water, one of them also caught the dragon girl's tail, but was thrown off.

Shemo, who was out of the water, fell back into the water, and more Shemo surfaced and looked at us above. The little dragon girl let me go, and I spread my wings and hovered over them, and there were at least tens of thousands of them in the sea below. My guess is correct, these guys don't fly. They just stared at us soaked in water, but they couldn't fly but couldn't reach us.

Xiao Xiaolong did not have time to speak until now: "These are Shermo, aren't they? They look so scary!"


"Not only looks scary, but the combat effectiveness is also terrifying. Fortunately, I can run fast, if I get caught, I'm really finished!"

"What's that?" Suddenly, the dragon girl found something new.

The surface of the water was tumbling not far away, and the sea surface turned up a big bale. As the water flowed to both sides, a red object emerged. This thing looks like a tortoise shell, but it doesn't have that kind of diamond structure, and its surface is completely bright. The big red surface seems to be very dense, judging from the gloss, it is a relatively hard substance.

It took almost a minute for this huge red lid to rise completely, and it looked like an island in volume. If it was a battleship, it would probably be a ship of the type Great White Shark. The question is, do the Shemo have warships?

之后 After this thing was completely raised, the waves suddenly rolled around, and then something like a mast erected from all sides. These "masts" are more than 200 meters in length, and they are scary and stout. Now I can accurately judge that this big red guy is definitely not a warship, and what kind of creature it should be. Those "masts" are clearly tentacles. Not only can they be bent freely, there are also many suction cups on the surface, which is scary when you look at them.

One of the tentacles stood up like a snake and pointed the sharp tip at us, then this tip was divided into many small petals like a ju flower blooming. A **** hole appeared under these separate parts, and there were three sharp teeth on it, which was quite scary.

"It seems to be attacking?" Xiaolong reminded me.

I also noticed that something was not right. "Rising up, that tentacle seems to be retractable."

Xiao Xiaolong started to rise with me, and the tentacle launched an attack just a few seconds later than us. Fortunately, we dodged ahead of time, and the tentacles that had originally been more than 200 meters suddenly rose to 700 or 800 meters. If it was not in the wrong direction, we would have been done.

"Continue to rise, that thing can grow."

I didn't stop the little dragon girl, but kept rising. After the first tentacle made a mistake, the other tentacles opened their mouths and started chasing, and these things were very flexible. We climbed to 1500 meters at a time and those tentacles stopped chasing. The longest one, a tentacle reached 1300 meters. It was really scary!

Xiao Xiaolong stopped and said, "I don't think they will give up so easily."

"Do you mean they have flying troops?"

"That's inconclusive."

The puppet flying unit did not show up, but a lot of things like conch appeared in the water. At first I thought it was a flying force, but after using Xing Tong, I found out that those were anti-aircraft guns. There are holes in the tip of these conch, one by one pointing at the sky like a cannon. Without warning, all conch artillery fires were fired together. They are emitting a kind of blue translucent light mass, and I can't figure out what it is. Don't touch it anyway.

光 The speed of these light clusters is very fast, and they come up almost instantly. I left and hid and got stuck, but only felt a little paralyzed and recovered. It seems that this is an electrical attack, and the Dragon Set is a strong point in this regard. The blue light sphere should be plasma, similar to a spherical lightning, but this time it is flying from bottom to top.

Xiao Xiaolong did not have my defense ability. Although she turned her body into a human figure to reduce the possibility of being hit, she still did not hide away. A lightning ball paralyzed Xiaolongnv Electric for a few seconds, and her body fell straight down. I quickly summoned Fenglong, who opened a space hole under the little dragon girl, and the little dragon girl just fell back to the special space.

家伙 These guys are so powerful that I don't want to consume them. Get the birds out and drop them straight to let him drive me away. The monsters below changed their firing angles, but Asuka didn't take those electric **** seriously, and flickered left and right twice to flash the only two electric **** that might hit us. As we flew away, the monsters behind also chased, but this was futile. Not to mention that flying birds are the king of speed in the air, even the slowest flying pets are much faster than creatures swimming in the water, and those guys will not see the shadows after chasing too far.

It's quite a long way from China here, and flying back with the ability of flying birds is a bit of a strain. The only mode of transportation, the speedboat, was also reimbursed and could only be flown. To prevent this, we decided to fly to Japan first, take a rest there, and then fly back. In this way, you can also see how our Leichuan City is going.

降低 Because there was no chaser, we reduced the flying speed. Flying in cruise mode can increase range and reduce consumption. At present, this method is not hurry. This method is the best. But after a few minutes of flying, Asuka suddenly said, "Master."


"There is a tail behind."

立刻 I immediately looked back and saw a black spot and followed us far away. After using the star pupil to enlarge the image, it was found to be a rather strange creature. Overall it looks like a humanoid, and it's a woman. Behind her are a pair of blood-red wings that look very much like demon wings, but not exactly the same. Except for the pair of wings, this woman is almost indistinguishable from humans. But there was a strange color on her face, which looked like camouflage camouflage, and had a strange beauty. As for the body, I don't know if it should be said that she wasn't wearing it at all or was covering her tightly. At first glance, her body seemed to be wrapped in crimson heavy armor, and a closer look at the body tissues that appeared to be on her body was simply part of her body.

女性 This female creature has been flying with us, her purpose does not seem to be tracking. It is to stop us. But despite her slow cruise, Asuka is only a little faster than us. That's why she chased after so long and didn't catch up. Asuka thought that she was following us.

Judging from her red "armor" and red wings, this creature is likely to be a member of the Shemo tribe. Because their race is very different, the ambassadors basically have some armor-like exoskeleton, and their exposed bones are red. I rarely see red creatures in this game, so this female creature is very likely to be a member of the Shemo tribe. However, I increased the star pupil vision range and saw only one of her, there seemed to be no other flying individuals. This is a bit confusing to me.

Individuals of the Sheshemo tribe have appeared in groups. So far, except for the extra-large one who doesn't know what is a single thing, other individuals have appeared in hundreds or thousands. This female creature is the size of a human being, and it is also a small individual in the currently found Shemo tribe. Such small things should appear in groups! Isn't this Shermo?

Seeing that I hadn't responded for a long time, 再次 Bird asked again: "Should we speed up and shake her off? Or turn around and kill her? It seems she's the only one around."

不要 "Don't. Keep the current speed unchanged, and don't see any disturbance between the land. Raise the flying height slightly."

"I understand."

The guy behind me was chasing us all the way, and the distance was gradually shortening. But when we approached more than 200 meters, I let the flying bird speed up a little, so that our distance was stable, and we couldn't bother to catch up.

I can see her clearly at such a close distance. This creature is indeed very much like a woman, and it can be said that there is almost no difference. Her skeletal armor was wrapped around her body like a tights, basically a devil figure. As for her face, it matches the figure and is also a devil's face. Not that she is ugly, on the contrary, she is very beautiful. It's just that the expression on this face is too cold, and there are many colored roads, which look more scary.

生物 From the appearance, this creature is a melee. Her body is almost the same as my dragon set, with sharp barbs and blades everywhere, and all parts can be used as weapons. But she didn't have a helmet, which was strange. A fiery red hair fluttered behind him, flying in the wind, feeling like a flame.

"Master, we are almost there." Asuka reminds us that we are close to the Japanese island.

I look back and look forward, the coastline is clearly visible. Below are some Japanese battleships running around the sea. Several of them are still emitting heavy smoke and probably just got off the battlefield. The creature behind us had no interest in the warships below. She was biting us all the time. Judging by this behavior, she may really be a member of the Shemo tribe, and only they can stare at me so intently.

"Flying birds, descend height."

"Catch it."

On one side of the bird's body, she swooped down sharply, and the creature behind her took a moment to catch up, and she looked very tired. No wonder, flying birds are special flying creatures, and long-distance flying is nothing to him, but other creatures can't withstand such long-distance flying. She hasn't been thrown away, which shows that the endurance is very good.

The magpie bird dived to a height of 1,000 meters and ended the dive. But the creature behind came to us directly with the speed of the dive. Seeing that she was about to catch up with us, she stretched out her hands, maybe it should be called double claws. This guy's nails are really scary, sharp like a dagger. I'm sure her hand was normal just now, but now it has become this, which shows that she has a certain ability to deform. The hair that followed her abruptly shortened, and two strange hemispheres grew behind her head and merged in front of her face. She had a helmet, but she just didn't open it.

I was thinking that she had come to our right and suddenly grabbed a paw. Asuka rolled over 360 degrees in one place, and that claw was empty. She seemed surprised and immediately came to her for a second attack. But as soon as she reached out her paw, the bird suddenly rose and rolled to the right, and we flipped from the top of her head to her right.

Bird is obviously laughing at the other party's flying skills, but we can't even touch her when we are so close. Flying bird's flying technology really has to be said to be unparalleled in the world. His other attributes may not be good, but the flying ability is absolutely nothing to say.

生物 The creature's angry sudden turn bumped into us ~ ~ Asuka slanted to the right, and then suddenly turned sharply to pull away, and she did not touch it. This female creature's specialty is not air combat. Flying should only be her special ability. I think if she is really Shemo, then her strength should be fighting in the water.

Asuka deliberately played with her and took her around in the air. She scrambled from side to side and couldn't touch us.

看 I see that there is just a clearing below, so I told Asuka: "Okay, stop playing, let's go down. It's time to solve her."

As soon as I finished speaking, Asuka didn't come and answer, the creature stopped suddenly. Only two things flashed around her, two lightnings fell from the sky. The flying bird was unsuspecting, and the biogas in the wings on both sides suddenly exploded. As a result, the flames burst out from the air inlet in front of the wings. This guy, our flight balance is completely over. Asuka ’s propulsion combustion chamber is similar to a jet engine. Although its propulsion is strong, it will immediately lose its power in the event of a backfire. I quickly put away the birds and flew up with my wings spread.

生物 The creature immediately excited when he saw my order. Her flying ability is basically half of what I was, and she still can't catch up with me. I control the descent while dodging. After landing, it will be my world. Although I have wings, I am still used to fighting on the ground. I hope this guy is not used to land warfare, but I guess she is not used to it. Aquatic life should not come ashore often.

After a few tumbling dodges, we finally reached a place more than ten meters above the ground, and my wings fell directly to the ground. She also learned that I landed abruptly, but just crooked as soon as I landed. The aquatic creature's hind limbs are insufficiently strong, a feature that seriously affects her ground combat effectiveness. However, she seems to have super adaptability. After coming down, Weixinu took two steps and was basically normal.

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