Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 5: Mystic Boss

"They're all gone, shall we go out?" The black bear told us.

I quickly held him. "Don't worry!" Rose Vine's tentacles suddenly changed the screen, only this was the message from another tentacle. I saw the gun **** squatting on the crown of a large tree and staring at the pit, his beast was no longer there.

"Fortunately, I didn't go out!" Kristina sighed.

The black bear also looked at me: "How do you know he's still there?"

I refer to my head: "Experience."

"What shall we do now? Are you patient with him?" Zhenhong asked.

当然 "Of course not." I ordered: "Steel claws and the trailblazers go to another pit next to that pit. It doesn't have to be too big, just one fifth of this is enough."

"Oh! I see." Ziyue nodded.

The new pit was completed soon, and no one's land suddenly collapsed. The gun **** on the tree immediately noticed the new pit next to the original big pit. He patted the trunk next to him angrily and turned to summon a bird like an eagle to leave. This time the rose vine watched him fly away before pulling back the tentacles.

"You can go out now."

Rose Vine immediately lifted the soil off our heads and allowed us to return to the ground. The black bear asked me curiously: "How do you know that this will let the gun **** leave?"

Ziyue replied on my behalf: "So many of them fell into the pit, and they would definitely suspect that it was artificial, so the God of Guns stayed to see if anyone appeared. But after we made another collapse on the land without people, he would I think this is a natural phenomenon, because on the surface there is no reason to create a landslide on empty land that has no value. He doesn't know that we found his place, and this action is to deceive him. "

The black bear shook his head and said, "I'm sure you are Chinese now!"


听说 "I heard that there is a grandson's art of war in China. I think you look a bit like this. Anyway, we Americans don't think about so many things."

Zhen Zhenhong said proudly: "We are the only civilization in the four ancient civilizations and ancient times that does not have time. We must always leave something good."

The black bear immediately asked: "Four ancient civilizations? Which four?"

Zhenhong replied: "The Chinese civilization is our China, and this is the only one inherited. The ancient Indian civilization was completely lost by the British as a colonial period. And the Egyptian civilization, you should know, is the one with many pyramids. Place. Unfortunately, it has been repeatedly occupied by other countries in the middle several times, and nothing good has disappeared! The most tragic thing is Babylon in Cuba. No dregs are left! "

The black bear suddenly asked, "Have you heard of the Mayan Temple?"

当然 "Of course, the Mayan temple is a relic of Mayan civilization. Are you interested in this?"

"No." Black Bear said: "But the gun **** always wanted to go there. He now brought the gun out of the Mayan temple, and it was said that he only hung it back after half the journey, so he was planning. Go again. "

"Did he not get his gun?"

"Yes, that temple is the task."

Xi Ziyue looked at me: "Are you tempted again?"

想 I thought for a while or shook my head: "No time now, let's talk when the city is built."

Kris Christina said: "The key now is to quickly find a mine."

"This is it." I quickly took everyone away from the burrow and began to look for mines.

The black bear took us to a mountain pass and said, "This is the area that has not been explored. I believe there must be ore in it. The problem is that there are too many monsters here. There is no way to stay in the same place for a long time, but we need to verify whether it exists. The ore must be repeatedly digged in a certain area to obtain samples. As soon as you go in, try to help me resist the monsters. I dig down as soon as possible. As long as 24 deep wells are hit, it can be roughly determined whether there is a ore. "

I shook my head: "It doesn't have to be that hard."


看 I looked at Chris Dina, "Do you remember if I want that shopping guide to repeat?"

"Is that ore buried under the ground and can't be smelled on the ground?" Cristina asked.

"Yes." I replied affirmatively: "Although the taste of the ground is sealed by the soil layer, but we do not need to lift the soil away? The black bear understands the distribution of the ore. As long as you provide a general orientation, we can let the roses The rattan drove the ground out of the tunnel. If it is not an excavation tunnel that can walk people, it is simply to create an air passage that allows the smell to pass through, and the speed can be much faster. Bailang's nose should be able to smell the smell of ink jade from these artificial air holes. And when digging a rose vine, you can use his tentacles to dig in all directions at the same time, so that you can detect a large area at once. "

"This is really good." Zhenhong said happily: "So we should be very fast, don't worry about monsters to make trouble."

Black Bear said: "It's an unimaginable way, but it sounds good. Let's try it?"

We made one final adjustment before entering the valley. The magic pet unit needs to be replaced. Everyone's four steel claws need to come out to cooperate. Rose vine and Bailang are definitely needed. In addition, the pioneers must bring them, and then summon peppers to upgrade by the way. The other magic pets will call again when the situation warrants.

I stepped into the valley and felt that nothing had changed. I didn't seem to see anything. We asked the Black Bear what monsters were here, and the answer was that he himself came in for the first time. It was just that a lot of people came in and hung back before, so no one knew what was inside. Those who hung back were all killed by a long, ugly beast. No one knew what was inside.

The biggest difference between the valley and the mountains is that the forest here is sparse and the ground is covered with grass. These soft weeds can grow to nearly two meters in height. There is nothing wrong with a figure like a black bear, but we are in trouble. The two-meter-high grass blocked our sight, leaving us in the grass with no way to confirm our direction. Fortunately, we have steel claws. My steel claws gave way to the black bear, so I had to ride the night shadow.

I walked less than 500 meters and suddenly felt something. Reached out to stop.

"What's wrong?" Asked Black Bear.

"Someone followed us." When I said that everyone instinctively wanted to turn around, I immediately reminded: "Don't turn around."

"Can you determine who it is?" Ziyue whispered.

"do not know."

Wu Zhenhong said: "Let's go back and see?"

不用 "No. Just keep going, don't look back, I'll deal with him."

Everybody walked forward slowly, pretending that they hadn't noticed anything. After a few minutes, I suddenly turned back: "Go to death." A lot of small packages were thrown out by me. The guy following him backed away immediately, but I wasn't throwing a hidden weapon.

Rumble! After an explosion, the entire turf was lifted off. It was the zha medicine instead of the hidden weapon that was thrown out just now, and it was definitely impossible to hide.

Sure enough, a creature was stunned lying on the open grass. However, the opponent shows that they are not players.

"What is this?" Zhenhong asked curiously.

At first glance, the creatures in front of tadpoles look like humans, but they are very short, about one meter tall. This little guy is more like a monkey, with longer arms and a little hump, but he wears rough sackcloth and looks like a sack on his body. He also held a small stick half a meter long in his hand, which was still hollow in the middle, possibly a weapon such as an arrow. This guy's skin is brown and rough like bark. His head is also full of characteristics, in addition to a pair of large pointed ears, four huge eyes and a T-shaped mouth.

"Is this a little monster?" The black bear carefully dialed with his weapon, but the little guy suddenly opened his eyes and scared us.

As soon as the little things woke up, they ran away at an unimaginable speed, and we were all confused, so fast! But before we turned around, there was a messy scream around, and the grass was shaking so hard that something seemed to come from under the grass.

"Everyone be careful."


As soon as I finished shouting, a large group of ugly creatures just appeared in the grass around me, and these little things are constantly increasing. Everyone was compressed into the middle of the open space just blown up, and the little monsters around us surrounded us three times inside and three times outside.

Black Bear said: "It seems they are not very happy about our visit?"

Chris Dina said: "We just blew up their little brother. It's no wonder that we can be happy."

Wu Zhenhong said: "If you don't mind, I would like to know who has the oil?"

"Run out!"

"These guys seem to be rushing."

不用 "Don't worry, there aren't a lot of them." I flew up my wings and trembled, and countless feathers flew down.

The black bear shouted, "Hey, you've lost your hair!"

"Steel silver bee, restore." A large number of silver feathers instantly became huge poisonous bees, and the air was full of deafening roar.

I beep! The horn sounded suddenly behind the little monsters, and the battle broke out suddenly. The bee colony encountered a small monster colony, and the two parties immediately made a mess. I hurriedly released the blood butterfly to help, so the odds are bigger.

Just now I can see that these small things are not high level. Now it seems that the level 350 is not enough, because the level 350 steel silver bee can single out two. The steel silver bee's stinger of more than twenty centimeters is almost like a dagger. It is a pair of piercings to deal with little monsters. The blood butterfly's bow and arrow effect is similar, basically one shot and one shot. However, the counterattacks of the little monsters are also more troublesome, especially those who blow arrows, which cause more damage to flying creatures.

The steel claws simply rushed into the monster pile massacre, the level of the little monster was too low, and it was not against the big guys.

The battle lasted only five minutes, and there was no suspense for victory. If it weren't for the corpse on the ground, there would be no trace of fighting. All the Iron and Silver Bees re-feathered and flew back to connect to my wings.

The black bear looked at me with a little surprise: "Are you a master of China? It seems that your fighting power is not lower than the gun god?"

I smiled and said, "I'm an animal trainer, so I rely on these summoned creatures to support the scene."

别 "Don't lie to me, it looks like you are not an ordinary person."

"He is a liar, you can't ask anything." Zhenhong said to the black bear.

"It doesn't matter who I am, I should go into the valley to find mine as soon as possible. I believe that the monsters inside are definitely getting higher and higher, and it will not be so easy afterwards."

"We are mentally prepared."

Then we continued on for a while and the weeds on the ground became a lot shorter. Now the grass is only one meter high, so the view is much wider. But we soon encountered the second type of Warcraft here, and it seemed very unfriendly.

We look at these beasts behind a bush, these things look like mammoths, they are very huge. What is more characteristic is its cavities. Four giant cavities are sticking out of the mouth. They are not only very stout but also quite sharp. These four big teeth are like a natural obstacle remover. It differs from the Mammoth in that the body of this thing has bone spurs that do not lose those four teeth. This thing is simply an armed chariot.

"What to do?" Zhenhong asked.

These monsters blocked the only way into the mountains, so I do n’t know if they will be attacked in the past.

"Maybe these things are more docile?" As soon as Ziyue finished speaking, she saw a monster who smashed a big tree next to it.

"Shall we try to pass from the sky?" The black bear was still thinking about flying!

I shook my head: "Anytime, flying is the last consideration. Because once you fly, all enemies can see you intuitively, that is the most dangerous thing."

"Gun, don't we have guns?" Ziyue suddenly reminded.

Kristina also said immediately: "Yeah. Hurry up, use this."

The super expensive magic action sniper rifle was quickly erected. Of course, the user is me. Anyone will not use it anyway. I used to use crossbow arrows. This thing is really long enough, find a distant place to mount the gun, aim at the head of the monster with the largest body, and is about to shoot. Suddenly there is a swaying throat in the valley. All the monsters looked up at the same time and looked inside the valley, then drew their legs and ran outside. The original shooting angle was gone, but I was not sure to hit the moving target and quickly took everyone to the side, because these guys rushed straight at us.

Almost after we left the road out of the valley, the giant beasts passed through us at almost crazy speed. These guys are obviously escaping their lives. The call just now was due to some pretty powerful creature. Otherwise, they wouldn't scare such a mighty monster away.

Just after these big guys passed, the mountain pass on the other side suddenly ran out of a large group of new creatures. These things look like buffalo, but they are slightly larger and they have a forward horn than the buffalo.

"Isn't that sound from these things?" Cristina asked.

Ziyue and I both shook their heads: "These guys are obviously running away ~ ~ The sound just now will not be from them. It should be a more fierce creature."

牛 The herds of cattle quickly ran across the open ground between the valleys and passed by us, and the ground was shaken by them. Seeing after these guys ran, a large group of various creatures passed here one after another, and they should all have escaped.

"It looks like this recipe is very complicated?" Really joked.

"I think it eats everything."

"It's all time to run, isn't it time for the main player to play?" Ziyue looked at Taniguchi over there, but after waiting for a long time, nothing appeared.

Suddenly, there was another huge throat cry. This time we heard it very real. The sound was made in the valley. The echoes were deafening, let alone the direct sound.

"Strange, the sound has entered the valley. Why can't you see it?" The black bear shouted at me, covering his ears.

"I don't know, maybe it will be invisible." I could only shout back, because the echo was too big, we couldn't hear it without talking.

"Zi Ri, what do you think?" Ziyue cried.

打开 I opened Xingtong's anti-stealth ability and scanned the whole valley, but I didn't see anything. If I didn't believe in evil, I looked again and saw nothing. "Nothing, no sight at all!"

"What? No?"

At this time, the cries sounded again. The sound seemed to be close at hand, but everyone couldn't see anything. We all started nervously backing away, and some regretted not running with the monsters. Isn't this monster so powerful? A monster that does not have anti-stealth abilities will not be a super B0SS with a level of over 1,000?

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