Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 33: Contrast

Time passed by one minute and one second, but the one who gave you a mallet was still unconsciously wandering there. We were about to go mad outside, but he was swaying there slowly and in a hurry.

Sleepy Dragon held a data display and said, "This is a system evaluator, which can observe the attributes and various states of the task person in the game space. This gives you a mallet with three hours to reach the time limit."

Lulu Kaluo said on the other side: "I don't think you need to wait anymore. It will be in vain for another 3,000 hours at his speed."

Now there are not many spectators here. All that remains is our guild people, the conference staff and a few people who want to see if a miracle happens. I looked at the host Lulu Karu: "How far is this guy from the end?"

Lulu Kalu said: "With his mount's ability to move, it takes about one hour and thirty minutes to reach the end, but I think it's absolutely impossible to rely on him unless you go riding!"

等等 "Wait, you said mount?" I suddenly thought of a question. "Mr. Sleepy Dragon, the convention is that the mount passes the token with the token, right?"

Sleepy Dragon nodded and said, "Yes, the content of our game is the mount, and the rider is only the command and assistance."

I immediately laughed: "Then don't have to worry about it. This guy really only has three hours of online time, but the player is offline, the magic pet doesn't have to be taken back. He can't play, as long as his magic pet can't be reached? ? "

But Sleeping Dragon smiled and said, "But have you ever thought about it? Under normal circumstances, when you hear the prompt, everyone will quickly put away the magic pet offline. Few people leave the magic pet alone."

Wu Hongyue quickly helped me and said, "This is a game. Maybe he left a magic pet for the game?"

Sleepy Dragon said without panic: "Do you think it is possible for this person to do this kind of thing in the form of thinking? If he has a little sense of competition, I think he should have arrived."

This sentence completely defeated us. This guy really is like the sleepy dragon said, he is not here to play at all. He is completely playing on the road, and there is no consciousness to play. If he can specialize in the game, It's strange to leave a magic pet.

瞌 I watched the sleeping creature stepping down on the giant creature that resembled a Siberian tiger. I really feel sorry for it. The data displayed on the screen indicates that the strength of this Warcraft is definitely not inferior to my Bailang, but with such a master, its future is really slim!

I was looking at the screen in depression, and this guy went to a cable bridge.

"How does this bridge look so familiar?"

Wu Ying cried, "Isn't this the one we repaired? You left a rope for it!"

Everyone recognized the bridge, but what we didn't expect was that this guy ignored the damage to the bridge and went straight up. His magic pet followed him and looked at the bridge, but refused to go up.

Lark said: "This big cat is quite smart."

Tong Hongyue replied: "You must be stupid to the level of this guy."

家伙 The guy was already on the bridge when we were talking. Now the bridge is pulled by a rope of mine. It may be broken at any time, but the guy is still walking. I saw him turning and talking, and quickly asked them to catch their voices. Immediately after the sound was heard, he heard him.

"Xiao Bai, come here." Although the big tiger is white, it's a little too small to call it Xiao Bai?

白 The white tiger refused to move and looked at you with a mallet, but the fool jumped up on the bridge. "Don't you think it's very strong? Come here, it won't break. You see, I didn't jump like this ...!" The bridge was about to fall apart. I just left a rope to prevent others from passing. . However, the quality of the ropes in our guild was so good that it kept going up alone.

There is a saying that he can't live by himself. If this guy walks by just like this, it's okay, but he wants to jump on the bridge. The quality of our ropes can't be so frustrating! He was jumping happily, but the rope suddenly broke. The unbound bridge body suddenly broke and flung out to both sides, and this time the bridge body fell apart due to the impact.

The camera followed him like this, carrying the hearts of the people present at the bottom of the valley, and then crossed the yellow radon to the bottom of the deep valley.

The heroes in the martial arts novels can't die if they jump off the cliff. They often get some adventures and suddenly become superman, but we are not martial arts novels here. I gave you a mallet and fell straight on a piece of granite. With a bang, there were two buses side by side. The rock was smashed, and our last seed player turned into a puddle of red paste.

I can't bear to pat with my hand on my head, Lark patted me and comforted me: "Death is a bit worse, but I will be resurrected in a while, don't be sad."

"He died, what matter to me! I feel bad for my money!" After pointing, I pointed to the screen again and said, "You asshole, will you die again? After winning the championship, you will die back to the village I don't care about you, it hangs up so early! My 3.762 billion crystal coins! "

I'm in pain, the guy on the resurrection platform came out. The first word he saw us was: "How did I come out? How did I just die?"

Let's look at each other and then see him suddenly respond in unison: "Stupid!"

"Stupid?" He pondered for a long time. "Are there any stupid rules in the rules to die?"

"You disappear quickly, don't let me see you again!" I'm going crazy. Not because I have a bad temper, but because of the ups and downs that made me over-stimulated. Replace yourself with me and think about it. If you bought 37.62 billion yuan in a super lottery and then a **** burned your lottery, what would you think? Maybe worse than me.

But this **** guy looked at me completely blankly: "Is there really such a rule? Please tell me, I really don't know!"

My face is cramping, my arms are shaking, and the people around us are almost the same as me. Sleepy Dragon wanted to pull this guy away, but he still pestered us to ask this question. at last……

In the middle of the venue, dozens of people beat one person in a group, and the sleepy wolves crawled out of the crowd: "My mother! These guys want to eat people!"

Lulukalu said: "Eating people is also a normal person, and I will go crazy if I change them. 3.762 billion crystal coins! Money that can't be used for a lifetime! Suddenly you do n’t feel bad?

A high-pitched voice suddenly screamed during the violence of our group, and Rose pointed at the screen: "Come here. There is hope for our money!"

After that, all of us returned to the big screen like lightning, and the white tiger appeared on the screen. This great creature was now heading down the mountain along the road along the mountain. It seemed that he was going to confirm the condition of his master. Suddenly he stopped and started eating a plant by the road.

"What is he doing?" I don't understand what the tiger eats grass.

"The plant he is eating is called clover, which is the main ingredient of the antidote."

Wu Bailing immediately exclaimed: "He is eating detoxification grass in advance to deal with the following radon? Is he too smart?"

浪 Bai Lang lying in front of me said: "This guy has better intelligence than me!"

Our side is watching the tiger's behavior, and then the sleepy dragon walked to the crime scene just now. "Wow! What is this? Is this still human?"

Kakaluka said: "Everyone is out of shape, these people are too impersonal?"

恩 "Huh?" The people on our side turned back and glared at him, and he changed his mouth immediately: "Deserve it, it's time to fight."

恩 "Well!" We turned back and started watching the tiger's action.


老虎 The tiger crossed the radon gas and arrived at the corpse that left you with a mallet under the valley. He made two rounds of blood around the red blood and began to look for it. After a while he found the token behind the rock, and when it fell, it fell out of the hand that gave you a mallet, and was blocked by the branches a few times without breaking. The tiger with the token turned over on its side and lay on the ground, then tore the saddle rope on itself with its paws. After the saddle fell to the ground, he pulled a piece of paper out of it and slowly opened it.

"Map?" We all cried.

The tiger flung the map away, and then used the paw to draw on the map. What he painted was clearly the route they had just taken. Then he began to study the map again, moving his paw to find the route, and finally he reached the end of the mountain with his paw and clicked a few times on the cap.

After confirming his goal, he looked at the map a few more times, then picked up the token and turned to run.

"He didn't take the map," Hong Yue exclaimed.

Rose said: "It doesn't matter, he remembers the route when he didn't look at the picture, indicating that the memory is very good. You can remember the route you left when you look at the picture below."

It turns out that as the rose said, the tiger left the valley at an amazing speed and then ran across the mountains and ran straight towards the end. Everyone in our guild shouted, "Come on! Tiger, come on!"

I clapped my hands happily: "This tiger has a future, and we must receive our guild in the future."

"But he has a master!"

"Take him down, then." I suddenly remembered. "Oh yes, this is the guy's magic pet! Forget it, keep him for this magic pet! At most, he won't be allowed to work, so there is no such person in the guild. As long as his magic pet can We just have to do things, such a clever magic pet is really rare. "

Xi Bailang immediately echoed: "Yes, there is no third except me and him!"

Fu Ling immediately gave Bai Lang a violent trembling. "You're poor!"

"Don't make any noise, he's in the volcanic ring." I opened the space door and Fenglong Space to the ringing knight and magic pet: "It's hard today, you all go back to rest first."

This volcanic ring is where the **** of guns hangs up. Now it has been broken up. Our battle destroyed many stone pillars, and now there are not many places to go. However, this tiger has extraordinary jumping ability. Although the stone pillar is severely damaged, he jumped one by one. It was the most dangerous when approaching the mountain. There was a pillar near the platform, but it was interrupted during our battle. Now the distance to the nearest pillar to the platform is more than fifty meters. It seems to be a great challenge to this Tiger Warcraft.

He retreated first, then suddenly rushed to the edge of the pillar and jumped out. The hearts of those of us also jumped up with him, and A Wei at the back suddenly shouted, "Ah! Don't hit me!"

The gold coin next to him said: "Are you nervous!"

啊 "Ah! No, he doesn't have enough distance to take off!" Rose cried out.

The tiger saw that it was about to land, but it was only ten centimeters away, and the whole body fell down.

With a click, the tiger caught a rock. Because of too much force, all his claws were bleeding, but he still clutched at the rock.

I finally gave you a mallet and finally reached the screen, stretched out a hand to the tiger in the screen and shouted, "Xiao Bai, what are you doing! Ah! ..."

All of us rushed up and stepped on him, the world finally restored peace.

老虎 The tiger moved its position on the rock, then looked back at the bottom and then at the top again, moved the body again, and suddenly darted up. The take-off was very strong this time, but the rock was uncontested and became loose. The tiger did not get enough reaction force and did not jump on the flat ground, but his front paws still caught the ground.

Suddenly hanging on the cliff with two paws, he spit out the token, and the token fell to the ground. After the mouth was empty, the tiger bit the root of a plant that protruded from the cliff, and then moved up with his claws, then released his mouth to change places again, moved back and forth a few times, and finally got up a little, when the hind legs reached a rock He kicked hard and finally landed on the ground.

The tiger, who finally came up, lay down on the ground, took a breath, and then jumped up, picked up his tokens and ran up the mountain.

行 The people in our guild celebrated each other excitedly, as if we climbed up. In fact, just watching the tiger climb the cliff there, we are also helping hard, we are not easy when he is exhausted.

The pace of the tiger's action was obviously limping. Just now it caught the rock and injured its paw. Generally, the creatures do not have the claws such as steel claws and dragons. They cannot bear this kind of force. Now the injured tiger can only climb the mountain with pain.

Now there is no road on the mountain. We blasted the mountain down and the road was buried. The tiger can only climb up the mountain itself. Fortunately, the **** of the mountain is not large, he can still climb up slowly.

As long as a century has passed, the tiger finally reached the main peak. The astrolabe-like black space door stands upright on the flat main peak.

The tiger could not help lowering the token and screaming at the sky, and then picked up the token and rushed towards the space door. But at this time, I gave you a mallet and suddenly jumped up like a corpse and shouted, "Little white, I will take you back, you don't have to suffer anymore."

I rely! It's this time, and the game will end as soon as he takes back the magic pet, and our 3.762 billion crystal coins will say goodbye to us. How can we allow this to happen?

There is a special protection in the game space. Under normal circumstances, players will not die when they die, but if the player's level is the same as the magic pet, as long as the player dies, the magic pet will follow the death. This is because the magic pet's level cannot exceed his master. , So players downgrade the magic pet will follow the death and downgrade. However, in order to ensure that the horse can still be used after the death of the knight, there is protection. As long as the magic pet does not leave the competitive space, how the master dies is not related to the magic pet. In other words, the only way to stop giving you a mallet now is to kill him.

Rose: "Nine days of anti-inflammation!"

Wu Ying: "Tianluodiwang!"

Wu Bailing: "Feng Yu Tu Shen Jian!"

Bian Hongyue: "The Ultimate Starburst!"

Wu Bingbing: "The Final Chapter of the Requiem-The Voice of the Pure World!"

Ziyue: "Dragon's Heaven-Crushing Sword!"

Uh ...

"Vida, what are you doing, don't let them join forces to launch a curse! Ah ..."

几乎 Almost all of our guilds use housekeeping skills, and the results are definitely beyond your imagination.

Players outside the valley are talking about the chaos of the major leagues, but suddenly they see a colored beam of light rising up in the valley watching the game, and then a huge light ball appears in the valley and changes color continuously. The light ball was mostly blocked by the mountain peaks, and only a few flashes were visible on the edges. The strong light flashed for almost 10 seconds before ending, and then everything was quiet again.

The tiger finally carried the token through the space gate, but when he jumped over the gate and appeared in the valley, he froze. A gust of wind blew through the yellow sand that rolled up the ground, and several pieces of armor showed up as the yellow sand that was blowing away. The valley, which was originally green, is now a yellow sand, and the playing field is completely gone. The only trace is the central altar. Although it is beyond recognition, the mentor is still standing here anyway.

The sapphire on the top of the game altar flashed a few times and then suddenly fell out of the inlaid groove and fell on the already pitted ground, with a click, the gem broke into a dozen pieces. Then the space door flickered a few times before it went out, and then the black door disappeared, leaving only the outer metal frame still there.

A gust of wind blew through, and the frame burst to the ground and shattered into countless sections, then powdered into sand and disappeared with the wind. All that remains now is the base of this altar, and it is now full of fissures, like the ruins of thousands of years ago.

几乎 When all the members of our guild were resurrected in the guild, they almost vowed to take back the mallet to you and slowly torture them. I heard about Hongyan misfortune in the past, and today I learned what a lunatic mischief is! The dragons left the scene ahead of time, and the heavy weapons also left with the dragon, but the remaining half of the Mist Regiment was finished with most of the players in our guild. Fortunately, we can resurrect and lose a level. Not a big deal.

The first thing Rose did when she was resurrected was to look at the bank account. As a result, she didn't see the money, and immediately she softened. My eyes quickly helped her, "What happened to you?"

"Money ... money ...!"

"What happened to the money?"

Rose shook her head: "We don't seem to be here!"

Ye Li slammed for a while ~ ~ The people in our guild collapsed collectively. Sending so many people still did not stop the stupid action!

At the moment of our anger, grief, sadness, the system reminder suddenly sounded, and everyone in our guild could hear the voice. "The major league competition is over, and the final winner is the magic pet Xiaobai who gave you a mallet player. In this competition, the Frost Rose Alliance bet Xiaobai wins 1 crystal coin, which accounts for 100% of the total accepted amount of the Magic Pet. The total bonus will be 3.762 billion crystal coins. After deducting 20% ​​of the unexpected income tax (not in reality), the remaining bonus of 3,099.6 million 3218 crystal coins will be directly transferred to the Frost Rose League guild account. "

"Oh! Get rich!" The cheers this time were very enthusiastic and almost fanatical.

I shouted on the guild channel: "Everyone be quiet. This is more important than our capital for our development, so I don't plan to divide him."

Everyone responded immediately: "It's all your money, and we haven't paid for it, what's the money! The president will just use it."

"Although most of the funds of the guild were raised by me, the efforts of the members can not be ignored. I can no longer afford to support such a large guild alone. These are the results of everyone's efforts. So I Decided to send 800 crystal coins to everyone, and give bonus encouragement to those who have made special contributions before. Don't quit. "

Our guild has more than 10,000 people in total. One 800 crystal coin is less than the fraction of the bonus. I plan to use that 9960218 crystal coin as a reward. There are 3 billion crystal coins enough for us to use. Now unlike before, we already have a stable income, and the projects that use the most money are basically over.

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