Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 17: First Major League

Click. Auspicious stepped on a tree branch that fell to the ground.

"Who?" The people inside heard it very well.

I really shouldn't come out and watch someone with good luck, I should let them wait for me over there. The other party responded immediately after hearing the sound, and a spear flew over, scared me and Jixiang Ruyi quickly backed away.

With a few beeps, all the spears landed beside us, but none of them hit. With a round body, Jixiang Ruyi made an extraordinary agile action, and they even climbed up the big tree next to him like lightning. Seeing that this method is good, I also learned to turn around the tree, and other magic pets find their own places to hide. Anyway, Aimeness's invisibility hasn't been removed, as long as the distance is not to be heard, there is no problem.

A few Indians rushed behind the grass, picked up the spears on the ground, looked around, and found no clue. They returned to the camp. We simply approached the camp from the tree, this time it should be much safer. Auspicious and Ruyi arrogantly walked along a branch almost to the top of the other side. I didn't dare shout in this place, I could only watch them climb all the way to the top of others. Fortunately, they didn't do anything strange when they were above them.

I started listening to them. The Indian chief told the five humans next to him: "You are warriors from the big tribe. This task must be completed. The hope of our tribe depends on you."

"Please rest assured that we can complete the task."

The Indian chief passed them a scroll. "This is the book of missions. It is a relic left by the ancestors of the clan. If you want to collect it, you must rely on this thing to open the door of the mission."

"The patriarch rest assured, we are all free warriors, and we can definitely complete the task." One of the five men with a wolf helmet on his head took the scroll. "I assure you of the wolf of Bomiga."

"May the spirit of our ancestors bless you."

The twenty five did not say anything, but turned and left the camp. It seems that the five are players, and the chief should be NPc. They seem to have taken on some task. Originally I wanted to stay and talk with the patriarch, maybe I could get some benefits, but I knew that the two mascots ran after the others, and I had to catch up.

As soon as I came out of the forest, five people stopped suddenly. The man with the wolf helmet on his head turned and said, "You can come down with us for so long?"

I haven't moved the two mascots before jumping down, to be precise, I didn't catch myself and fell. All five were stunned. They must have thought that someone was following them, but they suddenly fell off two pandas, all dumbfounded. The guy with a bear helmet on his head said, "Wolf, have you heard me wrong?"

人 The person with a big eye mark on another helmet also asked, "My pupil hasn't seen anything? Did you really hear it?"

"Let Kitty go up and take a look?" Said a fellow with a faint glow.

The man with an eagle helmet on his head next to the uncle spoke, but it was not a woman. "I'll go and see. You guys wait for me."

"No need." I shouted, five people watched together. "Sorry, I've been chasing them both." Refers to the panda below. "I don't know why they always follow you all the way."

The guy with a wolf's head said: "Animals can only follow food for food. If your pet doesn't eat people, then there is something about us that attracts him."

食物 "Food? Then you must have magic crystals." Auspicious Ruyi can chase this must be magic crystals.

I said so that the woman with the eagle head unconsciously put on her belt, apparently containing magic crystals inside.

"What kind of creature is this?" The man with the bear's head asked. "It looks so cute."

"This is a panda."

"Chinese giant panda?"

"Yes. That's the giant panda. But this giant panda in the game eats magic spar, it's troublesome!"

"Haha, the magic crystal is not a bargain, you are really hard-working." The woman with the eagle head came over and touched the little guy's head, and the two little men immediately began to coquettishly and try to get a half of the magic crystal Shi, the woman who laughed turned back and laughed. The charm attack of pandas is really invincible!

I took the opportunity to ask, "You just seem to have taken on the task, don't you know you need help?" When they said that, they immediately became vigilant. I hurriedly explained: "I came out to level up, but it ’s better to do missions with higher experience value. I want to partner with you to do the mission. The prizes are all for you, I only need the experience value. If you do n’t believe, you can apply The system is notarized. Even if I grab something, the system will enforce it back. "

Hearing what I said, the man with the wolf head immediately said: "In fact, we are now going to find someone to partner with in the city to complete the task. Is this task too big? Five of us are definitely not enough. At least a 10-man team is needed. We will definitely welcome you if you join, but you are not alone enough, and we have to find some talents. "

"Can you tell us about the task? Maybe you don't need too many people."

任务 "The task is actually to find the historic site and get the five weapons and a few treasures inside. But this mission records that some places in the historic site set up a large synchronization mechanism, which requires a high degree of cooperation from 10 people to open."

"You mean a mechanism like how many people need to turn what switches at the same time?"

"Yes." Humane with a wolf head said: "Although we all have our own summons, but our intelligence is too low to help open the institution, so we need some people to help. This issue of irrelevant strength requires manpower. But these institutions have Senior monster guards, we want to find senior personnel just to worry that it is not enough to see no one in the organization. "

"If that's the case, you don't have to look for someone anymore. I guarantee that all the switches can be turned on at the same time."

"Do you have ten hands?" The woman with the eagle head asked a funny question.

I snapped my fingers: "Rose vine, let them see how many hands you have."

The rose vine popped out of the ground at once, and each tentacle rolled with a branch. "How? Is this enough?"

"Enough is enough." The wolf-headed man sighed: "I didn't expect you to have such a good magic pet, it is too great."

"Hey, it's just a lot of hands. Now that you agree to be with me, let me introduce myself first. My name is Ziri."

The human with a wolf head said: "The names we used when we originally entered the game were invalid. After transferring to the Indian Freedom Fighter, the system forced a new name. My name is the wolf of Bomijia, you can call me a wolf The big guy with a bear head is the bear of Jia Miyu, you can call him a bear. The one with the eagle head over there is my sister Celant's eagle, and we all call her a baby eagle. The three of us are Metamorphosis specializes in what you can guess. Here is the eye of Betama who has a big eye on his head. You can call him big eye. He is an archer and can also use a musket. It ’s the spirit of Jiyuda that shines on his body. Just call him the spirit. He is equivalent to sacrifice and is responsible for auxiliary work. "

"What's their name?" Kitty asked me suddenly, pointing at two mascots.

"The one with a bigger head, the deeper eye socket is auspicious, and the one next to it is Ruyi."

"Good luck, so cute!" Kitty smiled and touched their heads: "Is it a boy or a girl?"


"All male."

"No wonder it's so naughty. It's so cute! It's like a plush toy."

"This is a super plush toy, not only much more fun than plush toys, but also much more expensive than plush toys. At least I haven't seen a plush toy that costs tens of thousands a day."

"It's more expensive!" The little eagle rubbed his auspicious little paw: "Why are you so good at eating? Just save some money!"

I turned to the wolf and said, "Can you introduce the mission?"

"Let's do it." Ling said very politely, "If you want to participate, there must be something clear to you first."

"whats the matter?"

"This is a quite long task. If you just want to temporarily level up, it is better not to participate, otherwise you will be cursed. And we will follow the bad luck."

"Of course I know that any task that requires a team of four or more people is generally not too short."

"Just understand." The wolf handed me the scroll he had just received from the chief.

Wu Ling continued: "This is the book of the ancestors. We transferred from the tribe to become free fighters. When we transferred, we all received the same task. If we did not complete this task, we would not get the transfer props."

I took a look at this scroll and unfolded it, all of them contained ghost painting symbols, and I didn't know any of them. "Aren't you together?"

The wolf said: "Except that my sister and I were together together, all three of them were single-handed. After receiving the task, we learned that the nine major tribes of the Indian tribe must be at least five before they can start the task. Spirit and bear are a week We just met before, our brothers and sisters met with big eyes three days ago, and we just arrived here last night. "

"Dizzy, you know me a long time ago."

Lingdao: "The mission requires us to find the altar of the ancestral spirit, and then bring back the moonlight grass growing on the stone gate of the altar. But the mission also says that the altar has precious weapons left by our ancestors of various clans. We can not enter the altar, but that way Surely don't want a good weapon. But moonlight grass grows on the stone door. Once the door is opened, the grass will be rubbed by the stone door, which means that you must get the moonlight grass before entering the door. "

"So what? Even if you die in the altar, you can take Moonlight back?"

"No. Moonlight Grass is a quest item. We can find a helper on the task, but this moonlight grass can only be obtained by the person who received the task, and it will disappear as soon as it is dead. What ’s more terrible is the monster in the altar on the task. They all like Moonlight Grass, and carrying this on their body is equivalent to a person carrying raw meat walking around the hungry wolves, which is a sign of attracting monsters! "

"That's troublesome!"

Big eyes shook his head and said, "So we hesitate to take weapons in the end, on the one hand, it is an attractive reward weapon, on the other hand, it is the threat of failed transplantation. We really don't know what to do!"

"Are you planning to get weapons?"

"I just wanted to ask for help! If you don't go in, you don't need to open the office."

"Let's find it now? Is there a rough spot on the mission?"

有 "Yes." Wolf said: "The mission target is in another mountain."

"Let's go now, right?"


The wolf blew his whistle, and a white horse ran over. Several others followed, and each had his own horse. The wolf was quite proud: "How about? My horse is good, right? The advantage of choosing Indian warriors is congenital riding plus 3, and a horse can be obtained immediately after a successful transfer. The horses caught outside are ordinary Warhorses, we get all the best horses when we transfer, and they are much better than ordinary horses in terms of weight, endurance and speed. "

Kitty came on a horse, too. "Don't be so envious, our horses are bigger and more beautiful. If you do n’t have a mount, you can ride a horse with my brother. I ’ll bring it auspiciously."

I smiled and said, "No need." Ping reached out his right hand with a ringing finger. Snapped. A black spot appeared in the air and then quickly expanded. The black ball burst like a crystal bubble, and Fenglong appeared in the black ball. Xiao Fenglong immediately fell on my arm, and I turned my head and said, "Send everyone back and let Yeying and Xiaoxue come out."

Wu Fenglong disappeared at the same time, and at the same time, the magic pets that I summoned and scattered out of the forest at the beginning disappeared collectively. A small black dot suddenly appeared on the ground next to us. The dots quickly expanded into a large black disk and then a six-pointed star with blue light suddenly appeared inside. The disc rose from the ground and stood up, and then Ye Ying and Xiao Xue came out of the black disc together.

When Xiao Xiaoxue came out, she snorted, and a flash of electric light flashed on her horn to make a crackling electric shock. Ye Ying looked around and blew two flames from his nose, and the flames on his tail flashed. Everyone around was dumbfounded.

I took the auspicious Ruyi on Xiaoxue's back, and then I turned over and rode on the back of Night Shadow. "Let's go?"

The jackal only responded at this time: "Oh! Oh! Go ...!"

五个 Their five war horses are actually much taller than ordinary horses, but they still feel very thin compared to Yeying. The five horses that have just been prestigious are as dejected and weak as their master. They all felt that it was a mistake to show up in front of me just now. This is just how good they are with their champions.

I was so embarrassed along the way that everyone had nothing to say. Kitty was the girl who first eased over. In most cases, the lady can get more tolerance, so she is not as uncomfortable as the other three. Can't help being curious, she leaned forward. "Zi Ri, aren't these two horses?"

I refer to the horns of the night shadow: "Of course it is not a horse that grows this."

Everyone's embarrassment is better once I start talking. The bear also came together: "You look like a unicorn at first glance, but don't you seem to be a lot?"

他 "His name is Night Shadow, a nightmare. This is Xiaoxue, which belongs to the Holy Light Unicorn. Now the level is relatively low, and wings will grow after waiting for level 800."


The jackal came over and looked at Yeying's leg and said, "Judging by my horse's level, your nightmare must be very fast."

"Hey, he has no merit, it is fast."

"Why don't you take part in Marseille then?" I was baffled by Kitty's words.

"What is Marseille?"

The Jackal said strangely, "Aren't you American?"

"how do you know?"

"How can Americans not know Marseille?"

"Then what kind of race is this? Wouldn't it be horse racing?"


"Yes, it's horse racing." Kitty excitedly said, "Just enter your name in the registration office and you can win, you can get a lot of bonuses. People on our side basically like this. And many people will start gambling. Gambling. Although the approximate speed is indicated on the attributes of various mounts, because the specific conversion formula is very complicated, plus the speed is not a fixed value, the same mount can often run at different speeds. In addition, the rider ’s Riding is also the key. When a **** horse meets a rookie rider, it still counts down. "

"I've heard of people playing horse racing before, but this is the first time I bet. Does it look like you often go to see horse racing?"

"What do you think of horse racing? I am a rider." She patted the mount below her: "We have three consecutive championships in the pure horse group."

"Are the games divided into groups?"

"Of course. Our game is called horse racing. In fact, as long as it is a creature that runs on legs, it can be participated, and whether it is the player or the player's magic pet or demon servant, as long as it runs on legs. But because of individual differences Too big, basically we still have some groups. Like us is the pure horse group, the mount must be a horse. You cannot participate in this. There is another group called light hoofed beast, as long as it has four legs and long hoofs. Participation, but only light hoofed beasts, you can join this group if you participate. There are also many groups corresponding to different mounts. "

The Jackal said: "Hey, is Ziri interested in participating? I think you can play in the Major League."

"What is a major league? I remember that there is no major league in American baseball?"

"It's not the major league, it's the major league of our beasts." The eagle seemed to be particularly interested in this area. "I have participated once before and it was really exciting. This is the most popular item in the whole competition. There are almost no rules and restrictions on participating in the major league competitions, as long as you do n’t use magic teleport and wings to fly, you can run as you want. The competition does not distinguish Creature types can participate as long as they walk on their legs, and they can attack each other during the game. If you have the ability to kill everyone at the starting point, you will become the champion directly. "

"Rely on it! How does it sound like violent racing?" Violent racing is a popular webcast program nowadays, and the organizers always race in those particularly poor countries to escape the laws of various countries. Participants are required to sign a will and voluntary death certificate. Any weapon can be used in the race, which is like fighting. But the first winner to get to the finish line can get a huge bonus, and many outlaws will sign up. Organizers make money by receiving broadcast fees. I've seen it a few times. Almost every time the champion has killed everyone before reaching the finish line, there is no survivor except the champion.

As soon as Xiong heard the violent car, he said, "Do you also watch this? Tell you, the major league is the activity of the violent car organizer in the game, and killing is not illegal in the game, and you can be resurrected if you die. Many people participate , It's more ornamental. "

I looked at Xiaoying in surprise: "Do you participate in such a competition?"

"Why don't you participate? The winner can get 17% of the ticket income for the competition. Do you know how much it is?" She shook her head and immediately said: "Five million, and it's crystal coins."

"I rely on, so much money?"

"That's why so many people participate. As long as they win, they get rich. And indeed, there are people who have been very good at winning the championship, because the masters were all gone, and they left when they left. He wrestled, but ended up winning the championship because he was too far behind. "

"Isn't that the same as Bai Cai?"

Reiki angrily said: "You only know! I also watched that time. I bought Tangke and won it. I didn't expect Tang Ke to fight with the second best seed player as soon as he came up! I was so angry! Now, it cost 3000 crystal coins! "

Xiao Xiaoying said more indignantly: "You are good. The scuff leg 10,000 crystal coins I bought at that time are all done! The dealer who opened the market that day made his mouth cramped with laughter! Pity my eyes were swollen!"

听 "Listen to you, this game is quite well known?"

"Of course. As long as you can get the winner's trophy, it's not just a question of money, but also honor and support. Many guilds aim to win the major league championship. Every time they play, they are dispatched by the team, and several people are arranged to protect the seeds. Players, protected people just have to run. Now this major league has basically become a platform to show strength between guilds. It is really hard for us as individuals to participate in the championship. But as long as the performance is good, even if hanging There will also be guilds to take you in actively. Is this a place to show strength after all? "

I heard them say that this big league always felt very useful. If our guild wants to stand still in the United States, it is best to participate once. Americans come from all over the world, and their xenophobia is not as serious as in other countries. But Americans adore strength, and if we can make good achievements in the major leagues, even if we are not American guilds, Americans can still recognize us. "Wolf, can you take me to the major leagues once this mission is over? Is that the time interval between the games long?"

Xiaoying immediately said: "No problem. I'll take you there. I will take part in the next game. Once every two weeks in the Major League, each game will take about one day. The next game will be the day after tomorrow, and we should just catch up."

"Well, I'll participate with you, and I can take care of each other a little bit."

"What? You want to participate too?"

"What? No?"

"Yes, I'm just surprised. In advance, no matter whether it is a player or a summoner in the major leagues, once they die, they will drop level 10, which is more severe than the death penalty."

"no problem."

"You are brave enough. For the first time, the people here are usually joining the minor leagues first, and you actually want to join the major leagues directly."

"You don't have to worry about this, it's an excitement to play. By the way, is there a limit on the number of people during a game?"

"Of course there is. Otherwise, a guild will protect a seed player with hundreds of people at a time, will it not become a guild war? Major leagues require players to participate in groups. The group can be a guild member or a team. Companions can even be players and their summoners. In short, there is no need to attack each other in the group. Each group is limited to a maximum of 20 mounts, regardless of how many people are mounted on the mount. Anyway, there are 20 mounts. The rider must climb quickly after falling off the horse during the competition. Go up, riders are not allowed to walk on the ground, and people who drop off are not allowed to attack others, otherwise they will be disqualified directly. Also, a guild cannot form multiple groups to charge, if it is found that there are multiple groups that are clearly a group, they are separated The registration attempted to have more staff, immediately disqualified, and was suspended for three months. During the competition, many inspectors of the organizer recorded videos outside the venue, and any violations will be discovered immediately. "

"Exaggerated establishment, like international competition!"

"Of course, it is the forces that host violent racing that engage in major leagues, and they originally host international competitions."

"So my odds are even greater."

"Why?" None of them understood what I meant.

I smiled and said, "Secret, you will know when the game is over." In fact, my secret is the Bell Tone Knight. The eagle plus me, coupled with 18 Bell Tone Knights, I don't believe such a team can't rush. To the end. Unless the opponent even moved the magic crystal cannon as a weapon.

I kept asking about the major leagues along the way. It turned out that this competition is not for everyone, and you need to pay for registration. The registration fee for each mount is 20 crystal coins. There is no charge for riders. If you can win the championship, you will have a super bonus. If you ca n’t win the championship, you can get 1,000 crystal coins as long as you reach the end point. With the exception of the champion group, no one can reach the finish line alive. In addition, there is a special setting in the major leagues where the players' starting places are randomly selected, which means that in fact everyone does not start in one place, but the distance of the game is similar. Some roads are long but there are no monsters and the road is relatively easy to go. Some roads are close, but you will encounter advanced monsters or rugged roads, and even walk into the maze array. The routes that can be taken during the race will be marked in advance. The contestants can choose which route after the starting point is selected. As long as they do not leave the track, it is entirely up to you to decide.

After I have asked these things clearly, we have reached the mountain where the mission is located ~ ~ This is similar to the environment of the hill we just lived in. The terrain in the game has the most and it looks similar. . The wolf said that the mission statement was intermittent. At first, he only said that the altar was in this mountain forest, but there was no record of the exact location. There was no way but to find it!

Puppy Kitty is a scout in the team, she can transform into a giant eagle and fly to the sky to scout. In order to end the mission soon, I also lifted up to help find it, but when they saw the night shadows flying up at me, their eyes were about to pop out. Kitty asked in surprise: "Can nightmares fly?"

"Nonsense, Nightmare originally walks in the air. Strictly speaking, nightmare is non-sticky."

"I rely on it, isn't it a big deal for you to join the major leagues?"

"Don't you say that the major leagues are not allowed to fly?"

"Your nightmare flies against the ground, and the hoof symbolically steps on the ground a few times. Who can see whether he is flying or running?"

"If you want to win, you rely on your strength, and cheating is not interesting. Besides, my night shadow is not as good as others."

"I admire you, but I can tell you that there are all despicable people in the major leagues, because the rules are loose, so many people have done some bad ideas to hurt people, you are too honest to lose."

I rely! The first time I heard people say I'm honest, I don't know how they felt when they heard this. As I laughed and wanted to explain, Kitty suddenly said, "I found the target."

I looked down in the direction of her dive, and it turned out that there was a cave entrance. "You go down first, I'll go back and show them the way."

"Okay." Kitty flew over to the cave first, and I returned to the periphery of the forest to show the wolf their way. It didn't take long for us to reach the mouth of the altar, and Kitty was already collecting moonlight grass.

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